OCR Text |
Show (,. ' YtT -- ED1T0RS TABLED f, sd, dayi ' y .vi gr?. raw ta S Ifo ' Vail Music; Natives of r SAB fWClAT TER- Grfear AMit; poHraite: Head a; White ate tb House keepers? Principle In PuySlelogy-rUig- vf tion; Should Oonaamofclreo Merry f OVtli' Men-Sn- nlr , , - respondents. a!. Rnd ofYnJume 49; Mew Volnma begina with - the .'aext-numbeMOnly 30 $3 a year. Addfeia::. R. Will', 389 Broadway, NewTork.jc Hei f, J ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Mr rj-lived- .1. mu ft cti. i 1 4 . i.iissjir iy.i ' ? 110 THE 1 HairK4ecUc dish " ' g: p lie! n f ( - WIT WHICH - II ' K - v JVaio it a- - h Good: time v . - . - ih f 0- V I .41 tra i J ,'1 ' y twbicrili. ebon w b .1 irime 1', r; a- ' ' k 0 'I f' ' r , jj?: AaiE-SEKD,- . - rr a -- rU , rt J ',,v 'V "kibrM MTW. ' t ni-,,- 1 LF-U-r, rt-caaa- ! i plate portrait of Ged. Peadody; ' tho u , great'philanthrohiaty 'withtbiographiia tffl les ie both prepared expreaely for tkia cvlu vki ;:a n i) ' ' bit a . of a delightMagaaine. A ful idyilio romance by Brrthold Auer-nae- h, kJ;ijaaiitiiiy ff ttnek, lUd ai TkiUf the priuuc of living Gerui iii dov Ciixif'atrd to 10A if ass' if d ' aliiii, whoke work arc now creating .ALSO Afl D : CsRPiQ I .SEEET iuchTa icpHjtion .in thia ; country, t A ' Zaoti , !ta 'Prof: ' IIdxiey,a' lecture .on reply For et.i Uid ' 'The ftiare.' i bj h ' PhytUul . liasix of i ft. nr v tiTiii; the .attention ,i. literlj)he yo tugtosaaa -ri af the veientifie w.irfd.' Afery pfeiia)ng Xu e d, ; liijv,0 nribieon ' the Vf "omoii Quce:ion, ivpr I V. .AT.TnBKT. OMB led from Tht Southern if evict, A 5J i 1 rj JB'hr, i .t 'T' 7 r 3.J Lecture byPrafJtiaillard. of iieuLuok on thu meditfi le tM of the late war, TyibltlNid.TJmNS t?ridi, eMn: fMf !J ' 1 contributions i on Y, ti; a good taaerUif st. beetle varins-othe- reu'Jeo'a Bodk Review the' ftlSt BOQKa.' P tudsia, P riaivrSjb j iniereatiag "X,7roTols 4r4 Cards. lieveraucki Thx Green Tarle, tL 'TiRMn $4.00 ptr'annim, in advance T. tTfKK PAPSSf'S'BWote of oil Miri, Single No' 35 cent; on rec pt oi JjTliaid, od Cisrsd.Pari which ptioe; specmiea; copie. ;wil be koldnrji LU and Safe kssfr eat to any kddiesa. copy r1-rr- ply SUwki$f! r Ch-culp- Gjsh... Aawtr, 'Foll'A'. '&A SSit .SI.'Muin opp, VmtrrJIo. la e ri, r v w hei e i tLarge 'Agi htH w .i No Conmgrrmrnt mada. .i WORE D e -- 5 ,rffVA'UM ?0$Tin Jane. number, which close tjhd .Aut foluud) ountaini a haadsome steel An-inatalpe- &Dfl 'may beduciu oTtry .neigUboiiioid'. arei pay iv.j UeelT a.f ny ; fam'iiy,and:AITtea--tetwoiBSj:U.iieaan(l Af odcbjyttloc.. J; actuii y drpendf riCTuabs hfanc- ar.d Ttuibiuii'a tljra ,byfo gdrpfciite., ICa owners thus .fflcatTs.t. ThtTRonTa'. lMo aim pld..tbj. easily ,:1 rtpfraHd,' aiid irguaravtefd to the 'bdbda bt etery punkier. j .I he L'A A1 ACUVNX? had taken fremut, rhahtM-iucludiug itbe,;Pria ihthrt , . , n Exybsitidu' of 1S674? Bana-i and ; Stamp tTk8-MBc4i- - FORALSF if ' ! ofVc 'f ' sir) -- . ' ,.J J.:ir te value of hta wopl into Kf.lt Gotaja His prepiro 'for )ba market without xnrfv. A lafg? hmouiit pf'Cuvtoinr knil-tla--r WaIT EX3 rLJ'? JLZV. II glLK trSliHS l r.i tva or IA JZA 'JBEST JtT J .Tha . ALL converting it; 'Vy OnrfiLcrop is paw abpavcmpUta; and wti txncci soon to nave i;L f Hill.' f J f; ,(fhtWUUgt. ,;,Tb'efaffier Itecbia AN AND ' .. Hditsd Br Ubk'i. D. U fill OMi fc B P li .WRSTiTE MPLF.