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Show ft Grainand-Feed-Sto- tent is you by mile cvir r W'SrtW-aiK.y;- jbt fill iftkWtoolL$halftau3ate(i , Fasts x$ lid . jhoi,1 jasirrf ,; c ;E 1 lr.'sii U! .otiURii M.' ,Lako. !iu -- i '.Vi A J 1 1 ah 1k tc j , MENtffUEKSfia s- " - fMKgAera s, ,0 .,SALTsLAKE;ClIX.TM Ne?l of Volume 2 will be Issuol atilia --Timas-Offi JSeptember-l- b .(jxoruk. u tah. siNdmvNk-- 1 -S St. fcrs Co. 4 flii J, Gw: s . B ;:c - Stpck f.well-assprt- f ed SXJ-- ; PERFUMERY; SMEDICINES," ... need-mykervi- ' !..-- . - ' f y.f i clxmn Cotton and Lipec Ksgs ratud Pub-iiiwHhyr,oif..- --;v Vs, - - - - - -.U tb'e' elder branded J, E. J. on the horii and most all with'a 6 lnh circle with (J) inside on left yhoulderI will reward the J r-- ) 1 w l-- Somepenoa ' Win hU m a Go r. ,v Va t finder1 :u. foineir and 0 Sblne t Afak e r. Sf, ?0?rsV ' wi 11 execut e ord L George. Apr, 15 in his liuo1. wih' Harrowed 1 iMnto 'K Sbovi aw FXU E RKAiM TA L i a j: I i DO0 JTVUAN S i . i dispafcii t .. liE'i ft1 eenN to xOura it ..? r .w I hs; Tfa-tV- : T3m'i ho AT-to- C,R 0.0 K E.1J f AR E., ' Agency for Findlays celebratej ' '.I will take Cora; Wheat,' 'Flour, Matches, wholesale and retail, at Rotter j Gheese;'!Oditbn,'rC6tton Tarn StorcpayCash : or Lftad in Flduthge.1'1 .VVlST. GEORGE DRUG STORE . the street run-in- g Pottery issitnatedron . 4 to WMlxlnglOD-;,STR A Y ED I .yv: . ; JOUN .EARDLEV: ltfSeveral Cows, Oxen, and young etock oe ' JAIESCRAGUN. . i. to.qupply.(he . ' - i'wplAiDIimatc.dtheDiseaBel 1 .. fcr4.7 r. now in-- ' . 1 i generally top;Ta?vpmAsFt publicthat Ixhavc waojuay '. I un -t- he-past n 7X3 vU , mmm ao r r.i wrirjiiBv t; Whilel thanking nypatrons for tbeii OJVSD RUGS TORE; favors -- in I wish to inform George, lUthU, Txfcflbel found a good 7.-j- L?le Till,','Utah Spring tt . Look Cario.itiea. , J,b therOitv, Tannery. '' 1 - - part -- two blocks west of Clark Sf., si .haketi tj9 1 t - " r HIGGINS, ' orpa-mcnt- Hg!L(ITB IIHIVSOQflOS Residence in the north of C AT mC a if 04 iD.ibMs6N; will TciuMe k al Keepa an extensivo asaortinent of.Fairi good site iml bestfvarietiewii also y TreV and ShrubVery) dlotker Uooas, Con feet ion Toys,. Books . - fill ie err, ' 1 C'.'il.U., 1 ,k I. Medicines, .Stationery and Yankbe d .Oti'J l'.t) PZ which ho offers at tfce: lowest :. .Achpiw ; pf rJURPY 1 g RAPJES . ca Atiofh1auVrA''f alf south of the Publi NAURS the,TLTIIIXU OFFICE, j on M t in Street. Goodtlimber and addressed1 Square.' Gorresponddnce and with neatness and -lVi : work done well .. r5 t despatch. ! , ' riiH-"- -'-" Hivo Syrup, Composi- - tinl Jypr fAr?8P8;l!HtaM other populuVFannry MedioinCs. f.