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Show Bert's to th. WEATHER susesse, to And heres to tho pulpit, and heres nd warm Wnther continue. 8pringHks had some the PRESS. 7. Ws fuliyiadprsetbe lastVnlsace Id. Altho since oar last wa have with white around mountains and the tain mow In thie valliet verdure appears and The San Prancieo Dallr Herald, New InIs eries-Yo- l. X'dnt and vlnyan , tabor in 1, No 3S Cronins commercial cessant. Buds of poach are swollen; and Is a Nwaprnf and Ae. chow tho flowwllnt, Rose Owibsr, with Newe. prlce current we Currant Shrub are leaving out, and Ac MALI NO. YOUNG FOLKS notice that peas, RidlshM, lettuce .i . 1 . ....... la It Y es PrintJ are up In our grounds and high time grape war pruned, and all (iFroBi' Our llouaw Corwi moved bs to pondeat Uess, vines, and. shrubs, : t were put la plus favored Navvoo Pasir Ws wer quest of Hc&ito. uorvi-vr- n n of attend to party Utlon with inv from Nsuvoo, given at Washington we No. 6 didnt refuse went ail had a mot delight ; . . a and un-otime, good pit re was picturesque and. often... magnifi DAY " fi-l- ! i d, - . 4 s nar, .v-- r . : ; human family was swept from th sank, and the sun blotted out from the i hcavsus. to be again xckindled. stotM ST. GEQRGEUTAII. They immined A. iallis future lif- TALERTIXES bodios w era covered of caiitnM Their; cent. The wicked were to expuate their --o 1 t of Wcdanlaj; Febodrj 17. 1869, cotton, vest thick darx-nn- i. quilled with a This day so celebrated In the annalsof so thick as to bo impcuatrable to the sins in a place of ; ererlasting has Another class with nr othjr domes tie lift, in all civilised eo mtrles warfare. merit than -muiIm jndiaA el n4., wivt having died of certain disdUontiu copm, 26 nnny a laugh at the expense of toms wlv Tnia garmenT was so light and i or fuany missive tucked nudtr the ioor, I ice;ible, that it was adopted by the cuses, capriciously selected, were to ' 't Bafti of Adrerf ftslngi or In a- ms crack about tho window Every-- 1 Spaniard. The wealthiest chiefs enjoy a negative state of- - contentmA Mua,, la tl.e apart that 10 lines of body and runs to sae whose it fs .0metimea wore a cuira'? ; made of ent. this type, eltt, will occupy. .The highest place was reserved as a P' 1 square orlvss, one insertion, 0200 thrown a surcoat of gcorgeout in most warlike nations for the heJolly 1 4 ugh, and thn Never mind great I insertion. ' Etch' 1.00. subsequent 9 s .. ..m a hilarity ospecLJy among the yonng folks, feather work in which they excelled. roes who fell in battle or in sacra Their helmets were sometimes of wood, COURT' HOUSE The Land We Love.' i fashioned like the heads of wild an- iTax Pbeiholoqical Journal for February contains Sketches of Prof. Bache, fate of the U- - S Coast Survey, Mrs. Lily M. Spencer, the artit. of the i bracelet, and 9Jrjp is edited by Gen. D H.Hill, and pub- - M timbers. Thiels tobes nice fa rgv structure I IWhed mon rich Kotbschild, with por- material. oTheir Mme armies I Alstin, Hoa-ihly it $3,00 per year, it and got up in good style with good mate-hesidea The Inner Smses, a rial, and when cemp.eted will be anor:a-- 1 pgt1! freehand vigorous, with many sf I were divided into holies of about l ketches, drawn, eight th usand men: and these avin i Pyho!ogiral Assay; Remrrec ion of mnt ts our rmppidly growing City. of I.- of (hr., orfour h.n. .t,Iul,i0n..44 I leilect in Society; How a Man made dred, each with its own eomander collected for that purpose Thats right In buttle, they did not icck to kill a fortune by- a Pin; Equality of Minds; If ws must have laws, let Justice have a ay Dialect. their enemies. So much ai to take them Communiti of Interes1, the Group of respectable Temple. prisoners; the valor of n warroir, was Organs: Wintering in the South; the Amusements, Wo have received a phamphlet, contain- - est mated by the' number of hi pria- - Americrn Lion: and nnmerone o' her attraction!. Price 90 cents, or $9 a Now is a good lime to subpubliahmi by Brja. at Groen Rlv- - I n,,?h J ,JT .lhe ,dcfotcd CMPllT, year. Of their duties, there were thir sen scribe. Address 8. R. Wills, 989 er Wyoming Ter. I well the work h Mechanically done, and principal, and more than two bund. Broadway. N. Y. !