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Show WTl; ,vsLf --. - , - r-rry- M III HtA m: rl tSifiV'j t 1 J :: ;t . ' prr?yfr :n. r'Sfc' vs. YrT1VvAVI n',!ivl vl r V'fftXY ?rp I j i ... .' ' k ; ' ' J ! fR rfHl m - -- ll(r" ; '!! A ms v.. T1 fc Bo,'0. ; r -- ' .' - if;V ;K. v V 7 - j- il i - r'. ' -- - i . I . - ;. ?i . .Dublin 37.. 4 s M t X'iif r- - Mv 1 V.?:i III Aia' In a grant af laad onwhich thajr have eitablished iron warki; of inQutniual cit A aeetirig ! .r 9j r.ilk to'C6ngres :fer n jnem iyii 1 -- UVisprepHnag: to join Ueminge to Ihi U nied StaUs : ftsetlibly drift) . ?:.' w JL.::W&Zf&'W- .' Jsn.usry a . -- i 5.1 .GborSb,-i,UtAnf.- 1 (f ' r A" . J' - " : jtljlcfl . vir '. ' : 1 V' . held Uit niht jirid ' oba the read iind;refefed.T iT resofut adopted .m i mi3 toj .i I f ionlxIf OiVeraiunt' to1 pardon tho Misir Auguitft' St:C!air ihp iarOOTICt8Wi ;fc m iu rKt i.f we I - kabwn-- - lecturer died in . i r s. Midr;d 27 Vj is i this cityJan 23d Mil'ard mar ob y : laid t cilia defer tSwett near Lebi eocit i j Tbf UgTvrinpn b3 brnt! 1 a stole ,Jii rM sms,T 4 theJit-. - brnnea rar ' . to ii time. ira n nieeated V'l I1 tojdar ' , i . .1 : . b and titu ehsrcli. n.l as ihe prus kj firmDs''isnA showed np signs For he who pi iced t there iif he 8ULe-- -it w iij 'WuYfe of eorruw or repentaose.t of the Goy-t- ti , Weather soidhat aosltighin l; ! rlleot aot iht it shottld bV intui C ia(h itoriiferj $ : '' tho governor uf ' $n : gb f,d!. liuiirii was aasASHitiuied. iJhi , par lib? or ibei s in j lhe iet:'; baire.'-- T. "V , v lit e'au,ed.iniefe cxsiteaieab llrmenlt near Pt.,Georgo j that h. demoutirW ieiia Then, yyQ9 spare and ; com pi fin th.t ibePoi! Mfjer TUBS HOaSSiUX . - 8?AS,S.THM . : - - Z , M -- i r soiVs fts urig - -- . - i . -- :f ; oi-'twi- ll 1 , ' 4 ' 1 V. .V cWr-rin:- Ut . i l-- hi. llii(. iiive;heu xaiiiahy. , (he f wopie tre very hogiigaht nbowtda h Ciciiff J ii?ertnif ih some 7iffir1i it is ' weekrfoldv An t nihif aaw it jour-fi- ll ot ibid oiijr iigaiadt mu Papal lm liors. , ilf" or Je yoar sYtcho. 1 tuurawu'lud '(tihoial recog-llunhman dvJ nun 6i , Papa. dip laniulic stssssWswwsSsss jbuuso-TiieJbirtini- utui a . before (hey c6'get it. Wg The lie ill. aud chapter end it W.irf gnlai ly hj,xlh .oy ItKSrfllB r TLKliRAP.I. potierd beau arresiud ot 11 urged .v$PECiAL;;ri) TriK . 8u.th;jt ;thty pi oper Ml . . ua ; not recoiviitg. H w ot ;'P.an27 ' IV Olrs..', Gen Dx UiiiieiT 8sntefM ' astern ill (Ye hope JFost : ler luituc a fap evh i a papau Jt'l " bVinqu trui iveniMg hu nh ili who bay neglect fid todo',tKeir Y 27 ; ;Albi'nyN. Sdueo arcO UJ dmit of tijo, duty in ; hit rV'spec. will tract! An nWder i'rnml R K Ure ki id n iih.nl i nil. the anaa ouf; n il.e hd Ds t rap ce Yurtc Git? 1 ,r II g? lliu of iu c" tpjduoedinto-thamht,ihryogh . of libny fjrce in le coniplain, n)t s' cue juiiacbe and aaaurod . : vii.-27 cj WiJniinstn Dd. !:; -- av lul thtm. a tiioji ii.iU ub liipaih; B. I i i.The. Stap f,! IfgiflUuurf has j .7 - h-ivt- s ; s iiupn.; . - . , .- no-faol- ; . i ' t' 'i1' f f i-- i!-Uo- i ,a ; T ? 1 ' n- IJ. ? il.. S aL f - A. - i r,i '. lik f . L HTIO T ? V ii: v ATeuf'dcyfitindihni the i S9. fll into faru7i,iu (mr mule i i i f tfuv iuiuu Ciiy . u'hlcv' a0 Ji w il I an- itf, vuuimidsioner, s)t) ri!y j :,i j. ua.tj iU.USutttJ iMvcmt. viutscu4ently Second y CO pe ...I,., ttttkVSireet Aamot te .fctoit Lin i . - ; ' .! y j 1 t ' i trHV-rVd.- Tnte i bUrno to acli id- to OttubodVi W ho a it r j Vd - , ' V- - .' ' 4 . . MM ,.! . p - |