OCR Text |
Show Jan ...... !5S ,osa HTaafl r uaivuiiiy wti,t;h.H ouoJSffo'iTbHi i jjCfl.gf tfifiai.Tftfc renal 3S SAlpfo iliAWIk ? a io a a 000 bast anbe& tfeMLEsrREEifc. raTtflt,T.s;str HASTEN : JSpiRTOliJ HOUSE, rfthi fcttdtnj Material .ndOWJs?iW MacTdnerv Jt,o3 AfMMlortoTtpiiitlof of kmdi ail i cnt t fn ttbrns, eivt$te$nf PXfSW : edt pwji praxy d t)d i qUttill tot I Jtn.A) m story c fy? u ILj-il- liMTeSa?1 &i . p!-- (i. ki,U) tio . juimw Six months, M2--r ary potftf if of Ab&.VAg4rir j 1 A i ny - as aoou as possible after, tbj pijyharvest in cotton or wheat will have t&t & MagaxiiialfoTWardid to tKe.mTOCi) .18 j. K. L.T, Harrleoii Publisher Salt Late a cocr s Snpscriptiao nye ItyiithitiS shlmlriiMl). ir.llolf J.U. :lii Si ti '& R Jl h I N'0 HTHj'KEliLOGO.1 I Jh V' Dty ,4lf - (Suecmonto L. Ss i, . J" uroRfii 1 uwnj 13-- tf T ,fiainto sLaLhfy :a hi Tool lfiftohajpl Tcl.SiM. Blair. S9.l0tit W tt. iit 'j wit . .. gi fiinooifJ i eonly 1dsdlla f9jniO ,Teff! r JsYj STStns 'fiab4dnpUoutl.rhtfpcr ybar. should Y" sealed f Sftbtobtifmihnldia'sta'Vfi ' bviS'oa-i- J! v .YUliaLri-JsAVALAVCttr . eetni T;f. i InlAViT trtnprdrtfiiSahod. aoranmftoJM6htWdm6aci ivoo f:; AMJEY, 3 bsl.ir Tefno n! OIBse the ex- - vsdidyvJvftoi.il' .thwswdoty. j tsi i ; Si GWitTHh ifcSv liit 0 . .. IT .3 9 v93.? . :ji r Dfce t,j c.jlii; v.ni Uns ir-r.r?- , u!Ml)..u ii ' ,-.- W! itl4. - &U : illf treci, Newport Ci y at , . ' Ui l j itOfB WJ.bcr.uijjerr.ftJ as above,- "2. n jlmiffP'KstiW u.Auzona. Ocgtf . , ' f ;; k ' S 3f75,- - puy - W, li. ir Ot) i (if, Sa.- H BERN A RDINO li-- A if?T- - Wnn'cd SOO'busHelt of' potatoes f rwhxb wi'l puy dfliyered ut Cal- l- i nt n 5 tji aIs j 2 aEii.c si - 1 v T. j ?da n&9.4??w?XtlOciafloia, - Mid ! ; J.Jifivtf.acKPBrrHhRseor.mnt of T :? . 1W ali--lf- 0TmFrj It IIj C matter. r f: S5i332a! rtof ItirCB eic. To'i HjiOfilATC tTi3Miin the Lnitcd fcaa States t i;t 4 s 1 1 .lidyeqtufai, pith htxaer&ns hbecdales dosorlp-- . Uaamf mananf rid, caitomMjimuitipeRs k for the youifg people, &c. cunstituto treading . ' iK. low h.Q l ti 9u,r I'ull-pa.'- o 637 u - .scaofnrilie(id'J. wb tS . figures. vJUl with frpmjffmtj;vtltTeuy-fiv- e iilus-- t dajsjA RraTisi Mracy let tAaresS' frcqnen t- - press, besides Itro rations, engravings uL ly lost, and so much complaint caused Jby, tin Avalaiehe Building, JfOraphirrTennesed. I And for this purposo I otferfor'salo my in St. George, .of-f- acres on which Is situ at ;i !2.;goodapTLogi, ft; thriving ! .fssvTl The cacapfitt pe idical octavo pages ui letter, containing eighty Is..irossp.. -- MUSTRflLLOfi!! 0lIh ak D.iid i a ESliWOS- rates'- - mast source o Anywiwietrftgnrt&hrTrura Wealds, lttl?Sl.?WriaL-5a0SK,fAyr!(Iclub sy sternal together. Wyvcan only, I!T3J( StmXwU&Sltftto&xibfers I I vflFel'.ilUhH.' aaX y 0 JJ. Bcnchley 8l (V.'Jjf hhc a a 0 Igricd .oral iTihpP ftent ftllining clnbtECTwIwYsinglvtoiption loAth4terd ! I ho porson--.ftjiintt- Ty hamagitbem all iatO ' A ,,,, 'persim-ioni:ngIi9dr6ti- forty to fifty Inevcry are .directed, witbout.rcepe.ct to station jriue or follies and vicis of the .trjrfcws .sssoifldu' 'tip the - "m- S ively to the Dixie oil Company. J. Hamblin'. . T , U lu; CThoinM. AMERICAN '.KNOlilSit A GERM AS iar lane. J i. Ant engraving. &KfaS : against pur ed 5t? (jilaQEt'V.nt XelAiga. csela a ' .with. 5p - 100 lustrqtud On 1 w4k; ayablotq carrier or agent, 25 prfce?. ' Y'&Ot n'JZE&K&vfo eopyroneVoai m m j Clubs of five toto&b6pies?ha&irM ,7i Ono mofttb, dcemt-rise- if till hg la .f. et,-- KKS aaler1 - do do A0Ami'S ii Jr W ,,,,1,ninrEsDEDowNEa.!' ,.