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Show LOANED If li ;itn ? . 1 I 4 (f : -- e. joHMjwH. J- f i.VOU SALE CHEAP ! "' 4 I ' - FEED," . .. v' vTwb wrbugbt It,on'SbVgumr' rbiiers; to the.- , ? t f tl, a rP1y-s?on- . EOUR-- f-- . ? ; 4 t ; v t i 1: -- L- i ' 1 -, 'S'tiBSCRISpoa 1 ; ' TBK i , it 1 St ' L and other M t: ; v '4 :.vH t a5 at :ih i f . ' f : .. . uyl- v i(; L.. i - -- ? FLOWERS ! ' r-HAV- ijlj .! ' I ' r-1 ' "a . ob . RANCHING ? a few flowering Bhnibs. bulbs, 'and bedding plants for sale, vis.: ; roses, ' 4 . . ' - LILACS, , SPIRE AS, V I : 1 STOCKS, 1 : ' I ' I . CANKER SYRUP, i.v . t.- ; . i - , . quiring dutward application for Man or Beast. .The very best Horse Liniment. EYE SALVE, For weak, ar inflamed or troublesome Eys Lids, Sore Eyes, m - feo. TONIC PILLS, : Will cure tho Ague, Chills and Intermittent FeTers immediately. BROOMS! ALSO Tho Unersigned offers a superior arti- J.-E- . . NERVE AND BONE UNIMEUT. For Rheumatism and, all diseases re- 1 ; Snap-Dragon- s, BALSAM, J . . 3-l- . For. Conker, Sore Mouth, or Ciceros: ' Humors.: AVING purchased of Mr. ' S. M B VJr, the undivided half 'of the ; - Ranche. krojvn 'ae Hamblin Blairs, in Ranehe;Valiey, east of Spring Valley, I solicit .patronage d Dixie ptock growers, Being brought p in Texas,1 T voach no better Ranche on, owns or ever saw north of Maaon'fc Dixons line. WILLIAM MOODY. VERBENAS, PETUNIAS, BLACKBERRY, JAPAN LILIES, WALL FLOWERS, Iris, Tuberoses, and many a choice also cullection of Chinese others; Chrysanthemums.. JOHNSON. I, For Diarrhaea, Cholera Morbuc, Ctt&ol. ic, XYhooping Coughj Puin in tho teeu or face, and as a Soothing Cordial fo infants gives immediate relief. I1 - i w R--- .,j . . . ESSENCE OF LIFE, . SALT LAKE CITY. & Co. ; - REASOiYAniE ? . Affections of the Lungs. .... i Back Charges, Paid CUAUGES St.Giorue Utah. years of age, with a cleanly shvaed. face and was ueajly .dressed. .Ilia eyes were Urge and expressive and the noble looking 'forehead told that he was intelligent. Though his looks., spoke; well of him, I thought be neededw a telling, and I was determined to doit. When he left the stgre ! followed him, but ho went directly to his, boarding house, The Juext night I watched jNewtons house, and saw him ceme forth and walk away. 1 fell behind aVd he led me through street after street, uutil we enterd street.'. Was he going to a gambling hell? Yes it wasilrue, I saw him enter a fash ionable gambling resort. 1 followed suit .. and Raw iny man seat himself at a faro lafil 8 lie bet heavily, lost, and, at.lsetf laid hi) last dollar on the table. This time h$ won and continued t? do' so until he' was a thousand dollars ahead.'. lie then leit the room and .went to his boarding house. Night after dfght I followed him to and from the.gambliog house, but learndjUatb, , . i more. lag Hut success was to come. Oaf night I was looking at some gold pens Ida jewelry .shop, when a woman entered and etobu pear me. Her person glittered with diamond?. As she turned her face towards me I saw Anna Rodman, one of;the many ' i ; G . For Coughs, Colds, Restlessness ar.i aU MOflfTAIFA ' W 1 ; 1 1 im H t 4 ' x SANGIOVANNI 1 : V !! ALL-HEALIN- at :ir? I4 a; fi i . takoit! .) Sold it tke St.' Georgt Drug Store: NEty ' MEXICO, ; any .'Quantity.'