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Show pemmaari iftyfeu TO TilS SAINTS ix DlX13 isue hi holiday My gJlbaTs a merry tiiso au And elsowhere thoss of you bArrigbsslhrer been more or Ices cloudy and chilly s: jov all the good thing of lifs. in the South or West that you wish no to at. ti su-fluke yet. no Merry ChrUtmss to our Mend) all; tend to, mako known yonr wishes- ly letter to wans nice raisins, Canned Koine Georgia ottd you shall bo bear! and at,Iycu my power. The Sail LaUo 'Telegraph Gap tended toallif in fiuit, or purq wines, call at relations and friondi those : WxxTHRli- .- Since our last w - ' . having Again ' ' " ' 4 in ths Ssuth or West hr in the States Drug 8tnre. arid Ilia of saecsss can, by letter, refer tkrm to ms at Heme Ua. The TCt popularity Bro. Eirdly lias now for CacexxRr, information appertaining, to fhe faith and above rrr!iil?al, shows wlial an earne,t doctrine Dixie of the Saints or for their writings of assortment hand a good deter vu 1 ion, cou cl ed with energy, irdna-trwhieh san be ha! from me at Home er firori made po.tbry vt his f(nl out on Cro. Jobn W was Brewn 206 North 14 street fit Lon-i- s and talent can accnmplLh. Bee new adr. Avenue. ! Ho. Washington (care A. J. Kershaw. as an experiment, In doubt, as a Jesse W. Crosby. . FESTIVAL. -- i . " - y 1 - t-r- td -- It dvhva out that most filthy find to be a neiuMi'ViS Vedette. and and spread hrehiW.Tteresslty-- lt ttj still erew give out a Slwsrkly in both sirs and fsvar ws like it we .always, like! 11 every bdy Mkei It. the Tflsgreph is cow.one eftW fads ef our thoelBeo is OR of mountain history the best amid the rocky nloUiUins. ANNUAL The taeinbeis of dsily IS PVBLiSliF.D, ly d .E.ilOHJ'JSgCi ST. GKIRCIE Wtisudiy UTAH. 1503. fiesenrbeT 23. and Prr T?r, 8ffJVJsA 3.00 WsJlth, Ra(a of -- !. a n!akv 'ruATit anr wr Lie mm a few cars sin Sinof copits, 85 fellow, ve vrr surprised by a mammoth I idTrrtiing: gg !, -- - I - Wo SHU art pleased M Cotura to through the larn, Telegraph and News, that a strong nme-msIs in progress, id the 'ekles trwne nl settlements to the north, tending to the development of silk pr&Jueeftro. ut Gen. 1). IValtalive nan, an ten energetic and determined home rntnu'scturer, takes ths lead tLst alote is ha; linger of access. 'Societies Cooprra ires ins'll culture have been formed, inttructi-ngiven, trees distribute!, eggs provided Malbsrrj and everything done, to set this thing at once on it fat silk will be the great commercial ii.tiest cf inland Utah, end ha movement, is not a day too seen. s Our Dixie porst'tes-climate andfur-ilitiunequalled we canrlothe'o: rsftlve In silk as ra?ilf 'u we can in cotton cur children can foe! worms and wind the silk It Is time for us to move and we shill 'make a start with the worm 3 ths coming a es season . Mnlberry grows from cu'.ticg?. at andthrovgh u Colifnrr.la ccrre-pendeLna argeles we lesrn that fire congees' tive eops f silk worms in! cceoon have ben pro lucH the post seieon. Caras stir; get poor cuttings, eggs, ar.r! begin text april. VtTh-m- The seasons amuaemenls opened wlLii the Toang Mens Parly, at the Hall, las Wed. Evening, II. Horsley an-- H. Branch Managers the Hall was pleasantly fall, end with sc mseh beauty aid good humor ne could bat enjoy the reunion VT. II Branch as floor mansgr( made everythin? pleasant and lireiy We weiahnncrei with a :mpUmenUi7. T thing, by th by, away dewn South in Dixie' where editors, correspondent, reporter, sr.d printers, are expected to feel very gratrfal for being allowed to mix in respectable Soeiety. Thanks bjyi, may yen eru feel like dancing at tosnd or sweet ducct mu tic. On Thursday evening isms place the Bishops had a very interesting time and much light enjoyment Wo acknowledge favor ef an invitation, bat absence prevent'd as enjoying the pleasure of the evening and company. On Tuesdays large collection of jsvs-nilelads and lasie hid a choice time at the Hsll and danced till satisfied. J s ear frit id Rogers gives