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Show December 2, 1982 Basin NICKEL ADSAlWSm.vr Time 0 Section 1 EraxxttfrttsawaoreaKKaapgooaraoBssnoootttsso -'- ,- iSIPCMS ?.V; yv.vv vvvvvwvvvN vnvsnn swsvwss mmiCTgagmiBgnBnoHa8mOHB 1979 ChevLuv pickup 4x4. new 1973 Buick Riviera for sale 4x4 1975 Dodge Royal Monaco Silverado, fully loaded. Wagon PS, PB, AC. short wheel base $7,500 or Radials. New battery, good best offer. Call condition, w400 engine, Vernal. 1U154 4 after 5 $800. Call Vernal. 1U142 Pm 1 973 Ford 4x4 ton for For Sals: 1980 Chevy tires, shocks, 1 5:00 or Ford 1961 Falcon cylinder motor after 5:00 1U156 1980 Colt Dodge excellent 789-- condition $3,300. Call 3137 vernal. fSrreA,5KFHor cassette iuiy Call 1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 new 5 Vernal. 1U144 appreciate. 789-165- nice ' 1.395. Asking $6,000 offer. Must see to best 789-057- 3. 1U145 D-- 50 4. Call, anytime 1969 Chsy N... rebuilt 47 ernaengine, new front end. AM- FM stereo cassette, bucket For Sale: 1974 Ford 4X4 ft ton. seats. Good tread 1,150. Excellent buy for $1,200. Call Vernal. 1U148 Carolyn evenings Vernal. 1U160 MUST SELL! 1979 Ford Suoer 1974 Plymouth Duller good Cab or parts, complete 360 condition, dependable, good Ford motor AT. New Dyna- MOO 8 on na bym pxprrfcp marhinfi with "' new Camaro 1968 wheels 1500 condition, tion, ready to run. $2,500 Vernal. for details, firm. Call SR-- 5 Sport radial white Continental JWAT 1 ,97f M .5219 2. 6,, 4 Ton real cleaJ- 400 engine. PS, Kralaki Roosevelt. See at Bike sho 722-418- 2. noooccosooooocoooocoocosof Beautiful 1977 Buick Electra tires, c kOOOOOCOSOCCCOSOSOOOOeOO( 6 miles. This is Heaton's car. In S BRING IN THOSE DAMAGED TRANSMISSIONS 6 AND LET THE EXPERTS DO YOUR REPAIRS. low 95 Members of "worlds Oldest And Largest Network Of 722-214- 'llff OUTGROW YOUR Snolo rreaM OLD HOME? Vema independent - JfT;,03 lU lbo AMFM4 cas?ettecamper Sale CampTr Special good condition, 52 International ehoii ujitharfpt kit Bus. 4 speed and 3 speed Roosevelt. 1U167 8 Roosevelt. Thanks. 11166 ; 722-277- Station Ford 1976 795. Phone Wagon 722-440- 6, Transmission Shops" BrownyContact Charles Study the Luther 492 Duchesne, Utah 84021. IS229 Roosevelt. 1U168 1 969 GMC ft ton rebuilt engine. ed, A Nickel Ads. You'll come out the Winner. new good old truck $1095. See at Kawasaki Bike Shop Legal Notice Jude's Buggy Barn 722-41- m in1'' 82 Roosevelt. 1T176 Specializing lereby serves notice of its claim to possession and title to a 1971 I (Coupon) in I Bring This Ad To Any Cheap Jacks Store And Buy 16 12 Ounce Cans of I COKE, SPRITE, TAB or DIET COKE For Pontiac Firebird I I I I Automatics and Trans-aUtah licence No. WRA 347, serial No. 22887 IL102581 as compensation for m mechanical repairs on invioce No. 3484 dated 18, July for $836.32 ordered by Rock Lee I $149 v I 1 I I ds, wheel Drive Transfer cases and I I I i .'.TV-'- -' o stores $250 1175 East Hwy 40, Vernal 206 West Main, Vernal OPEN 120 South Main, Roosevelt OFFER ENDS DECEMBER Viun'. in-f- r' t I.Q. 19g2. J SprinV ah. Ctet t5ikc M i ! Any Conventional vehicle Shift Kits Installed Rear Ends 4 to 2 Conversion Kits I . Complete Transmission service special $1 650 plus parts 4 George, Utah 84770, billed to same on 30 July 1982 and for from that date. , storage ' 4-Spee- I DBA Rockyfc Pizza Place, 863 East St. George Boulevard, St. VUVWWlftC New 722-41- 722-418- 2. 4 789-292- 3 Gordon Dmited, loaded $4,295.00. immaculate condition, See at Kawasaki Bike Shop. $3,995.00. Call or IS222 Roosevet 5 Roosevelt. IS225 $1 789-369- Rogers Automatic Transmission Repair BckLm tires, AMFM cassette, l?77 IS22I other sizes at comparable prices. All One Mile East on Hwy 40 Vernal IS224 722-418- 2. F E T MIGHTY Kawasaki Bike Shop. Roosevelt $7895 MUFFLER , 1974 8hav F.E.T. 750 - 16 - 8 ply Ram mud & snow snow 9 ton 4X4 4 speed. Auto-tra- ns 722-382- 722-425- 9. & tires. 