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Show B'5 3 . . r a. ' . 7 c ' - M t iMnl . IL-!i - tide pij i,j "i - HiSod;)loty, bow to preiferTc Xhf .;ono ,and cnbatx$ the qther:vEtjqdci(o Anjr paper pubilublqg thfe Wore. Mf?N5 f i ba.i i i Jn the' odl-tori- at columns,'tvmi In' ffja Ihie paragrapb reeeiW tlemen; ihe Language of Flow-fiicetpilDittball era Proverbs of?nll..jNat i'ns.: the s jajTO.wpfbi.fWfi, IjGoodSitaMttgr, hsn ( aulioClm Rebus. Illustrated exchange for oi jrcr, J; H .Tl it? !nu7i Etiquette for Jadies .tiflid gep HA v? i- - m i f : radea. ,4cV It, wj!L be just h v L:'J U AY N OTICE; ni m EaT ' w(; i ii. speh a paper a9 any father, 49BrirtdlebrocklefacVcow brotheror friend would desire to introduce, iritoAiheir home crop and under5 bit-- in each f for sell' V. ' , , trade, r. , t and, in ear, branded supposed )(. circle; for amuse i: tiuen s truction r M&cn VumbVr'will abd'U4yrdld calf with5 her; seed aod Cedar 80Q Pickets bO elegantly 'illustrated with : 50 Red cow White under ' ui fine ebgriyingsi ftnd'beauti belly; lower tail while; litwhite tle ont'irehead under. fully i printed on clear white' t J crop left ear.brdttd Jon 'libit i y, paper; with ne w type; li ;'Thie' ruit'"re'e cli'otpest horn about 9 years not legible' ; The H6mVf Circle Will be dt sh'rubs! tiiiesV, plantsl dowerr commenced wit hthe uripre in i:; Vihi Brindle "cW olf. teidfi.id 52 RMpe '3yr cederfted' circulation 6f about ! rarest ha: indi grea? Variety !q( WrV j bi t rinded Vight half a Million copies weekly' under A limited iupplr.'for, i ort; ,on left hip,not1ejpble., : - . mh mg t A 1 1 1 ! KJurserFi j : - 0jr; 5 ritfmbefV Which other paper irf thb$rof Id eretrat? tained;nntl maorderlo7miin- - ' ; ;J ate;" tvu.f J. 52V Red cow Vhito1 face about fCiir ' ,iuy earsa bM. 1 : tiilUdr-13Bell1: White Mind f. : ; VU-- -'J - M i 1 jThe-Barb- er ti . a-- 't Je fJE; Johnson .sl ' ' , shop wi l f : . , ; . ; bc ir- day arui SaturdHy; rt , j -- r- J V ThelUnderigued' keeps j cot slandyMonlhancbi and4Vit sab . f.viot cESiBN;r.rfORoqr FIJOdUNtM ROOIfINfl; di' ,liJ!amLi r t t, 't Tt uiroirim a' call; Terms ret K 1 copy ;bf the ome Circfe atid one coby of rGleason s Litern Cl ip LT 1 KORKmnoxro sbiiahle, andjail kinds' of pn i '!' i 2 , fDarid KretThal1 ' St. George i fI f CT. I CisiL'iiSidisi 4 :... uJ t .tt: .lt i , ienajtliw eltlj ; Mu 2 -- .PlONEERrTlNoSHppt oetitb. ' Baikble'topiee !will lrt I tba Yuig-:l- . i mimwOi - .J lx nnrMf, r -Cail o M b ; j Djiqt! go 1Pr( j laX i2 rttwrt. T 'f" ; :- -i pigjb( V4l.ci tue |