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Show r - ' miw spn uiig" AWaipSSjlfForti869.1J.mi oiiJOiBweial The following are soibo 7 thfcj4ut Leihrop Motlcy, :ii contribute a j- - - fra-fc- TbSt: ssftj0BRwFS tit VRtK s AtutlMntkly of iuUrcBl in the ui. -- - W.k sSi Biato-- . Ar IV ft A 7 J " .s?, warned ;rgint W'J' . ViAvv r. ny. wlt'A . ., : any part;or;interst,iii connected wlih.tbe .ii , St. in t ,.ft PKI TENpEI)Otv'j.T7, p saxas'Kins's, last ot '.'i'The ' flllfrfoas'nfe n ; w . .3 nh o; OHXWOBKSV txela s, lively tOitl.c Dixie pilConTpany. ; 3 Hitoiblirro j Off . I POTJ ,.-- k3 : .EjFh:.4. . K antes contribution 8 Tue and tfward r- SU ; ,A Et!-lowo- i. tartUtatfi-H- " V ofth Atlantic. volumes -- -- i II ','! Social; InddBi'rr1,?,and;.ConinieriWPfy miw .1K.!p5rlMVnr j J . Inlet,'.. rear in twelve I. '.. i D,J,bh Y Swn. : tbo .otU af b.fj;. ?f? i. 7 Rfligwnf to g.VjCAS. Bayard ..To yler .will r"ntrjbnte the of BUinbets coming year, Stoiies and Haakys , t U1 furnish papers , on . Art Vens-iEugene 4 4 nd laiterirfure. v J ' A disliutuihcd Physiologist will J furnish i OfW. . T T-.V:13-- i ' work bxi'tt return to tlw EdiSor. 1 itf d ri&ivu ' thi pew a Oi - .re',?l HARDWARE I will exchange for UnY kind of produce or HORNED C nael,,'G-ip- e th- - . B. 11. Paddock. 8t Thomas Arizona 1 p. llszewull, C W. TU Howell's, VlcV-JA- il..u. J. 6rfC,,e' I'oiines, George S. loiitwcjl, 7 hilticr,. Mrs. A. M. Pinr,' V 11. P- - Fpoffr I)rv1is . s new, STR .... rd, 4 tt. Mitchell, Field, hate Ileurv . .Pi'Ko Terry, r? Trbwbr dgc. J. T. Sbanly. Cbarics Dswsnn U i R- - H- - Mr?. iVSHINOTON, AUB'S P TEN I j P- - v M IL . it x Wanted I e, for rah sl newly imported varieties Goiisieting of Id of apple yratn.or -- a ud . of e rt 2 vb-r- rv ,ati E-g- :i Area h graphs Exeellenti Fra ch Ac. &c. rirs gev-sber- ic: tirrjR.',' ClISTl WORK . copy-3,00- an dcslrablt-wil- k. as : T limited quantity of new and varieties of fruit tree, vi choice very fchriih, and plants I offer torx liarge for , I have a I Ei gliah Roses Raspnenies call' Thoss ais deihihg eucti stock, should with'all tbo latest Improvements, Seeds of nil beautiful or ' a (Ias a ' fintt-cl" artil ot liberal r icon. psrpared To turn out a flowers, for which J. E. JaKXSox. TEESiS OF THE ATLANTIC; will bo paid, if accompanied b St Geo Utah. Der 9 '63 flowrpecimcoa of proescil leave nnd 14. For RSO,o6. and eeh addiiinnal FLOUR fxclaitpd for IP H E .4 T ers of the shrub of plant. 1, .. an extra wd! Subscribers 20 of Club every E. J.tuxsox. J. for $f.0,00. 