-VSALT LAKK. CITY. f.R;H, kTENHOUSK, YftOPAtRtbfti 44 agaiine, jTtTE A.LAN I) If. ll:,ivooter'Jfflciie in IJie,H,oI4 con.dn CEDES! FBWI THE 'C Umtf 'if ILL EKCiSIV PSOlfPT hTTEniON MOW UN1TVU J-.- - 9971 ra '' hrj , J iftfe FIRST SOtffH' STREET. UTINfi EAST OTiftB; RWtlBSF BoofciBijmery. j bJ LTuHnlor.6r Plata 8iRgly, R a VRIlbelidPFO D I C1XG LL , VJ XU II i JPPA RK.Lt from l w atoehmg, mitten, or glove9 to a i - 5 mdv,1dh'a wt ordo'd i ; ; Tjeumhiami Tide old favorite for Juaewitii an in toreatlng budge): of contents, and awid library ,hf 'choice readlug- - matter, 4 Ita joharacter ie tpar.excellenc and should be kept before our children a .tbe standard of chavte adteriean Lituature. - rn ir ' d ent,r KNITS AJSTOCKIA GjiV i 5; Ifld ? i of ..? 3. Jj Bonteoien. iU'Proprifi 'SUkV'iKtj Vt&h iuee Its importance; Enduring or Enjoy Bdttkr Sag Life ; John Foliate,' the'' Centenarian j Face Fancioa; What can I da-- be it? The' Woman Queatioa; Mniic; Answer to Corj a Sim f y...n - f v '' u. 1 1 'W r: - rr i ' 1 1, ftio.iJstv j Okh l8B. Sir:-To- J.! (j'kang llaH.'W. fl o much. LLLT, saiiMu ftivor of tiiec Xitiig. of you laaVteFti-id'eetf I aWotft.thlriky .!Wt .thlau- 00-not:V- hj, , ava ah . nd the : i at In nice n?pe who daom gem troug truJ oud e Co wc wri mail pro; ropri i etnt tzel i i j buj ,.u 4i; wha ier ia rjto iig it ; KJVjTTjSj.JBC r .1 44 m i- J aet i&ke My wYf4y4ialifc woutd, it,J iYdiifctiuiy,'i -- v ; ? ' ir. 1 . yi AltiO fbr f . I.;K BRACBY. ' . . . Psls 1 tOOiiBi ,c.- i fdV'ir.Rdsjcitulid,!: 1 r :e estify te ' atiy tlJiig yoaijiuay ti- Tom ro 1 Xiir-jwhic- VFish T ken up by M Al. 6r7 naor:i i ai LiidcLu a yr old light brindU l ie-- ' back aoue other while in tb an J a short slit iMM'k has a tsok ear end of young 0mf " ' T wi'h her. A- hci-ici- - ; i M ddr'sn Iat c t u i !JV A fy L ud A iiswiie.-- 1100X4, md 4. I kl O L -- , Awls -- liis A Jkarsoe uu&:l.; Ab U fi, liJbak kisks KtTJf PAftA, A N D K U M I." f V;; jp,. j vy TOl fj-;- ; 4 . T'hnva aow. In.rte4ay(uj; epe ration .1 ! Mntjsmtf , ) a new stRAUBS PATENT nnaer' . . i aft undos-.- 1 . 1 iWtth all the 39 1S69. latest imreVerteuta,- - tzi a a. articlo ef to tern out a Wo hpve a few pl tnfa of thi-- J moiS! perpared e IlgAt rrl rnw braiiifi) ft) 1 iisvr , sweet and bmwlifai of PArlor pi ant a, gs?3 ou lfiipPW in rifht sholder, crop r.R. al 1 , i From 6008 WHEAT. in' ribf, and crop ia left for salo blooming specias ts swallow-for- k W ff L & U R - chevffd ftbe At seen this old. 3 their oar, yean bovity may J.O. Hardy. house plants for aalV, Trumans Kaccbe. drimptlyattanded U Ample Storage kt 3rftt-la- as . h Jua: 9 153 L J . f M,. JOUMSOI. IG f CCSTOM.WOtSii - L.A fttf E SAW |