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Show Section 1 Wine 20 Ilasiu NICKEL na deluxe townhouse Sharp home with assumable apartments brand new 2 loan under 9 low monthly bedroom, IVi bath, FREE! payments. Call Terry at 2 agent. Vernal satellite TV in every room. 1P118. Fridge, stove, disposal, air conditioning, all included tor Would you believe land at only. $350 per month. S700, $1000 per acre and low Excellent location 837 South financing on the balance, 789-286- 6, 789-229- Vernal Ave. KIDS OK, pets no, 8 7 call Art. or LaPoint area. Easy terms, 6 2 or call Terry Vernal. 1P104. Bastian Realty. agent, For rent new deluxe three Vernal 1P119. bedroom duplex. Very nice ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW in and roomy with carpet, desirable section close to drapes, modern kitchen with shopping area and to 7 storage space. $400. schools. 3 bdrm and 2 baths. Vernal. 1P105. Assumable V. A. loan. Call 2 Beautiful Stone Ridge Mel. agent. Vernal 58. vacannow has listing apartments cies. Each apartment has 1P123. wall to wall carpet, base For rent very nice 2 bdrm board heat, cable T.V., HV, house. Fireplace, carpet, smoke detectors, all G.E. drapes, kitchen, range, $460 appliances. Low deposit and per month. $200 deposit. 8 rent that starts at $234. eves, weekends. Come by 158 E. 800 S. in Vernal 1P136. 5 Roosevelt or call Beautiful wooded secluded Charley, LeeAnn Winckel. Res. mgr. Equal opportunity. property on the Green River. Buy this one if you like 1P109. country living. Excellent Commercial property nearly location for people working two acres with gobbs of south of Vernal. Realty . frontage on West Hwy 40. World Labrum in Vernal 789-199- 789-045- 789-286- 789-229- 789-184- 789-481- 5. 789-229- 789-500- acres Upalco Terry 789-286- 789-229- 6, 4.75 one of industrial that location and price is right. Realty World Labrum, 789-2458- 1R139. . for Apartment $42500 789-286- 789-359- PricesI Special truckload purchase of odds and ends. 2 Furniture, stoves, beds, etc. Call Realty. Vernal Bastian 1P120. 789-441- . Bill Weeks 277 So. Vernal Ave., Vernal giiimiiimiHiimiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllW Make The Impossible Dream Come True. If TrMTop Angrt housings sky-hig- h 5 dream home ask me about how you can own FIREWOOD PINION s a Bucka lew Home for as little as $20 a sq. ft.! I available! $45 Basin Specialties. Fruitland, Utah. Call I a 20 & Flat Folds OFF load pick-u- p ew N Save Load your own pick-up- . No Racks. 722-448- 3 397 So. Vernal Ave. 0 Vernal 789-285- 2 722-325- Shop For Christmas Now! Ashley property. 16 OBmetSsm o(SB) i 8. Give a gift of lasting sterlinc silver, turquoise jewelry. - 8. Vernal. 1P153. acres with excellent water conveniently industrial, would make a located, great area for World great investment. Realty development. Realty Labrum. Vernal World Labrum. Vernal, THE FURNITURE 6 acre on Hwy 40. Zoned 789-245- Find something for everyone on your gift list. Gigantic new shipment of turquoise 789-245- 8. 8. 1P162. 1P142. bedroom apt. 2 with some free rent. 6 or evening, Vernal. For rent: New 2 WITH A 4 bdrm brick home in Air Village Hills. Full HOME 1P154. basement, double fireplace and other extras. View from living large lot in Davis area, mobile accepted, all fenced, owner financing. Country Set & front and back. Call Mel. agent listing Realty World Labrum. 'Turning Houses Into Homes" 789-481- 789-229- 5. On the Maeser Comer 789-153- 9 New Shipment of Taos Mocassins. Leaning Tree" Christmas Cards Are Now Here. BEAUTIFUL VIEW 789-925- HOUSE INC jewelry. LOVELY 789-960- Vernal. ChmtuiM Sack Wiindwr Christmas Prints s prices are keeping you 5 from realizing yours bedrooms, carpeted, fridge, range, washer and dryer furnished, has fireplace lots of closets, cabinet storage space. $375 per month. Roosevelt. 