-s- -- Taexi eACTUl; St. Jicb,.Piles, Ac mc;hi S'. 'n: Ji'soan fHAlftOlIOlGEi LQXuOF v!I . . . .. on VAKER- f rcceivbd ln'Daymient. ' Irodce QintmPnts foi fVirmMedicjn-'e,-r . ALSO - WAGQNiNIi;, CARRIAGE I if i ifVAlT 1 sq ifccrfvL .3 .1 ; Rropms,' af.wholeaue pr retail;" Grain ealarrat tTiej Time Office,,1I f&ik DeedsTMunds, Mortages,. Deeds of trust, Powersattorr.ey Riils of aleSubpoenas, and business laLVGi.mKiOTbaf, Ivii-.- -i t & :and -- For Blnksofijy jityle ridtsdo order 8?r i Hi)n ituy f Ml uirJ:rn 'Vi i rJ b no I 0 tiutui. offers kfU .,rThjv.Unersigned 'dquble-wiun- d, clo wire. fastened i 1 ! lifoh pVisi.Tasr .sNtohiq ?dT .1-- KrmoiWe6tg AiTFAyKsTi ; Sat-arda- y ; For Eheaniftfism1.andv all diseases rc quiring ohtward apDlieatibn for Man 0 licsasteilhe tery ueU liorta Linbfiicnt. J I blanks. 'sinisea!!? on; Z 'NEHVfi5 jfND,SoNE!UiMEUT j t Byfpgrbrougbf ed trog-pbivdii- vrl BrilgElriS 'SefJsC? fell aOWERSIu fGlBlA'S&HIjmHf tbrubsbulbs woV' Connell mail mDefroit, he .wk8 BLAKKi1! ,par UuryT anxious to1 Favq ' pertain up.. If1. is said ' that George DtuM i Sqt?. OF Uanfof"- - ltf 1EU8. be non? Snap-Dipgon- ways-mind- nt r'YA,"!Gl or lace--, 4&a gpouung Cord Ll infant8 giVcaimttedlate relief. 1. ftj&jblkvJKDsfi ey (Fere liTbetween hefe'4Flhe' B.ty"of i Jrrusaluaij thairw hv, a. bumblebee hit j 'j r. i'xvA k7l1 iii es, me with Fie helm when becomes rgund WALL ewliO jUn ft To V5U I?11 s j ruddin Tuberoses.ldtfd many. Iris, frttf other vessels; others; slso a choice collection of Chinese They'a? the -- bumble bee. j -I-he-helm-al fi)JdHArrSjr ibssd it si 1 IrejMifs patrLage f I had ratbernot hav the bamele 1 IlAyK a' few. flrtwei'Ing. i sutjsfSSffi . f.f R eJT i jVflUVjTEXl?OVa:l,,l,c3 BUSINESS DENVEH. . first born. They rn.jup bie some mBii id this respeklj ..52 . - Thefi rrinsipal blzness hi making poor lq! any quantity. & :Ui nialittls iirkies uttmheiipgiebottt 7i or :0 St. George, Jah.' lS, eiUifbO I2$?$r ;B4Mft8jU: 41VUTBJMS ri Jad ,d?wdO el d ',Vjr.yO nl.' m .si C( p WBtWf .!? TFy'.iiVspart frt tUfjest ey m:nXli.u, silgsa5-RTAII;i i- -J M t dMtlvKtSfiUARd Ub,Sm f. n I Continuer. be lSs $ui;;!r Il.'Jidi bn 9 tf tlia TERMINUS: 0 U07.M aiii win- -t V.Jt rraiud-pstieitly- fjStSSP . which m' a 1 ! 9 a TIS M K ,611 JLti5M -- CflTESLsfjt 6 .iiacinTE tatSprontRif w.i it.is vj . szz3bmm& ., oi hf?. . SSlSftffWi T&lBfiuiftoattouejd .'Htf'l?rioripil1PtKl! &A i' ' ..! Johnson. ' , , s j ; . t, J.