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Show & - JLA J2L W: winter, to convert every bo 'y. tp y h;j)l inviie3;dm tti d (flfor V 1 atenled'oue of each kin i persuade Hiiinersjto come Iojlby J3 of the' Meeting. They ajl war, (and ;now: jthey weBjJrJ;; 1 warped l their members 4 gbiiigjd. cutbprl them to conK4t j n ;i u r f i 'll t 1 r ill !TilH ?nbHch4 T ! v iriiinBfwomto'-i 01 VIS istm and Chi tried? to mike (ATIJUDAY, ...aujaU Ju. loti? is,. children) sister , bring in yoiLi)0V, Aglof4iaV : 'PurrnU-briiig-forvViird- i!;! i85tf8K? i . :i t ' ' i I $2i: i; li c 1M b t r l? f. if ! Utivit.' 1!' ;; w ill i i I i ' -i n if f ii :U i, 0 ft iM.--i r cone it ted of 1 reading- .St, Paul? - Minister j.s. . j iv4 '7 1 i ! lt'- - ; PnachM- - dwelt ihe It-- I tH ;, ii DarkJaing h jli; If ',! ij y r y;ii ii !S 1 4 i al--;.lew- wild rndilinf ft:Mied not inay ;l uPS,: ! I shiilh I f H ' jA i Ik-St lli I I Tli . S') i Jcr tiii T-- - o ve. aid x 7 " . lie .and knowing pi ice le es- deep airfn howr ymi uidiii lest 'tor - our id t lit? sin tiers Were DixicMissioniHpdesire' to oou-lh- i i j serving tke Prieists . of .Bm iribuie ii feyv lilies, to v1 your fered lio1 Prwtofter and e he, lnfere'im yipr very Veiled and akd Go l lo 8eod 1 sUitei on ineyjtU a inst. d s jnie of the same. Jifia dotkvn Vi iD.coiiipa iy;wifh Big. dnha tlr tromiHeayen do c r.y i'Ciivv'gw ..at sm ill Uitf Bmers heRrt, ih jl .Auguj tn we found Br Levnil ti hs '.1 8eh,(ibV n s siik me the Altir coed' ra d' thsc valley. bur ',? coming in; vdiiing: ' ifrAt die lie VV e1 ;wr f.i Elijah eneled. At kiiidly' enteri allin "J v close oLhis.Preachipr he ed by'Broib'nitilSister ltobb. uues ed Vn w emp yt)ich in' XrrmV'VToier: we put i fur seekers' trout of ihe at , n.;u , ice., s, .iwia w . .V hi t up to'iioAad liiiier do'wjrtiC .io 7 .Polk-- City Io wa ; :lderr r.J.ijVY j i if would' hi ifwy Widdirji Youtf cirne' irssou iatter. lii' H fi it D.epi tliere with tt em ur. y VVlUil'called :at i iuev it er and Hrf Eiitor Cictus.r-r- i i o aiidray Ij r.e'rt.lNIi' ''ih'ul1 OUV d u 1 ie's r cim uu e r ce d ; There has beingfeit ul they get a; aewr l.iji j;. jortecomin- - fUAr mv.ion moVuYiig Wtyb.iiAisd ane of the Pre Ackers said 5 !een floArirjhiriiieitieg and luges. Even where St.. George rs.ib o'TI itndsfwa ai gne time if ,Tiotfcin& tbi t a bVrreii waste, ue-- , jb ,W.ho eano eunt for tliir es8?4 Any 'one who ii the nest V k t ' liear t ciihn 6th e ipr J neifdoWl; iC had I df thefIoM in liU'.t ! oiict at 'ilia fit. n , fe placed liin hlf in Elijas ril- - I a ipgila g;; Dear ir, , the words iv Clijalidhtf Pio-- p II iVing; iskeii a slvort trip Choose ye this day. iei, up the .riYr, as a mi&sionary, will-.swhom yen- 7-- S?l-- c ed - !'t Lord-tfJnj- . InsteeidCpf hit y i rp: ii ci? to Vi eiicneif t jbk itnntriTtil nrstli flmv U...I fc;!'! N: lo el K ttlfe ui t!i y 7jid uol'ge whersrer th'Snirm Htttfimj? ji hr that m-iaake a?t8ittlemenr..f tbfeyUhiiv6 hhd iiioro thviii 'one witV, bii' more shifts difficultly toh-- I tli e VA poatle :a 'ciimmahd i d goo Alormdii El ler here, Help i : Jl tend- - with.' WhilfHni'h to therui)Ieverai ' Moatlis States thoy ; wero'ociminumly .them to ytL all aw.iy hut one Israeli ! A' II Udik.klA :V' Hj 1 Wo it e. -- diunteil V'Jivtwicej Ue.repeutod e t 1 'inohsjifi g;into) wh ipi .'.I- A!. for our H. Uiuughi ep.eial bev, t i Itoo'j morals w s a stranger. w ioi II Since thelr 8etUniplit in the ehi.' riiro wus I'no liying on elt i: ' :raoub tains they hilve,- -' wih' u hands in ihe(Oriinuiion eii Ward' 4m ' sme feeceeti6ns,h been About a week' ago 1 alien tve t$u George : ded a 'M'ethildist mi uUhg; rlir duHv'inpeuee ;; . .Editof C?aclu$; ijili it;- pMice ' - ii l?:f ihi' "v v i! !) jili- r-.'i- blyOE. Uiei(:lf nssage, N.y iiig Deacon aiuii be in tu hay- Vi t Hi f iViOst ot lilts Cliurub ariUiid thtial W as the Ohurcirwus he beal.nil -- f a inernliy.' tfioxto..' thlit ing oiiewire; i : US f V- tr l i' Mill . i : not letLeye Wdre ;iivx.kfvho did ?ctiously inolined,;but wishee :i; to anile, with iiie Uhuich;.M0f give them t h jr names1 jihi e iityiW(MiliAhrovvthe;MiinlLttie - sj b, i u - , k ; 1 4! ! " -- sins theyoulcl.be guilty of, Iy attended 7 a CirnsUa or 0 uni be liutt Meeting nlo.tvil liessuhir Ordination of Deal- s u lnW? SixoiovA'tfNi 'Ca 1 5 M t f. ;! -yui f i 4 'GAC1TU3 I t- - . . t -- )n?-am- e i-tipn-wood -O- -- f j - l . J 2.16 : 1 4 f ur -- |