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Show - .j:- SQf E2HitiG&lS 0 &INt 1TMXA? HE8EATH &"Co, 1 WeeliiyandEnlarSed, r UOODS . "Sie?A !c loyrtivoaf ' pdf-riOAvIMj- i gfl SfrtKqrm0 ! p:. N -- 5 d iL'rT NHfnn)nfl MTilLIh yutf j?, if I rh 8c evr.iJ Jit St ! i M! It ; Iri s.:nU 'HbU CU $ f . t h 'wiftUiiS fNule v V H SfettvPtoVQti 1 -j o: ranghing ? o)ia ii.viiti For sale at the ' , -J.- -- JOHNSON, ' TheUnerelsDed afferiaiuperibr art!1 - wire fastened cte of - doublo-wooh- d ! Brooms, at wholesale or retail; Grain and Prodooe received in payment. . j V , ALSO BondsMortagee, Deed ot trait, Poweneitorney Billiof eale,f Subpoenal, . . " Borne .Georgia Nor. 21 66,. &iVsiwt JrM;reqheated to eepy. fe . : . li 'I - B7.D.J0HHS0W, I ' ,b.rt.ur , f ? p ,1.,,' .U.. ' ( WoolGhrding t- ; ' M ilaj . 1 i . 5; v - vr 2 9 s - t . . 0H hr, ; 1 - Ij ? r s i 7 ii " - 3 - : ! .V 5BSafij9aifSfSMbtf li V t iLLli. a - - -- , jlnekt and wanted m3 t6 driro I! I t. JS niHL.oonomou. "mp em round &nd round;;. the' honseand Avery time hed catch a dnek hed sit afi n and rwrifiip its bead aff and charge mileage. chwietl 1 S J 3 ! P I tf . -- $A3)i6Ai6iS wbCrfN?n Mpwi,k wexcUmjdthe ntefdic, ru. tfio. (hiaieltteb mj mb' h the--. replied ::! . , i n j r- vW?i -. .- v & I;:! : i ! I! t 1 l. i . :: : WHIPS AND 'LARIATS, zvl icA ! jonllAR9R!i; work? : in braiding, fiLi Gdorgd v w e . i . k f ,Vhi :l r. : lcutt ,. -- j'AFordlgia A -- . , r i, CSEBERRIESjtndk' uLf RisBEfeaifM , f I I. I A :" HiCRAWTOBD. r l: U COMPOUND L 1 . j . : ' mfar XT ' 4..; . m PHILIL B8If .. If,. W. nikAa' . I ! r I dm - -1 V; W br ! . m 1LO0BD!,;: was borrwed A Ups rliie , mu hi. f.iuitai am he ; best fami ly Pill jn exie J. E. JOHNSON. prove tq j Itcnoe. 7 :I it n; c v :! J':;,::; i ' r DRUG.. STORP Sold at fiT. GEORGE . r ....,.. St.: George.' ; . - . . to ial " Brown and Allen, Carriera.; Keep cm hud Tenner S(QfQf HING SFKtJP; , s- -i : iia'-z- Ui Atcfd . come ! Odwiwae, : T G :M3ougl. Conghe, Colde, V . t' WMeh' Him, and WR2 : Ji 2 .;'i or Pr 1 Ii relief nothing bet KTr: vr,f gives. immediate .. . .. Will lb iao tho ...k.a.i tlm9Wso,:firom my pUoo. ' vv?-- . perwn regard tHe inlcncUons of fknrjp. grain and other produce. . turefwd'ritkrn btwt beingtarpoMd UtaJ; Apl tO;l smI c; sV-1 aa K i JVf lUillnAllbsrTtmMdm za I . 