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Show 0 .ThurjHand i OVPMSiU 3 W u JiVilitjF c I itrWileTa(iIiiiff 4tih'bit ?? blowing' DrhbVnS, .'sriiiijinif 'itlnMimire 6fr-b0lfouiftlil ! (J oiii p ti n& sollhehinncMaji sui.drywpiM T ro e n t 0ir I t twlue passing; El lisloa jllJ . . we be,-- our . cnnte mnorafv,1 oes numerous sons. an ( iljWjjedf C., a assis ;?e' ad ' " .;.;ji . ( ..will soon chard, and firifrr i i,.3 ., i? . . V''.i pa re .thevpleasan est place . . k- - n h'ntf h i;-,- j ' 7 t . ,r iq. . , ! . 0 anr hd gY r P e?2" i 'tfaAaso- - U no c ; h eard either iKq: "has. buUt a iliiclopkLug fifing , houtfp, p 1 ante t y k 'I'., & jkw ; ; Wssfouc lnhiry,fiu DemTiori Uii ported a mrri;ige, and tlm 6r those hiniier irns?iiiifns:ver 'f 4.' (or. supposeitr P o Mlitl. taltliJem'i.buiowli g 16 enaditig lhr happy cod ph A .bad .rtflLihey laiUiruVy ll'V cfowdedlcriiiiiuibii' pei f tliu. fofnaed on their' pnhs dsp, 3 ,;lacfe f ' ' bwt two, evenings tjio suppose rrl ? , bridegroom was heard from unable era tn coUrliw hts.brlng.'iip lii the pine tim sCa oer-loigin- -- peacablo, PTCSt ujnn rtrit . o cow-beil- ts clitiwclaigfl no1,emuneratlolg,?, iStRci Can their services. for; George TurtPidi music cheap! b Li rtSwhere " he can go and ctatCpiw a benefit on next er? irko. we will: rent; Ibl ! assist the entire tbandp the next tiiaatl rt$tfpera(e when wearied and Safunlay evening .to ' rn'l.vaiiforlarhbbr; eatftora f: he t H.irmdni c A lvRidiiig marries. 'i $ ro procuring 'an orgiin Society Sel kci. )yr1y',;i .O.'W F, ...rtc ran? 5 -- 1 5 . for onr pnb ic worship," Pine The frrfda ;ot ottr i This cd operation 'of thos 1 a tor ,j?r p U do if ley rtgener societies 'fdr ancha public well not- fo .boaaf5f'5 Vfhat benefit iaf very conimendaldc, fafurejrW and : ohght tet Retire the they willdo inthe rain bo For lhe'vypu ' V ; & it- - V : v iscauTtNG tr On ' . 1 Wff, kiiwndly'eveng, 'feix jfitVuoner HeofTce',; fm&elf mkingJ Jba'of jlliV' - l- - Pcle jVTJieplAyaJor the occasion carry o ners iwilLbe r.TheiOharcoal Jiiirn eiVand 4he I'lidan of a Lov i r buVyviirisitet' both excelleht plays in dpwn to LL with'Jna few k cd ofuesdSy evening V out see w, er, - m' theif-1mev IniHaD v &&& r tr tiivan mci Eve rett by the ihe HarisonTo epuiefyt -- 7 c r-- L &$ 4 -i- ii .AVeatrfirr : v at? m ta nd nip I will!8ktftlie'rer''rflDg phbiof iroin 70Uo 80P3imo3ib ;i 1 a auctMvW cbiASW'wi fKbittif4riUmng it'olylljd f li a!i .(Sfesiifea wAn tcunSrhito, wd qnake. wleaute' ia recommending i .jt, take-greal-- 1 'it - lr( S V' ' 4- oV , i Ki |