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Show I am Infire, But' notin' FI sim;? In M (stress But sot in Pi hm ' In Church, bit.Mt in Steep' OC.wkieb.thndi'nre'fVom forty: to fifty every Isiae arc directed, without respect te lUtton r penen-agalthe follies and ySqiqof ! the times. t constitute aa almost iaex haastihU v .hut net UTeopI; In Oyster, batjnoJn Shell In Clutter, but tint h Bell. Iff Parson nst earee of emnsemeutahd flu, . 'ebeerlptm priee, $1. 50 per yfar. Framk Leslie's TleaffiatKeitt' . ITAnswers lrtwo week. Whit U I; which oeenre onee in. i hhtU twice la n moment, end set ease ia n bandied .TWO' SPLEKDiD STUR1S , Bow UbllrUing in s. . . fir are war persons pel sgsiait Allchasing, of 1B71;;; f; ; iht MA'QAZ.iME: UTAH The grim rasuntls slot v. tattl'd, H.A R ij D ! OWNER:! PRETENDED l any part or interest in thc ipring or loi : eoaneeted with the I -, S ? . . , i The last of the saxea Blogs V r - m ; t mm - ; ( OIL1VORK8 ; . . Tha cheapest periodical in ths United States by Bulwer, excla-fiivp- ly years? the and and thrUlfog in 8r. Giroa. sa that belongs, ot letter iateasly exciting octave containing pagee eighty Urge black oat do white sheep Why ffm to tliu Dixie oil Geupsnr. ' 1 r. story of ft press, with from twenty to twenty-fir- e - v -- jiHaiiwin;; einl Bwun there are nor of them. : besides two full-p- a , engravings on tinted paper; in ea-- h number. A continued, . E. Thomas. ; etoiy, and wall written , tales ,ud stories of Just produced by those ceMintal writers with humorous anecdotes, descripChas. Reade and, Dion Boucicault.' ! : adventure, . manners and customs, amusements tions of j . She young peepU, Ac. constitute theredding for word that Note. person aend:ng Any Just received from our beat Enters wllpay ss soon as possible after 8eedmn a rood assortment of ; ' ; --Terms of imbieriptiea, 91 10 per year they harvest In eotjLon or wheat will have - the Magnxine forwarded to them. Fabaenptioa shsuld be sent And foir this purpose K offer for sale my valE. L,T,' Harrison Publisher Sait Lake uable Homestead in St. jQeorge, of i. mh on : , of vegetables, and ' which is situated 2 good springs, a thriving 2w)0 vines Ac at . lew voting orohard AS7 Pearl Slice!,- - New York '' ir v 'r r ; Ciy; JP. Jot. BiRaiU , ( F. D. Ktttogg figares. Linorth, Jfb ready thi Drosr Store S M. Blau. a?r LIN FORTH, KELLOGG; & RAIL. .f .j . 26sl(Lt wMinr'Sueunon to L. B. Beneklcy A Co,,) The Utter M. . 1 I a semis point of view, nod' its illustrations 1 ' ' tn illei-(ratio- ns, PLMT' FRESH' Garden Seeds v . . C3UST ROLL ON S Choice 8ss 1 . r ''.r Lp,W.EU8 it r tr (Fraijk (LesHtei Pr. -- - r - MULBERRY SEED! I hare just ot -- retired t small quantity Italian MULBERRY SEED, . For sale, each packet contains A Jo v aval or Cboicb .Uaadiko sklscakd rtoM - Foksiov Com avt tlTKRATUKE. -- Sent post paid et. St. George Feb. 2 69. Times, thin igrieul ural Implement A Killing Tools. other Jfot, 3 and 6 Front Street, ' wmmv, :il ' European- ; periodicals, - There emEs- brace Serial Tales, Short btorie. says BiOzraphical rnd Deciipiived, Poems, Sketches of Travel and Ad-ventu- FRANK LESLIES re . Litetsry Intelligence, papers on Science. Translations from the admirable. French an-pop- FRANK LESLIES ILLUSTRATED f R.4 ulsr are a pron inent feature The aim of thU paper is to fkrnUh n pieto. periodicals Among the aulhon represented in rial history of current events. Between thirty in and forty illustrations. appear every weekly Every Saturday are many ot the wise-e- st number, ineluding eight engravings wf the and wittiest writers of Europe,- of pictorial spirit of the foreign press, events Charles Dickens, Henry Kingriey, national or local interest, railroad or steamboat