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Show The Ogden June 1, 2007 Valley news Your Community Newspaper PRSRT STD STD PRSRT POSTAGE PAID PAID POSTAGE PERMIT NO. NO. 11 11 PERMIT EDEN UT UT EDEN POSTAL PATRON PATRON POSTAL EDEN-LIBERTY-84310 EDEN-LIBERTY-84310 HUNTSVILLE-84317 HUNTSVILLE-84317 OGDEN CANYONCANYON- 84401 84401 OGDEN HCR 843AO 843AO HCR Weber County Asks Residents to Eliminate Noxious Weed Compiled by Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News Spring is so beautiful in the Valley, especially with all of those beautiful tall, yellow flowers blanketing many fields, greeting those who drive by, and cropping up along the edge of the road, and in patches of turned over soil here and there . . . and there, and there, and there! No, I’m not talking about dandelions, but dyers woad. Though the noxious weed may look lovely to some, its presence is an economic nightmare for others. A non-native plant of Utah, dyers woad usually grows between one to four feet tall. It is a plant native to southeaster Russia. Around 1910, alfalfa seed contaminated with dyer’s woad seed was imported from Ireland and introduced to Utah near Brigham City. County residents are being asked to control the state listed noxious weed. You must pull the taproot out to eliminate it completely; at the very least, destroy or cut off the yellow blossoms to prevent plants from going to seed. On average, it takes about seven years of eliminating the plant Runners are off at the starting line of the Zions Bank Half Marathon just south of the Eden Park. See page 20 for article and more photos. Weber County Sheriff’s Office Hires Fulltime Truck Inspector for Ogden Valley By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News The Weber County Sheriff’s Office has announced the assignment of Brent Butler as a fulltime traffic officer to Ogden Valley. His primary duty will be to inspect heavy equipment traversing the roads in the upper valley. Butler has been professionally trained as a truck inspector, and will use his expertise to execute spot checks on heavy trucks. Lieutenant Jeff Malan stated, “Our officer isn’t here to harass drivers, but to make sure they are in compliance with state law; it’s a safety issue. There has been a dramatic increase in truck traffic in the Valley so it’s more important than ever that these vehicles are properly maintained. “As part of his assignment, our officer is required to stop and inspect a specific number of trucks. We want truck operators to know that their equipment will be checked.” During spot inspections, Butler will check for such things as faulty brakes, or brakes that aren’t properly adjusted. He will also make sure that trucks are structurally sound. Inspections will cover tires, proper INSPECTOR cont. on page 17 Weber La Crosse Has Successful Season NOXIOUS WEED cont. on page 19 Ogden Valley Land Trust Hires New Executive Director By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News The Ogden Valley Land Trust (OVLT) board is pleased to announce the addition of a new Executive Director. Carla Wiese comes from Salt Lake City where she previously worked with Day and Associates Consulting as a consultant for community and economic development in Davis, Weber, and Box Elder Counties. Wiese states that she was interested in working for The Ogden Valley Land Trust for more than one reason. “I was initially drawn to the Valley’s land trust because of my former associations with, and respect for, current chair Jim Hasenyager and others on the board that I have known for some time. This respect has only increased as I have become better acquainted with the entire board, and see what truly spurs their concern and love for Ogden Valley. “I was also attracted to working with The Ogden Valley Land Trust as part of my core belief in conservation and smart growth. I think it is a crucial component of maintaining our quality of life, not just in the Valley but all along the Wasatch Front. It’s LAND TRUST cont. on page 17 New Weber County Sheriff Deputy Assigned to Ogden Valley Deputy Mike Chatelain with the Weber County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) was recently assigned as the Community Resource Officer for the Upper Valley Precinct. He replaced Sergeant Ryon Hadley who shared Community Resource Officer responsibilities with Deputy Brandon Toll, who had been serving as the School Resource Officer at Snowcrest Jr. High. Other changes within the WCSO include an increase in manpower devoted to patrolling the Upper Valley. Chatelain was raised in Weber County and has served in law enforcement in the area for 22 years. He served with the Ogden Police Department from 1985 until his retirement there in 2005. The majority of that time was spent working uniform patrol. Chatelain states, “I served in the Mounted Unit which works special events, along with participating in the “Down Town Horse Patrol” program. I also spent 12 years as a K-9 handler for the Ogden Police Department, and I continue to serve as an instructor and certification judge for the K9 program at the Utah Police Academy. In December of 2005, Chatelain came to work for the WCSO, and was recently granted a request to serve as the Community Resource Officer for the upper Valley area. SHERIFF cont. on page 17 Weber La Crosse team member Nate Radmall, number 3, moves in for a score. See page 20 for article and more pictures. Huntsville 4TH of July— Small town Americana Whether it is the Boy Scouts raising the flag early in the morning or a 1942 vintage tractor coming down the street in the Huntsville 4 th of July parade, there is universal agreement that Independence Day in Huntsville is a slice of genuine small town Americana at its best. It is the way the 4 th of July should be—family-oriented, patriotic, and a day of celebration. This year will continue with the tradition of many fantastic events. Of special mention is Senator Bob Bennett as the keynote speaker at the town’s patriotic program. Because of the senator’s busy schedule, we have moved the patriotic program to 12:30 p.m. Senator Bennett said of all his engagements on the 4 th of July, Huntsville was especially important to him. Other favorite events on the 4 th of July are the mini-marathon, the Kent Wangsgard Breakfast in the Park, the world’s greatest parade, the world’s most incredible auction, great local entertainment, Lunch in the Park, threeman basketball tournament, volleyball, the craziest melodrama in the world, dancing at night, the largest fireworks exhibition in Huntsville’s history, games, food, crafts, art, and a whole lot more. This is truly an event the whole Valley enjoys and looks forward to. One Valley resident stated, “Huntsville on the 4 th of July is about Sheriff Mike Chatelain, newly appointed Community Resource Officer for the Upper HUNTSVILLE cont. on page 17 Valley Precinct. |