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Show r lJ r - X' I :! .t p( n tattuiftMii sffiE - r. A 'W . t w k. rrrri TP 1 1 k .; ii 'ii CACTUS; 6t.:iGoeu V t . i'. Utah; aad other DB (it j -- well-BBBdrt- ed r . '' f At., the right kioMidicinysDliotsoa p.oplo, the ClimaU andth St. f loCountyj.: .v .?. Preseriptiom put up nith tart, by an experienecd Druggiat Tvre dnera abate VI : i gT a; lmoMiBirnirl' rarkrko jtiaf Mllac-4ril-L : rota- I " A few f; ' w.eooio. ftiiUl ,Trly of ll (null I. jeaviox. j. ruk. e. ft, iw . C'S!&AP DTAII; H jvjsipl i - ',H Sold at ! jEXico,!. For ;; MOWTAIfAf i ' - r (, Dianna, Cholera Morbus, (Sbol Piiin in the teeth . , - r For Oanker. Sori Moath,-' I .'.a 1 - I , nerve-'an- ji4' -: I'- 4 1. Uh - i x . j. Ulaeront ; .... V t w etr - . . I . : ;... ; ;4, ,. I . i bonk linimkut. d 4 fer - CANKER BYRUr, iluiaort. i 1 ai i.j. L f,r; GINEKALlY OF . For Rheumatism and ;nll. diseases ra-- v quiring oatward apDlieation for Mak er Beast. The very best' Horse Liniment. i -; H s- i. - j v. ga RANCHING! ! In . - . .'-- ' BYE' SALVE, eV Si? M.iT .1. f; Pdrweak, inflamed or troublesome . purchaied. of rMr. A M HAVING '.Ike undiridod half of the Lids, Sort Eyes, ftc. a HamMtn-Rancbe Blairs, TONIC in Raneha Valiejr, east ef Spring Valley; I PILLS,r ' ,4. J .Dixie, atock. growers, r eolipitpatro'aga Will cure the Chills nnd Intar- Being brought a)fir 'TexaeT roach bo mittsnt Fever Ague, , immediately. belter Renelse ab'v ob owaeorever aaw , north of Maaoa ft Dixoaa line. , ' ALSO WILLIAM M60DY. V Mm Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments fer f 1 rj. ,- a: , !. Itch, Piles, ftc. .Hive Sjuip, Composi- l tiohl Syrup Sarsaparilla, and .most ether. popular Family Medicines. The UneTsigned offers n superior article of doubla-woim- d wire fastened whAlesalt or retail;'-Grai-n Broome, at and Produce received in pajmenLI , 1 : -- - : ESSENCE OF LIFE, V - t S . . .4 . tlll'l th& St Giorgi Drug Stars i r-.-i,-, VTnJREFER 0 f j a Soothing CJordi infante fires immediate relief. i)4an;- ZDAJECO nt '.'I1. . ie, or.fsoe, tend - ..xilacs, .SPIREAS,1 jf.u Mf Whooping-Cough- f,. CUAUGES REASOKTaBIE FLOWERS ! j J- Wii.Labo. - DENVEk. ' OMAHA or. ' Ilf GeorgtJan. 15.lt 68. i SAlT'LAKE CITT; t ! . h m STOCKS, S'fA'iW VERBENAS, -- . , ' - - : s, BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! BLAMKS !! the This eldest and beet of Litenry Weeklies " has been, recently knlabged , For sale at the "Times Oflice; Blank and utarririto. It Je weekly embal-lUDeeds of truat. iteNKfELara Deedaj Bonds, Mortages, nith Eiigrarings-ran- d Bills of sale, Subpoenas, Powerenttornej Ac , are. not aaapais Sxeicbii. iToaisi, . . 'r . aiid useful business convenient and wfla many r , mold It has juat , commenced twe f pi blanks. NoreleU Ths Qoeem or Tar Sataknab Blanks of any styls printed to order op by Guatare Alourd; and StGeobob and short notice- Til Dragon," a Nora of Society, by Elizabeth Pnecolt, the author of oovr a Woman-HaHer Way, dtc, C. WILKINSON, New Nmlete will continuAUr succeed each other. Among ttoan already on WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER band, oria p'regrsss, are, The Myetrey of A block and a laif south, or the Cubit the Raafg, n atory by lire, Square, on Mein Street. Good iimoer and neemer; ar.d Cut Adrift, or. The Tide of work June well and with neatness and despatch. Fta," hr Aintrda M. Douglas. Thb Post also gives the Gems cxtbk & G. HIGGINS. English Magazines. 