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Show I' ,.'-- "Vy javsf"'"";. . '. V" I . ' ' BTM LOANED! ne itFrae ago,- - waB';bpirirwBl--oa- ' 1 ft ' grain;'?;, feed. a - before being exposed Jorixsox, - DirblTsiLE ' 7 CHEAP . Two wrought Iron tiorgum rollers; apply soon 16 the a I) EditoA. Vft,- ''A 7 V r" 1 . . T e i r Enlarged,' Weekiy v v -- - from the TERMINUS . MEAL,. ' CHOP FEED, .VEGETABLES ' : 1 1 ,7. mjtaii: ' : NEW MEXICO, t ; St. George, 8t. Gxokue Utah. - t U-68- . ' ltl ! OF ? d i mm; at the . St. terge Drug Su ESSENCE OF LIFE, For Diarrhsea, Cholera Morbus, ie. Whooping Cough, Pain in the or face, and as a Soothing Oordi infants gives immediate relief CANKER SYRUP, For Canker, Sore Month, or 01 Humors. quirieg outward apnlioation for Beast. The very Mat Horse LinimJ RANCHING ! I f. NERVE AND BONE LINiME For Rheumatism and all disease OMAHA or, SALT LAKE CITY. FLOWERS! (EfllSCSaKSS, EYE SALVE, t HAVE a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, M S. inflamed Mr. of For or troublesome! weak, purchased and bedding plants for sale, vis.j HAVING tne the of undivided half Lids, Sore Eyes, &o. SOSS DRUG STORE, ROSES,' kvown as Hamblin & Blairs, Blanche i LILACS, St. George, Utah, may be found a good in Raftche Valley, emt of Spring Valley. 1 TONIC PILLS, Si'lRfiAS, Stock tf solicit patrorage.rt Dixie stock growers, STOCKS, Being brought p in Texas, I vouch no Will cure the Ague, Chills and Ii medicines; perfumkky, VF, RISEN AS, better Rancbe abv on., owns or ever saw mittent Fevers immediately. PETUNIAS, &o.', the right kind of Medicines for the north of Maaon & Dixon's line. ALSO and the Diseases the BLACKBERRY, Climate, WILLIAM MOOiiY. People, JAPAN LILIES, . Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments f the Country; v WALLFLOWERS, Itch, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Com; ,PregCTiptiops put up with care, by an AT .. well-assort- ed . I JOim r.A ueasosuuje: & Co- .- AM mjKS Jan. 15, p . :.f . . v O ACTUS, ' - . - Sol ' 7 7 MONTANA Back Charges Paid ? - P. R. R, of the U. -- - . . ToAll Poinidin ; t . ;v: : ; i Teamsters and Emigrants supplied in any quantity. ! I SANGIOVANNI :: ; v- CUAliGCS jgrgfj.btdy ihoold take be flat G od Stabling and Kraals. wel 1 oLVoiume 2 will REFER TO Office 19 the at wrdav September STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLIL BDSIESS MEN GENERALLY - kAHEM TAKEN at the TITUIXO OFFICE. DENVER.,--. Wm. LlKOt ; Correspondence "should. be addressed 1 1 ?o. .: : - GPir!ldD untiry at Lowest Market Rates. u om $2,00 perannum it : , ,; RCIIEVE and FORWARD GOO DSof-- L V.E RXK I N Dl ... - ( i VALUABLE - - ' l --- . . and other TOKCAorm m mcriu roos and . - ;. EEODR, I. - MEGEiiTH&Co,, Tko Utodbr&jhoil keoM toniUnUy on huatd ' fromlny rplace." VfllL the tint ho return .. Brain and Feed ;Store: 1 drugs, 3-I- . Snap-Dragon- experienced Druggist. 3T Two doors above St. Georgo 1U11. V ; ; : 7. III put 'kUitnr-b-WQ- l bo ooloot . Hi pnpotlRi ij. K Ooatxa, UUV, The Unersigued offers a superior article of double-woun- d wire fastened wholesale nt or ! ! Brooms, retail; Grain BLANKS!! BLAMES!! BLANKS ! ! aod Produce received in payment. Blank For sale at the Times Office ALSO of Deeds CHOICE LOT OF tiur.t, Deeds, Bonds, fifortsges, T. D. Powersattorney Bills of sale, Subpoenas, IPi'-t-ii'- t and many convenient and useful business Sottili Tcmivlc Sr., St.L&kcCi goed sixe i nd best varieties; nlo ornablanks. mental Tree..