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Show -- Hx we think worthless when there are so miny letfcer.v ka utfriTjCi i rr t.B RLY- - CH ASSEL aS. I o eef opr earliest grapes, not not faraaihvy This for otS(! 'I'S iL1! ny lh orpccntlii RsOViRGETitViES t : 'i j . j f ? tk F V meuiuui o U- -- me ST'GEOltGE UTAH; f ff.jrJy- - "Qiiie i a f m - T ? ::f of-Vilk- inr. i - 1C9- ..! VI ' i,.i. :''t 0 fEIUMSj .e-- v .i 1 13 M' - . Per Year, " 6fi.G0 I S.1 li' ' i -- - - ;j,u j -- i 1 ; 1 i Wre'sPR.) & italpi of AlVirfliiig: 10 ft 9-- :i- . A VsqqsieV linriof ?psrethat ; lUU 7 sizeum type, ecyupy.3 3aj square orlcas, me ine rllon, Each subsequent;, insertion,' ' . TV laat Grap 3 i rfj ': 100 p'- u. - : . m-f- I ' C-'I- . fw'd-iysaiiif- . l M- , ( v-- ry bt - . - .1 ! . a rih e a.r v co, th!tlhr, 1 e- isnnon-SrxMis5heiir- cf Yto aC .:'.-N'- - ' CH ASSET, AS. FOXTAntBLEAU, ' ,, h j for best of Js one of the, earliest, erd grapes k.1 o 2. J table. ''Raisin 'and wine and shenld obtain : :; great pcpnlarity hero. 1 T srs: ' ' MOSQtE. CIIASFLAS ; ' ' a t ' . ' A goad.fisTered grape bHt::mhke Lad, in J tu' moist weather.-- . ' "1 ' , EEIIEIt ZA60S; v a?l l e V ) Allho tris is a yiijnjorr, proiGc yjeo. whoso frit fcas. many., good points and s' of great delicacy, .wish! thin skin and small ten der seeds, yet. like ,thp4 las it cracks .ladiy when watervtl, and inp jpy v,- -; The TThita MuseaMiis aifiqe end Taluahle ! - - : a ' ! -- grapo'.tho rue a erocj r.tretrjr. f i?u5.V and frni largo ce Tho Vo.rf white grape medium M2?-- . '6' ; : 3-- i-- ; - . ! i . , Correspondence. au' i Down flic .Shade CuUlu I 4 Trees. .fi . . . f t , i ct stock fruit or ,jjiii m ; ; . I ; i j, i jviYancej If : i he wnnv to sell ;. lit.' Fat.t Citt; Dec.. 30th, 186S, product ho knows just J. E. Johxsox ,u j; ',! wbat be run get ft piys Rtety one Dear Broilwr. Y ur kiad letter of. ihe a dazen times its ensf. 21sMat eimo to hnj this mi'rnivg. for m li.eii Iihuik yon. ai;d aro gratefiUcrihe Hw fli-- l VbiJger sucb a coll in minie9t.in -- ilk culture,'; It said a vagrant tu a,, wherein hr'Mh"r the will do all you p crnlitor aud moie ether day. 1 steif in the. Puk Uu4, their-jvr0 i tchedavsteiji of ansmere-l'-Bin;ianJ seme orio night eciuomv!nJ gjifra) bnascsring left the gate pen;t f; tli proi'.u-rf ilairrl,oilwha':yo'tay wl Ca-miMv lor; might I nf t ouriclf may he trulvfasM of tbe, peo& inf? Coa t;TJrc drug tre very ple nr.Uuhas a" inssa; they are aijnggl.ag ir. ilv Jrai ffent, f)'d reiiaectfullv) No pepiifh-lve-.-tiile- ei ftr i xita ine I. 'I 1 T' lvtr.1l if ail. wh-- r, more and received lea for. their u ret !- n- lUv.nt tbo, .!le!tc.t - , We are literally roar, wa1 lo; mitt own ,, y. the lind weeiiltivs4- ajuLars not able to! daaf ver,u, or, .lqinejt'c.'P1r,,'ntrd. buy it if it we-'- offered for sale byj ;,Wroko Biv'jrs u . ;?