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Show Page 4 EVERY MAN’S RIGHT for commercial farming, as before, not 160 acres and more, but five or A HOME ten acres, if he so desires, where he may raise a family in independance, or one acre or two acres; but let it In this latter half of the twentieth century, America finds itself faced with an almost infinite variety of problems. Tho many are working on them--some on one, and some on another, yet all the problems are inter-related, to a much greater degree than most of us realize. Each problem, unsolved, created other problems, while they, in turn create still other problems. This person believes, if we can solve ONE of Ghettos. I recommend that every head of a family be granted again (as before. 1934) a HOMESTEAD RIGHT, not Housing America’s great problems, it will begin to stabilize all others. The one GREAT PROBLEM that seems to create more new problems than any other, and even re-creates and perpetuates itself, is POVERTY. In it’s wake follows ill health, both physical and mental; lowered educational opportunities; lessened _ abilities; . . loss of confidence; indeed, such a long train of problems as to Tf our cities dont get help, they may be according to need, and let it be used for a home, not for real estate investment. This will benefit the poor, the wage earner, because it will restore: them to freedom and security, toa large degree, restore them pride in home and family. It will benefit the Ten eh ring v PreSchool Leaming Art - Drama Music - Literature ¥ Acre of Playground ¥ Hot Lunches ¥v Bus Service ¥ Full and Half-Day Care v Exciting Summer Program taxpayer on every level, because he will not be perpetually paying monthly rent for the welfare recipient. It will enable the poor to’ use their wages to maintain and improve and furnish their homes with money now used to pay for those homes over a_ thirty-year period. They will, in other words, .pay for their homes once, instead of twice, as now. The land itself need not be paid for by the poor. It is their legacy from God. soon be nothing but. 5000 THIS I BELIEVE. Together we can remake our cities. We will. We must. If you think there’s nothing you can do to help, think harder. West 5000 South Kearns, Utah Phone 298-4803 I invite your comments. _ Robert Shrewsbury FOR REASONABLE RATES!! therefore that this Wo.5% Spring A wise physician does not treat symptoms only, (altho this books for f= boys and girls is necessary to relieve immediate distress) but will address his efforts to the causes of disease, knowing | full well, that with the causes removed, the body will begin Qian immediately to repair itself. _ Since our nation is now spending fy} billions of dollars to relieve, only partially, the distress of poverty, and but a very small portion to treat some causes, but not all, therefore we turn to causes and their solutions: Within the framework of the great U.S. Constitution, and the Ages 10 up THE WAY IT IS Problem of Poverty. Religious laws PETE’S PUDDLE but left to those who are teachers Joanna Foster; illustrated in color by Beatrice Darwin. A small boy’s joy in a rainy day, reflected in gay illustrations. March $3.50, $3.54 of the same. Your attention is drawn to Article IX of the Bill of Rights: “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Have all the natural, God-given rights ever been granted to all the people? Verily, no! We boast of being a free people, meaning, of THE THREE WISHES _ A COLLECTION OF PuerTO RicAN FOLKTALES Ricardo E. Alegria, Editor; illustrated by Lorenzo Homar; translated by Elizabeth Culbert. Twenty-three tales show how Indian, Spanish, and African cultures have blended in Puerto Rico over four centuries. April $3.25 one is truly free, none really secure, none knows happiness in it’s fuller sense. “A HOME IS EVERY MAN’S Carolyn Meyer; illustrated by Mary Suzuki. Drawings, diagrams, and clear instructions will attract even the most reluctant to discover the fun of sewing. March $3.95, $3.99 DIVINE Joseph RIGHT”-Thus John Holland, Editor; illustrated with photographs. In their own words and pictures, 15 boys reveal what life is like in '. their neglected urban neighborhood—the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. April $3.25 Ages 12 up Smith and took steps to Floria with their “Homestead exemption laws.” However, they fall for short of insuring a home to every citizen. Ages 14 up UNSTILL LIFE and subject to “INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE” (Article XIII, U.S. Constitution). Co OUuNC VY cards welcomed SUPPORT FIGHT WORDPOWER needs_ your} support—donate to a worthy program designed to assist people and open channels off fcommunication and understanding. A scholarship fund; study of ag possible low-cost housing project; @workshops for talented youngsters in low-income areas and_ active§ FOR THE FREEDOM JOIN membership in several civil-right’s§ and welfare organizations are just af afew of the things happening at WORDPOWER. This is where its at... give your support today!!! TODAY position are discussed in this lucid, timely a account of international finance. April $3.50 TRAILBLAZER NEGRO NuRsSE IN THE AMERICAN Rep Cross Jean Maddern Pitrone. The moving story of