1 BaAirrirTL an the. Largo rf. B Aeipy 0 C B AM The Song or SC 0. BC TP C : D? M V Paeiiium Etekl Enobavino Ilciix atlxa! cugnrei txjretsly for or Residence in the north part of the Oity, reader, at a cost rcarTHE,xGBAriNO two block west of Clarks Tannery. Will ha sen ALONE cr nealt $10CO for.theit . While thanking jny patrons every failI$2A0 subscriber, and favors in the past, I wiidi to inform to every person siding on a clubl Ikli is well as the as them, public generally a traly beautiful engraringl i f who may need my services, that I have ' . terms...;, just received from the New York laborthe .large Premium Ergirea-Jn- g atories a good assortment of Eclectic 1 ropyt-(ar. Medicines. Ilf I. , . i , ( (PETUNIAS,.. BLACKBERRY, JAPAN LILIES, WALL FLOWERS, Iris, Tuberose, and many -, others; alao.a choice collection of Cbineao Chrysanthemum. J. E. JOHNSON. BNL ARQBDj AND BEAUIIFIED. I ' Fmti Trjll - - V Snap-Dragon- . tr - -- of tU THE SATOaD&YCEVENV III POST- - l! ..-- I BROOMS! 1 : hd I ( - d r. ; ; ! .?? ft 4; (poat-paid)t- H i - ii ;? f t! A. e i 41 copies ft 8 - i H . M; li i -- lresi, - 11.1ETERSON fc CO ) b l:i i'r r 1:4 ii! 1H 4 IKE SAINTS in DIXIE.. r ft , Wool Carding . first class CirdNX: Having I re-a'e- - I - pro- - w, -- of v IMay4. reepeetfuil' eolicir tkepltr&aagf ' the citizens oT Dixie and adjefeent' H l.'J r ' '.I-- i .1 ; ose putting it up in Pare wan , and be ready to receive wool and deliver lolls by ihelit (rlil sk ill d Machina.oisaeA.4)y-Bsor-E,-Sno- hit vl I MM now prepared to supply the lic with alLsorts oi CROCKER T-- afflee. ! '' Pub- E, VY A--R at Ibis t I ( Lists Rags wealed Agency for. Findlays celebrated 1 will Jftke .Corn, ..Wheat, .Flour, Matches, wholesale and retail, at ; ST. GEORGE DRHG STORE . Batter, Gheee, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, in exchange. StorepajCashor'Lead Potiery issituated on the 'street ran STB A Y ED ning to Washington - - .i-- . i ltf l Several cows, Oxen; and yoang JOUN SARDLIY. Fruit Trees ftoek the oluer branded J. E. J. on the hern and most all with a 6 lnh circle with (J) inside on.Icft'shonider I will reward the !:! i r-- 12-- tf rarewdn 29 Apl. Csosgb OamiRiw. 1883, I' St. George, Utah 4 V . Of ;59IEV - 1 ' -- . 4 Nursery -- rf 44 f Garden. I ; rf . . . 4 , ; - -- f - ' s 1 i- . -- I;- rlPftnrSBY. ' ID3E3g M - 1 Good clean Cotton and . 1 ir t T: ... - . Produce; consisting of table comforts the market affords. . Apple, Pear Qainc; Plua, Apricot, I ltf Peach, Cherry,, Pomegranate, , Air W. H CRAWFORD. WHIPS AND LARIATS. aond, Catalpas, Allanthns, Mulberry, Honey Locust, JOHN LARS EAT, .. ; COMPOUND eto.j 'eio., i' etc. ' St George.' All work in braiding, Also- some New, Choice,' as well aa Ilf, dec., done wiih dispatch. POILtLS j Ordinanj, ' . - . .1 I. .. ft NaflTo andForelgn" Grapes,' Will cleanse the Bloody, remove Billions &Also, FlOwering and Frul ling Shrubs, Complaints, stimniate the Liver, relieve . r ... . - i. Djepepeis, break up Billions and other. ' VI t Strawberry Plant Fldwering Plante : Fevers, sir ; In Ueedache, drive away and Vines, House Plahtseto. JUny sktiM Md uu vat Uliti f srarw. both , A ni ksrd i.rU V.w TiriiUii ( apelM Rhm, As the above stock ' is small; those Flatplency jd Low Of Appetitc, help FLO1. :rlER.Nl(r. SJiR Ullt S.l desiring to purehaat ahould:be in sea- a, Bad U 1 , pure the" Jaundice, inn nrovo t. be he best family Pill in exisson. , . Best varieties of . li t 1 J.E. JOHNSON,. St George. ... tence. STRAWBERRIES, ST.IGEORGE DRUG STORT Sold . r j . JAMES CRAG UN. . Aad alfewhara these of yoUhavingbailnaa in tba Sonth or West that yon wish .uxe to attend to, .make known yeur wishes by letter to Roma. Goorgia.and yunjhall be heard aad at tended to if in my power. f . t f Again all those haqog relation and friends; In the SontlTor West or in the Statesanywhera can, by letter refer them to me atRomo Ga. for information appertaining, to the faithr