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Show Page 2 STATEMENT OF POLICY Dialogue voice in is anew ‘WORDPOWER | ue | our community and is growing in strength each day. Following is a statement of policy: “The goal of WORDPOWER is to “Tell it like it is’ — to. give a voice to the people of the community, to help improve the community by _ eliminating a page for the expression of opinion and exchange of ideas. WORDPOWER __ The people’s fe paper poverty and discrimination of all duty toward human beings has never attained the dominance to which it is entitled. Down to our own times it has been undermined by differences of race, religion and “Man nationality. | Man belongs to belongs entitled to man. man. There Man is is much coldness among us because we obey a law of proper reserve and do not _ dare to be as cordial as we really are. The ethics of reverence for life - require that all of us somehow and in something shall act as men ALBERT SCHWEITZER toward other’ men. Those who in their occupations have nothing so to give, and who possess nothing Three kinds of progress are else they: can give away, must sacrifice some of their leisure, no © significant: progress in knowledge and technology; progress in. the matter how sparse it may be. Fortunate are those who find socialization of man; progress in some good’ cause in’which they can spirituality. The last is the most act as a man for other men. Their important. As soon as man does not take his own humanity will be enriched. Open your eyes and seek another _ existence for granted, but beholds kinds, and to strongly support equality of opportunity for all people .in their search for Life, Liberty, and, the Pursuit of Happiness.” Policies are important to guide any project but action and results determine the success of a program. We anticipate both with the to Man” it as something unfathomably publishing urge of WORDPOWER. everyone to “give We a damm about their fellowman”’ and break the wall of silence which surrounds poverty. Ask our customers WORDPOWER THE PEOPLE'S NEWSPAPER f Wordpower is published every other Friday by Wordpower, Inc., a non-profit organization. Editorial Ofc. 975 E. 3300 South Suite 1 Tel. 486-9371 | Editor-in-chief Marlene Marie Young — Contributing Editors: ae Ed Brown, Sports Lucy Black, “Whose Pond” Column ‘Through a Child’s Eyes”, Staff, Headstart Day Care Center Roberta Herschfield Ann Tolley, Jobs Marie Darling “From The President’s Desk” Dorothy Pulley, CAP Satellite Center Mary Adams, Social Security and Medicare | THE BEGINNING OF UNDERSTANDING § eget ta dvertising & Publicity Manager Glen K. Douglas, Advertising human being in need of a little time, a little friendliness, a little mysterious, thought begins. Ethical affirmation of life is the intellectual company, a little work. It may bea act by which man ceases simply to » lonely, an embittered, a sick or an live at random and begins to awkward person for whom you can concern himself reverently with his mean something. Perhaps it will be © own life, so that he may realize its an old person or a child. Or elsea true value. And the first step in the good cause that needs volunteer evolution of ethics is a sense of workers. Do not lose heart, even if you must wait a bit before finding solidarity with other human beings. the right thing, even if you must To the primitive, this solidarity make several attempts. has narrow limits. It is confined, None of first to his blood relations, then to us knows what he accomplishes and what. he gives to the. members of his tribe, who represent’ to him the family humanity. That is hidden from us, enlarged. I have such primitives in and should remain so, though sometimes we are allowed’ to see my hospital. If I ask an ambulatory not be patient to undertake some: small. just. a little of it,UE soRuewe will natepr SY ook discouraged. “""~ service for a patient who must stay Our age must achieve spiritual in bed, he will do it only if the bedridden patient belongs to his renewal, .A .new, renaissance must , home come: tribe. If that is not the case, he will soon | man as begins that men as such are in which The Mailbag to his i mankind will be liberated. reflect. upon himself and _ his relationship to others, he becomes aware “ mankind discovers that ethical action is the supreme truth and the supreme utilitarianism. By it answer me with wide-eyed innocence: “This man is_ not brother of me.” Neither rewards not threats will induce him to perform a_ service for such a stranger. But as the renaissance a - equals and his neighbors. Gradually he sees the circle of his ~ responsibilities widening until it Editor: includes all human beings with Your last issue (May 1, 1970) whom he has dealings. The idea of was the best so far. I really enjoyed the brotherhood of all human beings is. inherent in the. reading: it. Hope’ the’ Board of. «. metaphysics of most of the great Education receives this newspaper religious systems. Moreover, since and took the time to read the section on education. I would like antiquity, philosophy has presented the case for humanitarianism as a to see comments by the students on how they feel about the.school concept recommended by reason. situation. — Throughout history, however, ~ Mrs. Rose Pollard ‘ ae ae the insight that we have a wider | © | DONT THING | 4 BOOKS SUBJECTS IN STOCK Afro-American African NOW History History Black Power Black Theater Black Wriiing a HAPPENING! We will help you develop and stock any library or program. Warjure Mexican History Any paperback on any topic you We can order records by ‘and about Malcolm X. World. 359-93 3» Leroi Jones Malcolm X Marcus Garvey n Revolution PHONE Ceasar Chavez Franz Fanon Social Change Third BOOKS BY AND ABOUT Che Geuvara may desire— we will order eny book! Guerilla World WHAT'S Eldridge Cleaver Chicanos The ARE e Book § Lore Utah Col200leg UNIVERSITY STREET United Farm Workers W.E. B. Du Bois Zapata ask FOR LARRY oF |