-,- i 3.r 'tisi f to Ida maeternfem .rhingra pn'rofhonts,- j ho intio ,i , Every dollar that we haTe, produced o- - f the,!e-- of orte much lngr thvi ' 2 i Lb . E-- . Some of or.r neighbors, are cutting ' way, eniMr, the rfitti nwood trees along the aids yra ka. This .ii like, pnj-- i g fcie-i,Y?o n the old houfe, end do r icilin onea fan ily in theopeii' air b::fo:e coiunvucing ' a newheme. ; f rv . f Is we bad lasto i. Xnw tMijk.this a.t cjdy n. but bad cennoiny. 1 wo years before removing the liixuriors ertff n .vo al ihade M I'leiry. White and other ireM. i i f s: r (: 'Alaioud, Elm, China trees or 'other tire L valu:iblefo limber, Trait , or foliage tc-dwell si shade shnulj be plant'd anJ or lime jreciVe ihe i. prot cilmi uf 'lliit.' Michael.. IhaVthesa present shade then v hn the crttouowK,'s am lngfli? are tembyed. you still have a lesitr, but know, air; hiit whabf h- more valu ib e mi t4?.. have ki'pi a little of the eoririua stream leralme ihe mivt. is thar the par. ia in the sajnefii' of t n fl iwi- g w 'altliand k ive "pent con-- - which is dwu-,a'aira- , .,:-- v T i I ra ide in, building- - houses of hu ioe' Msiflif bfSdlfiAA mid' Jeff Darliw CO-PEB AVION VINK YARD, jmmI ' lt'ibite'.iina which are accredit .toar. a fraif,r, vii : Ii nra accomplisli- .J. Tire Girdeicrs Ciub, .. I country Hi d uiucli of thin I nmeatifidis Dsyia to a.theif:': ' ' eA a survey- of d l oyr luj.acroj of Uu d hi pii T or,...We-ar- t n v as eils from Uael Samj D pp ay.ke criyhg eb r neck,, our iicree-ifj,wfich jwe. Jo r Bdt ap hqll eons to grief. ; , not seek" o n lpply -- t li'mevhaa fnrde m For Ahe will aen l IV Diris houie, ' . ! And if be hasnt flo-jagged snpplicats' forfovorsiat the gates batcher of Oaa. cfyurtneuicd. h beya t few of our brsthrrn have sussged ta fflil ehn o? Ciyls bead. v vv : A r . d: Asi,'i i.i V ' I !' I ; J .(f 44 O' : ;l ,t "fSi i i f . T' n-jl- oa g-v- g-.t- . - y 8 - 3 1 L e ? : do-ipiM- i o , - - 1 fn-.pii- r !( d s-t- - - a- , - . iy e - f - , nttr O : s 'i) - 'flW11 ' t rta v, vd. ?-- it- - , fS - . - -- - . 4 - SiS , '? - xba-Zouav- Jj11 i- 8-j- u'-.-- n i Fruit large, white,'oral.' rer prolific, and in itself, giving a'l the cxccEcnffeVand be sire of all the mnscat family. For, table 'and raisinahaafew if any superiors." L- -- !, m n ''..'' . . J MUSCAT.", ' - - BOWOOD li v. or targ.h " i or-p- - coml-instio- it . . - "' . o-- e . MALA G A, r-- e-, -- .i -- f - , -- . y j tru-lt- : 0 ; pli-aiiT- e,. nli-L- Mrrylig of zcel'nt fi ivor makes grod la' le grape and .'wineThn Tine hardy; a good grower, c'tan a i.d ' ' ' , il, ' ' ,f :i bra fhy. . .Ji.'r t e, , firm for - fo-Sl- - - e j3art.to be e jnpny-- . nous 'with' ihp White Muscat of .Alexandria. Bean oarlj, and reiy prolflc. berries extra th" white oral. sweet' endf ' delieioui large " ' f J i 'isnakes ,ra pulp leader, small seeds, thin skin,, lino large raisin loses only about half weight ' rf f in tnriug.