a chines to 'hise whurishto tip the light To-ni- ght fantastic too, a splendid opportunity far --fan nrer.irg Cavalry Campanv have a A, party and expects god time And oa Christum right POF BOSCO is to txtoiUb everybody with hi magical To-morr- ow . performance. nd io we glide fmoothly, right Into ths U . p ll s ? merr-lundis- f s 6. GEORGE RFADING CI.U3; An erenin? echoo1. with the ab veliilxt ! m vt iiy eveviog t will h til Gin'eneT.s Club Hell The owners n hav generously ts der-M- l to the; fie lie Citiaen of tl.is IVy the free use of he building thre" l ight in each 'wek for thn shore school C rls of sh ir- tl" s?of. aVp$100 pr. quarter, just to furnish ligli- - sn-- fire, the nceerv i 'etruutlor.s are to he grjtni . u- epcted re to bo readi.-s- s, 'f he exc rcit and sud es. ruflicntv varie.l t" enrhsin the iutevrrt of bovs, 1 unf met, and "Mem. all are iuiitH whshrv-desire fsr impresemaiit .ir,l ar wil Inc-tsppy ihcn.selre; aad icj cct ths rales of ths school. n-- rm ! t !ec-ur- e- aiiug.jfollisorner ESGMA-TSEV q. SB, rLU'f-EO- l. ELECTION'. H n of o!fic?ri of fn S Clubln Grie'ier p 'ttpvid o ibo second Tueedi in Jaa Ircx 0r. b-e- r. most popular pic ufes of the day. Six psr-thres equeatrisn fl.irei. Every mm-b.- r nf tko family is ns faithfully likeoMsed n ths photojrnphf, whiuh wre rives to the a, tint frsm the bands of ths General himeclf, have power to express. This work hn cost n fVilh'dl'ibnnr. and more than 07 E TTMTlSAXn DOLLARS in enab, and readily sells fcr $2.50, its regnUr price. OUR SCROOLDAY VISITOR. ne f th oh'ntt, kan1nm"t tn! ehnv"t Tons? Polk Msyatines In thi ennnfrv. wlilei alone i worth $1.25 a xesr. will both basest m, VISITOR is e live,h?ri-ton- 1 monthiy Ntb-- r eectBr'nn or V V'Rir f fo-m Mnssh Tt lm. th" inMrrrJs. munmrrt and sl'vat'en nr our ycancj'eoile rVory whro fnr winili send 19 rent AT ftlfr-Plte number f t1 e Vittop. and rr"",tr ?ir;np t e orhrin nnl eeranlota decr?ptio of th? ar?e ard vlersu engraving, and fli.I lrt of Tr'iniuias for Club. ant3-- every wher A rare ehanet A?nts Aieress. PAT7GHDAY A BECKER. v. R inst. Auewer is reiuastai1 Answer to enigma 5fo. 25 XavRjoes. l Answers to C0I7UtfD?.Ui'i. rll'h'-.i- U In our list. 1 Kccanss its a e 2 Pecanss bo longs to go to the steak. she got a little prophet (profi!) i from Iho rushes on the benhs. 4 Because it attacks the joiuts. 5 Because lie is a deal plainer. 6 Oae hides the tan, and the other tans the ENLARGED AND BEAETirTE'i. Tbi nMeet and lies ft tvs 7.i!er"r WeVlea ' has be"n reei1v tvur.rn xn nvrT'VTen. Tt ie weY rT i'ahed lh R'lrruicfi ml l ftnait, SgCTcirra, Ac , are uos It b Vnr"1"tr-J.Tl!- X hv hi Th-nge- II-i- BOSCO OP TBV QnXBX Almard: sn! Gvm?: axh Bt. a Novel New VV"lea tv?ll A a on; other- hv cv, Haw a entin:iallv irc,el-'- al'adr tKo hand. Of In nrogrrae, are. Tle Mvafov of wiwerfnl e'o'v hv Mra. b" Keefe, and Cul Adr'ft. r. The Tide of Da - FitMbv Ameede M Dnurle. Tur Pot aIo fflves th Gx.us ot rut been term in (his place, When will appaar, rt eleclril and all In working order THE CELEBRATED YOUNG MAGIC it now vary busy retiring and s A BLIGHT OF HAND PERFORMER calil, and preparing, with a gaod nmt. of realy taoi.ev to commuio biislnses in e srns. Success to Li entrpr!s?,' it is in th. ilj'-.- t direli r. LATE FROM SALT HKF, Will eivw an entrtairmert consistWA?n!K0T3X. The cot on mill is Prof. Grtve w f S th Fllzbb Preedit, he anther of T7nnsa Had Her UTy. &.C. CHRISTMAS!!! S T. GEORGE IlALL. Fxidat, chmder 5 h. eomaimeed jnt naACow. EM!? Atsoestiin , If-rrr- ex-plan- CO.OPERATrO!f. Street-- hV EVEN- - THE 8 5VT15T5 - p-n- TTALNUT PhiladcpMa, Ta. ppr !!! y, nd wondr8 such as ing of miraclv ngain in successfal motion, full sets of iierrr was brought berore tli boards lively lingers, tnd full aepplics of in tnia citr. cotton vnrn. Bishop Covington is raihinv up the walls ot a largo store nricmcn. iv fckilllu) in his profession atd wan treat praise ia 3tvral dwellings lets pretentions ert1 also in course of erection. Th ILAKI CD7 V 2 2 In its of iag mill, ly eatisfactory sly (See Dfvcvet Evening Newx.) business, id f rawing a it can do. CIIIUIMAS & NEWYEARS ! A cur enun ry plco Ellile , we have walls i f of dwelling up, and Candies, Perfumery, eolnred toy make bonks to Raisins and othr Holiday toys soon morel that place Hope ' and perfumery at the Drug Store. pleasant aid useful. m FAMILY, Prom 'lie hand of the MleVstd Ssrttii, wVrh Is d"ti ol to le im o:i of the TVe 5. S. 9. 