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Show Section Paiic 22 Ilasin NICKEL ADSAUW'UIXI 1 I)eccni1)er 2, 1982 aoooo8Moo6ooooooaoaoooooBoaCTaoot3og6Kai6..iaao SSSfii Apartment for bedroom, all carpet, rent, 2 Over 65? Has the cpst. ,of washer Roosevelt for carpenter housing got you worried? no kitchen work. Lots are near golf dryer, furnished, Would you be interested in a course. Ask for Ken. 353- - smoking, drinking or drugs. Senior Group Home? It will no pets. MOO00 per month be in the Lapoint area with with 10000 deposit transportation available and Neola beautiful five acre Vernal. 1N172 a bus furnished to The ranchettes. two miles north of Nice Want to trade building lots in 789-449- 6. bedroom home Neola Store. 3,000 to 5.000 an acre. Beautiful view with with large shared yard, boat privacy. Owner will carry and trailer storage, deoposit contract Will consider trades and first months rent for down. Call Terry 2 required 450 month. 789-o- r 6 Ken 9602, Vernal. 2L104 evenings. No 1N176 Vernal. pets. COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR RENT: 3.264 square feet. For Rent nice old 4 bedroom Located at 480 East 100 South unfurnished home in Gusher in Vernal. Call John Hacking 300, plus 150 deposit. 8 Roosevelt. Phone 2L143 For Rent 2V? 789-229- 353-452- 789-925- 7. 722-322- 789-326- 9. washer Apartment For Rent and dryer 1N177 '? acre improved building tot with curb and gutter, fenced hook-u- p. range, refrigerator. Center of town, near school, Roosevelt. For 4 more information call 9 after 6 p.m. or before 6 p m. Vernal. 2L144 power and in of Measer's one phone, best housing areas owner 15.900. 789-42selling underground 789-437- 789-773- 27 1N181 Recreation Land- - A perfect time Vernal. to buy. Your purchase is not a For Sale by owner timeshare 75,000. or undivided Four bedroom house 6.42 interest. Warranty Deed and acres one mile east of Title Insurance at completRoosevelt on Highway 40. ion of purchase. Cedar Phone 7 Roosevelt. Mountain Properties offers 5 1N184 and 10 acre cabin sites 90 For Lease large building on miles east of Salt Lake City, main street in Roosevelt. 15 miles west of Strawberry Excellent business location and Soldier Creek Reser3 7 or or voirs on both sides of 1N187 Highway 40. Prices from $595 per acre. Good roads, FOR RENT 2 Bedroom trailer lots of pinion pine and cedar on private lot $285 plus 789-577- 8 Call to trees, power many lots. deposit. Look at a few reasons why Vernal. 1N188 now is the Perfect Time to 3 Bedroom Farm House with buy. 1. Interest rates on range and home and auto loans out of refrigerator, dishwasher. Includes sight. Our terms 10 fireplace and woodstove. interest 10 year payments. Includes access to furnace. 2. During the next inflationDouble garage with area for ary period land prices are shop, can be heated with .undoubtedly going to be extra stove. Barn and pushed up and up. pasture large enough for 3. With the completion of the horse or calf. Outdoor brick Central Utah Project, your fireplace and grill. Yard and property will l.e in the center pasture are fenced. S600 of the fastest growing per month, S600"n deposit. recreation area in the Call Vernal. 1N189 722-447- 722-347- 722-289- 6. 722-261- 789-706- 6. state lakes. 