-ClI,VO- .r V t Bfi Jt-mo- 1. yowrftrfiiin tliB ipfiDjor lot fjr eifnnectedSriihtbe. rn. UlJlGIfioT Ll'lf of e. 01 sMaeait L mT MO nnl,- - dnytfljafll are-warn- intent 4erf i WARMING, O UD! t Mattaj! The test Kftlessxon Blogs ntumf - Wife li ttffiitorT, cnVtl'd, A.'h aJKfcltfDITlttf EXBCmu .,'1 - . a,iT TWO SPLENDID Now publishing f milt f.l .fawntterrfui ..v- - tj.D id r:i -- 1 I8lJ9;a ! fi 3 tubt ; ..vi!Hh i.;.i i ,. TIME TO PLANT. ; J . I) ,f : i FalLand winter fi timettf VIO tl& STRITf 63 aSTSnfGS. trees xml vtnk 1 1 an now'prunlngjta plr.t kitig ;.j ..Thera jsfa .choice assortmehr oY.tborabavp up; am plar ting out, fruit and ornamental li;- .:t FftAN K tESLl B3 tCLUSTRATBD goods, juit Jbeing nicai ved at the ? St? fdeore trceslffh;vbe,yiiissa' d plants.vt I oui supply in limilcfl.qa mtity froprrs EwspAt'. 7 , A : jJoURJfAL 'CS' ! CtltflCX Cl l x A DI NO Drug. StoreWhloh. wben fully f rareived Vilx Th'o'aim ot 'this .'paper is le' furpislf aicto- - SELSCIJCD 7R0U FuhAICN good asiortmeat if application is made i Ul'KAXNT equal any assortment iq the Territory; --- ri 3 cctitV .r String from 10.T5i . e? r Hy , i'repr id tiges ifipVnA ;lxMthRVlDits of the " 'This , popular vrL2j; '.t .mI .'I i events he ' of foroige press, ii pictorial spirit of Amenta for promptly steam;railie or national interest, rsilrpad I i f i boat eccid&ata, lusingafii thrilling incidents, best arid most IfWhifr. iWtiouSiioi Ihave a limitfd' quantity ofifSewiand comics, 4c. Tho literarynattcr comprises, be.periodical, Tbene. em-b- ace Eurapcau very choice varieties of. fruK. Ireo f, ,vl ay , sides wdll ;;wruteh editorial's "on tho'leading erial Miort ya Tape's, Juries ehrubSf'and plants. 1 otfiet toes ifWCqr questions of thquayi andjdesenpuens of the rrid Biographical gra in, or ' self' for cash' Con rUtingof'li) Desciipiired, x ; seruljstoify of hnUipg. jntere t, ?Srar iogsf narratives, no ly Imported Varieties of ajiplgr r: and tales, ? humoroa ontertaming., From 'the Vihscrher at Dellview, or j of: firest grspea Excellenta ' aorodbtoii. eabteb'poems; As;! South Ash Grerk, Washington County, one vj 2 j TV.' tfl $1 Engli li ; goqsbcrries-T-Fra.- ch per year. Subscription price, ryjlilish ersy, pcmpaepjeolored'jeat old strawberry Ac. and : English Roses RaapborUfSr-A- c, ,0.FRA.yK I,ESI.IR;8.jaiHHBT..rf mare, well broke ta the harness and sad- i4 llbe-bcs- FRAXK LESLIES PUBLiDATIOXB -- ' - ' icr ?? namv or-tee- v t-- tofllciDutforuTheives! 'tes bdtLiMRiWX&n.'T.i' nl """'faiftajteS TOlffeBfKI?.??alJy9firJ Z : litirary1 'piccorlaT Ex rluding 1 un, y iU lile .indicates. lrf tcAirnWh fiifiusctns'nt for 'the leisure hour. ' lUj connt j eonfUt jrincipaU nf, original stories by able writers. including serial,, ts hsf 'wnvMVaA JVehtwie; hlegrfipnfcal ekm aas w self, mad men with portraits, dtsl eriptiwis efnrtors and customs in rematq countries, short pooias, fairy jtojries, eniguasi conunirhui, charades,. 