. in ILAE)' UTAH; ..'lainSip..ipWdiic, V F. R. R Good Slablius aud Kraals. nr,-REFER TO No. 1 of Volume 2 vrill be issue Sat nrday September l'J at the Times Office STOCK BOUGHT AND SbLDl BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY OF N1UGH TAKKX at the TITIIIXU, OFFICE. DENVER V ; Wm. Lao. . Correspondence.should.be addressed OMAHA or Sl George, JanV iSl l 8 b&.! Ilf .OACTyS, ' i; '' should iEvery-bod- y ; ; i '. - jTo Ali Pgiais 4 CAGJUSJ . at Lowest Market Rates.? T i Veehiy and Enlarged, :j .Teams ter 'and Emigrants supplied in ONLY $3,00 pit ;ANNUin'i ! c Ld ; : ! CHOP FEED,'. v v VEGETABLES M , . t from the TERMINUS of the U. " i : and FORWARD. GOOWof. E VERir JUND! RECIfiVJS 'MEAL, r,; : . - ! f 1 on hand Vi; r VALUABLE . r MEGEATH&Co., - CJ.V ti Grain and Feed Store , r,..w j.ij- J cs borrweJ , some Atnpte The undersigned kiwoi .WBitkaUj frum time ago; my pLce. Will the a supply of person regard Die injunctichs of Scrip' ture i and return before being exposed GRAIN, r h ' 5 ; lind-w- Worm Medicines, Salves, Ointments for Itch, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Composition, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and most other popular Family Medicines. cle of double-woun- d . wire fastened at wholesale or Brooms, retail; Grain BLANKS I'!4 BLANKS !! BLAMES !! and Produce received in .1 payment. For sale at the Times Office Blank ALSO A CHOICE LOT OF Deeds of Bonds, Deeds, TMortages, trust, Bills of sale, Subpoenas, Powersattorney ' ! ! and many convenient and ueeful business good size rnd best varieties; also ornablanks. mental Trees and Shrubbery, aud other Blanks of any style.printed to order on D. plants. short notice? A choice tot of HARDY GRAPES, such as stand this northern climate, and South Temple St., st.L&keCitj t C. WILKINSON, Fruit abundantly. Keeps an extensive assortment of Fumy woman in New York, who MAKER B. CARRIAGE AND F. WAGON JOHNSON. BirUt thii mbI fr tk. utui if a liTing. (ioO'dv, Toys, Confectionery, Iluoka As she laid her hand, upon the counter. A block aiid a half south of the Publi Spring Lake Villa, Utah. Medioines, Stationery and Yankee NoI. saw a plain gold jing glistening on one Square, on Main Street. Good timber and tions, which he offers at the .lowest mi ef her fingers. 1 leaned forward, looking wiirk done well and with ueatness aud fr at Ihe ring, and saw the letters (T. D. en- despatch. Look in noch.irge for sho winy his r 1 knew it instantly. It it. upon graved Curiosities. was the hetrotbol ring of which Mrs. DuI will be prepared to aupply the PubS. G. HIGGINS. rant bad beeu robbed. lic with ail sorts of ... - ! . toty- i - .r.T $ ' ) i fL a I ' I l' MuX : -r- I 3 i 1 , b . : jrt'i 1 s v K r I 1 ' - Kir , to-da- y. 2:riv i 14 iM ' iuua jf'i pH; ;; n.. f V" f : , ' "m , ' pj- r iM). m.j J plants for sale at2& cts. per, doz. at Johnsons garden St Geo. of gooff sire for transplanting, to EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other STRAY ED! ; Produce; consisting of Apple, Pear; Quince, Plum, Apricot, Several cows, Oxen, anc young clock the older branded J. E. J. on the hern and most all with a 6 Inch circle with (J) inside on left shoulder I will reward the A . ; . JLog my present is the difiererce , between a pill will shortly .hare on hand a complete j of Paints, Oils, Varnish, &c., Ac. Slid a hill? One,a hard to get tip and the; lock .:r theM hard to get down1 g. RUSSEL ; ; 'Wanted to go Home. Hie re is one ft. Gdorga Utah April 15 1868- Ohio- Legislature Hie member of Mongrel who wishes to adjeuirn. He gives his reason u always go barefoot In warm weather at home, but I cant do it here.f A gpprloTMpdicine, for Whooping Refined. We are becoming very rifined to our language. A woman was prreated Cpjlghi: Coughs, ; Colds, Hivesand iathestreetf a few days since, not for a).aflctiqn8Qfthe Throat, pr Lungs: she was agita being drunk, but because with benitoe.' thing Let gives intmediate;-reliefn.YVhat fJ i . - SOmff$G Hi - Vcge-ablesEg- g, FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL COMPOUND Q3G91T i- 1. 