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Show "' I"to 1 t JLOST ncoctiS wallat by tha Ump Freeze in Midway. Cril 6544753. Cal C AQHA xoctlfl 654-447- 654-379- Boats, Cars, Trucks Motorcycles, RVs, Airplanes, 4. 2212. Whatever wal' Cal Buck akin gelding. Older, groat In mountain a. 6500. c Monthly Rates Inside $22.00 and Ip Outside $10.00 and Up AKC, adorable rad pup- -. ptoe, mala; Pwalana, baautiful aitvara and golds, CFA. Call Mary, 6544260 home, or 1 49 0370 work. :&SS5i 2211 FREE KITTD& CaH 654-298- TWO GELDMGS ALL SHAWED up ready CHOW-CHO- - xoctig for dear C36857 hunt Cal 2212. REGISTERED quartar horaa for aala waaddto 5 tack. $500. Cali 649-702- 2, FOR SALE rad Pontiac potatoes. Cal Janet Sweat, 6544137 after 4 pjn. 430 Recreational Vehicles 22fi CAMPER: nice, older ft. eabovar camper Jacks, furnace, loa box, potty room. Saa at 560 E. 100 No, Haber. C xoct19 0-- 420 Automobiles 1903 CHEVY PICKUP, now tiros, rim a, Good oondHon. 67500 OBO. Cal 1 aak for Danny. or Ofl kH. 654-147- .'. 2 654-470- 6, PCt28B Q2&L gold 6 black. Baal offer. 654-200- 0. SEfifi. UKE NEW I960 Chavatta, 20,000 mSes, 703-472- Chockcrodlt eardsCODlayaway Christmas. Fraa delivery. 0Ct21B 1979 WILDERNESS kavol tralar, 19-1-2 excalant condi-OofL, fuSy 63500 or make offar. Cafl 410 Livestock 25 6 aawduaL Bumlnghani Enterprises, dosed Sundays. Cal 654- - 2066. S22111 --- HORSE FOR SALE axeaHant mountain 6 hunting horaa. Sorral mara. $450 OBa Cal eollaet I- or or 70S-463- 0 703-240- 6. :VW BAY 0 YR. GELDING : 22SSL raglalarod Tan-- naaaaaWalkor lor aala. Smooth aaalk, 6900. Cal - 2211 : 654-000- 0, 654-290- 0. I GENTLE 4 YEAR ; -- OLD mara, Arabian-- Morgan cress, broke for saddle A pack. 166001 Cal 336-271- 0. tf2 654-447- 4. 2211 oct21B FOR SALE duno buggy, runa groat, 6500 or wll trade. Kamaa, C6032 xoct21B 703-259- 5. 1904 GMC JIMMY. Dieaol. Excellent 6 condition. Now liraa. Can avanlnga. 654-445- 1904 FORD THUNDERBIRD, two 100 year old wag-oni- b both iwtorabta New Hotand brier A mower; Ford Ferguson tractor 6 ditcher; Lincoln weldor; 150,000 Mu propane healer w2 25 gaL tanks; 1976 dune buggy; various old cars; draftsman table 6 chair; 150,000 Mu kerosene portable hoatar wMowar; Inad borvsHype heater; 2211 - WIDE DOUBLE PROVMT1AL dresser 470 Personals minor, and tabfoa.lampa, hutch, rocMng chair, woodslavet small cross lop tod box, aigM 10 pilara. Cal 6544163 xoct19 FMwrwoodbumlng atm FOR SALE medUxn size, 6156 5266 Cal 336-253- 2. 22211 HUNTER'S SPECIAL, 8 ft. 6 In. camper, four hydraufle Jacks, axoaOanl oondMon, 6 priced to ae6 Cafl xoct21B C5267 336-254- 460 Yard Sales arr, pictures, Christmas dab, household Hams. 131 East 200 South, Haber. 9-3. 211 Sat things. a BUa W nonmu SSSS2&. CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY la my come early, lots of fun Oct. 22, 160 E. Cantor, -s neMie xoct19 ape daily! 1008 satisfied clients! I stop creditor harassment while you make payments you can afford. Initial consultation FREE Cafl Bruce A. Embry, attorney at law, xnov23 C YARD SALE THURS. OCT. 20, flower YARD SALE UNITED TRUCK MASTER, truck driver training, DAT. certification, Job placeman! assistance, financial aid avakabto, oorreo pond oncera aidant training, member NHSC. Cal tol free Hoadquartars: Ctoarwa- - NEED COLLEGE MONEY? Wa guarantee every student using our sarvicoe wfll receive an award. Baal the crowd! "Funds for Collage,'1 Box 11253, Torrance, CA 90501. C xoct19 HELLO MRS. E. Wherever you are from al the gang. C ocf19 OHSVCANV0U6QL. 654-465- 6. pa, power windowa, amfm cassette, 64,000 or make offar. Cal 654-503- FOR SALE one wheal chair and walker. New set of kitchen cablneta, never Instated. Phone C oct19 654-173- 4. FOR SALE 16.0 cu. ft. Kanmore upright freezer, exoelent condition, used vary Ittle. 6300. Cal oct21B C5264 Wlritaer organ Omni 1 000 keyboard computer. Saa at 346 E. 4th No. or cal 6546000. FOR SALE C xoct19 C SSSSS. 336-263- 2. xoctIO Give 34 ton; two utility Inkers; 8 If no andish. Cal swer leave message. 