Frances Elliott Davis, first Negro nurse officially enrolled in the American Red Cross, who won many honors for herself and her race. March $4.25 Mario Antonio Benedetti, Frasconi; Editor; illustrated translated by by Darwin Barry Wilkinson; illustrated in color by the author. King Arthur’s tiniest knight is the hero of this humorous picture book. Ages 5-10 Feb. $2.95 DOMINIQUE AND THE DRAGON Jiirgen Tamchina; illustrated in full color and black and white by Heidrun Petrides; ‘translated by Elizabeth D. Crawford. Dominique befriends a great green dragon. that has terrified all Avignon in this slyly funny picture storybook. April $4.25 I GI INVITATION TO IP TIE E-M-R-A-H Charles Brown, Community Council Inc. Robert Shrewsbury, U.W.R.O. | Lucille Black, C.A.P. Community Organizer exposition to be held at South County Community Action Center, 8400 South, Redwood Road. Utah Welfare Organization is Rights sponsoring the exposition with the South County Community, Council Inc. of South County hosting the affair. The exposition is designed to inform the area residents of the federal programs and home financing that could be available if the community is concerned if the area is to prevent future slumlords and slums, action must be taken now. Housing in South County is a crisis--Now. A panel of representatives from H.U.D., F.H.A., Tenants Union, U.W.R.O., Minority Groups, and discuss the elected officials will housing dilemma and its solutions. Booths will be set up with the latest pamphlets on the Housing enough to demand the housing Programs. Literature will be given problems be solved by creating a on the Housing Authority and South County Housing Authority. information on how residents can immediately to implement and. guarantee this right. It must not be without, inter bank NAACP OF TOM THUMB J. and Claribel Flakoll. A century of poetry from Central and South America in the original Spanish and in English. Includes biographical sketches of twentythree poets. April $4.95 and it is the duty of all governing bodies on this earth to begin for all. No one has a right to sell at $1000.00 to $3000.00 an acre and more, thus withholding from the poor, keeping them perpetually 20005 across from U.P. depot Artis & Ruth C. Ross, prop. Brenda Forman; illustrated with photographs. The responsibilities and limitations of power and America’s dominant THE DIVERTING ADVENTURES AN INTRODUCTION TO LATIN-AMERICAN POETRY This I believe: A HOME IS EVERY MAN’S DIVINE RIGHT, invalidated by confiscatory taxes, by the high price of real estate, nor by Usury (High Interest rates). Surely God made this earth to be a dwelling place for all his children. Beyond all question, there is room QO This is the theme of the housing every family in ancient Isreal. This as Louisiana and 6087, EBONY MALL TO AMERICA This was granted to the head of such DC. BOX for him & her LL insure it. this right, AMERICAINC.. BEAUTY PRODUCTS Eleanor B. Tripp; illustrated with photographs. Vivid descriptions of life in the native lands of nine groups who emigrated from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America focus on the events that forced people to leave their homes, their friends, and often their families. March $3.95 Ages 14 up MISS PATCH’S LEARN-TO-SEW BOOK taught is granted today in Mexico, Bolivia and Venezuela. A very few of our States today, grant a small token recognition of 4 WRITE: high fashions and Afro-American products AMERICA’S PLACE IN THE WORLD ECONOMY to to is no course, that we all have a right vote, but of equal importance man’s happiness and well-being, economic liberty. Without it, POINT.’ tel. 355-9497 All Ages of the Bible are not discussed here, the Holy Bible, when carried out, lays the entire solution to the TURNING no. 11 so. 3rd west Salt Lake City HI! HO! THE RATTLIN’ BOG AND OTHER FOLK SONGS FOR GRoupP SINGING _ M. Langstaff, Editor; illustrated by | John Robin Jacques. A delightful variety of folk songs with simple piano arrangements and guitar harmonies. April $4.75 Ages 3-8 economic laws of God, as found in “THE 9 q WASHINGTON. article is directed. ES INFORMATION, FOR URBAN seemingly have no end. It is to this one problem, MORE SEND EDWARDS REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT COMPANY 867 South 4th East 363-8721 or 364-0722 after 5 p.m. j;URGENTLY NEED APARTMENT AND HOUSES FOR RENT & LEASE. Responsible tenents available immediately. Glenn L. Edwards, Broker Sandy is the only town in Salt Lake County that has a housing . authority now established. We are happy to have one town that is farsighted enough to be of service. to the community residents that want to remain in the area. Many of our other incorporated areas not this concerned if people are able to have homes or not. The lack of adequate housing is a major concern to families trying to live in South County. help establish Housing Authority will be given to people in attendance. Films will also be shown so residents may see how other areas in the United States have solved their housing shortages. All of Salt Lake County is cordially invited to attend this housing exposition. It has interest to all people and all groups. Housing will affect everyone in Salt Lake County in some way, now or later. |