- Tins far the riaes aro hardy in tins ciimale a strong, srower end a most desirable sort' of the V I'Sf AT BA MEft 1? a good qualities of both the abofc with 'an unu-rn- al sprightiincss of high mesky flaror: snpo-rifor wine and table use. Fruit black. isr-g- e else, an i round,. very 'pro!!2e aqd stron grower. In sppearnee rcsoables Black Ham- - . hetti-rsfr- ; M-id'-- IIITP P e puiie;io-.bfjaIeav;- As a etapV irrejia. the Bl cir Htmb'.rg LfffVr'-s'rg.Is siiporlor Its hneh-Tr- d . y . bt . v i ? . if i wli-rem- t ! tn impirtsat : Art -- . 1 ifss i- 1 question often asked nsf anlas'ttii'is the plan tin ,!caJon, we haetc t lay btfjre narreade;rj-- o result of cnr jndgeemnt. pul limited expci ienee. v, -- .. On aceenst :f :ur limited stock of'bettcr T? vm. i... sorts, ire hare as jet been confined alirost exclusively to the Old Mission' ami Isabella grapafor onr gardens .and rieejarda neither of which makeanra than an orJusarj-win- . Thehhit roakeaa good 'table' crapy, b if akin, and thirs on account of large seeds, so ' . .. ? medium size, not desirable for raisin, while the la brmed, 'is ,at poerttiMi deleacy, and for wine, few iiheie iliVnf allho it is superior, in oar: favomn soil and elimn'n, to its charaeer el (were We lyivqn'grq lninirsfl Yaritfet of fur have as i ign graue. introJueeil lii'fA, d but ft a nr, si ml" teak of ypt trail'd, what we have teu a nit tasted. " This is , sc?n,' -- . . til-- : . ! ' Trr ft hall lire Plant 'J t. : C ,Tt . ' . - l 200 i ; : Vt-- e 1 1 , - or C-i- t: 3Mnhthi.u52.00 .ft . -- - 1 .. ,' ned upon in many Cases when a just re- i.iimenitien for jtoil Is'fvpected TboLqnn T as good aa Ro:l ... j,., r i. he Are .pi ii;ipal ,0Qrt awc, fwrp ng of, rl which fve, may hve' frtiilrd tsr.df !' L'K .i. jusUjrjndce 2 .and eadufjisilv ...tbrkUghout fFof It a i sin? 'vth hTii' white1 Male jit nr; r TV, r vtsh, cau ofi onr co- -. pe live . etirtl Southw irl u'M'- i. ? Vi j .Viff t ir temoy n.j so and 1Bowiwocd(yqrtiWiU (ad. - O the. more or become row ionin'ty' Woilthy and fifi;ghiJeuyyf:oil iaan.kel.jf5JB iiTof'stvin''rtH, 'hinT- - t:ilambn-w- f and ompafitfvely short Voolley, the npxft i'of :fher,Coi starts ho bil v from to d c .A f iif .Black,tlVn'hufg, superior f ..i- - in p'ohVbiv5 v .i ' ST.r;,hthe ., ,,,; land aiv wo have ,et ts j,,..., .flaence yon may ex- - , stage at WCityi f drl ban'vFra&citro word wa ti. But all admit the ;Maacat Ifmburg, to'purchseVthe gnMsf f; eurfT crcis, r elFo'ts yhvi msy'ftiake'in this ex f r workIamsatlfied WhiJe Msaga a?i-- White Missita! fritir you witl the eilk "" let.von liar results.. grand -! UOSCOV I eui of auperior flavor. PROF, ! worm egS14 OQ'Ctwelars) t