1980 CHEV NEED MORE WATERY Wil aall two or mote ahataa of Denial Irrigation walar. Cal Don Goodfrfew, 6544656 C36B62 ocgS. 63 -- xoctIO car body repair tools; Starcraft font tralar, alsops 6; 9x9 tsnt; camp stove, lantern A has tar; Oddasay 13 In. Deep Sky tstoacopo waxtra tonsas; one new ahsepherdsr camp stove, antique Itoma IncL large, Mack cast Iron cook pot wlegs; now wooden tack saddle A canvas bags, plus much more. Call Don, 450 Misc for Sale dual wheel, 12 ft. 1973 CHEVY ona-to-n flat bad, newer angina, good working truck, 61400 OBa Aleo 1901 AMC Eagle 4 wh. drive atatlon wagon, 46,000 mlaa, good oondMon, now tranimliilon. Runa A looka good, 64500. Call 654-41after 5 pjn. C xoct19 c for MAKE OFFER 2211 i&L - 654-378- 0, 654-314- 0. HAY, STRAW & JUST MOVED SALE Sat OcL 22, 10 3, 237 East 3000 Son Danioto. 654-522- 7. xnov23 C n, ATTENTION HUNTERS! Gal anywhere. 1979 GMC pickup, 4x4, poeltreclion. Cad ga. any flmal 1974 ARCTIC CAT PUMA, 6450 OBa Excalant condition. Call 703-46for more info. C6032 xoct21B CAB OVER CAMPER, good condition. 1. 6350 OBO. Cal C xoct19 0. C6035 nov9 SEWMG MACHINES: 61291 Brand new heavy duty aurplua models. (Duo to many achod dtahrlcta reduced purchasing elowsncee.) Also available a few teacher's model, hsoorm macMnsa wtO sOtchss, Including ovsrtocfc. WMe they laat 61591 (Lbt 6479) 20 year gusrantasL 654-431- $350. Cal ol fumaoa, 250 lank. Good condition. 6120. Cal LENNOX FORCED AIR ncoctIO C 654-222- 0. 654-659- 0. Cal your DMngPtua Coupon Book. C36861 2211 LAB PUPPIES, 654-364- xoctIO 336-259- 15 HEAD of ranga ewes ara lai to aat or uaa to raise lambs. 640haad. Call ' 6100a with hundrada of 50 off 6 to aak how to (pi coupons. Cal 654-191- 6. FOR SALE two yearling SufMk tame. 6 Cal Jbn Brooks, ct21B 2222 you know about lie boat way to aavo money on everything from aki paaaaa to ham-bugera, foray restauranto 6 ba5 games, klda acivklaa, motata, and lota mote? In SIC 4 Provo, (and nationwide!) Every dollar counta nowdayal Sava 61 to Storage 654-647- 3. .400 Pets ( MlfM Distributed by the Summit County Bee and Wasatch Wave FOR ACTIVE SMART PEOPLE: Do 3 yoara old, raglatarad wal broke, 6500 or make oRar. C36866 bull 1W nr m r Covering Summit and Wasatch County MARE u i W t FOUND lop of Big HoRow; oil of atfit kayo wAeaCher. Cal 654-193- 6 r fL satelile 1- - a hoot. America the Beautiful. Don't pollute. 654-303- 4, Forest Service, U.S. D. A. C9 INDEX 100 Business Services l'l0 Loans 120 Business Opportunity 130 Help Wanted 140 Wanted r 150 Aota. for Rent-Hebe- 160 1 70 1 80 1 90 200 210 Apta. for 220 Mobile Homes for 230 Office Space for 240 Office Space for 250 Misc. for Rent 260 Condo for 270 Condo for Rent-Mis- Condo for Condo for r Homes for Homes for Mobile Homes for r 280 Home for 290 Home for 300 Mobile Home 310 Mobile Home 320 Commercial Property SaleRent 330 Lota for Saie-Hebe- Rent-Mis- Sale-Mis- Rent-Heb- Rent-Heb- Saie-Heb- Rent-Mis- Rent-Mia- Rent-Hebe- Sale-Mis- Saie-Heb- Rent-Mis- Rent-Hebe- Saie-Heb- Sale-Mis- r It 350 360 370 390 Lots for 410 Livestock Sale-Mis- Acreage Acreage 420 Autos 430 Recreational Vehicles 440 Antiques 450 Misc for Sale 460 Yard Sales 460 Personals Heber - Misc. Trade Lost 8 Found 400 Pets Makes Cents Dear Vi: I hale the way lint collects around the buttonholes and inside the hems of my blouses, especially the light colored and sheer ones. It makes them look dirty. Do you have a solution? Candice M. Use a pipe cleaner or a tiny spiral brash from an electric shaver kit to clean the small areas around the buttonholes. Sometimes, you can run a pipe cleaner through an opening in the hem to remove the lint, but I usually end up removing the the Stitching and then ! Find out for yourself! The Classifieds are quick on the draw . . . drawing in our entire readership... and that can result in a high caliber response. When youre in the market to buy or sell goods or services... don't keep it under your hat. Advertise in the Classifieds. Just call one.of our 340 garment after scrubbing out the lint. Takes lime, but it's worth it. Actually, it's best to launder such items separately so that they don't strain out the lint left in the wash water by other garments. If