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Show i . . .Of Ini- X vw , i'jy'"I"jb1'!-";? S, ;&. !;'ior? ssattic Life; ;vk. sfci'iy- tuo a4; Jesus oir K4. ' - 1 ' ' - ; ' i ?f.:.' ' T , - - Cy king , is roarshajtftg uk JPoFtdttfiual Woti i'h tit the Oartu V. rV'Iiv-V'- ;.: 5i i r, liiU n?L v Frvar wlukeduudtf I Uo i gatiioriuf a ill vOpfilii ? r - "- AV itb f Sivsmgin tip fr?i To stiatt in tiitt deadly eonnict, ' r O !4 ;. Taut is fast drawing nioi ' kil 'nntoed W, A i ..; rrinWM rp!vr 51 Thery ;yr'lit's teorgy ; :Oilrv hettiti diivi Uautli' rouibino, . To overlhr vr thjxdvcrv sr Rtohcf. Bectley lus . just rei iiut a stop to criiu:-- ';v k-- ' ceived, from rthoi ,EastJ . and 1OurAmi uiublV lieu rUcf leaders ill1 ' clmioel ( ' ancl V salea fop llaVe eaoli been trwt ami ;profsd llj larg Vjtlt : Stock of Dry j Good, v Gropes Thai la -- ra w tUe worlds vroalli Groeery, ; -, liavu uo power.for io iiwmI? rieiHardware. jDye-stuf- if; J Hi VJ - s 4: ( , -- fi - ? J : c.-- VnJ: C..V. li - .. . !ii w,.ji - Mi ; vll'?!" I j andaiif otfc Re?wtoable. :. VMeaU: iS J tycKKtwoJv11 Ki&WOtlOB V. and Medicineiwhiph he;ollT : ! I L "1 C'- - V tT- ''J-- ' v ''V'- J fi5 ' , ' I - . v if - - t ''V ITLOQRIil.O,; ROOFING: oandv VWit strive to 1 4 , 'mifi -- : mak67tb order operauon .fat 'tsr-- ; I .y:; ii 1 : F .. calliiTermsroai senahlei and all kinds of jpro anteSiM:' talmiv, j 'X , h-r- " - 2 Gire :ui:i U - a T; i.' '.J' u. ID .:' y. r. ..vj. :L w V . -- r D avidiNeedham $' ' p '' I 1 - -- ' - hfiller i I I Bty : ' ' . :t ; JlitaryfPiibUc.j ;l --;r Ths aiidtlriigQed wUi atten4,toUic aocuUon of Deeds; Bonds; Mortgages! Poods pf Trust; Powers of Attorney, Coutraots, and all other Qffidal Busi-narequired of a Notary Public, i ss M f'Officat'tRio yiren yrTfibwi-ro- StGeorge; i- . -- 1IIV1 : fhat is FAT of obtaining OIL :, . , . . iBtGeorie.U.-T- i y-;,- v i wt , v ' V- X w', -- :: He Crosby George ; : f, - i pit- y IlD.ALIiPHIN, - 4 i fy . Hurrah otic friends are coming To join Win the ay. And may thcy eVerboar r Oppression far; away; ;- 4 I -' I for Ihe purpose v-'- l Cfi- ,t; h' I "a v . Alsu receirethe blessing II:So v " -- , JaD. Jobnsoni Notary Public. 'i 1 thtWtoagu.rf.yt' irL isjj that the splrit.of our Go4 ; I feiU( wry ! ! Best as on tho eloudjS tnm i r - IMMEDlATlJLYi ' That aacient led the .TjToi Israelitcs,v (Me M AiiiSi An bid HORSE or ir 'Till they bcciime'tee proud nfroi 4 T , " Otirery a,ci. ;!u I I I ' U - jl, . ; Gir;&m , grn i : Mp-- begunal ftit U :U ; Im nftin ite.tlM 'I 1 L" 'VXJBDAR CITYIROS Cflfir; cVASSSiCSlMircT POTSFOK I do .v Jet willd on ; .u. i p7 ti riACKBi': prwjsmfaithi I (h ; j.L li;TSen i itmd are ,ully ..ablen tor com uie ,i I jjiouatur giro ice; rete "with the "Territory "in Butiejrn.irttt Jl, iU ,.. I 4 jr 1. t ).(. j J. iiu. ci IVIlll PI An'nn XlUuliUgiVIHlO : J . - vrf1 4- 'tmriirCiw : now Is 1 The fiery trial hds I i Afeamtt ' I I I, f U. ,T I, JOur Motto be', God aud Ilw faws.v Kka . v r. hoetfrt'meii mk dVieieS The bove new end spttadid I Mills are now . in : complete for iica by inch, and mile bjrmilo, Bu c vfl t$uXtoBHTlFqtll v ii' f I V- : I We'll praiso our father and pur God. I U feG'BiA;K2 '1', y :.; v; ' rcaonable-- v- prices 1 ' -- Hi at Their euly trust vk that 'Void, t The aQeicut l,ruplictN 'BUdgr7 1 j ; at bis, Who' now rercals Uia iiiiud aui Will p 3lmf : ' To the seer iirijshaia VouDg.: .' A , Stor8 lit 8u; George. I Wjl OU f t r ' 0 , Wo also4are I a chosen hand ; ( Prom bondage we'oraet Iku'fi.v l.TowiytdU Godacomiaaiidi. . Jltir: Jfa? f( t;He Chooses youand me. H ! oy;w The mercies of our yiod, y ,1 Press onrard wlth.'ohr bnthenn I Thej ' for thotiidcLii I 1 ' 0d nearat-han- ai BrbpfJInj 4 - :a- - :- - , ti V |