21 Copies and I atn uow pruning my be fnrnhhid to any nddress. for sent 180827 numbers of tv lo sjmre. uuite a var Specimen St. George Utah, May cutting; winStoiege fo. atU . drumptly season ter la the lest , forplanliug; be liveami Gtain. . ; v Cu n' ItAtr.r. AttavUc .ovthlii ly if want lo. invest. btf n Atfmnc Monthly A;. E. avow WISES i , WINES ! PURE WINES ! JV,t,7 FU. 50U 8 Ji E Johnson, i Stt'ur'ltf!, those and alck and for C'itt'ic pdre NOllCKll pure viimulants ai the St- George 'd &' : OnrTf'U! t I a F.tay.S9.h.VQ:Athnne If you want the cheapest a iid beet Dry Drug btre, ' ' Saturday ' four periI I hnv a few Tries of choice foingn? folk nnd AVA. lUhitic, $10,00; all Goods, Grocers, sub .Tinware to be ha in wire and table grapes, for sale Rafoin. & , FIXINGS. . VIOUS 6TSI31G3 I- I Sr. Georg, call on N ixon inimeclately "HSltariplta. AM t Button ,rca or gran or A. hero Is a choice assortment of the above or in Draft t on Produce wanted, try him, J. E. J'hcs"n. Pot Office Order order St. flaorgo of ' .... ... ( Y ravohlt'tn tuc 28 If. goods, just being rocai red at the A r L ' FINE FRUIT l li tr runner BA 83? 1 SAN BERNARDINO under- - . anlznaihl and 50 miles East jif, KJau hsve now in successful cp'ratiin at "1 r J. E. Johnson. and good acomodatlons, for Cii'ld AViilijim Winter, Jsr.e ?. Austin, J. W. Palmer, ' Lvdii Juiii Assa!S M (i a soon. PROVISIONS Siimm-r- , Charles W. C. Bp ant, "i - ' r' li TIKE TO PLAXT. ; Fall and winter is the best time to.platl trees and vine. I am- now pniifn, t Vicing upj am plat ting out, fruit and ornaments i trees, ah rubs, vines, aid plaits. I 04ii supply in limit-- d quantity from v good assortment if application is made AMD n, l f Oct. 20 1868. HAY BARLSY. ft, I , 1 a J"- ! f . 200 bushels: of potato7 1 wi!l pay delivered at' Cal- lyi!R 85 00 ber, bushel br at roy stoW OLEANEER! fine potted plant for sale ready 3,75, pay as shove. . L-r- M , Wanted f.rwlrch POLi' rr f a o " Yi iCK. " l.t tf : sL 1 r.'.Ms-c- ! I iioely andvyaluahie popyra fO : eral in America. , Vegetables well fenced: Slid in crop". the increase of longevity valnab.e The houstkccping. r vs it ' Hpnse on p A four CopcrMir. popular papers rooms caeh. on for bloMioin. several two with houses Two kcenini" will ba continued through and : (V ft lots in town, with Kraals, Vafrds, J. E. JoTinou r'V liiitnbcis. W ' -" sal Papers, des- Stables." A ser'ua of Antob'ogivph of wycral years on Ac criptive of a OF RQGKS STJ1T1UA be will published. u tho volIsles of Slioalf, Twelvn acre 4 of Hajlhi'd resr by MOUAVE RIFEZt in parcels to CTn nddition tn the aboro. the Atlantic - for nrn to be sold together or bv wi?h artialcs in Prose suit purchnwra. lSr,3 Kiilihe enriched - tile, at Eagleto undersigned the fn-rs Apply i rcsmlnv contributors, and Poectry or. to J. E, Johusou tt.'Georgo. whom are. the following: Jos Bm-roW. (1. Curtis, UT. I r.ngfl'llow, -; C. lltecrtft 1668 30 H P. Stowe, 'July ... VILJncrron, C. I,. TurV'-rtnaPavia, If.-T- . B. T Aldrich, Y. 0 St.'