and doctrine of the 'Saints br for their writing? which ean be bad from me at"flomo or from Bro. John Brown 28 Norjh JL4 atrdat St L4u-lill- a. (oaro A. J. Kersban. ' Jeaso W. Crpeby. J l Romo Georgia Nov. 21 '68. - " ' DMoret Kiwi, requested tCcepy.1 i V c TO , Cl fy!iV X ?: t 8,00 (and one gratis) - - ft-- ;GC0 ; 810'WALNDT street Philadelphia r 0 f 4 M I -- Ad ffc .f ''.'V $20 good siKcj nd best farietleej .also orna- Keens an extensive assortment of Fanry mental Trees aad Shrubbery, and other Goods. Toys, Confectionery, Books plants. Medicints, Statiouery nnd Ynnkes Nt tions, which he offer! at the lowest marA chofe be 0f HARDY GRAPES. ks! figures. 4ueh as aund this northern olimate, and Look in no charge for showing his. Fruit abundantly. Curiosities. B. F. JOHNSON.-Sprin- g Lake Villa, Uta.' , j, ii, AT -- .! I (end one gratit) 18,00 ' fioder- - ' Obs copy each of Post acd Ladys Fr ond, oiner anrl Cabinet Maker. St, George I have a cholceollectionof nnd Premium Eagrarirg St. George Apr.15 4,00 will execute orders in Lis line with J. E. Jehnsen. rt j The getter-u- p of a dab will always reIlf. FSUJT ASDv 08SA MESTL dispatch , ceive a epy of. the Premium Engraving CRAWFORD HOUSE, Members of' a dab wishing the Premium 9 j. VV NIXON, of good also for transplanting t0 i .Washington. Utah, Travelers and . i gra vltig, must r;mit ; Oas Dollar . tftro. Tin ; GRA eent Iron and Sheet for EXCHANGE Md othfr Worker, Boarders acommodated with the' beat Specimen eoplvi Copper, giafi. 4 V ' I o i ! South Tens ple sr., Sf.L&keClty, - , M W!.D. JOHNSON, CnOICE LOT OF A - . - r- -- i- v!ny uilif oai raoiaUlfof koomtlfal onoploi Mho! tko ffopisaUag r i . ybiti of tko eiiUo II iU-A'- , i - 1 Roses.. :Li dill fr-t- i -- .HAVE a row flowering 'hrube, bulbs, aud bedding plants for sale, rii.i : - oaok - S I St. Grxe Unl. toair VMsi!ni.::? a kti k taows iiw s;i :- - STOckBODGllT .ANDSOLD! BUSINESS MEN DRUGS, MEDiCmiSi PERFUMIRY, j t ' 'w&m? . if CT STORE, TeamsUra and.'EiuirAnU iupplicd in JO BIOSS ''!! ''Mb ;qiauiiiy. IU Gtorp, TJtab', nfaV be' fonn a "good G!od :. f ; V ficock if ld; stabling find liraala. iU. V. U, rftWrf5 amily flfedipmGa GOOD.. 83 Pt BY EKY"KI N'DH 4 .ii i, j, .l5 ; i :JT v n ia l j TERSIIKC8 of (be V. P. R. B O4:j o! m ' ' I.'. - i t A 1 jPrn!luc,al .Lowsi Market Ratos. i , 3 ir . FEED. . ., VEGETABLES : ' i . ..... CHOP uiniiir-- V n- :i.v. "''MEAIV r. ! i EE?'$nd V H10 't- - : '" s- ono .i ;;Cp;y' :.: i ; SANGIOVANNI ft Co. .s i fc i L ardav September lbatthtf TinsOffice KiilEt TAILKX Uk T1THIKU OVFICK. v $oi respondent d klicuKf l'e addressed i mShmmm E "J a AKis'ijffl.H1: exur $oo. PEB Vi " i supply f ij take A' ttl tl Etry.body.shmli His. ,i ,,-nn 9 Ns. Tbf Volume 2; will :b issifcl Sa! 1 , i 1 " GOO lEBERUIESud 'UASPBERKIES; : . Vi&M an ltther plants for twrlngGarSsa.' For sale for' task or frala. aad : yj ' Vaqafra it tka "Tliar, O . flftTD rtak, Acs. M !.' IMS. T w-k- ar ann ery - . - is not 9 j Brown end Allen, Tanners ft Curriers. Keep a number one article of Fine sole leather,, at pyMoney refunded when satisfaction . f oi .1 gvren-'rrV- " . SOOTHING SYKUPi hand iAsuprior Medicine for Whooping LOANED I e, Cotigbp Coughs, Colds, Hives, ar.d. 1 . - A tnfre horrwe licovwr8 omr all affections otheTIiroat, or Lungs: Kip, calf, ft .goat skiff, ' from time ago my, pluce. j WjU ihe Harness Leather, etc.. gives immediate relief nothing bet J the of Which they offer Id sxdiangt1 for f lujunciicns Scrip pet86n regard ter can bo used. before return Aid being exposed ?rain and other prodwee. ture, Sold at St. Georgo Drug Store J. E Jouxsov. Parowan UUh Apl 20 1868. 1 - ' - Cow-hid- 1 , i V.- -- . IWfUjO .1' J t r TJWSSIT .. M.1T. ' |