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Show r- - eothatsli liaacitfbdcut:' !d&earl t ttfit; if i ' ): Heaven one f! i J tfiffifc kiss, 09110' that go IKatwcatf jgdii(6 sleep J&BSt SOflOJE. - " - 49 Brindlobrookle face cow orop; 'and under: bit ) in each Dry GoddsJ 6owry I .ear, branded , supposed j(.I. Provision and Gram Store. aboutA jrr old. call, with her. H MealsR&sohaMeii . 60 Red cow while under, belly, lower :; tail; while.! lit- 1 i ; 1., , , tle white on. forehead under -- tonightl .r.?T t itfincedless, to remark u thiftva peal fef laughter tang ftG&en end of the tear:; to crop left ear, brnndonjelt 4 -- ; i C 1 W . J 1 r.l . the other, undercover of, which horn not legible abput 9 years ' John slunk back,lo ;the:i olita QlCl. V i iitt 62. BrindleV cow 3yr old rUcluBifin pf hiibunk, lea ving Mariar ici the xihdistur under bit right ear. branded bed, poWsaion of her iriar- - on left hip not legible. , 62$ Red coir white face iage ftcehie which the ihter-pre-ted : years: .'old, fojpetmit no license to about' ! four under. : belly: and Johhf uhul accompanied by white the draper certificate. And bush of tail, swallow fork and under alii right over slit left; 63 lied steer, blotch brand - ALL and V on left hip v crop and hole in each ear under bit left'ear about' 2 year old; ' 'XlftJ STAR, for 1869. Owners of the dliove stock subscribe timetoi iKowibib can prove property pay char. andvreleneof the'Gayeat ges anil' take them away, or ' litt(K41enthlii out? ; It is they will be sold to the high prasuntd 'full : of t .Wit, and eat responsible bidder at the Mmwft .Joke Funny St-e- St, George Estray pound cm lisle, Oay .Adverti April 17th 1869. c.'.This gey fflttsstftc-John Pyxnm C. P.K to will bn sent fellow little -- - ' - ) k- ' ' . 'V t l : 9 : . l : f i -- j-'- ir V -- . 7 P W , . : ''I have ; . a ' be .ufe to ' h'utbO re.d ... iem x oung Ui pleo Ailrertis-mento -- A Monthly. ' Psper .iaia Fruit! RJraipser.j The choicest fruit ' , an . i. who-yweigh- ' " .y nfithM offer praver. .Having -- trC shrubs, vines, plants; flowi 3 ' seeds, and grape - vines great variety andorrardr sorts. A limited: supply ' f -- sale.' y - ' . cy.: J.'ErjohnsohV f . , '' The Barber shop will j open regular eyery WednJ r : day and Buturday: '((CEMENTKbR FIN FLOORING, ltOd ; .1 uJi - Will make to qpir.ry VASES CHIMNEY POTS f . 8TACKS. PLOWEK' POXS -- ANO 'LININGS. 6ccf.i .v,n r .. 8X0P : . Mnahle,andallkin(Uof pt t Rvtik duc'e taken lkl ytii ! David Nded&i i St. George U. T ruc-cced- ea';. .tumbled,' bCImM iw.'rej;ing himheif,' uiddj ' i J J iJ fmth oU., - Ft. Give him a ball. Term. rH : tM a stantiy bn hand aitd for Conetumt Lord'aprajer downto,oye: Dont fail tC tdad tI I;; u. this uy,. our rdmtyv,bHiNl'-he!.- hbtlce: vr i -- y wotlce. The ttudenigned. keep. . iff 'repiiung , the 4 ! . i i ; -- ; Luoer j for,.: the 'i&iii ptr instruction end fnuwment o. iaiterted Sbteiinirf. fi ve'cenU. the Young.- .' AddreM Only its centijper annum I HanwU A' Aubrey . ' , ' ; THB STAR. Allegan, Mick. m s 4 ;J ii.il . i!l" .16 Harritoa Street. -vIvTkeio' M.koyjo.Huntcr-.18-3 ;r : NcwrYojuc, .vN. twelve, J..not v ."i county :t iff'. y : ' e o? y ;irfi ege, . .A etenr is told. of a.western ' uffr three .hundred pounds lawyer .who was calledr bn to 1 1 seed and 800 Cedar Pick MoV , ;K r it BOY'S 0 FH, 70 BB HAL ' ! I want 20lbit' of , 'i "mnsni Again. Loading Bides sell for trade; -- : - a. number Breech1 i . - - v.-ij'- lit - ,:: :? k - I .;Vj t - l. i bsl fitiio.. ,u f- f t s - . ' ' i 4.S iW i t! |