you dont mind having the facing and hem machinc-slitchcdoing so would keep the lint out in the fud. ture. Dear Vi: From your readers I've learned to refrigerate cottage cheese with the carton upside down to keep it fresh, and to refrigerate broth upside down in a disposable jar with a tight lid so that the fat slays on the bottom and the broth can be poured off, leaving it (the fat) behind. Both of these suggestions gave me another good idea: store natural peanut butler the same way so that the oil slays mixed in. Glad we thought of It Makes Cents ideas, I have selected and categorized the most useful ideas we've shared since the publication in 1983 of our First It Makes Cents volume, now out of Thanks for including all of us, Sam. One good idea can trigger another. Thai's for sure. ' WASATCH WAVE ? 675 West 100 South . P. O. Box 121 Heber City, Utah 84032 - To ArrNita Webb (Cedar City) your friend, Lorraine Johnson will be contacting you about luffa seeds. She has some for you. If you out there have gardens or flower seeds to share or if you need seeds, let us know. MS aiM Readers: Since many of you have asked for another collection of our ders. M. D. B. prinL Kitchen Tricks," the first chapter of the new It Makes Cents, Vol. II is now ready for you. In it, you will find over 300 alphabetized time-an- d g ideas to simplify and make more enjoyable money-savin- your kitchen chores. To save you money and to enable you to "personalize" your own bode by choosing the chapters you want and adding your own ideas, "Kitchen Tricks" and succeeding chapters will be printed on loose-lesheets to fit a standard three-rin- g binder. af For utensils only: Spray the items while warm with oven cleaner, then let them stand in an airtight plastic bag overnight, alter which wash them thoroughly. If any stains remain, repeat the process. m Please note: Be sure the utensils are only warm, not hot when you pul them in the plastic bags. Otherwise, they might melt holes in the bags, which need to be airtight. For your copy of "Kitchen Tricks," which is really a booklet in itself, send $2.49 plus $1 postage to It Makes Cents, 328 South 300 East, St George, UT 84770. The second chapter, Use It Restore It "Recycle It Another Way" will be ready soon. Also, keep sending in your own good ideas. $2 paid for ekdi letter containing an original idea or ideas selected for use in this feature. Dear Vi: We inherited a very old piano. Can you tell us how to whiten the ivory keys? Andrea Simmons Ad-Viso- rs! Sam B. grease stains from cookie sheets, waffle irons, and the backs of frying pans? I've tried steel wool and several different scouring powbumed-o- n A piano dealer recommended the following treatment: Gently rub denatured alcohol (available at paint stores) on the keys, using a soft cloth or paper towels. After several minutes, wipe the keys with a damp cloth. Repeal if necessary. The alcohol will probably leave the ivory slightly rough, so, to restore the smooth finish, rub the keys with a bar of rosin, then apply a thin coaling of ivory oil. Both rosin and the oil arc available from a piano tuner or dealer. Dear Vi: How can you remove Dear Vi: When I get a batch of labels, I sit right down and glue them to a full box of enretur- n-address velopes. This sayes the time A few years ao, my husband installed study cup hooks where we wanted our outdoor Christmas lights and there they have remained ever since. When notin use, they're barely noticeable and it's so convenient to have them there ready for our lights year after year. If you like the idea, why not get busy and install hooks for your Christmas lighting now while the weather is fair? Ned and Rachel, Rcxburg, ID Thought For The Day: Lack Readers: We thank yon for sharing yonr good ideas. yours to: It Makes Cents, 328 South 300 East, St. George, UT S4770. $2 paid for each letter used here. Send i XSiA " fc?- 1" of op- portunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction. i rnii of hunting for the labels when needed. gfiitoipiwraa V'25 - X?' !fa 1 a mun m :AL mm m? RiR iil. amwrattoiiyM1 |