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Show i . . ... itt J4of d he? kind1? hospitalities ut lone lfiat'sheuld lvive gone M , Bh acbetl Dcmeatio,; ,I ( We f nr I ed ick to Cotibn i: Mlira iliQt and Bp. Martiu- i. Delaine, u n ; i. 'IMJ Hdale : Wood where br Waller caled t... 'I John ,'fi !:2An- ff I We drove atm Br Of.; to Kockville a meeting, : ; 'i fl- a i'j , ti 4tn d annoa need u m eiVogj gu and vopr correspondent A kirlss r' n , t .loop tfirMich Ws WiiU atfeiTUed aua v!lr-9the ' txiV V, A Larnir li ? ? VYv were kindlv. euternin gla gv.Hi 'spirit prevailed;' t if i f ( ins I I i litf vliHib d' were i(i ( see ed againin by mr. itohb und , f - n:i 1i:j We reiiirntd Aa "'I' M treated us ?e v kind-To- 4h god lady dtii and i ; m) j rAp;w; tne' 21st' in t r onr. horned on i: ; ... vn I flT ibaCCOy ba ng bur first trip i (Jur preaching, has been u J,2 't4p ibe rivferyl Will leil1 bur the duutH. itfMtj.day, and the ;h eltu rf i ia p respeoiin ihuse co operation fihe. Samis m i S 't .ii'i'j.'ihw Be i cotton nd wpol, sus A ritai'kville gr oving eiijeuts.,, . n -hi.;-::h i vO'P iU:u :( fcp. liiniilj preside. Jude cj raining r ourselves and tb So lil.'d 1. ' kind ,1 at her,, and . i priesthood '' v-- r "'eisa n V:a Oll7 , j;,i I f ribbed by die VuaU They KM f AMens Shoes, m m t .t; iv e a goji a and Yome?V8litest , r cry goj.l S fiiday aokbol; are -7; . live to tliempiril ul the uinbs, i Cnvldrens nShoC8 Mei Haa.:::, . 1. t ai cbi'seeho necessity bi .And good assortment of Somo annwhi8 fell during the aperaiiuu. Duucin'a retreat ksago hi wek- :is. well as,on the inouu notions, ta numerous to men iion;-wh.c- h 1 wilt eell cheap. mr Is vV uiutS and iwili upe.- - day Call Sevrii . .and buiy. (famine! v, ? f ; -v on Icbopi soon, We shall cv. r are eng ged in building. Tin 5,;j. Morris VYiLKiNSOBr. u r Lug reuicin er ihe gMf? d iim Fourth wjird ' a :h Bro Jo!)A Al.;i? Muodyje Kesidt nce ,l9.tf ' g and 'pHrtnnk I 1 . . 1 ; amu d 1 fi k I ' - d I I -- -- 1 ; ? f 4 - y ' - " ; t , ady-.bCii- V : el : , is ; - .Trl -- : . y., : . i pu iu THEATRE . , J MeFiirlahe h's cdm TO o iy tile !JVro mono d school n Whit sister AV. lt ready a treat! m on V house Bro.iMe- ng. J 4ns " iiii- - W Bisiiop ,was very, kind :r .over 93 eiio ars. Draia-. t GEORGE The.;St.; bb. it was on., lmtd ito' receive ii .Who dock a tic Association bj gut trcuiHsai. The; ringing in jdjWJron 'bucket galvanized ( thiif did iiomie to the Public;that j tLey ind Its seilieinent is (be best1!' no belong o them) fron the will uiye.Bieir.tirbi reprhjsen. Xi. live lidarU';iuDtxie9 ' iVt week day and CP?P ground on the jhill a taiiou of the esori, thls7e Bp. I'll George at Hie Iss. veiling ,at ihd bt; Gcorgg aud tgbuoh.ud;!i;c fuiioi Uciernl -Dii'T a.. Wl; ; ;A ; .'I IS 10 iiUslnpv AL).011 ' hWeiit j farther JeftYe at 4or particulars ec Aed prtriiug,. God uhjeb8 ,them il 0 I S Id their seUicment, I becure your tickets I earlj tre iuviud to' attend ; a- - T I 9 - , k f Jj-M- i ,7-v- ' lUug-01Boe,- 4- i 1 |