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Show 'ja-:Ls- v 6 fl ' Jft. A lift. ' : IS .i l Vnl r P - '1 -S- 8CFIPTURE FULFILLED, 4 ; TUB DESERT SHALL BLOSSOM AS THE U032. T. SE0R6E UTAH, WEDNESDAY, DECEitM w: os: 23,1868--N- in ' Stosim Carte. RIO VIRGEN TIMES SEEDS, SEEDS! . ?r4 hare hands and brains do you know how to nse them? Again I ask you, what can you v do?, ' The old man regarded his daughter lot a recuRW look. Mment Ma7 this young man mayhap yonva seen him before has me a lot of tubs and barrels, all ofbrought his uiWR. mats a S it good article, 'too, He asks a heavy rife for , m;but Lf you are to cive willing - nell anA good;vnd- hartr- yt W girt whitevrr bargain father willraift-- -' -'Diukina said this he consider stey- stepped oat cf the room, and we will folio- -, liia example. But the kind of bargain the young people made can readily' )0 conjectured by the rpeedjr wedding 4 ; This was a stylo of ca'echism for was quite unpi snared, and he every WEDNESDAY which Luke f stared lankly at the: questions fyilkout , For Sale,' Seeds fresh and pare of morning at the Ttmi s but! ding St Georgs spnkirg. most vegetables needed f or the garden, Utah Ter . I believe .yin managed to get; through Seeds and a choice eollection of Flower '" tha Ria fwr 'college biro yon any pro reason? Virgen Tijae.''T: More. ' jbraeorgrr r f JTo, sir; I thongV 1 RflgJit Have yon any trade? Wrong1. rvnv BVTO SDRYEyOBS. vreafat inhcrit l shoild not need tors first-ra- te of an rcble Some talk i set of A deed, any of some ri.litcous 'And seeds i Vo ir father thought like a fool. then. 1NSTRU sowing SURVEYORS AENOINEERS th And lime is pass along. Hed much hf-- t er hive given vr-- sotin hon- tb it fallowed. , ME NTS FOR SLE. Eiit i'll not speic of ee?ts or creeds est oecupubn aui c it yen oT wi;h a dol-Ih- L ike Jor-'aInquire at the Times office. every year, on the asnivef-rar- y the inakiiT of you 0 ". p illing up nf vich'cd weeds, it might Inve his of 1M speak, of rijhtutl wrong. marriage, delights his father-in-IawAa it is whit are you fit' fur? you some of ths handicraft are a s'rong min, twen. hr which he wonspecimen Ti right t woo s pretty maid, what he declares to be L four years old. and never earned a the beat Unions hc court, as by a tiad and dearest nifoin the world.' Anl you want to dollar In vo r Ilf--the beau To the to attend play Vrfl will old nan The undersigned marry mv daughr.' rosamed ilia boast a vlcim we have mad; Then., DARIXa AND ; SUCCESSFUL afer a few vigoroui puffs at his pipe ezeeation of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, By git log vice a virtuous shade, of advan as Now ages Powers Attorney, lve good of Mary given Deeds Trust, VILLIANY Tie inean,iis grovelling low. and she other Official Busifjr learning aa anv girl l:i 'own, y Contracts, and she cl if We in didnt the fallowing from the Deseret H well to tell a hirmltss hasn't thrown them away hut ness required of a Notary Public. vile know how to wrk she'd be no daughter Acurs ef (he 2nd inst. C some great Mountin tin, or some Office at Rio Virgen Times rooms, ; of mine ir I chos , I culd keep mere1 YYfcee beat;e plenty roam :5 UliWAV ROBBERY. Bro. St 1 T. X more no iluin ona se'vsnt, but' don't; WeM bfct er teach our fell jw frail l'ublio. '"SE. JOOSSOS, V. ban I chose 'hat my daughter shoud be . King, of Filmefs, called la this morning, To pew, t s w, or mike a rail. a L"f. To Jo him good at homo. .1. Tie right to nil;? our wife. or chPd, sL a 1 of ttie sm iling, bright eyed, rosy robbery, com itted en Sunday he 15th 1 did 1L fi m in ruli g ret hi mil i, sLe inst. by a young man name 1 Willis Bar- that she is Iie'ked aia siy 11 ive CHAVI TO, RIT DRESSING, L'A D cursed r.o ilie been that had lad whie shoild mirrv ice p you can) thslomew, on the person of a atraager Ami L t n 'i liiughtv accents wild. with a r ah fathe, but shes taken a fiol-i8HAUP00IRG, while cn route from Scipo to Filuora Prov.iknd b nisiirn, tr.ith defiled, liking t yon, aid Ill tell you what I'll T A in m IS THE. BEST STYLE, do; g to work and prove ydn sef to be It appears that en the night preceding the Dstrjy ti) t yourself in su:ne occupation