- and Shrubbery, and oilier Keens an extensive assortment of Blanks cf any style printed to order Good?, Toys, Confectionery, Be plants. nctice und Yankee A choice V of IIARD'Y GRAPES, Medicines, Stationery offers which at he tko lowest tuch as stand t iis northern climate, and tiotis, ketfigures. C. WILKINSON, Fruit abundantly. Look charge for showing 15. F. JOHNSON. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER Curiosities. A blck and s sou'h of tlie Putri! Villa, Utah. Spring , on Mfin Street. Good tsioJier aod work dune well and with i.ediue0s auu despatch. 1D35UI Good clean Cotton andLiaeu Rags waif this office. at 1 m now prop.-iroto supply tho S. G. HIGGINS. with all suns oi mv PASSIFLORA filatii 'bonllfol treaplkf ilio, aoofal ! ! JOHNSON, Trees, Toriotjr of thl ill otaouontol nflk $tiM far (null JOHNSON. J.l. IMS Cob. of SO, tinn, Syrup Sarsaparilla, end ' other popular Family Medicines. BROOMS! others; also u choicd collection of Chinese Chrysanthemums. bind aaaush to rstoro it A faw pUota ot tbo cdlblo Tri, Tuberoses, ami many s, J. E. JOHNSON. a.3TiM2)J Brrwf4 a haifroa E. ! lama firm ra r - ot-sho- - : in--n- o EMMA GRAY. L-ik- e Squ-ire- Emma Gary; on her way to school passed a little boy r whoso hand wa through the ailiags of a genii' man's front-gardetrying to pick a beautiful flowers. PNVOOeflAN iEQILdTO kindsaid little Emma, Oh, Residence in the north part of the City, boy," two blocks west of Clark's Tannery. , w.thoui that not ly, 'are you taking lare?V-While thnnking my patrons for theii : Mfdbtdy reeame, answered the favors in the past, I wish to inform "little bey.' them, as well as the public generally wno may neeif my services, that 1 have Sstmebody sees you from the blue sky, said Emme, "God says just received from the New York laboratories a good assortment of Eclectic ' , .we muit not take whnt does not be Medicines. Itf long to ui, without leave, and you will grieve him if do so. jou Tha little her looked up into her JAMES CUAGUN. face, as she rpoke . Shall 1? said he then 1 won!. Joiner and Cabinet Maker. George He drew back his hand and' went a will execute orders in his St, line wih v : " v . ; lif. dispatch One way of doing good is to pre-- . A Tent others frem doing wropg J. W. NIXON, gehtel word of reproof, cr pcrtur&icr. would save many a cne fiom sin. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Woikcr, ' St. George, Utah ltf TOBACCO. n, . 9 dec-jraUn- . FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL Produce; consisting of g; M SOOTHING SYRUP. r -- -- ' Jeemes gires'lru media to relief nothing bet Sfx the lettefr. Let ' go and Jeemes pamo home, .married the ter can b uieif. . . r' cOrxe'spendent fit, Mr, Davis, retersed Sold at JBt. George Drag Store to, bit wg!iAit; aad .did fight as woU'1 as ever. affeo-Vona- Wjt V- te : J. E. Johnson I- of good size for transplanting, to EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other iweeiheartwee in the Fifth South Carolina Log House my present residence. Regiment, to Mr. Baris, President of the late "j will' shortly have on hand a complete Confederacy, uking for a furlough Tor her tock of Palate; Oils, Vans toll, Ac., &c. lover to come home and get married: u ll-t- f . . J. E 8. RUSSEL MDear Mr. President: I want yon to let St. George Utah, April 15 1863. Jeemi Clancy, of