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Show v7 PMIb4 WUjf AC. X ..W'Wr-,- fciHfei'w, .. 6 - . .. '. ; , ... . $200; v,s year, , .. : ".yu 4 iff ' :U:' Miserable Mttj of. our roAdjg '-' will re'i j y irvdadatwhichHtdrhllyfuli '' Through our Easternr iCdr- it - x 7 . - ' -- lespbadau givA our i eadi rs a short history of Bennetts last da) s. AiloWn Cook- Bennett died in Polk City Iowa, at the age of sixty years "August 2ull 18671 iie was buried with perfeet indifference; and . his wife ; never shed na tear. - Three destli lie j ycrs prerious to hid u : V - : , rctelred thrbe - "paryletic strokes a ft er which ie lost InJi spechand tlie use of-h-ii right hand, H ii eyes tjwere idiotic in appearenee; he held hh hands out .from him bent to the right sides once in a While:T be WdmaitageUj the hWrof ti e Drily. pKjfdhe He ihought that there ra r y . ; f;: 1 , . ' nbalvatioxi; or. hiin'and fteii wished sombbody wtixld : 5!-- Col- onels Pearoe,; Arthur - mi Captain Uopluua company ;of cat ttlryinuniforin, started to moos Pri si d en E Siiovrwhb was cxpVeied tint ' evening ,The Swiss Brass Band from SrtiUa Ciaru under Captain-Stalielyias aloin attendance. The eVeort ' met the President ; at liuvmburgh and after cn joying ibe ta ole comforts prepared for them by: the citizens fj that place they renewed their, journey. Homewards The, citizens ox this City being; aware that the President was expected many were oxf the alert. At 8 p.mthe band Wi--s heard" sending forth its merry Swiss, airs which; gave warning that they; were close at hand, n a few moments the cortege halted in front of hno w;s Aiansioa when the band , played Sweet after ilpine. The President descending from his eirriage delivered1 un exceilant speeoli, thanking the brethren for their respect snown to him in esejr-tin- g him from llarrisburgh: not th&t it was a respect uue to man, bat t to the Priesthood and jhe Common cause in which we are, engaged in the building ; up'1, of the Kingdom of God here on earth. . "The Commands colors were floating 'in the breeze together with me music caused nature to .smile, y r,; y v :r Ureat.praise is certainly; due Major Hardy for tlie? manner' tile whole affair was conducted . XiKV. i pl&ce. From bur exchanges; we learnl op tbatf theU. P- - Btul;!Boad is making-rapiprogrers !" Green -- ; ; c 1 is no; longer 5 the . termini,,, put tbeerossing : of Bear river. is the great puiatof ettra ttionv. Another (city 'will - li6ng,fk mush, bom which is .aireany christened Gilmer. Sbohld the winter keep ; open the, steam horse willt be seen tearing ; hit way. down the rocky gorgesv;of the Wasatch range by the tim another "spring-open- s; LOCALS. - j-.- wS! aro manln the. right , - l ' , wi' h ; Hro, Horne by Ucniiey, 'Me. ltiver City Church, bui apostatized and t u raed: against ; ihe Chiiroli ly lieu he Frophsl 6eph aid that lie would die a miterabla . - jor Hardy accompanied ri 4 -- Sanpe:&; .ftavi jg laboicd lully !c6nvinced;thaVhcia:Ulieright , Ok &. . is death miserable, , T E-8X0- 1,1. f thttifho' dwd a . . 11,15, i' yl ?t was an ojb$ t - s . r ' ,.f PitEilDENr if AdvrrilaliKt T ARR'VaLv - - $l,Mptrnr o,7i. j iBMrtfa,, J ; N- -- lart wordvfc hiRered, - nti Mothi, i : 1 ftl ,;v.ft,V Gcoi, - YERUft Per. Aaiisi : TKn T C. T- ' Wil v'. ' A school of the Prophets! was organized last Monday u. . aUcrnoon..;-:y-;A:V- : i st 'V-- S a IT a; V cc Nrxmonday the 9th instj will be 'Prest. E; Snows 60th S( o birth- - day,;May he live to see i f : - l many such . r : Asthere are 4m returns oi the Presidential-- Ebction we ' : 11 '1 ai 'tS A are tinabie to say who is the d Champion, but in all probi : ; bility Grant is elected ; .W CORKESJONDENCE; ! . Wd : . e : . yr-SliadyGore;'';5- Jlyp private correspondencti f;v ' v : . ; t -- Hickman Couiiiy;TM Dear Brother Thinking theSw ss fMjtsionhaa.been b aypoi ujeff Bi.hhp atJOjiiinispii tliat iyour mderswould: 9 . Messrs Gatca. Birch ; anl others arrived last S tturday in advance of Prest. SnonYx There is a slight frsstal :v most eyeryhight; Cottonwood trees are ..com-- l moncing to turn - yellow andj everything has an; autumnal a pp e arance.' 'Afteri his apostacy hesfpir-yflTi-o fwifor ciiii ormod tha t Joseph Oct.i0l868 several higii offices, hut IS. llorner: latt;. Piro8idnt of Ebxtoi Oactub:-- ' M K - r . ... L |