robbery Bartholomew camped with the U V 'Tis wro?g to wound, a reeling breast, i min,p3rf-cl&?u IruvJruOii.ilus:I do it cure wht so itbs h mest; then On the fellewlng lly k4n natir-- or tdli come to ma, an-- if the girl be will'iig, she stranger at Sclpio, sii.tYibu s a i.o Be can ions when vu rpsik; the latter drove icorning is oars.' on, and when We slnuhl not try to beak the re it, CifS DOOR SOL ill OF PRINTING OFFICE about four miles north ef Cedar Springs As the nld man raid this ha deliberately Of "nv thongli t y self npressed LiJ pipe sg inst in a deep hollow, he was overtaken out of ill knocked ashes by Nj n:ht?r pro-i- or m ok. h? E. JOUNSOJf, oieof the pillars of the porch whre who with levelled pistol, Rartholunew, , t, frie-'ilvest was sitting, pu ii into his Ts rjr'it, f., hr'n. our fi or or.L red Mm to alfghfc from hiswagoif. Auction and Commission Ale reliant , l id, 'ii ' v in' i v vi h If in i went into ihe hmiie. hrr-Ui-ihJ then robbed him of forty dollars. He uSr. Lairg.?, RV him l'roity Miry dBiifkhs was w:.i lag to firt, i i varden 1. at i j i ih-(Itin n w.i Toe her lovr oerhauled the strangers wagoa, and r?r 71 V. i'i ,i Iniy ir--or.,,hi-i- he ei: Will ftaeivo ml dispiac The emi Loir usual trj.stu-ice. I, pi Or..n ciin !i,n ici M'U'ch mdiz;, lot. (l.i.ils, V..nn, her eves U shs njticeJ after taking from it a prstol, saddle and is llu wjrs. light f i I i l Tjwjii.t.ii. term?.. liberal V.aiikfti. he permitted it and its owner Kiek Ac., upon th? cob r, discomfits.l lock. Or if i beggar find your duir, I1 ther means well, fclu slid, as Luke to go their way. Give him a cruet, if intiiingm i inld her the result of hie application. Anl Upon arriving at Filmorr, tha victim wr ng in th a, Tlicres i am not sure bnl: what he is alnut ri;hL. Tho-.gAG0N3 made or repaired, ami usua Ie feig i.:g t., be poor. she r:suiR3il, aftr a thoughtful piuie. 'tor o. ti 'Vis eitrr.g gva. i?. formation to the shor1. f on noiic at li done nn hi t o day a look-o- at j was An shore, u s?eun to me that every min, he Its rich P ,c" s: Jobbing ELMORE'S. a ih niss. him Ilf it deej ;Tis k pi rn fur or noor, Oight to have aoms occanalioo but they ob she her as lovers The;', grave stname. Tis ri lr to vii m ?aisj no clue. At bight while npo we of she added, seftiy: fi-- , wr loo, toil to r.r il fjune, offisers were welching the house of liis i.ig Never mind; I'll wait for von, Luke,' i i ,A-iInve bit view; Luke J(-- i dan sndda ly disarpeared from parents, sad at about nine oclock, ho a H- - t!i:.tdos it iet? A p iir oT v ou-- ht lorti Suruiii his arcustoir.cd hair ts, much to (he sur rrived. Upon learning their errand he Ai:u lioul I b bnnglp tpen shitne, roll rs for ie, n quire of of Ilia g;iv aasotLtes. B it wherever showed piise fight, and in the melee that ensued 'Tlmugh verviniiiy he cirrPd with him in his exile these J. E. Jo un soy. refl-e- t, I? al on? arts, w sio words, and wi.ioh were like a tower ot be shot one ef the officers, William Oil .oswhich thnt Ch rffeef, s'rengdi to his soul, 111 wait for you I.uke King, braiking his right leg just below tha b'irgi g i rims iniy vp gii i knowledge, Ouo plea m? lit, sunshiny morning, hta ir. ku-'aWhile the rest of the officers were H- - wl.Hh was jropi g w th mic we m?v delect, Octab tr aa F.irinor R'ilki-iin Lis fro-?- t garden, tli t hepirg their woandel comrade out of tha J.7 jnii .Vi ire not quite rrrertt up (he g:arc-vin- e . St. George Floral GuriloiiS, I down with ihe voight way, the robber made his tssapr. On She broik Hi .ugh r.t'e. c saw a college. thieater.e te ib pot. A nice collection of branches a neat looking fsTo luxurious of its viug morning an account of ths affair to do ti urong In shori 'ti wring, from Luke Jordan a which drove cart in plants, for sale. Chrysanthemum! j up. to Beaver, and from that In iv Mil, or deed, or even soug lighted with a buick, elas ic spring, quite ws telegraphed Verbenas. Stoeks. Pansies, Ice hint j L'-- t ritht- our in o', to bv in contrast to h:s foiuiir easy, leisurely place a party was dispalchel in pursuit as ue lilv d n Geraniums. Oleander. Putunias. and movements. to Minersville, but at the time our infur-mi- nt