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Show O V . h,; , wtv fV i . VJ-. Xm .'I Builders' I EEKLlppI). ;i OneTT'" Cellar ::A Year n. ,.; Fin&dn Depot: 1 , ' Kuttfoil OBn. OIXBGHUTAU, St. ' . iVii... ?J-- ; iU nion . t v. v l,:Yn ., kj he clrcnlationof this.;pQP.ttir.tiqwpaper M. P. ROMNEY;wmia,tWwn.in'-.'t?PWore .than; .trebled during i the.past year,: i'!.. sntalns all the leeding.aowi contained.in ' ' At prepared to furnish'.' ..Daily Herald, and is arranged in handy. sr ,; the; vrsf.T j T PLAnS,SPECIFIGATIOHS, FOREIGN NEWTS braces speciardispktcbesfrom all quarters : .I es be globe. Under the headof ; rt. . ? ?. !. - t rReiynuQANngv9i . 1 given the Telegraphic Despatches T lr J- - f . V.'. ' i,; . to the And all' other information ' In regard ' i f kinds of buildings. ofall :on alt part ortheUniontrThis feature' ae makes the WEEKLY HERALDthe most liable chrbnfele in' the' world, air it lithe k from . Sills of material, ..t 1 , of the . At'-,-- ' "-- de-tUtme- ns, - , tV-- . : i ' t V k , Having under steady employwe good coirpsyof are prepared apest- - Every week is given faithful report of iuulders and Cabinet. Makers, to pro- and lo to ereotBtores Dwellings Ac., 1 POLITICAL ,NKW8, Veee mil bltiJftilf 4 D. 1 ! 1 rs, K stionsotUehfltor. - o 5. ".4- - .V 1. THB;A.klTMBNTnfi the latest; ah Well m the most practical bs . . c ra$iag. oempleteaod comprehensive ches from1 Washington including fall reports nti le speeches ofieminent politicians. on. .the ' des-10- A - on th'elshertest notice. r ; ? ii .. -- gestions relating to the du lvi of the farmer ;hintsfbr raising Gttle, Poal-1- ; Gxain Irees, vegetables, Ac, ae. with sug-letor keeping . buildings and. .farming H sails in repair. This iS SuJplemented by - 2 department Widelyeo pied under 'v and-discoverie- as t 1 j i .: THE HOMEfS J n.acnfl- Constantly ern hand. v. -- SI- O' ' the-pric- D-- er, The interests of ( . of the e m pX S QS F ..cr , ABOR :;i (8KI LLE & me-siookedaCter, jmdcveryihing2 relating and labor saving Is carefully recorded, re is a page de voted to' ail the li&eot phases he business markets. Crops, Meiehandi'e, A valuable feature is fepnd in the specially ted prices and conditions aL li V K ? I jo. 5' s u F B fnp F B'F p- 1 -- ' ! 3 V rig recipes for practical dishes, hints for ma e than one hundred times t: . ( cs j THE PaODUpE MARKET &ews . ; Kd 2if ' . - t . ,1J a tfs. fi fC33 T r s at borne and ; abroad, together Sermon by some; a8tory every1 week nent Divine, Literary ,aMusical;. Dramatic, in lK sonal end Se!Noies. There ls no. paper world which contains so much news ' matter in ry week a the V eokl y H erald, ,wh ich is furled postpaid at the extremely low prtoeof w 1 ter leOO can subscribe 1 es. NEW-'lfORKHERL- 4rP Try it A " VTil 4sA aayjHme J for 8 ms. D, v Droadwsy and Ana Streets, N. Y. hil Hwnirir ; SsF esf cj O' I ! A sgf'-B2!S'- g" on gj F. ffl'g'if Hl, W. O . i S I ' v ey a 2,00 3,70 : BONE8ET PILLS. ha ESSENCE PF LIFE; the the bt Componhdn enre bf Wind or pain in the Stomach world-for- . vy-'-iJ- SCROLL-8AWINTURNING, GRAIN 0 HOPPIN G&c. G, Liver complaints. Dyspepsia, Qeadacho, I a of any appetiter Jaondiee, Indigestion, Sleep-los- s, hovers, Colds, Billions Complaints Ao. 5J25 or 'k I , vC Uat v HOME-MAD-E hod 1 in-itane- towels. Colic 1,'Diarrhea, Dysentery, Flux, lera, Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac. ' i Done to order on short notice by WARREN HARDY Workshop 01 read to Washington. . -- |