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Show v 'V 6 Eusb dtHout tiernVt&h. of ha v :fore u 4 "M ruplto : , - ;:;03E3dLCt rafsius rre Gcw(, yijich giveo ?o President, B,' Ymn vrUiU there, by JuEiph K. J ha on, who produced from vmKo;ie .HU(ftwb years . old rroi the, eV)t!g?. W p' tudth pleasure E'der ..Tthmtyn' garden,- - while yi(tfi: were OeorYe, and.wo ds eaauct a ica wh'fik we rsf-eithV f rattlr 83 g cxpr taeJ t'VpsuiTighroiigniitrid' witttwiis. JC-'lo- . . WKIQHS -- f Ing whit he hod accomplished. nWih ta -- THBEK HOSDRED.AMIJi m. 1 ,di EIGHtTbuK&SBOXlb ( .rferj 5 Anjkodr ,m w,A if?? olaWn.i.ruktiiraia.. It Mo b., wcrk.d wllli lh. rtowkM(li awe Angers ;t' with case. Will weave ax earpet as.well assilk Cshriai '.T Weaves as high as 4t yards in 10 hears, of pUia goods., r, 4 The belt, the cheapest, and the easiest worked wf aay loses over yet in rontod, V v . : Tftom eemptrte in shippiug order; in Ckiago foroely )r . . - r . ",: giro, , sr r farther pixtloalars euqoireihy isailor 6thcrwisss( jSf-PW v, hi the , t xVrciiVot Mrellont taste .end., ntirlipg Industry he (has iusda ft. I (tie paradise whe shot 'mors fhau three year , ago aid Koeky ther was a'.dryi he rieU and , appafen.fy v, frJrAgrnt for Utah ' t Hror'hltM ) ieeo.of Hand. 'Mis. eoileci on n f flowers end frails is jagiv flue, end f gjfftt aae. Kye;y early, .of LOpd's tbithe cdaid hear. of, end that re thought would be useful, he haft las! ported add he is fzprime thg With them Sold the St, George Drag Storet of da ; jo wit. pro. 'fcrwvii a ? 'ES8KNOE 'Vhe Inn, to UFO, u.ne!aaiVaiy. which, ays ted ad for tlwt coautry. j tbe kinds ?p For Dinrrhsa, Cholera Morbup, Ghel raisiiw before ..ns ar The seinples-o- - , ' . : ottat.-iins'Js- i uf ! r-- i ti txr with-hylild- ; lr " si a f ifioh tx Fikr Z.t9S, the Wife Ahuclfl, end Ilia fomodus the If Arte Ilele sell in 1LI. as wneld which J Vhf aay.of am an excillont sov othn market, well's - the-e- .' hlu We bat wd, rftieo G a.nifoe. Taatii-uf Js Gto 0 &e ln favor 1 the tier hudp ono need 1.' in Zero ratal prefeieeceto' other; 'bn wtlo 'dial tli jf he . exetlleiid of MhVrii!if, Preside, t : Y 'dhg anl seve'al . the of the cf'uipvv hb ajt-joMnpla If&iit for a the eed rvt JUUg picferenre r.i.sin. Al1 ri w are ms food dried I riot at mu be i pm ted, from,' any tout try, ciie cm ivo m I A d vo tuev ' ywrifom f.W cvltiut. to ircducs tfun tv the pro iii'rf ,s a -- c)UMe vr a: It i.uv. lii an teev p. of'MT1 Aiieititfii Id t it., This trait hhi thiani be produced in suffieie-tqeati;i?to fupi lv ths entire Ivrrr.urr, and, its tiitpoi' ft iua from, si ruad should roue - - !' attblsuflics; itrrt i i; 'ill Vjm Of ;':ut tv.. Agency for Findlays colsbraled io, Whooping Cough, Pain iii the teeth Matches, wholesale und retail, ntiTJl or faoe, and cj a iSoottmig Card! il for' ST; GEORGE DRUG STORM infants gives immediate relief. ; CANKER SYKUf. 