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Show X . rA1-- jmm K::yv' " 1 jii: fl 9 . A y 1 )... atu. on How would it do for. her to; sing on Monday nfcht in this stylo;4 ".V?1' J i Miss Andrews i.Uff , (OregonTelegram. r i j pressidg. Rebeber who you ae; ad who ad'dressidg. And to Sight On; byheart! by.heari!Lrhis unwarranted prosnbtoid on the part of a cob-.bo- d - j; ): n.' J i. ? wru-w iiA.vp .I .ss-'- , Iff . .n-vm- lt t a . I f c'v b rvn: So i . fi rt--L! A i J&bnui ti , a. j. jhacdonalb; fv i ; Jt t-- sailor V ,Ohy .itwould never, do Many remedies were suggested flannel ' around.tho neck for instance but Josephine" asserted looksqulte well now, as takes her three meal regular) But she sai her;1 prftyersstanding last Sunday; Portlan 'Refraid? audacious star.ryour 3uit'XzU u i k' - a mdples d(a vapor bath were expiaii Josephino was pus ort thoKwinddwsii -- .i m T vs xAf another blanket over thq seem fid wlien . .A . w : ; ' i y i Vi s j v ir . a, U 'Cilll4 JIWUBPIqil.P a (U ladv recommended' taper Finally. bath. A splendid thing," said she" I oien take them; and'so do mr sisters and .my " in If. II . cousins 'afcd my grsndOithor. Mv hushspd is a doctor, and I can aive yoa a vapor bath as well as anybodv. Come to mv room . Never , shall it be. said, that a CO friend of mine suffered for want of vapor while -- I awneda can of. kerojenc." .v Thorrefched tho room in safety. must furl all your' sails, wrap yourself "you in a blanket and cotno to anchor in a ed cano-botom-- - chair." ' cane-bottome- chair?" d asked Josephine. , .V Neer mind the why and wherefore," re-plied her foieid; the doctor-am- . and therefore you mnt do just as I say. U urig, iny deafest, right iway. . : , Imarine theshene! Jnffvo minutes Miss And -- Corcoran W8 uVvdreseedj in a t$i lot of good SEWING SipgeV UowetV'edf Blees and Victor w we will sell cheap for Cash, Grain, Factory or Canaan at cash rat! j Or will BEN T tl and allow rent if apply bn: purchase if desi Harealso. "t wfaprd blanket and seated ini eftnebottomed chair, beneath which her friend pnt a lighted cam; n fhen to jtsbrlrhtest heat Now. she said, V thehcat will permeate your individuality, soto speak, and produce perspiration or natural viper, as if wore, in which soar cold w!Ursn..M. ' The lamp burned fclghtly. Josephine felt its flames; she moved uneasily in. her chair. Good gracious !" iha mied i. VI- - cant .ITfngutand it either. Ilpw in the. name of 'common sense is sitting over this lamp friend internplfcd her with: ' Viler Never mindthe wby and wherefore vapor cures a cld, and therefore, Though the eampbenet heat; if mighty, though stupendous be the pain, gh.your covering is lightly your ' sp$re not in vain! Let the;air with fmoke.Jbe laden Mmother every painfhl figh, Monday nightTOuMt look so charming, let the kerosettb bnrn high ." The kerosene did burn high and Josephine S0RE received; MACHIN JUST, Now, Josephine," said .her friend, " Why must it be a Ttf ' THE MUSIC , . k. i ' - jf.i i- . .) ; 4 i j EXTR n . 01 AM UCAf GvDy . t. . r .4 lamp-iurned'n- ?r - 1 ejrj Host of And ip ill ' -- , A 1 to" ... j j ( . - : . : ji 9 AT PRICES TO. SUIT ALL i t i. . . av; ac d all rc ' 3 nc A Manafrand Dealer in - . r Oh!" she exclaimed; IfSfr Joleph could see me now, what weald he ray.?" .' Novor mind," answered her friend, "Is the perspiration coming tV Oh. heavens!" And then she relieved bar feelings with; Sorry jer lot who foels too hot lleavy her heart who hopes so vainly wriggled; 41 11 pure a cold and only cures herself, By sitting on a cane s6at chair insanely To4 i cant stand itri ouftt, I wont-''T- he heat grows on: apace I know I'm baking, baking -The chimney .of; the with a !ud report . Josephine jumped up screaming. . lamp-clacke- tho' . d smoking, the scorched, .the' friend added' her ,V'hlfir was. jtho discord, and the doctor, her b'isbflm! , caino. rushinglup to sec what was tho A blanket-wa- s cane-bottom- ed m4 , V . i h f I II, AI.BO, GKKEKAr.; GARPEHTEB AHD BUILDE . icd: North Street StvOcivrso- f7 ! . 'v. ,9 0 M Ldi - - ' A 1 |