accidents, amusing and thrilling incidents, Charles Reade, Anthony Trollope, eomiei, Ae. The literary matter comprises, be- Matthew Arnold, Chsrles Kingsley, sides well written editorials bn the UadUg F. Power Cobbe, Christina G, Rraseti, questions of the day, and description! of the Geo. band, engravings, a serial story of thrilling interest, Auhor of J Halifax and humorous narratives talcs, Edmond About, Alexander Dumas, entertaining . anecdotes, choice poems, Ac. Subscription price, $1 per year, OF ROG&S MOHAVE r good propeity, , ; ' 13--li POLT of stock, merchandize BROOMS 1 1 BROOMS ! t Tot sale at tha Drag Store. St Geo Utah Dec 9 68. . Orders respectfully solicited. - Office is for, ale w - SJlAFRAJWlbCO, V of v.. .Prospectus, PUBLICATIONS ' NETOPAP : This popular W e kly reproduces pack promptly for American real rs the J.E. Johnson. best and most a eliable portions of .trees. t for 3000 60 eta. N) nousfh seeds for . 7"At3lw3RnllBAfieL-i- AMERICAN ENGLISH & (fERMX STATION HARDWARE assortment of have a RIVER I- general HARDWARE! will exchange for any kind of produce oi HORNED by stock.: Wanted. . ;' 200 buibels of potatoes :'Y. f'rwhxh I. wall pay, delivered at Call viilfl PROVISIONS and good ftcomodatlons, fbr am and zmtitmM J 50 miles East of, ! bur, bushel or at my storo pay as above. $5-0- 0 3,75, B.H. Paddock. 8t Tbomas Arizona. Oct. 20 1868. SAN BKUNARDINO, Mrs. Oliph'ant, A: C. 8winburnc( fiML. TIME TO PLAST. FRANK LESLIE'S Fail and winter it the best time to plaal trees and vinM. I am now pruning, taking VIOLIN STRINGS ft THINGS. up; am plspling out, fruit and ornamental i ' Maeey. There is a choice assortment of the above trees, shrubs, vines, and rlantu. A purely literary pictorial. Excluding SaTcWar for I ean supply In limited quantity from a intended is tills Etxar indicates, events of the day, its aim, as its goods, just being received at the St George. assortment if application ia made loisuro hour. tbo good Town and5Cbuntiy, for the Fireside, is to fnrniih nmnseraent for - when Store will rertived which, fully , Drug soon. Its cantonts consist principally of original the Railway, and ha, - an- - the Stosido, , J. E. Johnson- serial,in assortment the able stories by writers, including equal any Territory. to aim 8teambwtL Publishers Tbo .. . counts of remarkablo adventuies, biographical j 75 cento etch. Strings from 10 sketches of self made men with portraits, des- -. commend it tQ all classes of Cltiv-eriptio- as FINE FEUIT I of nunnsrs ondcuitomiinremote e aB( intelligent readers by the I have a limited quantity of new and of its contents. with very choice varieties of fruit tree, vines, wbteb largo and sperited .engravings, of week plants I offer to r harge for TEN DOLLARS REWARD I I shrubs,orand thoro arc (Iron fifteen to twoty in each eril fot cash Consisting of ltp ' grain, Eingle Numbers, 10 cenfsj Yearly iy number. nowly Imported varieties of apple. Gdbseriptioo, b 00 in advance; 04 00 Subscription price, $4 per year. 2d s' rtf of firest greppt Exeellenta FRANK LESLIE'S BOYS AND GIRLS a year to subscribers for soy oilier From the . subscriber at Bellriew, or strawberry- - Engli h geesnerrlea Ftoch WEEKLY. FIELDS periorieal published by South Aah Greek, Washington County, one and English Roaes Raspbenlet fte. fte & These deiirlhg tneb stock, should call OSGOOD CO, Monthly Paris, 50 reddish gray, or mouse colored old Oae of the cheapest pictorial papers ever cents a number. Yearly subscription mare, well broke to the harneea and eed-di- e, fi00 J. E. Jesusox. of amassment for Intended th branded ob the left shoulder two J'e published 68 9 De: Geo Utah. klypait. both mxm. Tb. bMitntioM ud croed not very plain, also A R In p'ah