5 4 rivers Golden lots range in price from activities. The home will $5,000.00 to $14,000.00. No Perate on a club basis with time share or undivided costs only to cover interest. At completion of expenses, if interested your purchase contract we please contact The Senior issue a Warranty Deed with Group Home, P.O. Box 181 Title Insurance. Look at a Lapoint. Utah 84039. The few of the reasons you home will be sponsored by should own a lot on the the Universal Life Church. Ranch: Year round acces-sabilit1N120 gravel roads, power to many lots, 40,000 acre For Rent two bedroom Sportsman Club. Tennis, apartment one furnished one 7000 ft. grass airstrip, picnic unfurnished, $325 and and reunion campground on $250 pay half utilities, Red Creek. For more $200 cleaning deposit. Call information and directions Roosevelt. 1N134 please call: Salt Lake City Fourplex for rent, brand new, Ogden 2 bedroom, 1ft bath, 350 a Cabin collect on weekends. month, 200 deposit, no 1N103 4 or pets. New Two bedroom adult Vernal. 1N150 JK1 ,9JLS,T kit, 23x27 Log Cabin pre-cgood quality timber, 355 East 1st No. Inquire Tom 7 or desperate, sell cash, 3800. Howcroft. Vernal. 20105 Call afternoons. S.L.C. IN 160 Home For Rent 3 bedroom has stove, fridge, dishwasher Apartment for rent washer and and wood burning stove. rtrupr hnnk-iy, 722-372- 0, 292-641- 4, 789-493- KM ut 789-353- 549-336- 789-551- 0. 466-628- 4. Rannp m refrigerator Center of lown Near Elementary and Jr. near school in Rooseveit. For High bus stop. Phone 789- more information call 789- - 7066, 600 deposit. 600 or 70ftT7oo 4374 afJ.er 6 P Per month. 20161 p.m.. Vernal. 1N190 789-229- or 2 353-452- 7. Vernal. 20106 722-223- 5, Townhouse 3 bath, carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer Call hook-u- p. Balance security deposit, water paid, monthly over 5 yrs. at 12 Reference required call 353- - percent by owner-agen- t. 4527 ask for Ken or Pat. Dean Frandsen, 789-188- 5 Neola. 20164 Roosevelt. 10173 First months Rent Free no depit 150 month mobile home space in small quiet park, no dogs. Call Vernal. 20166 three homes in Overlook. Set Creek Ashley move in. One to and ready up 3 bedrooms and two 2 789-737- 6. Vernal. 20176 Three Bedroom Duplex nearly new. nice neighborhood in town. All appliances, washer No pets and dryer hook-u6 390 per month. Call Vernal. 20177 p. rent in a Roosevelt 270 month, two bedrooms, no deposit Mobile 722-347- 6. for Home 20174 Nicest duplexes in town. 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom with garage. Terms and prices are right. Immediate occupancy. Call Darris 789-691- 2, Vernal. 789-282- 8, 20178 Ski Snowbird Rent Condo all pool, recreation room. Call Darris Vernal. 20179 jacuzzi. 789-691- 2, office space for lease. Downtown location includes conference room and five separate offices. Johnson, park manager in Vernal or see at Housing Plus Mobile Homes. 4 miles west of Roosevelt. Call 722-245- 1. 3 Bedroom Duplex for rent in Vernal. Dishwasher, fridge, industrial 8 lease. for building ask for Roger. 10122 or 789-718- Payments Under $400 new solar home. Call stove, carpet, landscaped. $425 month. $200 deposit. Small pets ok. Call collect on a 10182 889-328- 5. 789-156- 9 2 Bastian or 10137 Vernal. Theda. Realty, 789-229- Unbelievable! UJtfS per month. 150 789-282- 8, Professional Office Building. warehouse All Over 11,000 sq. ft. new home on our lot for utilities paid. cleaning deposit. Roosevelt. 10152 722-372- 0, For Sale By Owner 4 bedroom tri level home. Two bath, finished basement, rock 50,000 722-342- Theda 789-156- 9 ePlacecorneMossume Piotessionally decorated. 2000 square feet available. 10 percent, 570,000. Call after 5 p.m.. Call Candi Vaughn at High 10170 Roosevelt. Country Realty 789-691- See Tom bedrooms. 10179 789-340- Commercial Sale: For Bastian Realty 8. 789-22-92 2, Vernal. 20180 HOUSE FOR RENT IN LAPOINT For Sale By Owner: Three bedrooms, $325 per month, $100 deposit. Phone 7 Neola. 