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Show H cast.tnd the l; ji nCfioith rtew bill Bi and e iViwhQa1antJfIEilAaael tfei i.'i i r Las1. JtfaBMtyMlr ,t4a it ltf,IwJ'Uro eprcicaaBw4UtB 'ttlSOKi 4U3gifrfcftfa9lta&n tber-ma- In Iawf JJ.JSpjtUng Mi. le naacbine for tl s and hire ft&h Xnatinnif reetiiy to Vnylhing you7 may favor Kespeetfallyt Mra.WJSLB0H0N. -- .... - nri'wa mosCo.lXlisi.lJaiL ffiSiSj fashion. natiema, iadligt i Biwtn me gta. Ml jtyls .idt Ahll Xflrfy -- 1868; A LEST. t JjaiflVWe are 1 KmSnfcilaehlne. ya'she woulPnot Cake $100 for year3,00 1 . , byFlelJrOiigboJ and JV5 Utah taqft fllufKr notbseatd eMuef wiffhaledyYVw tait"wyrijB.' ' In, deed X almost ihlnlr, sometime. that Ian. 4aztiMaagu All IVclreta:PnbHhed w'mll mfitaMrwiftftMrdPMiPCUiM T.U 44qc credit j&b&Jkms tend. end Feb Th Atlantic MbeiMy are received They are ebolce specimens W wwtf Ihrw fLtWWiC&yTwThfi& fe tJTTi Urn WWirujii1 ' S4 fyUi of YtyAtttjrfcthenmdlftKbf tnd t : o a for-Js- n. inifilJjraeRjoYed-- . one of lhoaechoica. 4l cspeelSli y inr Vrat ofS3ltpU Prop ay SmocfcLi beaky Bmifit. jftflfrws TfewrPfW . and looked- - en """" f mt "Siieeti everySat. ftl. Pom. daciety YelHieVthe--ditorttifharr- attcLutogether-tb- niu TheR. mire than ntewntiny. -- ThaJl ' fi 9-rt- l. bracet. ;.ir ! Book, fua. Merab. teJOan- - tub i n I yj Wlt ih I itAnfhi nt I CittM Wb Wfbi ..JaaLt4Ail I bat ilaei adTl f ESDIP 0FFERS mere jeree.an$ doe igtedOY for life iMititttSriBALCWMoBddV alrM the money than apxvteyahflPifo&hrtfleado oLdtor.reoeu fnn ff popuar Monthly Magazine rfrea the lVorll, For, iS6$, It wjlf be greatly , Imp roved. It will' contain I j. U' : ripMvA.0e&99lthit!ni&dhd'Tcilyi '!fcbncs al Iftil VMUlV If tl subieiibe pr 4Ua'hio( r Hi money than any in j w I im FORi) j ,ON,TIIOUSANDPAES! ,14, SPLENDID STEEL PLATES I MAMMOTH FASHION PLATRs! h 12 COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS! ti. Is J .?,r ,1 'SSSS!! A!odWJ,,t n0 H """I week -- eJitflthw ixxVtw jtralKa; oSA'fofae uftht. fz X TtVTw ,ti n .i.Pjcwrj N ifrfa Santa pfriyp mfiewand LeaU f&uUid trom?dtoi nj catiMed; oii.tbe rsnge.fficiode. sanMULWnUf of the mouth tf& the :(SrtonJ)!!,5f L fall i:Mlwit,wTce,:i hxiThaiiriljSatilfaYajpfl is'et-ekaYVrd!aAinfibnlitie8eBrere'J worn-- . 900; iWOOD CUTS! or 24 PAGES OF MUSIC ! All tills will bo given foe only Two Dollar a year or a dollar lea than Magazines of the claas of Paerbon' Its I hit .kle;taf0v4Ja.ci nvt'wftrv Inter'eatM VJan MAn .MftpjfOlii " trulr oaaryeioas. nnibiij bwV py , . ' ;rY?unS. d.-r.Lf?-rt ha1Ictfdfhata just tfea&jy we nied abme brdad and other eatablea ShVl rw4 "gdiiungry ? AreWbabi pdbfWiP& Shywhre. All thataihO qtir tfianvswil thj most popnlewiite are employed o jri.iJt nav'wil ",tI3 m write origtoa try W 7Peferron ' In 1869 In addition' 16 Pe ninal quantity of short ctl itsOr-- M:m rl FociOrlgfiiAtCoyrht Novelets wlitTbeiUDvep f i vizi rJlaryi AKIiiiettes Telliman, b.Jdrfo Ann 8. .Stenh-n-..et . HI ii PL. li I. ' N 1 ; -t. the in w eni ngioit7, , py . ycauB Lee I .: p.nteir eompossdpMO letters, I lie 8 f or y nr Benedict; Maggie by My LSajLlO U wMtfyevMr need. the author and of lusy y 1DT7 5,6 .iswha everybody shoald ;- Ani ft am j r I i Ls-Diarj- do. c to the yro .leivbket uur et tdjotaripjeflui jfiiBee ne.