1 BooSo 'selg 5,Enn 4 niTtirpVTv7 milpVnnrthbf 988 Cad8lac 8au.PB 9bv,J8 BotUe Hollow on county road very good condition, ready 8 250 uiira qqqoo CaN 789. US( Fod $4567 passenger car Bike Shop, Roosevelt 722- good old truck 4182. IS223 $3595.00. See at Kawasaki 1973 Aton4 Bike Shop, Roosevelt. 722- - UedFrt Tratf rea! 4182. IS220 sfeedt R tQ 722-418- PS PB, Trailer Pickup Bed Heavy Duty 1U151 1978 Chev Impala L6-- 4 door 3005, Vernal. 1U152 60,000 miles. Minimum down and take over payments of i9rtC!ffl!0rdrprt 5' 123- - for 22 months. No offer J 858JSI $5195 F.E.T. A78 - 13 Bias Ply Rv and mud l9 175 - R80 - 13 Radials Complete stock 789-275- 1976 GMC Vernal. 789-730- 4 and old Service ISI00 Rooseveit. 722-329- 3, soon. Call Old Cars Buy Sea motor, Duchesne. 1U150 8: We 789-428- 3. V. hrme(1973 - 1989 condi-mile- s, 1U153 4X4 Starting as low as: & installed on your car or RV vehicle by the experts. 789-300- 5, 6 Toyota W' Vernal, Z9- refused. Call Low Sport Coupe. Great 0. 1U149 738-574- 7, on Blue 789 for onlv S7 80000 Radial 6Xtr3S 2 Vernal IS2I4 tires. dual tanks, excellent condition. Call davs 789- 1979 Mercury Marquis 2 door. 6572 or ask nights IS202 Vernal. for Dennis. Ihl5 Js been worn. gauge, $230. Call 789-Mort- fooo'liesaS 2J5inS r2, hevJL!? to.?' 42.000 miles flue. 28 427 4 sbeed many extra's speed. condition. $5,300 or Roosevelt. good W XT-50- 1982 Llnco,n ul 0, increased by having Headers Dual exhausts Deville Coupe very good condition, ready to use $1,000. Call 3005. Vernal. 1U152 IS2I3 ten Ford Pickup with over-haon 390, or best recent Also Vernal automatic, $800. Remjngton mode, 1100, 12 sne summer750 iffpr Call 789-b9- iggs Cadillac 789-087- book; wedding dress shall usld .967 Home, Utah. 1U173 789-479- 789-545- SL 789-087- New 789-737- 2, 78483. 789-845- mileage & performance Mountain - 454-36- 53 i Have your JJ Tnjck 3 electric and cooling. Call 1440 East 135 South, 6 for details. Vernal Vernal. 24 Hour Wrecker - Ca Call 1981 789-565- 8. " Phone Vernal. IS2I2 885-382- 0, 1976 ft ton pickup 4 complete, never One ma"s speed 350 engine 1,600 or Yamaha TIRES after 8 1959 Chev two door Impala excellent 885-331- GMC 1979 353-422- Men like Grill Guard will fit trucks 75-8-1 Chev or GMC. Vernal. IS209 for 8a,e: l97.8.. vnw year battery, snow tires, imiSr' very reliable transportation, Call 7893656 Vernal. 5 or Call $600. days MUST SELL! Take over after 5 p.m. call Dutch John. 1U158 payments 1982 Dodge Vernal. 1U161 or 789-205- 1 new 5 3, 7, 1976 Ford Utility Truck. Needs motor $1,500. Call David 789-666- Call 1,800. shell 5:00, Neola. 1U172 789-333- 885-382- 0, V-- . 1974 Ford ft ton automatic with air 1,450 or best offer. Call 7 Vernal. 1U174 885-331- 789-200- camper Call 722-346- Vernal. 2S167 0. 6 1976 Buick Skylark 24 miles per gallon, engine, luin nooseveu. 6, year battery, snow tires. 65 Mustang hava a very reliable transportation, I ZT2 want to trade 5 SCW. Call days or FtBack 3 it a ski boat. Les for nice after 5 p.m. call Vernal. or Dutch John. 1U158 1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 789-575- Excellent 1975 Blazer 4 wheel drive, low miles 2.950. Nice 1974 ft ton Ford pickup with M 9, Cedarview. 1U170 Call Vernal. 1979 Jeep CJ5 Custom paint, lots of chrome, custom 789-915- 2, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SNOW Sale: AM-F- Vernal. 11)143 $300. Vernal. 2S166 353-481- Complete engine is blown good 6 789-328- 5. Mazda four 1982 Dodge Charger excellent cylinder, engine and condition, 16.000 miles PS transmission intact 500 pB, cassette. 4 firm. Call speed $6,900. Call after 5:00 For parts or will sell all, best offer. Call 318 Dodge Engine for sale, Vernal. 1U155 at work. Best offer. Call Roosevelt. 1U169 789-173- 789-478- 8, after New metallic gold paint job. 353-44-64 722-462- 789-909- 3, gooaE $9195 plus tax 8 to 5 weekdays 8 to 12 Saturdays j soooo60oocogoooocoocoococccccccococccccoccooccooo . |