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Show t,J. ;;; d win aAdTertltlng1, ...us' IJ rv, bw-r::i (v ' i;: 1 to iM t7v, this sTt nit of T 1 WATkRiiru ' . $2,09 stem tu b I. wl(l itlon 00 1 WnV that ne p'nv .is ..th, ' fnws epWd i Wy kere. :Tsit'' OU Piqa .Tacs:S W' h .nVhXlftiW ' I jV MV1? nu - !v: JunMliVr'lr 1. . unon the bunch of gf4?"1. ' IkTL SJwstoi .. , '.'taiafa? v -- - if. Merace aM' nr "v. i : toWjU W . .. -- -- .V f lh! 0 ? nd plpw , .1 V,li ... vreil are aroharda If our pach will "no id, aiihey ah 'oll bs, they teadir'e water of cnar lbionc in 3 r 4 .Wiek to get the best rulw, . I I I have been una : I ' 'VhC0Ver' Wni'ar thf 'SASSS3T J ?! Eiair - atea tewb ot'eboioa Early plies freshly I teporfti-Tt- ow Imb t then have any raapsot orthe yield i- - sack r,it & g' . . -r , ; a- - - d eCrtVlf-OttnU. !? S' i tn-- ' SftR.l bV ta.Van.to d rM t- -lb Famer CIO enllgbtai CaUfothla He upon the quesUon. P t in-giifU- oa, i rorol tfc in e ,.IU gncl lookin' p here ere md el I down thi W1T who hindeo ny dv, to ee tboir ny Hitlth.hera io.Boyr rn .rood. Throng Ths Theites fail to plant not should trio our molasses crop, rider we 1rrn that irrived hongrye naked end this nnsdu terated seed. . buTt. on th bnnk of he Co told eite Eld?radoCa.i. vTe w a irafc nhi1 brnght the wr hut a conlhibvition was bum! rets jrher . tatbeeaeuyonbebu., red from their nake lno3S pro-lost enter awfcrm i the if EUiflea. Doubt.id VTe learnt that the preprl-milWashington lai; y.edr,. re'osfid to give thorn eoai --ail Pr ,- them they had belter ir&ztl Serves them rijjlb, bn wba & Y from J a e A. Jtoot ef the poof cur?i 1 laber is w be tw "' wha 'Bic.ir-re..b...P.rk.t..trrt!dbi- J"' aoa-.We.- br Baas that a esloayet be 1 hare 1 trvi'l. ir ,m.4hilatsufry lhatbars .oVjdor.of. ' f '' iHW.-W- eU cr.pha of L ..Uplaig . ' nooe by the ieht erlsr, appaarsnt snellant - i r |