1N191 Price Reduced 353-497- Beautiful older home - relocated to 1 10 W. 500 S. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage. Unfinished basement has roughed in plumbing, walls sheetrocked and 2nd fireplace has been finished. Beautiful hardwood floors, See to appreciate. Price negotiable. Must sell new, low price. Call 3, John or Keith. Totally new paint. near golf course on Neola highway. 5 minutes For Rent from Roosevelt. Two bedroom trailer needs little work to get ready for winter s150 month 100" security deposit, no pets, references 7 ask for required. Ken or Pat. Neoh. 20163 789-303- 353-452- 3 Infail 722-223- 5. 722-476- 6. 789-244- 8. 399-560- 399-560- 3, 789-739- 5, part of For Rent bedroom house, rent goes to down payment! one block east of Todd Lovely 2 bedroom home in School. Available Oct. 15. Roosevelt, with large yard 375" and trees. Strout Realty, Deposit required 10171 month, plus utilities. Phone Roosevelt. 10153 For Rent Roosevelt one Large 2 bedroom house. bedroom house on nice $450. Big yard, washer, private lot only one and one dryer, refrigerator and half blocks to Safeway. year. stove. Close to schools and Private and cozy. For one or If you're interested give us a No smokers. two people only . S375 per call for more information downtown. Call 5 or month. Call and directions. Call Salt S200" deposit. 10163 Vernal. 10178 Roosevelt. Lake Ogden Cabin collect on For Sale: 50 acres with 20 . . 1N102 oHI weekends thJe of or..a,p shares water north Overlook. Ash,eY 45 acres in Davis close to the Gusher, S800 per acre. Also and ready to move in. One fast growing energy area. 6 acres in Neola area for 3up bedrooms and two 2 Seller will split in 10 acres or See Tom bedrooms. will sell all. Will also work a Johnson, park manager in rU m' m vernal or call Housing Plus r Rent ?. duplex -Verna R78Srl1P 145 Mobile Homes. 4 miles west of Roosevelt. Call Six beautiful acres excellent 10179 for solar home. Buy this we'll and help you property find a builder to buld that solar home. Realty World Labrum. Vernal, 4, of Salt Lake City between Currant Creek and Red Creek Reservoir. The ranch borders state and national mo. Call Terry - Neola. forest on three sides. 5 acre Ken Rent Witli Option to Buy, within 15 minutes in any direction 4. Population in the oil rich Uintah Basin predicted to triple by the year 2000. 5. Reservations for every major campground in the state are already reserved for holiday weekends this 292-641- The- Last Bandanna Ranch FrontifeT: WeVd 90 mileseast Age Center's 90630001 bedroom home 10 Acres of secluded pines & Small newly remodeled near golf, cedars. Northwests. of course Neola highway, five Starvation Lake. Right in minutes from Roosevelt, no hunting & fishing. $6000 One - 353-444- 0, 722-223- 3. 8. . MARK IV ASSOCIATES 1 - New 722-245- 1. 789-245- 1P146. If housing sky-hig- h 1 from realizing your 1 S dream home ask Up i me!j I about how you can own S a Buckallew Home for as ! ; ; Basin Specialties. Utah Calls; SFruitland. 5 Keith Muir 801-548-224- ; at 6. Many floor plans tog! choose from or we'll g build to your specifica- - g ! tkins 2 - . . 3 - Split-Leve- . 1 0Va RHA - VA 30 Year - 11 FHA - VA 1 5 Year ! as $20 a sq. ft Financing available! I little Bedroom on acre. Vi Acre Building Lot, with a paid water convection. l, 2 - Bedroom New Contruction, Quailbrook Estates. lift1 prices are keeping you 2- - Vi 8. MiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiBZI ; Make The Impossible Dream Come True, Duplex - Southeast Location I Call Listing Office For More Information T. GLADE WILLIAMS ROMAN GEISSEL MARY ANN GEISSEL 789-680- 0 789-323- 4 789-323- 4 j |