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Show T Jv v SaV.' , IV' - - f v P. . . i : ; "i ' 1 t . 1 I I 'V'1 .k " '1 vf ,V Tyy I afc? Ht; O Km id asaE ts 9i Von eirer go donn.toPiwtnokot? 1 what a buzzing M3od Ike inabueket! lire-cra- fifty ' b ;) ?-f- . r:.' :r-'J- .; ' A - . . J - ri 'w ? AhVolil inansUit ktewitpieiottt androne fcvenijjghe ppoeryetl Jotspg? ;. si ;- rn ' ' 1" - f 7, 1 ', vj ,. ; F-- K iy ry - i v--: o cotton it takes. n(lWbal a darnd tight . , j.i : mJti ; ,- Jhai a whirling an splashing! T never .f u ui Jl)id uoh a racket afore! U11 then thatarp up bn downriver, .V nw fe ; n : V,v My stars! how tho waterJ does roar! 1 "V ' ? rr. ff f iff j y '.. iy r lings! what &;nation o spindles! , . l - ' ; i , ? ; V ' : . . 1 -- whirling around jimO on em' inf garrets o' houses, I An! some on .eul down under ground! And 11 mill-wheel- s , , ' 11 t . s saw-mi- t tv Jiii fillwhen-JBilL- heap-there- vsfooaj Igift.swtuurtsH 1C Wliere yon might, stay a, year therm 7 An find something newftt alU. eitnre! it .does-bea- t i ti ' ,3-y- r al natpH ! ; , t tuniedjrouudoidlj'?id',toli; iU VenSfti! j Thf 1 ? ' 1 any mora f r lii t:Mq 7 j r egw iP?: AlilAVi- " 4 Cl Return dropron ibc.tliiJoe ut ; 4i!V. smijiiBhopof ,Part otuibn 1 a5-ti?SS. beiri. One wmDg.n Vi.nla ustpmer called xj r;5fW ? jasfc oDu waa about t iaiho altar blifS. A MAitcM f - 'AMllAM O ? p: lwire '.'.id 2r,!' Vs.. baa .A 1 If .: piswespjsagBas y wqiiiTwiu'iiiii jfi 2 a: . ,1 !, Sifl.!,!? eopelehb5.';'Tlie'tfellow.ffiweiipMMuroijptt,U.tdd,dl lovea bit todCMdkfee'pi 1 uurof TT i'g? tM W QmiUll PSPM dewn tTSe: ju put' ;; 5?uir.,.??i?yJs:,pjng Jtih fiu m Sf5a2'iOi5 0P9 . i was 1 n Befirojl. could ;.t411 jrhere.r , oU nerercould onfon ffdi k i ll buzz! ,; Then," whewtwhat a terribly ikkreeri ! twk tkiowiioi' a minute, JO d$nd f get a Won! tl 1 ., ? km . J ( f A smasher! afo facfryrl near flat on the top, wr 1 'IiSpretty, ou miht put 'or house, tore right on i 0 An Uic! Sams an'bopr ytv.ri; y.j walkd round awhile and went in ,iti sworf,-ti- thuuglit h$ iS 1 at f I: ' |