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Show W' . ' latiV it upiiirnYsfclf, lo w rile you ;';FaktfKir -- - V' jfpurs'pn, jfauld uppear nuch ' troinniLUKd hflirfy rflip dw Hcd glSdMrhear ' '4l ? m t- i hettofhu'iromM ljf alighted io, ully tffcw' liliejfc Vawl'TjAm'W. the ight Olfhrch ;Oy elf li x aud 5 my tile wai.rea l and approbation-given- , dcorks.per. " CfrJp fit J .. t THING8; ia At' QUIZZIP n oclf aro together . There nmi;a3'jth,eV vocaljgijSH, AHt-I X Jf our City fathers wilt. forgive 'eIiii-ininuUs:'iitor- , tm ' - 1 7,:? rtir 'been saidj we wll ;T eotitmue . . ctireHtf i Speeches nUcces ive and&U iternate re, Xiu pangia oeir;ffeeiii tbaGospol" among S4 1 in;ilieCfnturei' f4?i thSiii BYUE8KUET 'ffiLEUBiPH. ..of h statesman renown ai s n Miirmons t ice ud strains, P rej SfECIALlXOraBi :.tiadjl ,ii truly, greetin' ilvi;. pilrtf'of true and warrior brave. w.Un 1'. ' Hia each iideV was appointed aflHKiWiUyatriTiWUjWWo pr?v:chin :l! i., .n,-.--- ' I , ... JU: - L: i : ' ' J '' .iv there, '.jr aeoif;.. farther.. in jealous; 6qu ;i po ,li ' kill is mire;; c 11 for ; preaching B isinsss; wrapt in. Future's : " IV Ci ' 1 ' 21 ' ' d j w i that yayv , mantle, theri imdj birthand The follpwinglwas received uf joyi?l7mirUuwteg!yf: :;f VVe harr? bf en blest so far, at its ;as We were Wng to press. and have not been tared r do each s ?: liouch w ith e qatacywaV flUtd v j Salt feathered: a yet. Grant undoubtly elected lza a L The for. thefuiurV j Yours truly jTH. present atGalenane saysI su. andV w' Jesse Wt Crosbyijun. then 1 prepared Adjourn&ehtI spefeefi pose it Uiio egotism in me to sayiL we recei i8in letter another declared; J;ri;that u,e dhol6bOdir6 ;In 3am V,'- - ; iU'-- . J. ' ... , : i 5 - ' k W - li. 1 m-.- ; w , Laice-llovb-fi- . : rar'M i Elder Crosby vve yedfroiri "bw r learn that lie is in'a very poor V; ' FOUNiTXtOIJSiDoO 1 field, and has been ; afflicted with, the' ohiils and feverv but his recovered. v t mg vinauea as a nuisance.' I f ww rrwrnsn,yary By BefaithjuLBro, Jesse your being : One nxuJx that .it is : impoMibIe .among jhe Eeprt lewardjs sure. V:; , of : last ; Saturday - aocMfeufly cts fhe ucw respecting Hue orawted nnder . his iteed ti of ;aUag assasmilion of President Linf, get a betl.r sight of the-- seen- - jhe, Seymour Kicli Co. I I Great fraud 18t. coin .reached ; Palis in' votine bv 4tj I ARRIVAL AT Pern u&. Oth some time in September, last Speed Oeler-;iiWASHINGTON, see owing to the 6liofc'jidd!auC:,4 and dispatch of ox teams Uorrlsjoy is el.sted .tO. GqB'.,; Cine Tafiohhat arrived. io and dismounted cavalry Minutes of a Meeting held for debate in " St George - March was at the: .Cottle Drive to- - tithe panie f andthreat-gethe- r with Signore Aintgota-- : en.to,bci equal: to Shat disac. V tlies It is creating ap A::; ,:?; Beneath iflaxen canopy nymeatonhisbones Will tliaflady where happy hearts reside, a trail to her ; long band' met. together: happy I .US please . ezcjxnmunicote r fivt; Themiidlightofaiiearthy feet for the benifit of paper 15 beM taper; shone, in varied shade; milU. iNow.dokt.i , ,and BDfl as the disquie t winds of even' gotuiad we because are Iiionds 1 floated near or by millions; . Trade : pasted away,. till. the .trail only EMuinig. I yiart Jooksad standing still in aU diraesions,-draggin- g. The highast'fceat was fillcd. tbrdughitbs minsral ; Awful silence: reigned! V The , .1 , ;i,:; ; (H'jA-- page always gMwn 1 j; breath or Prayers aiini was dust. M " who The man cams to : diVardi It wakened up a i ivud - . "I ? . . Ij. -- . - ; ,- t '1! . . yf : ! Mr. dTj , !1 , .'il ' S- - .' . .;. , -- , -- f t T' ,' I 2V. (Jhurchwithlagginf4wi, - yf y Ss, , v- - . r ' .... lS - - 's I t ..1 : . f. y wli6kaguckr?ri?0J ! - .1 J '4V V 'Vi :? - 1 , J.ti v |