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Show dntor4? with pridd, an 1 then broke the; SilFSiyeiSWisiW silence-- ' : A 1 Ltl i u t s 1 not hi 11 to 5 or-thl United S wresrTafern Some what we have underwent, says get that name beffre jproceed si he;vlU qii'p'n ! HlifetD5 coninienced Asking IZ aiiai Thbin'.s toteliastory suspense sayi theaasor tcdl kii till ?tlitff long hour oflthe us oue ofrtuiin :l adventures; iiie reporter ouuis nirra jvo uill We were sitting1 round; the, e J e "lnt b ir- robm S iayersr:;sbt;U T aiiothervojiifound ; Guess, JL d Storing ') evening bpuebgding,:i8ayji injis, 0 nS')saJsUey all,ylaudl$r$i kjl uVsoinetlutig goo W iW 1 j itfzl jjyi Zenas I "doatf know, ' inwr? tiling of anything realiiaesinuvfe tree juuce more.YYcii, say 1 mo ,v fiMi OoU-Wh- ufiedi' at i i ifiaiuitforOt his y; ii siy s they can huu Uol' GeuUcnida s Uunig-o- p .v ! ... iuo : juuonuug i-bii Zei.a auU y should, seen du. to the -Ool?(?ft &? eating? did you ever jiearijne liis i .'is? ,, , i. t.t ; t io liufted mu ina aucj 8liv9th'it7lnitt that wet lom sa) rifihrbugho many wonderful Cud ventures with Ninety W most ! inter y 0 Ve niiWed thetoldU tell eating thing ever tfcY says they, Nveir heard 'drift ter scrape m 3anu iiisigot into? No .says they, sor thatHiijun iilit me, and him Start ? No siya 'they,: all v gdttihgv ;cicltcflfv Nor ubout 'ine Ulid him beinioo a buraiij oHthit time; the huffr les iike to a got ui. nor that ftine wtf got sno wU tnej vven r days without any thing to.et but' bark andice norbaat that other time we wasiour days ' l otf a scbrchia- desert aud doth-- . me niun inhumeraole Col1 s , m v : ,L Things we should iiaeio try- - the word i! ? p.- a; 1 -: . . Ji f4 N . Hbw mueh inolas ies ' doe s.mli aoy or all of Hues ;r uaa a1 fcf y Cduqielofcrebmvo J 'Ie j Laceoi gaining f to hjaa eitf mon j I. i iriH !. V n.tt nlnL ttts eredij, utiota any Jriaind? ' :, ai.atr ' j.1 . 'fli 11 ,8 1 1 No link i.l I, rmemoer Wliy (Jiiy Counselors, dont ui name. help liiaa says afford prmte rjiiink.?v the jin ifor J.ir fviui letter jdid ;VYfieh iWushngton Ctiv will $5. .ft ,;Cppaujnee: xWfyl 'aiid; fee he releaaad from the x levied Wk IhCsxugh fhe entire saipiiar Lo buifil a court uousea .te :X bet: No, saya Zens, mint r on 't; Wailtiiikion! Avenaef '? any of them Jettera . . iiiil msasuVod vinavard thi' payers Was aitting. J .Ktl lix.-ui the .lire, ne .was wavs sort morningfiv ;v oi le.djus oi Zuius, and had VW jibn will V W aslilngtin " " .'t, i ratner, turned jup his nose all AvenuW-- become ; lie mesi ' street in 1 the, evening Jtist some one important, business , i .!',' ' 1 aC dlseueli one wniie,bg; think v'iin tb'dnuk till-latr ' t oL (lie fifth day?! No' ing says iitlh Zenas cast - a , Wh vgio atrjrchinma to r uobti r fl 1 " on Wiaaiiigteii"; gays the landlord wipingthe yiruhtriQg.glance at the maii; Lporpir ation Tuff of liii .i tore-- , thasiieliced hiin. j Cant you Arenue Who gives stryebmine to heidi uni its a wonder y oi?r think say 3; tbe assessbr ? ; No oati balovr --VVashtuirtoa Af :?iiew r nighty a miraculous tfts he, but perhaps im iojusaiia ? r - il-- -- V ' - -- 7'-- ' ' 7T . . : ' ' t tV .inu Jy tr !''-- . r-- l 4.- V f - ,., - in-th- ' i Bu-Georg- e ,F . e? -- ll F . : ; in-trud- in. m Zsuas says the land- -' nui? woadr!f Everyfody1 iii the Vroom reilized the truth of bis lord,' you ought to know tiiuf , liow many weevils can bo fiemirklaudkliliost- inaud- i- your s is aiways a Velcomh m ihiyr whil$ fra SpokoVtoeyeJ preanoe, tlmk' vour faoa ia tiiJ of 'tbestf :faeetiagi5foi lltfi v i ' V 0 'v, J V I; m, lb , i y7.f3a v tf . - ;T ( a . ih t '. w mu S -- w.C- k b( |