OCR Text |
Show jZML f- ijy-:V:'-:.:'-;.'- V? v 'I-..-- , ni '.J; ,.r .' : '':' r . - ;.- - " .1 '',''' v ' "t ' s - ' . - '?.'." v- V ' 'i. rV . j .h- .. ' f - J ra 'rV4 $ rl ife.:; - ' .. "-- - x -- V iT.T.rrrifcui;r j,. ..' r : Vytu- ,A - IWrtUn, ; - H. .: fc- , - '1 jL : iV i 1 u ',. '. , ' i?5 ' ? . . j ' ... 't V T'., ti) ' crowded with customers ;V; . ' ; ; ''? c. .iSas&H ?& s v i- - 2; .i: j V; CORHESPONDENCE. TTTiTT; ;,; Vr j ii vzr.t. ji CSoinmittea aio; P;JUlfcRADi A;; i ;.u.ir?77 witarfcff Yirgen f btsy prepare . ' i(:tiOct;S3r il;8 693V;-v':ing'tobuiid- a school .house 2.V r Save, mobbed dHTen andj;6efit tVVe'want more blAcksmiih; ten set apart tq ioakef) uV With Aim the agaju8t more shbeihakfers; report wrdiipg.Prpfn6)ogy'' T uf aamliuatihg' iid; but ?hftve .Another weaver or twor ' aiid edyoiir other, scieoUdci v-:- . -- ' - v . : ,tf: vi, i w.k. ' Tlie iFouTth, Ward t. School , V; .,.- - - ' : j . canines hat have been ovr-&k- eh i.' Col. Pearce' with an' escort r ih1 wrongs ' w illiiltheir ; lot. cavalry,; jetartedthistimor- - (l : CttSioirawardiJ1.: itim j ning ; to ; meet T Prestf ESne wUX who is expectedlhhr evoaiugy U r-- . . ':. i--- . .. '"'.: x. .. ' mtrdh - thepappe acapceofthe 7 - .?! ,i4 . 4A v . ji , . 'b RtM . f A4rtla3ft S1UUPt . ,'vrf i- I'f.Ci Jl - . fc U. - - ai TVr ':- V . - j . - rl. s 1-i V1-.-" , . ' . ' ? "'Ml IkJU.i i :M $ V ,'.',. .', . .' ..'T- - Lm. . . - A -- O ; T f-- - Irj y i And twoor; three i tailors, ; telaf ions ciythat linetT;hoy herei&eHdeavortoJuifilfflial R' ue up the Kiogdom bf Gob. is !ihe r&nners;want i oil;u t he. ntanMnh.niito J v: libuSila. rdilfoad Airoa h$ blaelcsmithsycoai:. the j shoe makeiSi leatlier.- t . .i continntdj mnnffirectly j th ongh onrTmJpr Jjtiian I tin Clf you "want your-- son to w O jthtt A ne which done igucAUe leamra g l;trade9. tend hm borko ejoicfc w1v;ViiS v & to See hi ad 'Milhiy cfti23ns , v :: " -- 4 hoaeat-Wire-woriidi- ; 't tisii I'l'p V verii&cment, j y 2ndly 1 I . J :Wheat(on;i;mineral fand was ; ail i mrj age i ) barely a set;. of; yIfy6ufWant go0tl and empty l harness ar ia saddle, tcall oi crop! Hoppers, ditches suppocd.to haybhettii riI-JI1!- o54 (he bai)se. ui v-- t? du trahV chea;iigoo(lf y 3fdlyyyrhe i hcalth. ,of the s d bull bnJ roy Bentley ahd -- let; community jit. (raj , -mm .here. BtofPy liaveytmrinbney about s3Jl miles Jj'rpm ii s- tb? urcKuse ftfr:y6ilob-c0m-- 1 As.ihv ' JjLbjingf Ths waui ofhsedaiifp Lat!? miviioSt aH Fi? .iupposiidii j to, be tno jiur bonies fbr theAy'Vegede-raiorsi-u' JJro. Ja E Johnibh hA eVi vi erijoi'VVe liaVe nb t 4iblyv AUobaypio vjrcjp f . -- 1 ! ' j 4 I 1 Vvkf 'f iV ( S; isrj a w: yw ii ; ;!, xg thKingdomi osingj inany : 'isrvei ght Jofci:rht.'u .. V t id. S fr c ifcice (J on 0 a rSsem Wlliaku place; ionfHhOoi hial ; ifeVieinberA f AVgesul eul ;Ji; n : sins .will ba.hidAeQ; mi .pAcgsi'.jitf Lmlt aJ ...thlytit'eraWe iUnwdge scWng w an bgpifit .'imhoM tluXCiy cottou ; ;dr 1 UmdFfiPKi . :Sr. ' -- H .u fls a r '' y 1 ; ; t . ; . ;i a ;. . ri; j M j : x C ' V.- - . - ' . - - K ' :; . j r |