-E- . mm-- 1 i - x SSlffiOMli; J 4 e Jr; Wi ! J; W ? of .good -- size jM&vrtf ci;a CRAWFORD HOUSE, . . ..f, "i'i iD f .Ior -- transplanting,-- - to a j Utah, Travelers and for- ;GRAlNtaFd other Copper Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. EXCHANGE hoarders acommodated with the. best Produce; consistipgjjf er&aaMaUl Xer 1 St." George.Uiah i)i (nB( deei the Vtopas&tidsfroaadaof .. , . Apple, JPar, Quince, Plum,, Apricot, table comforts tlie'inarket affords f . b-- s n T jVE.jbussoNr." Peach; OHer?y,: 'Pomegranate AU fiCdaorge, XStik, Oel. S0.18C8 W. H; CRAWFORD.mond,; CataJpaa;v.AUanthoiJ ;:i lltf ; WIUPS AND ' LARIATS. f. ty ' k. Honey Looust, Mulberry,,. v ikDJXIb" TO T HE SAINTS iavi-fi- l JOHN US LA EW,":'XM ' t eto., iete., I3 Add eisewnoto those of you banugbuslneu COMPOUND All i work in1 braiding, StGeofge., Also tome Hour. Choicer uwellVa" foibtikAitliqr Vestthatyon tth eumr tfl V:. v llf: Ordinanj, letter'll pdpnV i?ilh dispatch. y vt I 4Uati tCi edible iriii-ui- aiated .rorlet Jl this -- if' fil in T ' - r h. T I - Rome Georgia irnTyou shaiyjMaiqliiictd amtsxs & doctrine of the SainaO:orrAn Rome Jo, th&ir writings Gcolgfiov.Mr Ito r. i4 5S fiMUf - f JSfEHrts A tr r.r, ji.m PaxowaaaApL Gcokoi Gains3ilir:i'tr 1869 - tcitce. DRUGSTORE Sold at iST. GEORGE . it pyMoney refunded jehen AaUsfaeti.on . r irnot given, t I .ft Kylf ei Kt at .r , oBOrtieKif yT JfillWfiOOi) ao-.- ,5aaO d CURSOR. , XJ " A.CnfrietTr Keep enhafid T t- - h-- w: . . Lcs JBrown and;!Allen a number j 12-- tf JFiag ntn j . pV,-!h- ; Jj B.;JQJHNSON; SL ;George T i Liver, relieve ' Billiou and other : a(J8udrDiU:cure the ; Jaundice, and jprove Vs be ne best family Pill ia exis- - - s.j. x.qirBtttwTi.MOM.r m j Headache drive away Fatnlehcy. f.ndLpssof Appetite, help wknfeeci b el kTanner St. Cmpc Ctelw4)ftd IM- A- Machine owned by Bro. E. SnpwX'ilo" pose putting it up iiFftow s wi'kftd eidy to receive wool and deliver rolls hylhelst : of .May. j FcV.fcrs, Vi :,-;-T KAafaBMIBSSv. i eirisru'dgVtSfniiue vr : ; Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants Complftint8, break-u- p and Vines, IIounrPrtftf. eto. Dmepsia, of apples Rote,jT .'rBlHUrtiM oV'l. WBftRttna.t, em T 2'v ll - 1 ttmbis I 3 12 oopy.?r t?i yifcanU lirtUboB ysqiCipted TBrSotiea L ttiTfO : 'fcjiiir paiLiti Native; aqd Foreign i Graie Will oleanse th IaIs'A FlA veering and lrditinv Scrubs, Blood, remove Billlo ; stimuiute the A bt ft fa rjat letlej of srsmbstthLSZOU tod Hord aortf Xtw J. JEorsbhw. HavlngSrcated Sk. Nursery. Garden. sicsi ,iu JLUVLshQieeand is Mo. (care A. .J - . rpr 1 0: eHarueisLeaiiierte., q WhjchitheY.i offer to'erohaBg9 ;f(r fSHfariSftM t4 4 w hWM A suprior. Medicine, for Whooping l Cqughr Coughs,; tColds, . Hives,; ud all Affections of the'Throat,' br Lungs;givesmmediate . rebef nothing bet " Sold at St. Georgo Drug Store -- |