$ PUBL&hed, Si . 1 - slttll sea lif reftV for the future stieeras of the Spaniard, The Artec fttt the curiosity, common to mania almost ewjr stage of civiliaatioa to lift the yeti which coven pa.t. and themorc f ; v awful luture.; . . nations like relief the, They sought of the old continent, from the oppressive Idea of eternitr. by braakiug.it up into distinct cvcles, or periods of yean time each of sevAal thousand ' these of four wen duration. Thefe each by cycles; and at the end f the agency of one of the element , the We i by . 1 ; . n ':'k .pto . iSfngle- . to - : , " :wr - , : ni io eop.e. lZ - ; i - 8hc-Sh9-X- g,r i Fr-cm- au ; i t diene riocborwhn.festival. .p. was t" rfcJsMVuaiM0 wl d, or, We leant that tbe press on wheels PProprwte will next halt on the road to Montana I conscerated. At the head of all these, I stood the terrible Huilzilopotchli, the gave goad attention, and,were well I at Brigham City, . J DAILY AMD Memphis Avalanche. MiRM m.rf Thu wu the ptlron TKRXSmiin! will make their mark somewhere la I as.. nr these mountains yet. Notwithstanding "V100 DAILY Yearly, by auii (in adranee) IIS OS Six months, - 6 00do do ha Golden Fanner, . entirely new' to I the losses sustained in their office, and I (Jhia fantastic image was loaded ' Oae do - 1 00 Bear do : with month, by uolnrkdenee, at the boards hers Rivsr, costly ornaments,' Ids temples 1 ar-Oaa to to a nies fnsli'ntsd week, ws earrioror have you The managers payable gsntlenaen, agent, 36 say. were the most atnttly or the public are ell The seats the Hall.' rangsment in $2 00 edifices; and bis. altars recked with the WEEKLY Ono copy, oao rear, inil all on price. Each seat Is Clubi of to 1 75 tea tro eaoh ceplee, blood of human hetaeombi, in every sutiubered and accommodates th number One copy for six moat 1 50 . for which tickets ire aoM. city of thie empire. Hamllteus Fort Feb. 31 1863; Dnsst rout indred must have been An extra eopy trill be ml to tho person ' makes up a club of ten, and aa addiJ. E. Johnson, the influence of such a superstition on who Our New School House, tional copy for every twenty iutaeribera Dear Brother, the wioter has been very on the character of the people thereafter. A eopy of the Avalaxcxb A Wears glad to see this straetnrs going I d'y .till last wsdn esdey, when it set bo seat to erery snbeoriber to tho will A more far In and the are i and snow Morris fell interesting personage about six snowing, Bp Director Sa Coplsn and inches deep, we were glad af it. The I in their mythology waa Quex lcOal, Weekly. rfgetically pnsbiig thr thing along,com-ileteAdditions cut bo made to tho elnbs at all citfxeas of Cedar had wolf hunt this I god of the air, who dnriig his reti times, the basement sf one wing is . nest ly daring tba year, at proportionate rates s.winter, and they took me hundred on nee ihstnicted na- tho times, in ereiy con to oxpin with the ilt the tie earth, r Xt is to he hoped that Ibis part .of the twenty scalps, they chose up sides end tive in the use of raetal ia Agricul: dab; otherwise, single inscription rates man kept it np for shunt six weeks, the losing hulding will be completed in time for ear aide bt Any variation from this rule breaks gut up a dance and supper for th I tnre and the an of government ' Un up paid. Spriiig and SumnUr tetmi of school. . The the dab system altogether. Wo can only efte is a fins elevation .in a.heaiUij .por-t- hl winning side, I happened tu ba on thelder bitn the earh teemed with fruila afford at elak rates by haring them all papers of the city, only across the. street a exmre d I together. &0W.tn' witht.!h Pin . hm.l JUfmonr h,d few rods from our offlie.' Remittanecs can be made at ear risk who ear A, indian f cotn was as sat express, killing 41 wolves. There' is anVoid iadyjture by charges prepaid, or by mail as 81 much at a man of Uarmouy living cpnld carry- - The in registered letters, or postcSeo money oryear age, by Tabernacle, end . the name of. Hannah Sever, who h - spun Cotton as its grew took of its own ac ders or drafts. Money totters are so ftoqncnt- abort period .'