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Show . t WWr m - ar : , Lrwe rhaVe feet fdT ml'HiilaAlif the'rBook oT'Btiowtoo Stewards also Taberriadleafa deottlyrtpjlod the Revelation from ftl ofd)ocmnecand?X)ovcnanU t)l jttp.on W .4b$fa9Ur pffiripchpztos ai6d;'itritWi(thbwoaQdedaliollp19btf TslB?Wlon,i?fW!10, who could render huh .faWs-- j f I cq-qpfiR4o- sdlio rft VG j ipstitutonV rsistahcctf1 Wright? has not: 4 rZBUU:jU ,and ithegretjjespliV vhicii be nJ foundvffr OrandalL:abd .flow from, themi ihrougVour McDonald! 'seriously, 8 united efforts. wouhded, and it l? feared Mc- p: A snow slide - occured &i Donaldill have jto litre both? fo fSoffittMiW $e$ 8'rening. hisil?gs amputated, o&fur i our co-opera- tive Jarfi about i9 p.;3in ei ' to covering a -- ahol vo!i$altLake:: r& ile houseiwithj isinmatdsJtjisf 4 .The iollotripg: missionaries were! called 'duringj conference aai not;fyetKknwUwhtJipjur they.', have sustained. Tbej iAmosqiNeflyi John Toono as ; house contained t hree inmate senf: Charles John Moaelyi of n. two men and a woman cook. SahtaquinJohniCarL'liarsn TheiC.lP,; JUR. is flourish; George iliomne)vll Whipple ing, the track is now about: St 7George;o:Levi rGarrettf 5ft 1 SOUmilesT day Cap! Anu a six mule, teaitis iswre n , arriveane re loaded wjtlt Agoods , for the 8F;rt&v. . gehTfor4heibov8 &1&, and his ; brother reihaifibdi .nnithe fromnthis !city u Thomas: W caver, :E; H Harv Track is laiditjfr 6m thrpe pngton; Kwiarra Af)Pr Shuraa wayi George D.uafprd as Ile7arrives,r "the jguod&STwill to four mlletT pferd ay? fi !u be tweenTthTwcr Road a Jhn. Erick rPJieresenV' Hush bd opehedl andlbhsisitdom-imenced- , on vjC r3lLl tc jh m near aboulfljX "miles., The Valley, Erick 1 Peterson JSall olio' 8 iinV Lake, Jens: Hdlmberg female lfeqitiress Cfaii dfawi yirygbod hVuSes. Ergeysen, John Tnddenham Vi v JohifJaaue?, Ch&s. .Wilkin? .) AsspaiateatjJJWtlte Hoge, lx -- is--ta- nce haiexal openthe ( John IMlOte PJ Hougaard jr;4of Manti.) Geo Ristjfct.CourjoYStfGlBprge twill I res in thirncity principally HWitFoim- Wit Thurmond Q3atu-- 1 Sa-v- arl?iQ.a clrsed .r? osrJinw o jl AlexandhrihBlerd and WPKtijFhq;hayieTnqJrjfi,lrqady - er S. St Ay Jlann f baati bePAiP- - GedMercer(bfVesC pointed&Secf-elar- y of Utah Pr Territpry.!The;Pc8idehthlts! Bd informfedijJeyervsr,epXeaenta tives that he intends: P a , tOjin fllfcaWOUifeiofi office bill. I , ,T.USa!NLake , , The snow .slide;; in t Mil CreekCahon I OS ft M Jadt Veflrburi id theirii ij holiseS' a Adpart: UPILii7u 2 tlje ok house at the time wqrjqjJgufl men, named Wright, Stewart g McDonald and Crandall, nn4 a lady named Robbins. s V.v W .UiejrtersJisatioa Henry Kuby?Sfrraer?P. uppers,. shQuldjbcpn hand pn Gfe'b;DbirUh; iram that (Ujr .and do their duty. Kimball deo's W.'firodpirati; Villd'GilletAlKerlJP. Dewey, WealheMince our last has RhSeff Jfl Golding, Anthony b'efettXveVycunseftled'icTotidy kmli itaUmelTqiy.wiady JLBrojiilnmgiBgiffrim a65 to bsihaxa end) 85q rfJ waf. |