-p- l e end Vi pnbiie m irawvtip iwjiio-niv u Meastugr.and nui. pf.Boi Vidi y :r ' lisft madef-m- pine. 2,67 ? MAMMOTH n anttoftl.? 8 2 1 2 5 Ahead of all others. 9T 8,4 it what woneado. in u Tire J reVn "clindtejBitliaVnlax btfLVIck-v-- ihrt nTxiu i . ok Steel, Tvricz ii one TbeV places are dd en-grav- tirt usual size and contain mrfignree. They1 wntb?i.Vrterb-l- y colored. -- Alaoy-a patterR, from which CWIde Dress can be cutofciiWftbofct theVidfcf a ma,.tna-k- . of DresB-AUBlHU- j ,., w. f.AlaeBfveral :pagk)f tn rU.4aas?Be or.K 12 CM) FAIR ED i I' nA' J o wa H other to nny recripls;-i- n to Ladies. - Wotae-iiold-a- abort, Wery-Chlngjaterest- nd ing n'O1 'niaiaarsiram. i up a Club for 1869 will be ent C.RATSS, h copy m our new and aplendjdt Mrt(rf 24 iMehes'by 16,) inie .fdffratnjng. Stat if Biih. hefem' ailer the edebrated maatfifieice by Gerome, Ihc famnuS' French arU8f . This Je the moat drsirablr.' premium: srer afr9f!'nr lrge . clnbf s,viII(l.ejBren below, an extra copy will.be sent in addi- ' rfe Iw (?. ' .. ds feure'iii, W'!WP ft tee . hdri!e- - kT'ft!l ' ; Terms ai ways In'-- advance: 1 wiek? Qll lOtUieAciosio cepr for iuV year ( some towhl, ..fl $ 2 00 500 dp tnimsi4fa tor find lift 'while otLrs iijal . - , 3 copies, . JJ. A fvw Indian nilies should be enp3of il; I ,i4v -- na- -i . O! Cfpitn i Pivf.oobJ; I,- yar, on tn Vetter sdiii 00 -: rVr-nSiViAdd&otSlbfophti: ? !V6. Some such plan will be far more ,a . eredi . MtiKWl!pfqtibM thhnith'b atMctCpitnaiog. si !& .etc!) s at td'rsv - wlilttfe V MdraVh W la id -- offAwu c 'begitu'fbe K4jdri,qf hbjVeVa dd Mfdpjn rAl 1& ,d jfche sede-iavhaY- ,ae!A id a! a a tdnev .yod erfi hiewiuia V1 el J.dnr 1 i ft!" are pi HfcrtPJ Uirn thil a 4blhd piShOtei;" n W'S- - m . k. a A vr.-- v J? i;evf and . - fACTOjutf faefics and gsrihbter.lfe owners1 thus 'Wckzts all l- PETERSON iF:r EiS IJ - Ukh' First Premiums, Just received from our beet Eastern wherever the;Pano ftiJiman a RH,d assartmeiit of i EaposiikmlSOT. ,;i ,.i MACHINE has J exhlulM.-includin- g 1 : 1 h.i -- ddfDrA- - ciatle Associstiyn gave one of theiPtai; prreeptailblhldo. An 6fMdlbf!liouit,- -- V Garden Seeds'! ed A : , lt.lsnip!e, d irafcle; easily in t r t'ed,'f arid tuoranteed to iD-iefhf haifde of every 'fiircknnr Vi The L AM B iJ Phla,1clpliU Pn. inanity those wishfui; to irei ' 'i?i!y MAif' opelubsi theni In fa titz'YkbrrrS.1' Jr CHARLES 30f Chet TTSpoclmkht sent -- Ul1 V. j 0ij Afo II NJF$h St. SL-Lon- f.KE Fj Oiui :jr(0!to3c of Aoiict, ij33, rgrtblc7nd opp,-- Oanritfouee. U Kow 6 th 1863., Tee much can ; rHy t ?h OrSce Dm Stor. i notice of bait Lake graph Rook Bindery. ;. Tele |