.the ,vi and twenty & of wool rolls, th- - rich dyes of human art. From ly lost, and so much complaint ceased by their workmen. .on .the labors': building; I eorj l.nndrad one and loss, that we are compelled to adopt tbe modes of sixty pair been Mffloarinasaictaneanh the- Court' cause some incurred the last Qtietgaleoatl within of tbs. transmission designated to protect ourselves besides soeks, twQ years, house hayemenL :The n irth wall of thv as well considerable one as patrons, house of wra h f i the work, doing the o.d principal dieties, first naipsd.buyldfng;: in its. whole length; e- - The works dm from Specimsn lady of copios .Of the Avalanche sent free and .was. compelled to abui'ion the people has. received several courses of hewn roek or have have had no sehoul ii charge. this Harmony In the .eleTatton:of: second lory This - On his he stopped ; at Alf wtters.' teUgraphte countryWay; have winter, three bntthev. where dispatohes. and placsv be. much larger, building when finished will when a temple .was dedicatwius-r'h- er Oholula, sealed.' and ad-...dont tak the they retail .TemNP Sressed aBdbt'&bp!Ig hau the Kiftla..d Ko om hat boe killed thvre J ed lo his worship, the .mail' ve u rains Tima V ple." a hd cost sereraltimss as much- ' believa there are 30 families of which, still form one of ihe 'most ihis whiter, ; f avalafche. i ; lurely ws are a. growing people.; AvaUaeks iullarmony. Tennsseo. relict Bonding, of Memphis, in mex-,0 antiquity' ' Tell tbe 'Cactus Boys that Pater Fifss interesting " bid cart has a new tongue is it- - 1 Lav- - ' some paper left sod 1 must fill it, 1st me When he readied the sheres of the sea I'll try it in rhyme Mexionn gulf, he . took - leave of his j ye Bp Mnacvr recently from the City ! goes. folowvrs, promising that1 hi' and his ' Started latweekon bitreturn North1 j , . - , A TO ART. descendants would revisit them hsre-af- tr, EMIGHANo, ST. I sBro ward iftcr.a.sUy ; of three dayHere a health to tbe states sman although Br Httiur. . then and entering bis . wizards ; M favored, our Sanctum with ac4l,'1 he Is old, I'am composed of 1 1 letters. hairs do whiten his brow. . ' ; skiff, made of serpent skinsiembarked and cheered ni ;for a short perid I l nv. Heres a bsilth to the mcfcbint who on the great ocean.: for the Yabled ify A 7, 11, 6, 6, 7, is somaUmfs trsubla-som- e. toils for his gold, land He was said of ourNqn men Brothers I Dd b res to the farmer who follows the have of TUlpnllan. rent 1, A 10, Is strong. in tall been with a white - ' . I . ' j,lr - Pr2'F nicni - . Cal-K5D- d.; ! ; j t- : , nett .tafe . -- havnn(jr - - h . . i v ' onBgjfi)lksiinift p7 WW W'l61 and events transpiring. ' Li- .- I ... stature, plow, jq skiQ, and long flowing beard.' The mex cans iookea confidently for the retnrii ot this diety.ahd the,, May the .m".'' 1 called from Thommas Paddock 6t. Jnlad, 'jR. If. last week-!- ! rspeirtsJ pace and prosper- May the second increase bis store,' ity to lbs SoutbwarJ, and prorpvcti of May the third ever M both jovial and markable tradition deeply eberisbed kind, murk improvmsttft- in fruit culture j in the m .their hearts prepared fhe waf, U foraise ucrcr eater b!s Ard . scftiemmts. regies sf.lkbavddy . ... ' ' to - dr, .f I . . j . . . 10, .0, 7. 4-- 3, is a asms. 8, 2. 9. 6, ii. ie what everybody needs, whole Isa Fashion. My ENIGMA No. 28. By Mokesek. |