1 i-- e Good clean G?Uda and Linen Raga wanted . j For Canker, Bore Mouth, or Cleetour Humors. pair of vif'ought iorn Sergum rollers tor kale, inquiro t A 1 NkRTE AND BONE LTNIMEMT. . d tan h-iv- . . feT-tt- s u ; ra AI - au fnn Calif rnii : Me. iso . eoblcerable ft produced t M.'id ersp- doeo unt SBSWfT SO svbon dried, as the varieties robi ft gff0p ex-nt;b- iir - wi, tod t above. The Misoi grape and fot. that puspnse wl'j douHt feoidS wid xeii bo ly dpliiraed; bat th c or ta tokski th.tor rtisiasaudgoud wlue fifties m-.k'- tve-'t- e For Rheumatism and all diseases requiring outwatd apolioatioh for Man or Beast. The very nest llorse Linlmetft. - , EYE SALTE, For weak, inflamed or troublesome Litle, Sore Byes, Ao. - ' ; y TONIC 'PI LLP, Will cure the Ague, Chills and Fevers immediately. later-micte- ; tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla;other popular Fami ! - pol- Wim.D.Jolmsoa. and most . SPRING LAKE VILLA. Crenemlly on hand. Xrooma at whoU-nl- e or lotail, Fruit trees, vioeo of chelae ardy grapes Shubbery fte.f Hay, grain, and pasture, and aoeommo d&lions for travellers. X..F. Jobuoos. c i, Linorth, . S Rail F,b. KMeg UN FORTH, KELLOGG, k RAIL, iroia rbroed (Sueeewrs to L. B. Btmchley A ft.) Figs. kIm, are brought aed expensively sold. T&oy ars.a heal SOSBIBS OV Ihv frul : end their use in oimt dry climate AMEICAN F.NGUSR & GRRMAB Is attended wih oscel'ant ffae le. They are hrin? proitieed iu. the bsttloaisnts of the B sio aid ftr sooth ofthe-MIgrienltural ImplimenSi ft liming Tools. eo wby ournarket should not JYif. 3 and 5 Front Sired, he otisefy supplied form that ao roe. The ISi'dish walnut aad the a!uous,al so prsw inoly, sud are lise'y to yiid SJA FRANGllGO, be iu ctu that rouhtiy; They heavily Orders rvepectfuliy lolieifed. cu! ivo ed with but litle labor, and tbir dl-- U fruit can bo readily sold iu ibiesad other h-e- o 8t. George Floral Gardena, A'Aide ooHction of bedding Ar, ing plants, fot sale. J. E. JoRNfta v. Dealer in confeetieneriee, aats, fruits, toys' V ALSO , , , notions, books; fancy goods Medicine ftcl, Worm Medieiuei, Salves; Ointment for SftvvH Ttmnle' Street Itob, Piles, Ac Hive Syrup, Composi alt Lake Clty. . ( f, ll-r- '" nl HOUSE PLANTS, - IIMBTIII All nv-rees- urn JfS'l'O'f. 1 was porrawT 1 am now prepared to eapply the fu-li- e with all. sorts oi CROCKERY .WARE, will take' Cora, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, StorepayCash or Lead in exchange. Pottery isntuated ea'fth street rua ning to W' hingtomt .. 1 COMPOUND The tsntion which is bsiay rula at the present. tins so fiee h, oat coisin ty . will 'undoubtedly eeiivo all thosvfriiite Billiouv remove IroJOHN EARDLAY.I ualll t e Will cleanse the Blood, demand In ltf snd at the homo, t.lvs re.c stimulate pljetd ; plsv.fi'vpriidnctd Complaints, within h reach et all rl set'ur cat DyMpvpjia, break up Billions -- td other in bringinf -sot bo eutirely Fi'rers, . 'he llendache, drive atray bunt the change in h.tlta of living which nd Less of Appetite, hul U rente irpatcd. Already the p od .etion Flniuleacy geversl we. Oxen, tod yontf ?tMk the Jaundice, sne cure Bau a th olfter branded J E. J. ea tb kw tirestly iipork as ou article rfiistiy- -l ba;le in exis Pill best be ;he to family hse prove this Territory, and nwt U with a C laft rirolo with (J ) diifi-ue. to o.taia et tone bcu no dear and nUo eft loft eheftldoc I will reward tbe DRUGSTORE GEORGE biwu bed 8T. to Sold at SUV price, that recourse has ftndsr ftftiiafteiieB when lird ror ehprUilng. tud this has beeu undid JAssoa, J. rel L Geovge Apr. I ierd W bsttsr If'ither naiuly port'd net given. hut pnto is nwpw.sll for tlij pap ootriattD. eiiir cil would. ubii .BOSJSSIT P92JLS - t ner?il STRAUD, re-Ouc- lt nr Ol;, |