with !i; busy throng An mingle o'.lier vaiieies. undsr-s many Mr. Blilkins. I G left Fillmore Wednesday last, no We always will feel free, i wantd to buy snine cider-barre- ls and that E. yo Joiixson. J, been received. Br CF.oaaa A. llicKi. I think I have some here that report of his capture had Deserei News, will j isl su t you. For IH. Walt You, S. Wluse make nre they?' inquired the BLU'di of the history of ibis Ii continuation old maa, as, spelling the gate, he paused viili.in.we AT LAW. ATTORNEY learn that Bro. King from Fill dinyh-(e- r, by the wagon. to n want so vo inarnr Ami cn my his Tor. ltf more rack and on arriving at Utah St. Gaorgo, kept 'Mine. replied L ike, with ana!r of par-- . i i Fanner Blifkiu., iiianr1 this in Pinto county, found that Bartholloung his innut h, and Jonable prid-s- ; 'and L cliiHenge any coophad just left with a fins korie stolen omew , rem oving Uie pipi? from er to beat them. R'okie He had ealled in the Mr. Biirkins examined them critically, from Bro for something to eat, and while tlu night one by one: Let us use the Medicines that grote host wont to a neighbors to get ehang. ashesat the Theyll do,' lie said coolly, robber saddled a splendid stallion and air, and Mountains mid the stop importation, down the last of the lot. Whilt will you off. but this was not learned nntill was take for them? I have a welUtted Laboratory for the Hot morning, when pursuit was rn-tiauWhat I asked you for six month; ago Essential oils snJ preparing exlraets j but lie colored and grew to Santa Ulara. where it er ere on the of the 20th lt. he toik b.ntl. lU. .harp, night .n4 invlt. all vlio hav. oguish twinid.? in the old man's nother villian who had been loiterirg about, broadened i to a s;nils. MIDIiMl ES1U Yes, sir. 1 spoke to Miss Miry last eysYou've the right metal In you, after stole 3 fine horses from JTohn I y. she referred me to you. It was two days before tries of the or roots, and those wtio discorer new oil evening, and she face softened . cried. Come in, lid came in. all old The mails valuable took South, otherwise or coaid bo obtained.-T- hey wa made a trade, after specimens mo lUu't wonder if produon, a good gtrl. an to sold horse Miry is a goodhisgirl, the Richie icry spoetato chin i h a thoazht ail lie slid, stroking to California for from Ssnta Clara Luke loth going Netlii obeyed, ig fill air, an I she deserves a gojd husband upper Muddy to bring them to tto and they shall be sat What Miry til, usd out into the entry Her Wpansed on through the horses1 do? can you sold stolen them. two above were arms wh:to bare settlement, the isfaetorlly rewarded. looked rather blink at round, The min young reeled a day went oa Los to and of E flour traces Yogas the Johnses. b ?re she J. Springe, elbows, this inquiry. we has abrupt loot th is the and it 1911. been . sifting. It. Gao. Jons 29, If yon rererto my ablli'y to support a hrdHer dress was a nat gingham, over They will doubtlise go through tq,Calfor ; wife, t can aosure you a blue checked apron; but uia. where this Barthol mow has a brother was which tied 1 know you are a rich man, Luke Jor- she I tokei as winning and lovely as she in th circus business with whom' h mas dan, but I take it for granted that you J.M heretofore travelled, did whereeveir she was found. ask my gll to marry yo i,not your prop- always ' Bernardino she smiled Sun at and blushed as and him She saw Look oat for Luke & erty. What guarantee can you give me, aid then and He her s her Los hr is highytymaa eyes upm Angles father, in c?ae it shiuld be swept away as in to he what had to dtrer. htr dutifully, waited, could stances that you thousands of i provide for her a comfortable home? You sty. ' Is published . . - n-d- 1 a- , and - u H-?r- ab'e-bodiedyou- (PubLiB. - by e ng ! ii.e-inl- ii al tK S-Jta- r, Flii2lSTirJl,rJSKS!r YOM80RJAL. mmi di - :v ?, ? po-ke- ! , ! 1-- i - ( so -- ; i Tr-u- r, wheelwright w - I 'h-rm- 1 no-ice- 1 d CANE MILL. - J. HOUSE PLANTS. . s be-ldin- - lhn lod-morni- rg, Ill MomBSQaxmyaotvral dis-tilli- ng ed Mf-posslo- n; isv vil-Ha- ns CROSBY & CLARE. Tanners Carriers tu-ni- ng ST, GEORGE, 'UTAH, H.f ltfn "W vr w ' ?. A ' v..'. '- f |