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Show j Can ticipitloni of the Twentm ; . N ,11 i - . c , ",;u turr. i, ' ;7 , Jaha Vo ut the kcttla on, Vy of : ZENAS faeoaaje oftriaoppK'Sva jieat- - ':; . -- Uuke a1 driv; j J ui4AU Corit4iHatiuri ' : ' i l ' v-- sal ;Vtaoi iyi go toRocue; :y lta? Akd jhalVbe back by li v. Hi M)U jcuk to dress those hutamtug- 1 , . ? . jjs jj Ttiird 4, v 4! V. j . .'V yj , , - ; : . . 3: -- I.ihot iu:Mxico; ii ; fdivfcouldt'aeie .Trli timer 7 1 - t 1 8 43; . gir5' e year : 'h-an- other 1 n d tlieaudience.Downshecamoi n&w - with an no inouaud angelic;.; grunt;,slia!siii(7:u th np'ye' V- wiiole house j . ; it' f ' way g dy, extending her urins arid lh the conc u V -- fhiirpsej.fjded and evidently n ' ir; wng w;th;r great ineeknjessy siieak. d 'liHck in o -- . ve siuav : i t ' i , 4. KM 1; during excitrmeut in thV;'Mii:ri was ttvo tnoch for bo h; the uiiially quiet town 6f Dur: nation Yai.' Uu "grdvi H ,1 her ham old Aunt n-tH- - Hire me . a flyi ug mqtion vofilier yrm.i' S77M 5 right, flop, ri'itf: ; Sally " rwfto would weigh nigh on to that vile champagne; f i '. f..;, nil hundred two tUo pounds; got v other, day, lw';trip:i iook; .. v 4 fry,' breakfast in ;.tbe mobnj t II ready i o go up und one e ., ijianka tothit veniug in ineeting,. in the i tifi 1st of a warm reason of exley gHas spoilt my now balloon. i t Wir Steerias through the Milky, way, hortation j she urose'and said: Oh! brethren Jaud sisters, iforan against a star, ' too soon ; Ind turaing round agajrt bl S3 ike Lord I I'll sj m ?et 1,4 1 b'aiue jolt'aainst mycar. away J root thlswicked wrld leUoWs Rich. ouht to keep' below i'm going ; to- - aaett i the. Lord-iFfildovef venture there; , a: few days. My faitii, is u ft&Y so cjumy, ho should go ; Bear. I no way but the powerful strong! ;0h i yes j is! So steam, is surely up by now, powerful strong ipy ' ig. jfpdt the high pressure on; r strong continued the old lit lib Breath Br for the ; to ihe top. of tba1, pjs w.V and ,, v- e- - ol'r. Gottis . I To .be. continue t jj 7;;: OOOLON:T'(E r THE .--. - Ai try that wine, too, a la nme, id, I v ut brousbt'froin .Upahtn; i- ,1 1jeujiTb;joukiUedatUastw days iThc'li bi mii peu trot hnut. ; . ; herseaU j 'ciUappoiuUd;-'t;- : The iiext tn irning soma of the young Jolksaske " X hcf. r Aunt Sally, why didnt you. fly last nightVi when y j ou t trud so hard? 7 j f1. cou dnt- get -- ;; , -- -- - ,the:; right.; , on,V was,the meek v and i motioning them like a goose flop oh the"wing, Uiat it does coneludve reply. be; If "dir ty people' ' : c' nuoi ' Tub PaTBxr MsTALLtc' Am Aemovol jis'a'; cpmraon : nui flvemas ib licould .lly. right Wee. they buit'at.leait tj be away no w and mee . 1 he L ;rd Tight Cuvnx UuxraNr, Lnn- -' ; itki).- We wOhtdv'runiuro to , nKmfeiousi'Ail iti iho airV The ihii i iter who was as recummoiidustJ lhjqoniptnT tlu , V hojregardtheirheal th, bhoulil an; udverussuieui y foho.wiiig ing :a an enihusiat from even at distancej great d which Would . possVss the t rarcVf $ ejx i lie old eecour-egeas d Ia ; places up'9 keijr UabititionsT lady of boitig ndyant-ig' her y exclaiming: and eiiiirely true--v- 2j3 psrso i .y rheregr I cleanliness f Try , sister, try Perhlps himug uuoe tried one nfx three vy y :en, lejare ; ftoUccted," eeomesof Ike utmost impor- - you can fly, if your faith Ms colliui wiil over ue any; otlior.9 .4 'I j only - strong enough,1 . incest; 'aV.WcII I cai,; she exclaim ;Sen t m htislveipt a Towbatjago;doci dog ed I kiionr .I!i can and fiuriting ini j to ATI-- 1 . -- ! ' ' 1 ' ' . 'Ied' - on-go- e - : v i ) . - 1? WS:AT : - . l " ' "l- . - 'tt' i |