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Show a j-'- 7t rMi: M ! J I fir.I'jjIlivJiuil f -- k i t y-r- i i TrwnrnP3, .4 'Oui - i.r . vil I Discoursing land lAi K't i ty"-, -- i . ftfl..j!..::tM-'t "tnt-m'- : u i i .! I '.'i " t t ?. ?(i j i r rr . w- - m - jf vwyvyy i ; w5iof the ChhiBellfAtWO t - -- 10th. v fnfiiP i Captaini Riding, Thompson and JRJfllth. j.-ht--jf OF JDLT hrf: llU'I'i j ' 1 and ' Strlcg parts of town by theMfijtial.'BriM ofMaslcthtoughtte principal ' i I . Nelson. 7 12th' mil T i'll'.vVi t O . ! ''OPTHH'-QitlX-' .gyi ?JJ1f i c?i k iETw o. t I-- ? , ,h;i:-- f . tffrThe PBOPLR will falfct at(the tABKBH ACt& v. Speed i. DwttTT?, lttth.' toeecht Uth Music hy(Jiohtrmai lath.: Spcochtoraprowjitf Mth 17 Uu mfe speck to iwwia.r xw M.n- - muwilimw.;a." yiwAf ) , 7. 20th. Mails by.srtfkMteWytiiQhiilw." utoar fep!.. AMi.r hy Sifter A. KLRospey.v . Voang.Ladies w r e pr 21ft Speech I. I. osenL-the- vqoiqovi wteibto - & , . -- 7th! & pocch'to re" resepf thV Alercaotil c PerelepeBeats of So- - Vtah i m 2Sth. Singing by the Choir. Jt Perkins. Patriarch WUliamO. Mth.Honediction by DitiA T' i imIl Sr d..m ty Fr$tiH. JByrtyg. . 12 year of age. 1st Foot Raceibr-Boyajind- er 2nd ,, Foot face for Voyi Train. 12 to 1C, years of ago. 3rd v Foot race for girlittnderl2 year of age. etritoti twelve 4th Foot race yean of a;r. A . 4 ; Hiirdw Cth fr lIZ ' 7th. "Three legged' racd tpta te ajl. 8th fltunninc.hi&iuapf Open ta all. Uth opeo to U -- v. .. the King, 10th TUUagat :j -- , : rr j :?' ..'1!.' V- 1 H v;-- i i Vi;n 1 , -,i . , ; iiT --, r.- I j, V ; . Uop-skipasMiio- 4 inp v- - ; lUcov Indian Tussle for a Barret. llth Jndiait Foot 12th 13th Tug of War - . h, . t a v - 1 twelreca a side-to ill. ; Uth TumbUee. . !1! 1 1 n llorsoKacing. Fart and Slow,; 1 ' ? ...,1..... - ; : ! . t , ? v: .; ISth do so AH persons wishing to enter for any oftbe abereSporti may by oiakip& ( aii(Utiou k to Tfc,o al-eaoh Minutes will 0Piye llaniel Seegmillcri Chairman. . MB . . l . . I 4 . . it , . |