1P157. $150n0 rent. 5, Don't gei tackled by high prices or poor quality goods, shop first in the Basin's most complete advertizing paper before you go to buy. 789-229- 2 s rent, quiet living where there's no pets or children in an excellent location. New 2 bdrm, Vh bath. 1200 sq. ft. apt. with carport and HBO deposit. Call Wfe pmiiiiMiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini This is the place" if you like T.V. soft-sculptur- e. Jr ready now 789-229- 2, KING 1, your Christmas with patchwork and craft projects by Patch Press morel carry these Holiday Jesign patterns and personalize 789-245- 8. 801-548-224- properties home Vernkt 8. BEDROOM TRAILER"WITH Keith Muir at BACHTWO 6. S ELORS. PRIVATE BEDROOM floor Many plans to FOR EACH. CABLE T.V. AND or we'll from 1 choose ALL UTILITIES PAID SI40M build to your specifica-- 1 MONTHLY EACH 722-207stions. ROOSEVELT. IPI56. in Bet Road. on Air Port Vernal, Vernal. cirlSrit r 722-223- FOR SHARE FURNISHED FOUR NON-SMO- trial' nLZi 722-223- 5. Financing the very best Christmas! sew much fun! 2 bath. 3 bedroom, down on FHA financing, fireplace, very nice. Huge lot Owner agent Dean Frand- - with irrigation water. Only down- - owner financ-1P15Roosevelt. 10 sen, ing total price $56,000 special deal no quality- investment property great ing small closing cost, property for a great price six strout Realty acres on 1500 East. Fast Roosevelt. 1P172. growing area. Realty World Georgous Z'A acre parcel in the Labrum, Vernal, heart of Maeser. Priced at 1P140. only $25,000. Call Terry 789- Bastian Home on I acre lot has large 2866 or 1P125. Vernal workshop, sheds, corrals Realty Agent. and much more in the 6 Maeser area. Call Terry Rock Bottom or agent. 1P138. Vernal 1P117. deal w 2 Agent Bastian Reality. 2 3p garage, family room with woodburner! Large trees. 2 :..1 wells and 2 trailer spaces, 3 1858-Neat Myton! bdrm! Only $53,000 with 5 789-2458- Call two fish- - ing lake. Ready now! 722-416- Priced reasonably. on near home lovely Big Ill1 December 2, 10S2 AI)Si:YSIm.T For Rent t' it Ttmc' Use this handy order form to place your ad. ttduut IBasiu 722-341- 1 2 Across from Frontier Grill in Roosevelt 68. Vernal 1P128. 1P141. 789-245- 8. Fork Canyon $3,00000 acre. Cail' 12.3 acres in Dry under 6 Terry agent. Bastian Realty. Vernal COME SEE OUR SELECTION OF 789-286- Aladdin Kerosene Heaters & Aladdin Lamps. NOW ON SPECIAL!! 1P124. Still too Many Big Wholesale Buyers: Spenders Check with us on prices before you buy. While some fiscally opposed the DNickel Ads Enclose Check S300 M.0. Your Basins nd Wholesale Distributorship more indication there are still too many one Calders spenders in Dr. Congress. Richard L. Lesher, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commer- ' US Newsprint Diesel Light Oils Antifreeze their philosophy. This is i' NewsprintNickel Ads 1st 20 words Gasoline oppose restrictions on ' ce. Check One: Bulk Rate: are spenders who big regular business hours. DEADLINE: ads must be in our Vernal Otfice by Monday Noon to appear that week. (Big or Small) constitutional amendment approach on principle, the vast majority who voted against the Balanced Budget Amendment tax-and-spe- the nearest location listed beside cr PHONE MAIL this form to our office or COME IN to one of our offices during We Will Service You. responsible congress- man How to place your ad: ' - 22- Petroleum U 789-275- 2 Vernal Run Ad. MAIL TO: Basin Nickel Ads 642 West Main VernaLUtah m 64078;; JAfeeks. Name Address. City rf I .State. J i I f nj s I |