li r;y,iq si J a tl.ousa d.tJ th-- v e the hast rlrletvr :.TM lftlerite-- magician, and r?ry'clevfr RogU2S Caugkti Wehnf s few pfps mAriia.inaliisa-- . r ns fbr and .leasat left gon'lnrt,ib had lrs a we have' Uue tree,fA,theitr,b' t aiot nuffisiepHy Since last stirring , ., . t ' ft' firi;M, a' ' giririg,agraVi: mu!fplid for di r bu. ion; tutting! of h it 7. little episode! in rogue tarni ?. Some, 10 rntertaininei t. with n full exjiosnfe of h s kind a rs very erneusive io ir.an-am afraid willnet iialify.our im nrtiug ort2davsrige a couple of Pilgrims; wih treks, toa delighted l ' ; Mi,,i,f uif t; i'1 ir any rnmbrr oft ellMSi-a- tnvclling this for We rand bespeak yenng Yo ir mmdlingiliiw arable g oa d,1 an! la for ,thf!j nght Iii Va!ii1(-toi- i, etopp-- d magician the fqrors of the. generous, and. ap- Eupnpi eon.s:dcreil.lle bjsL., ,T'c nioivi, sometime in He'; they started on.. preciative vf the golden State. , m il gives' a grertef vci!l 'of leave.-i- , In to k the made m;etske regard easier propagated from cuiiiugi, aaJ.i fi s of D'OtiiSf or by atroospheie io animii ffcUug. it irnrsee, taking . ... ' 7 I. the more silk will sam'v frm niirn.ier give Nifsona.aml leayjng.a scrub ponvnatenj s fe oinc-'- of egg trees. o' in purarit. Col- John Pearce wentSCeJ I got SlUlI ItOV rf li t2H trance via C tifein cilif'trnii man fur f i'TnpVny, came up to in coin We'ha ; this rin j I wii.l make rthon I viMtare. A f k .vestern P' se t rare ksge rf th gent.holrv B dam. .who cfieird highly crdai.it UHiioHbv IntrWlsf. ' The CO 0 tre, wfiich'I sell for 5'T et )fif-their fight, but-nt- i vee pursuern sreirg usC Shll h;hsnpy to ' rereivo, your iwinbr-rb'sides ri-i.i- l prescit nmonotjc Vin possessed of rifles, they gave ip their cf cliiii.e small re s, gite the flIow oreers at an early dae Your Brother pIc were brought hack tried and fu id iug proriaiiume from Sum1 of our best Su:l G. D Watt. of the the fvjwi re find severally Sl.00, tiiire. ... . Tltpir ..aI.Wl,na G0DEY, LVH1KS BOOK. 0a f U T&carn C.litorni-b- een old, h it no' hrl ging Powe . n;li Si.hephen Th Feh. Xo. is a perfect gem of art square np. rl:e gents ore woiki,- - Uitlr J rurna'vini as a I ofesion Gob. Parsons. Fv T way tofrrc.lonfi K w bo slerps Scnie'-hh'abou th Bibb jnnl eai.it y Jr.-, gr i veil p irtian of ever v m ihrs life. Tafcci'arc T,eren i of Siberia--- M J. Kly. yonr The pi'tb is one of the gijest d of tlie A W Stoddard, lg The On casts rf riser. Mat F. B. Ilarte that ever appeared. b sure, that t.i righS every liu a we r..n thi BI.ekade Who rt hat1 pretend tn keep ever, with :i; i. rhjulJ ipaienih f and de tht. no one ha Xouisi M. Palmer. the do wit" out the cheer- vmeapwetxM a tight to aPow lliV ir dcm'eMr'fniirars, Under tile. Christ mas Snow , Ii , I Tf ! . .. ... fui, monthly enlN,of Orlcy, or fowls, to trpyss upon the premise 1 rom Brother. Our , California.. of others oro herwlse annoy their netsli ,rf 7 We would notithink of it. Breoks.a :k ' One . or light. Bit The Uuron ec rated ; 1 ye ir $3 Oil 2 1. hors It fsr.ot ntighb-irl00. . Painting.;, t I.Im !! we wnu'd ask those, who nre sa,,srrnpu-litnsl'ir:,TnH,.RenIeB.),1 The Nf Yv M.ifinic Journal in s a S iryivor f C :Greuony..