company 1th 5th S. C. Ecgi-men- t, eem home and get married. Jeems is willin', X Is willin', my mammy she is willin', -- bis mammy says she is willin', but Jecmes captain, ha mint willin; New when we're all A suprior Medicine for' Whooping ' Willin, ceptin ;Jeemes captain, I think you tot Joe add tot eomo. met up Ill make Coogh, Coughs, Colds, Hives, art might go straight back when hes done got married and fight just as bard as ever. Your jsffec- - &11 affections ofthe Throat, or Lungs: tefriendj-etc- tend, tree of charge. - W II. Branch See STRA ED Y 1 ?t Several cows, Oxen, and yoii-ithe oluer branded J. E. J. on the hi and moat all with a 6 ln-- cirrlc with ( Inside on left aheuldei I will rcwird g Apple, Pear, Quince, Plum, Apricot, Peach, Cherry, Pomegmimta, AlA 11 an th ns, mond, Cnialp;i' Jlonay Locust, Mulberry, etc. etc., etc., Also some New, Choice, an well as h finder J. St. George Apr. 15 E, Toh ns or Ordiu&ny, Native and Foreign GrapoS, CRAWFORD IIOUSJ: Also, Flowering and Frui ting Shrubs, Strawberry Plant; Flowering Plants Washington. Utah, Travelers a and Yiues, House Plants, etc. Boarders acommodated with the be As the above stock is small, those to purch.-isShould be in sea- table comforts the market affords. . desiring son. . - HonMr.a Davis wotc ! ! I have a choice collection of WHIPS AND LARIATS. Two dreys ef the oil cf tobscco, sey are snffirientto lire in Massey, Dr. dsstroy JOHN L ARS car, rats in three or Hour minutes; and the same amount on the tougue of a red , squirrel St. George. All work in braiding, ltf &c., (lone with dispatch; dtstroyod life in one minute. A Hottentetplaced the end e fills pipe to the. mourk of a snake. The eff; cl was ' in I tanteneouej wllh a momentary, convulsive motion the snake uncoiled itself and never - I expect to remain in ;St. George and stirred again.1. continue in the Buaui-s- e of painting, &c., Those who,.wih to employ Let Janus Ge.' The Lnnd Wo Lore me Cun leave Ibyir orders at Bro. snow gives n model letter from a young lady, nheso ' lihcir Club Hal! cu Tuesday eveniitg, tko you iouid. Any who desire, arc at .liberty to weekly iiiccliugi Fruit Trees . -- , Agcniy for Findings cclebruj will take Corn, Wheat, Flou, Butter, Cheese, Cotton, Cotton Yuiii, Matches, wholcsalo ind retail, at StorepajCash or Load in excli in'i. ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE on the xun isituated street Pottery ning to Washington REGULAR MEETINGS. JOHN EARDLEY. ltf The Gardeners Club. lvid nvmi i " W A R E 1 7 - d CROCKERY MM ; PDTjISy, : - "yv; 3rLCigf3l i J. E. I JOHNSON, St. George. ltf W. m Utie of zrtpn, Vota tod hardy tsrta Jfcw Ttrietlet of apiilct fL 0 WE HIE G SHRUBS! 'Best varieties of STRAWBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, and RASPBERRIES, !.OI Flowtrleg vitci tadoiher detiraUo jilaatl 4 .m y bird eat Curie. Tor atlo far oaib orgrtlt. i. for lXBtIrotttho'TlmeBOflee." fit. Qmno uteb, Oet. 0 ua MISIV oxot-i- t, Xoseg, L CRAW FORD. COMPOUND Nursery & Garden. lfuy choio, ill nr H- - IPOILILt Will cleanse the Blood, remove Billioi Complaints, stimulate the Liver, relie Dyspepsia, break up Billious and oth Fevers, step lie Headache, drive aw Flatulency rnd Loss of Appetite, he a Bad CiU. cure the Jaundice, si prove to be he best family Pill in exi tcnce.- - in Sold at ST. GEORGE DRUG STORl JMeney is not refunded when satisfacH given -. sw . ir f-'- ! : |