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Show Y' A &y. y t ii L-L- ,"' '"" e Aee)c mSllr r ' " "j gj ' & 'f.-i- . i V i bdSutMi Sill ere long be f it t.C. ---a,igifc,inn. BOSII flourishing, rolKo 5 K ii: haJvfaTrgloriouscdun r the productip' of. fr Give your ohuritesuple" ? .. . - w.v. j'lrraiapo. !? ) J2 jk If; i s ! -- Impt i ; o o: ,.i:V ery.rwpeptfui.ly r John'King. ers ' ,.VL ief PO : wo hoc ,c$epiQr Editor. m t- A Co? G.&.&SAsaiovAXKi f i ? jogjth snow storm i V s6flietiiiie past Grass . fora pa V; ha ve been hatching fifif hi(the mi I lions1 ' and ard SowhurierooK'arid doing JU.I v V 3 .1 J irfiMnn"80ihrl8 ? r i . C.inifypu into ft - ;c;defablddamrtgoin the wheat your many intelligent.,! ; 1 on., the Muddy f.tnqca SwceurjMVpmmuqican jgug KAsyet ! our ;city has ers of the detenaonoiirAina Weir ravages. whether it has. taken escaped 1 - k . . - f '- -i - - -- cThbii fo!lpwiqg letter from ;V ;sarom'inu.sewiqiqty.iia 4W4 b $&$: Judgh King. jtpt the Bt. GeoV TJuddyJ J L1 eatiiMheeiioyeryitew Gardenirau.Olub; was cpurt-' II1 tillo-di- 7f ij.whenyvQ; werft .Qiislyjifurnished us for pul bynqw t5ro Visited ilicaiiop hyJheiQjub. Several of the; brethren J?aiAi A iDubuqiio Iowa ; ' jt mil March J61I1 1869. f rfly tWnkthpwn; UMrthjsrncowIryany.morej: bi pe vj9 P!,m -- vfft ihem: so much so that they tmtft 1 1 . . HiulwUs f V X Uvr JUIUQV 1 ".y-i-- ir it We have!i written to 1 Povt Maafcor Ctonrti V subject and hcTpe soon to lx I ble to answer the bore ii tc - . Ti AS Grecian Bend?;; or has ; 3i been sent rpupdv the hojn. t ' ;!j8TUPID VGdhlJeWeq5'. !J !: .'Jia 'enclose the pro- lions ..to, the satisfaotion Xz our numerous readers on n fe Muddy. ceedings ofoiii1 Gardener's BY DESERUT TELEtJRA Cliib' bf Saturday last. tTtha AAnnAili SPECIAL' TO THE an c vl . j lieafetheo Jeide,tyhere.n,niay,. iiocreceiyer OPT trip.i rfDjS?P!y; patof Hfee logy , jjo'pperauon ; W anl.aBun.r;mot.J.ftWy die;y iivdisrtd. WoJBptiee,)aJ,g5ei-antejmi3on, tliev.jrayi.t cbriference,1 and a great many '551 : riu I :'s6 interesting a 1c om muhioa lfoht from Utah. . re c!i V I . i . , ! ft Salt Lake .6th .Confer ewen opened, . at On the Jtandi'. Pr. . de'dts: B; YotitigrO FAl' Bn ii cirilizaiibn a. tn.; ihehihitatibnor i.,. andD. H. Wells, Of U years uarirfouuuvuf a Twelve. O, Hyd,; O, P t.hfi Sf matriinony, Oh, dear) thire few the dream 8en.) Wilford Woodruff, I alost aeemsiike sue so 4ftny of, .the,in Wlthat .we. et cijlica iiit ntHtis'iaat-- if aYealmwt tempted to follow, andvVillasres spring Richards. G. Q. CanijCrc upsif1 J?he inhabitants fo ft Nyj (tso1 vjtofc oP fahu!deserve ; ptaisefdr vement of is being their unoo4hBrableliafnevgy; apirif impro ''nadyaanifest pdrkervbiihce J Your! unite Tength'odWe wonl'qfVisdiRe, not feents, &Htt isUbttft'tiaU', one could hpnte maiuifactufe ihk gi - adK. Withyouriis moiyjchilJ W)f thVwhti ifi tYaUki t y . :mbgie.a -- .fettidita t,m i'OlSli? !h:( lw.1 ff jc f ; |