St nwg .fmatter OSGOOD recomsuch are FIELDS, & as CO. especially ou will (he left thigh. Whonsr letters literary mend themselves to th young. It contain, Boston. return the above described annimal. or give Publishers, besibos a eeotioned story and wsiUwritten Information that will lead te her recovery Successors to Ticknor A Fields, ' talcs, accounts ofwondsrfunl advetturo, desohall receive the above reward. V era now pruning my gapes and bavt, criptions and illustrations of foreign manners H. Joel Johnson DOXING HETAL. to spare, quite a variety ot cuttings; win and customs, anecdotes, and pietures of aniter ia the beet season forplanting; be livemals, familiar aad fuuny fables, parlor inagio, Ae. From twenty engravings ly if want to invest. A stock of (he best metal for box J. E Johnson appear in eaeh' weekly issue. Subscription for mills for Seeds price fit. 50 psr ysar. of all beautiful or desirable Ac., tnlo, machinery, ing -TRAKK ISSUE'S LADY'S BAQAZ1BB. or exehnnge for grain Inquire at wild flowers, for which a liberal re Robert Jean Ingelow, Miss Thackeray, 'James Greenwood, Jules Janin.E.Dicoy, 'and Gerald Buchanan 11-- tf .. . . Look out for Theives! Strayed or Stolen. 3-y- ear " rap I W anted . footed Vines tbo Times Office. The leading fashion periodieal ia Amfrien. 7aeh monthly number eoutains a largo colored plate of the latest' faslions, from design sent from Paris as soon as invented, whieh are simultaneously In Now York thus pabli-be-d o uncolorod fashion also a and Paris; Washington Mill!! four-pag- embracing the various loading stylos, Slate, are accompanyed with flill desoriptioa and explanations, with numerous otl.or illustrations. Every number contains an origi nal letter. from Paris describing the Tory b-te-st modes, by a lady whoso position fivts her aceross to fashionable society.- - The liter-o- xj portion of this Magasine comprises a story, uumsrous interesting tales, poo- - ! WASHINGTON, a new PkTENT under, BTR&UB'S runner gr P lustrated with fine engravings. prloe. Id. 60 par year. lfRABK LESLIE'S BUD0ZT OF FUN. a eomls pioterial- newspaper, pubi llshed on the first of overy month, lu remark' able sneeess, and the steady inert sse ia ite - eiraulatioo, attest its adaptation to the popular taste. It looks at things of the day fro; - St. George Utah, II (Farm I. May 27 1868- - (MM ado. for sate scree 24 The undersigned have for Eagle-vllat Host land tlllaole of meet rare suits b for any sort of grain and vegetables well fenced and to crop. Geo. W. Johnson, BI. D, t le Mesa, Joan 1 Efltt (LIL t Offsrs t- - Co., Utah. his professional services to th people' Juab Utah Counties. -- i . Tw houses with two rooms eaeh. on otKeeps aandcomplete, assortment ot Botanical medicines tale aad trusts by eiri:t for family perparsd te tarn cut a firstcUss article of go d lots in town, with Kraals, Yards, and attention to business to merit theeonfidseee nf FLO Stables. From GOOD WHEAT. U R axchcufsd er WHEAT CUSTOM WORK te. drompUy attended Grata. 1 T n u; i.u.t R l ! ward will be paid, if accompanied b I have o few vlnee ot rholee forrign,' epeoimene of pressed leave and flow Raisin, wire and table grapes, for tale for essb or grain-era of the shrub or plant- J. E. Johns cn.1 JoUNIOV- J. I have nsw la successful operation ai con-tiaa- ed XhU (Curings Mf Twelve acre of Hay land near by-- are to be sold together or in paresis 'te suit purchaser. Apply to the undersigned at Eagle-Ville- .' r to J, E, Johnson 8t, George, or for Ample Storage Joa Beefroft, 301866 E. SNOW. O, Beecreft' July th puhlie. . - , Mona, Aug.lst.l81Sx 20-- tf WINES WINES FUSE WINE I , Choice pure wines fortbe sick and ihoao needing pure stimulants at the St. George Drug filer. |