10. is nn Jly whole is a very nice fruit. p-f- Co-Opsr- !ir Messrs DAUGHD AY & BEGKER the Pnbli h rs of OUR FCHOOLDaY V!l. have jnst publish d a TOR, riilla-lelpliis- , 'uree. orijlnl. finr'v cxieUtd steel p'ale er;graviag. entitled GENERAL GRANT AND HIS snhsrriVcr fo 1W9, for $1.59! IThere "Try iir fonid. a stU gratr irdnetim. a!b uf 11 letters. V? ft, 9, 10. fr a quadruped. 10, C, S. i s k boy. mmo. ,l 19, 9. P. S. I, 6. ia a trade. ' S, 7. I, is vsed ia ferv hvn. 5. 6. 7. 1, 11, i a fruit. Qicorgs Juveiiils is t'' tiili of a Mlay shot editsd, cmpsvd ail ristd by Joe. Cupanlsr, a bar cfIS yetr, who fi vented and 'manfcfreta'i !. I.la hides. cemp-vin- g stick esse, am. fixture 7 Because its an acker (acre.) troohl 8 Bec&nso it makes rashes into brushes. only ngtte euteMi werh! fir irk and type all there tie the fruit ef 9 White kids. his own genii's. 10 Boeause he is an It Is Issued Sesl-m- a thly atJSe'e. for 12 nos thats rl'h4 Indus ,ry an! if If cutura. 1 b'ltrr th .n, elenning, loafing and Idling with bid cea A Mereanl'Ie $3 75 FOR9156.' to I am corcp'Jc! s Sl AN EXRTAORDINAUY ge The-S- t Aiunscniento. npiit B-- go-:ls- Korns Georgia Nor. 21 63. Deseret News, requested to copy. dnydeners Club, pr pote holding their , NOIXCEll mu 1 festival at the City Ilnllcn sAdbsat Dry. Tuesday evening the 6 h of Jan. Ifyoa want the time to bs had In is cheerful A and Tinware Prox. expected. Gosd, Grocers, a mill party, &V George, call on Nixon Irnasdlately. Ircst. U. SiuvK-wiiProduct Wanted, try h!w. attrndin? stertfd South to visit the 2Stf. tlilements c.n thn muddy last week, tuyure tXpCCUd batk tp l. ight. Pkox Sii'P. Bro. Kvate has n new and comcnodioue slue shop neatly we burat lbs wrapper nut sprang amnmmrth, double sheet a 48 opposite our ofiica. column wreklh&x't Lake Tol "graph ontv Those who hnvo (rtclcr feet and at ired of plodilin bnrefoir (ak pti-u- l $3.00 V jesr that who cm w cant. noiici as! give him a call. ir Bro. Stenhnaae ws wish yoi ennliud Brume.!. From the City ealy prreperity and yon have oar fUli am! week Bros Ilich Morris, end J Vest wishes ?o on In the good work IV. Nix-'ii- , nil rght, nnd glad to get of these ut of tht snow and ieef. nnd h. ch to began ?lve the Dessefuld-n'z'nmountains, good raiding, plenty of read-in- our unny Dixi. Hro. Nixon Ir. ught cheap reading, exhibit the drrk de- down a nifp little lot of r&d let molest vir'nebe formity of tic hi ndy. We. are ranch oMiced enwreatbed ii laurel --Unity, Industry, o Bro. Morri for favors, anl busipace, f rwi-- d ! wpwsrd y.ve ht Tele ness attenti-ngrauh 1 long iiv our g.ioJ xnoaiit.iin men and iuatit Hious. ex-char- is the spare llt&t 19 11am ef Ktqir" Ibis will occupy. yj.t, 1 auary nr lMt one Insertion, , $530 Bash subsequent insertion, 1 CO A e St. G forgo (lie PROF, BOSCO, Ac KkGLTSTI A MAISl?ire nr "f th Larr en 1 RsinrTr. nr Pt:l FtoouAviver Twk fnxa for nur TIMrAT vox tiv. exoravimo readers t a will he en (nat- WRAH.V LArc 'F $r. Paxuirw rx-tress- PWtrt ver' fu! '$2 5r) to iib'M,il,T. and ..ding on a elub! This is 'Trr pr' a truly baantifal eng;ivin;l TERMS. 1 copy, (and ing ) 4 copies A u li e lt'ge rrimlain - R-gn- n- $2.50 600 (and one grnifs) - fi.OO -- fend one 1C OG 8 gratis) each Oas copy of Post sr.d Lady's Fr'end, and Premium Ensrsvirg 2,09 The getter-u- p of a elab will receive a eipy of the Premium Engrsvieg Members ef a slab wishinS the Premium Engraving, mast remit On DolUr extra . Specimen copies eentgrxVx. ZX. PETERSON 6s. CO Addrees. 810 TFALNBT street TblIad"Tyh:a |