1 if you yon sick Oi j - .t ; SlMrariaiiTfaMMiAbwFfftf ..i BmImJ it li in wi ermh. aJ : I A. tube Vhat weed willcoff-Mletter esc leave i V mi ruVe Billion OfWiLwai AlioFlowcring and Fru! ting - h rube ComplmntkJ stimulate the Liver, reliev o Plut.' Y.lUeHig- Hebie D7.pepU?bieVk' vp Bim.oe. ud .tber til Striwherry VIviae All ;Plfilltl. fttd VatiM .t r Imli Ana. u Native i ; Bee t rertetie. rf: STRAWBERRIES, the f'msl isthatwhichgoetup at... .tJll ..OS :CRA WEOBDHOUSE, ini . V MdlbertyV L 'ate. .i . "' etc.', AlcOj fotieNew, Choice. as: wells "Hhniy r. o:i etc. mnaal fiO It ccDit v fciU J. E.'Jehaeeiu 7 i Jf E RLSOLS HBVBSt n :2 ? OrarVand4 - . .caD Why it thogienof a ship leaving Am. port Uke.iiftunwTiVgfBdw --rBtea9tn it never, returns, a how.) 8t.X:erf ei Apr.lS MJ.-M-- - I . 1 Jarrfi. tjwsC . -- of-f-i-U .tshvoniBi and somebody said he had fallen In lOTelritb bir;f- Do yduball it falling JnJoveF said tlrt duiioir: dlPi a ! EHRITASD ''OBHAHEETAI' tv ft ; . ihwrsiiks elmbing np to ill1 haTe aeholeeeoUeelioa of 1 ' ImsI Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Produce; eoaeietins i:: Copper, "... 'T '",i . Sti Gfeorgc, Utah ltf Apple, Pear, Quince, ,?lnmy Apriootj rUbl comforts tho market affords. j i i - 'finder 38SiES2&i i i i. ' doinar and Gabinet Maker.' Sf, George . will orders in' his line';' with exqcnte t l.i, r d .!.' w2 i i tong eantentediy i es - dcsacy, i-- FrultiTreeS!! i ' , em r i If i - r inno Tfi : paI7DWv.J 1 r-- I - i - t .4 , o. w: t - ' an ertensivs aesortmentof Fancy P - if I r, ? Yyn fbu WILKINSON, t Look such as stand this nortiisrik fllimate, and chares for showier WAGON AND t CARRIAGE MAKER B.F.TOUNSON. A block and a half ' south of the PubU Hni'nV r C,(dl. and timber Street; Main ifipod jpg Lake Villa, Utah; ' Machine owned Spring by Biw.S, SutWiT' pro Squat, di and i'- - 'i'7 i;) i v Parowa andbo ready work dope well aad with neatness p ee piittirw t upln v.!! to recede wool aind deliver rolla by the let despatch. vv v. .":A Wi of May. of eolicit the; ed I reepoctfnll & G. HIGGINS. patronage I L 'fheettzene of Dizio and adjacent rattle gCG-SCITBnew Stc em ; prepared PlnlVCDCflAM I C ;rrumds.::io h i: all sortiof with lid in the north: part of the City, 12-- tf Osbisi Gamin aw." Bcaidenee I iO R O O K B K Y VT two blocks west of Clarks Tannery. ' Ageney Vfor i Findlajd celebritted pStdwah'SO.ApL'lSBS,5'4 ' 11 -! While thanking my patrons Yor' their will ! 11 mean Talk about A mean yuan favors jn the past, I.irish to inform 0ovtoii, CottOB.: Yon, iST. OEOBGB DBHQ STORE Che;, men sald'old Fax, why theres them, as well as the pnblie generally Batter, Lead or ,z.:: nj.f ; ?, StorepayCash lnetchange. thatBill Johnson why beV the mean- - wt0 mai neefrmj services,-- . that! have- Pottery leeitnated on the attest run! . S T M A Y AD I L:;;; ' est man I Vrerlheard feltloi. Bill wad jrisL'ivcatfsd from the New'Yefkiab'or- ning to; VVashingtod t 1 'i'.'V ..V J 'V r t i r' J0IlN( EABBLEY . .Seyersl cows, Oien, aad, young Stock branded W tb.li.ni oi: r . v b y : - i rrWith (j ) most ciscU' aud wjlth lnrh ajl , ; 1 CKAGUIT. JAliES I on e ckme out, leied ' 1nsid. 5ri leri ahoaia.