-Th- y particularjabmit Ithefr- oeilhors The.Stery cf tlift Ne vBL.-P- ; Are y, oht.and c liirhe weekly tiewsp-pe- y large pcs If ihyf en r felt th ban- -' ia.'eriA t, H Hirwans Ghost-SiWilliams;! ' when tZeir cows and f w?s were pWtnri g Buied Alive in Sea J.'Peicitral. r pul'iisbed ky tlw N ,Y.. Mercantile )ie .. ) ?h;ir,njichlHrs garden, and fruit groii (J BvllrroD'on, . ' - PM'! n rs J Oompitnjst'Sfi Of) year. r f'Jif. Editor. If so it is all right,';' Make your i og!i-br- rs v For merchant vbitine8s mat) and oven Current I.iTratnr Tflitor. fsk care of :i heir plga', rr 'j tit tln ,M ty the OverlaiiiilM.ing,:floiirisbiand knid fniehahiea it ia invat in the f ound; If net, .there is romn ft.r ax fat with tee r.retaad choicest gems farmers t ble as it pives tbit price of - every i, ? rpfl ctirn, -- rpen the- fe;shness of ' man kird sin! the of rnm cf ihe pro article of neveb".dief' . vanity ' "a ) f ,) j ,, frssio&s f Brali-r'- y lore and Llntiuees. r. v.If bne.wints to' bxy, be knows'the .-- WcMapirnTZI) . 'i.iil r beneath theu mMce, iseperned,eifi!,lilered wan, tviiiisalil.'spraking ro the Chnrchl "'rhai, fiavor'not ,,!r anA7rt ni 1 khalt not ho protid lit tTiir.e heart. Let bit we did net ' htrk they - would, we should !hy garments be plain, and their beauty nos pUntlhem. . of thine own hand?,! lMC4irutniA their summernmonthahay ike0 workmanship. a w te frb m rih.w i ug this 'htwrsr !!esa ri in Tts5s and oiiraJ yet'fhi:ijMve . J ewf nLt w nhlime cminsd Hv .The ivorte e jve- f Kfrtufibariiie ;Tiuyaru &uoc;dflvMtA Am , eJjs)r lie Who'e ferofun j. Q d al aie goui 1 snekn W Without ii rigur'iiC ,;''' Xi Tiivr3wnril4iVY0 1 jbV V V e'thTnkw h Sthr ri hweddncX payjbon-efacfn sinuv.liiio oar redeemed from 'e apeedilv A AA 7a A b.L 1 h present U U JJ ihe introiivieMouof by te, muiLirry ikree the Venslfc . . M asa f l!pJw,,0, "lid hferi d srtry wimWsV ' d maohrdVinW! 9 f i qnlckly Bithis hu idred:-of.thou- out.. the HUleYfTts of VThis monies quite inlii-f-we- ll 1. flavor i j. t:i excellent "o ; fu.iwine.jjuj RED V II VSSKl. AS; ; ' Water,4 GrapMltUdutl imaiM T: 'ifl ivor . vlilff GH'ZZLY FRONT IGXAN- .- 1 hi nit of thcir-girafenee-wy. vilor&it end prblidaV --Thecrap canll be u io niu.kei before ordinary variclies 1 hoM out, o tlieew first coming Bone fla tl fry, while the herny rcdl wlrehhaa'gtven'tbem i-r- ( f'r- V- "r" ' ' ' W Wi. ' - : vf ; Tt'-i- v. ' -- . jy.-- for :0 1- - : |