4c. - Illustra'ed with engrkvings, of which largr and A pury events of the dpy, j on ,- sritei' ??fJmare? ?.a r Vi. 4 i aX I - JP'J : daraip' x J ojie i (tId!8wyiii ,t:3oiV i? :3i Uvinczild t ( for Rti..Otptfys.for,.hoi Jreeide, Vi y it Inquire t 1 vet .030 T9F.U iheScasiilf, contiUui, i and 1 tiidi, a'ccoaits ofwondjrfuul.advctturid besibe- - a coritiituel L sliiiry . well-writt- criptlms a.iJ illustrations df roVcign' manfiere aul enstimn anecdotes, and pictures of familiar and 4s. Fro.n twenty totweairflvn'engravings appsar iaieieh1 weekly iisne. Subscription r. priC3 $l. 50 per year,; : . 13 YZ1JK LESLIE'S LADY8 AGA&NS. kni-ma- thi IKilw.y, and . ha, aim to commtidtMo elrsrs' led and iolelWuk nil en lt, ra-ady- rs Irc.liBel, aidVarjSfv V.f Y a nB H A7 A Cl or eiilttva- -. Uy ihoi new 81 cffenU. I' ZLLi e-t- t LvI I ii ?-2.- have nokr e, . ? box-juglf- or ' It I Those inch kt6ck,' should call dle, branded on the left shoulder 'two J'g aobn?1 'deslrlbg il ' hesil'i'j pefiiuii'vls croed not very plain, also A R in plalir rpnjru nt fealure J. ELJoaxtoif. tiers ou I he left Ihleh. Whoever will St ! Amodliaufiort"reprueii(cd in Ifreturn ! GMUtah, De:9 68 it the above scribed annimal.or df give iviieEvtrjSaurdAJ.ainm.diyor the in'ormation that will lefid to hrr recovery , ciandvwiiliVfitiwritcr df Eunvpe, , . .i.nil reeeiva the abov reward, Chaile Diekrn. Henrv Kinirlvyt. .. : Joel II. Johnson XTlirfrls Rvade yVntHo ?y Trollope, ! niunosjirnnlng' rayfgiapW and hkva llOXIKU BICTAL M the w :A rnol d, Charlie Kinh y , variety efsnttoigxpwin-ter.i- a to,fpste,uitqt -. season the best n:.r-rrF Power Cobbe Chrixtlfa 0. R sseti itMV? forpUntisg; by Uyc . If to Invest. want ly A eloclv Ail I'6r 6f; ,SJ Halil heM netal for GVo bndj . uC. & . w l j. glJobnioA i?j,.i Edmond. About, .AlLxaouvr Dum. ,307 n u(d.uaiica flU; oaoliinery, milfa Ao for sslaj fii fcr?-;sAfri. Olipliant, A. C. SwiijbuVi or for JA'. , to th young. 'FINEFt'UITii frr m ani exchange i grain Roben sBuchtan. , Jean., liyaluw! the TimorOffioo; ftliSM.TIiatkeravvJ mrs .brrtiwuiii. ,. .. r. mn l thcmielroi iirT . ? Strayed or Stolen. E--a- CORNERS : . ffoqtcd Vines, l nCrarhotenj foreign, bave-aiftfiruvlne- s Wloapd, table grpeslCor,.'syla -- 14 a ' ?s vo L 3r i jj al t r. 'Jii4 of c j jssnarjowst. idi at trad JU- d Geo. W. VF 'v rivOil B?L$r'JWfai .B-J- o- rjv JohniodMbi c tfYJ lemtiJvtB'CWVT ifcOil A El ly.jJ I.i'j JvJ The leading fathion periodical' in America! Faoh monthly number. eoutains a largo color il plito of the latest fasiictr, fiom design jnt from Paris as soon as invented; which are tbns publhlicJ imuUas!WUsly.M ;jlcw; York and Parlsfafto a foufpajjunoolorol fashion plate, embracing the various leading styles. iThiss are r?c?Dpaay4 with full description I kguw-nwr- rObGOOD &v COj FIELDS, tf r cppUattcndod t;. ' Publishers, rio? ton. Succciwr to Tickuor ie 1 ielJa, SralA HI ygwg!se , i r-Lo'ffR BWP JTVVj for Ample Storage E. SNOW. uvea. I ?IMf Auji!i818X) j.sl eo svssl . WIX S3 1 WINES! PtJ&E r. WINZSt Choice pure w,ne forth sick and theiie needieg pure itlmulanta at the St. Georg Drugstore. |