-r-I wm rswwd th. ! mjd'vbmsn n v ;V; j j jj I) t - - r;- - , w.Uk,cn Pieea: v;: i sasswaww nsiigBwaggwga . 1 I;, r-- , ! "Timas Officn9! Blank - M I- - OS XU' VJ B;' bformittao airtaiin:d.Ua faith, and i v: t L'iv jdeetxine of tha Saints tor. for .their, wriUnf and many convainent and' uneful buelnese which can be had from me hi' Rome .or. fro fitf. : , Bro. John Brown 206 North 14 stteet Sties blanks. best varietfss; also orna-rod site A' Blanks of niij style printed to order on good tislXo. (cire li JMCershaw- :- 1) CWbVWS e iess I -E. Deed ww 5 far V' rec )eei Jon 1st. blanks it Btiipcsn blaj'ksii Ck'fi it I&ter-- othere; alao a Iboies eollentian of Chinese . r T1 Will eani tho A'gavlQMUi tnd fyww hMHOtWy. 8MpDrafoaV frii.' Voberoiee. and many PX And elMwker tkose of jroi knelif builntw Chrysanthemums. in the BenthW Mfeet ihnt yon wish 'me to attend to, mako known jOnr wishes by letter io --Aene Oeorsin and yon ehnU be beard and at H "P,1?, .. J mi tfl' J yrifXUMMpQov.i :ji ' Spfl.T J60.&0. '?" Ijlt , blackberry,;;. W ALLyLOVyERS, MUM - nd Iiu u xVatiko tiluwdiviM bill of to BVtr .HwMt SvYii)y;kiiirSjir(biryu.jU loek I' r; AAPANLlLltVn j Fo xou 1 5 f , .. : . .,v J '.rC i t J i. jsnxsoir, ;jf. TaTjBK tAlNTI .i I j- ee j UpciXI Caaker9-Sorifotttbfrina- ltf .1 vjr'X .il .1 a t : a LILACS, 'au p s j j i.w A JV ' SPIREAS, BTO0K9. I VERBENAS. 1 AS I? ..vPK'fUN I teiere l L itmirt BUSINESS MRN'ttFMBKALLTQgl ftWOTiS?? VJv 'SSli? PENVEkilvTr': f;.':;rvr . NERYfif aND"b6K MRDlStT. Dost 1 tofbti gtehl&fnfedwerrelraFa I Jtijf tjyMZijt vij.cw RRVRR-T- O ? atp'Tii tha teeth Who4pihArUbhAK it' cr aoe :ABd Bii WoooUfidk Uordi .1 dtitiiAJEtO CHAttOEaPBBMONAmC IIiogtg.v (BKBjmsfiSBT i i r i Lao.' ri f1. ; Ohol-- . ! rnT.O.Tr:-:-: FLOVERS! Beewe M SeifteA Jc Gcorgj -- .1 EL George Hall. UAiBe i-- fi fat Jii ,-- rh VVii; ? ij. io 4 j t i f ?o DlmtuKjhUhoKu'tfMiA, Bf OMTAltf At .fiv.it STOOKi'BOUGHT(ANp.:SOLD. ' r.? &F'r& .fount Swr in Ij ' - !; iMU fm idatewb 7 :;n f;W. fSWWf : Proscfiptlops pnt npwilh ottij by n I '' A.. Teamster snfiiiftigranU supplied in I ri! - " j teaht ftflF atLmtt Market Rtr, oinll Uo i!- ..V r . rtnsn?. $eJLirri ilk jS'AtiilW) i 6,1 ! 7 M 4lh ftfil&tt yf )Ht 1 .laskiUfilf!' i. 'ti ll V. . " STORK, aorUiah,piRV.KfvJ.aJC044 J ; gamihuSUdiiuo - r u O SymvtSs ,e5fiii! BOJLM9fW9 : I slz JjTKATtt c j j are ' ) n P? ij - VALUABLE Hi'VOHI!Wjrf ; A .i Mm' r"-- ' 1 4i 1 t . a I .V ii i 4. . ' ,i seww .;, is i . v-,-j . . . rnjv ;: j f . ' . |