.ioin Jf hu Alice Car, E P VVhipjls. m. N'!, ., w I, HARDWARE I have a ftssomiaent of fc - W general SV - - , r t tii ttiAi I ri ho , T. matocsj fursale at umlnrsigtiedlsve fot.ilp ,24 serese Si Geo pen;of llie l)rng torc. most excelleet tillable .layl at Egle-il!aid suitable for any . sorbf t grain sev- ... -- V BROOMS ..! i ...BROOhiS ... i For sale at the Drag Store. - -St Geo Utah Dec 9 63. . .1 . XiontiocX,ffill M,; n. i z4 i fur sale. LO , ' - miSKST, SJUiFRAJVCliCO, d. (Orders respectfully solicit ,t ; M , oilI gr.in InQuir. , lof-- . txishang Ac- - S -- mt KSAG3 f t6i . ! . f r 1 r i il,i Tim - !Tmer p dr,i,i; S At the dose of the present volume of the' 'I this. Office Is for ae-b- r ex- -. , II, g"fYrTTCt."VV & Hming ,TooWcbancefr grata; stocky toerchanliso- - or : l tgricai I I ther good nrobeitv. A os, S and 5 Front Street; - i v.-- . i : lf tocif ,.v V'i!V.!. - Succeatort to L. 2. BenckUy ' Aji b? J b b an or ENGMSH & QWAKHvr " r ireet Philadelphia mmti inerjj mirs inijfor i V" . ' rl M f Hr nr. Firwib'.n ,ii. in'of i0neal t? aecoaot ..f onVor., a oMirlctt ? - i i I. f ,. im.de of nuedjW 4 . it k Pv fir s ofWc'b'cib;Mf".; it. i x 319 JV AT.NU ! ap- - ttt, ;i :u will .-- A. - ! h nber0 nv aiwat J j L- Lifarth, JS. JhMuil. F. D.Kellogg figuresI. awl 'Pott LIN KO UTHt KELLOGG, &. R A IL. 20:io-f-r - 4.001 , J SlCo.,) . J i 12 d(l i , d tZZZr ot HWrt KWtgfto cent iii nto a new Atneneau , f) mcK UrUrLtI.TTer, will contrilute a ?ricf ofjvfs .b, entitled The ExfwrieuecB?! ,L!51nrP i (and one grntit ) (aid onegrrt m A aiidiPrrniintn EngrVig ItCft for. f vb lame1 to:tUe-i Tli el ge Iter" uprf a jriulr-wll- l fint tfntfibiit!on Mean ihe fg n striking paper, Ileme B&ASFKF V--l Yankees at ent-tlc- T GeerfeF . good .sprint, at(nwoD-Jn(nU,u vouig; orchard t00r.'tihw'e! IS witl gf.r tided-tifli.-Amp- : 0 1 i3trmgs raips h-iy- a le . ; Oj-r- y o'-.- - AV'-r- . ri Iff . tl-- w-.no- - ne-ih- ag "tooted Tines : ' FIELDS. OSGOOD ? u : ., . ' Pbblishfis Boston :;!! (FncecfsoTS to Ticknor A Field FFl,1.lf 1 We hope tii a 1,1 hove, who asvfce PreVldenistf tie Rocky, Mount atn :, 1 Stringt from 10 75 - o::0 conts each, Geo. W. Johasoa, 31, D. Look out for Theives ! PBtEUDr BPLEsmn ... . .Moxa, it Jcab Co.; Utah. . Offer his professional services to tho pcsnlo fmtV PamhIias TEN DOLLARS REWARD 1! a4 induckmekmto 8UBsCUDR. In 9 means is m ue foi-ti.aah oie a, g"1" old cr-i, or mou-- e colored sssocli'.ioh. the efit bei the . tions fir., sad: . to the hnnmsa and Will those' who 'decline tout. rr port, to two J'a ;TM1lir,i ,.n the Uft ehoibur theR Bhop, ho is requested fo selpct a C0HI(. very plain, also' A R fn psin Whoever will vice president for bis wardand report ac- - j tti. rs on be left thieh. annlmsl. or I ih i'bvs dscriled give v jr' tiou lo Sserctaiy Branch. jr!(:rn,ailR ihm will lead to hirrecoveiy 1 i 3-y- esr "pf . TK Wood. the diatuguished Englishwi b ;thor ef piat Lyme, 1c., ufi J. uum- - A v a. JOilBlOIl. Prcst ,R. Ml Fruit Grew ers t rf i i asocial iou 4 .i .ii ....I, it, flW reward. Joel H. Johnson. t -- . A oALits FOR seme about 20 - j y fl Fishing ' jph -- J 'll - yards Icng WJ: w r: . .Vi v . x v! 'f- - gwspw MBppsipe! i.1 - n A |