4 fine Cabbge, Tomato, i ? 1 A few I have a choice collection of ! bell-kno- t HH-- PLANTS! PLANTS : r- 1 ! ! ... J if J Fruit Trees Peach, Cherry, Pomegranate, Almond, Catalp&s, Allanthus, Honey Locust, Mulberry, finder etc. etc., ?tc., St. George Apr,15 J. E. Johnson. , Also- - some New, Choice, as well as ;, , Ordinany, Native and Foreign Grapes. CRAWFORD HOUSE, Also, Flowering and Frui ting Shrubs, test. Washington; Utah, Travelers and Plants, Flowering Plants I Strawberry and House ' etc. Vines, Plants, Boarders acbmmodated with the besl A' phblic singer who 'draws 'StV1' In and remain to George stock I expect is small, those table comforts the jrnarket affords. AS'the above : pvell the musquito., continue in the Business pCf painting, dec- desiring to purchase should bo in seaA joungwoman died in Baltimore orating; &c., Those Who wish to .employ son. lltf W.H CRAWFORD. Bro. at orders tinows their me Can leave, to from Yeipg.Jstiddenly spoken J. E. JOIINSDN, St. George. res idence. House ; 4 Good clean Cotton and Linen Rags wauled at this cilice. . '! v,; .v , WARE, bv tho middle of February, 1868. 1 While thanking my patrons for theii will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter,. Gheese, Colton, Cotton Yarn, Storepay, favors in the past, 1 wish to inform Cash or Lead in exchange. Pottery Is them, as well as the public generally situated ou the street running to Wash- wno may need iny services, that I have Agency for Findlays celebrated ington laborNew the York from received just JOHN EARDLEY. Matches, wholesale nnd retail, at ltf atories a good assortment of Eclectic ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE Ilf . Medicines. 4 1J-- S CROCKERY Clarks Tannery. two blocks west of kiss kneeled at his mother side to say.bis evening prayer., lie repeated; NoivI lay me down to slefp,';elei 0,,. and continued, God ble ss papa and mamma, and make them good ChrisJAMES CRACUN. and God little bless Jimmie, tians; His mam' Joiner and Cabinet ; make him a good-boy.Maker. St, George At ibis , i ma,,.God bless every body. orders iu bis line with will execute last sentence he was silehtj His moltf. dispatch ther repeated; it a second and third time, when he raised his head and said J. W. NIXON, Every body bat Bob, mamma. Bob drownded my at Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, ' St. George, Utah ltf ftlT'The English artist CaltermoleHias lately died, aged 67, WHIPS AND LARIATS. Ibe said be Reade is Charles tq JOHN LARSEN, in vainest man England. St. George. All work in braiding, - ltf bs are the la- dec.,. done, with dispatch. Monogram 1 - JOHNSON, - . A very little boy, An Excxptiok after giving every body a good night w. ?. H ' s.'.5y,T; - . , ! t V 30Al?-Residence in the north part of the City, ' r ? :' i - EtL.EEu0 NEXT WEEK. IE VA R1 E T - ' W. noits - fio II CONCLCDED OjttkwkiiA Fanfi , i ' i " : - ,mU'd SYKUP o husbands like ggXThy are good need them. Sacause women dough! ter can be used. Sold at.St. George Drug Store. 1 1 AT IPfllLlLS Will cleanse the BloQd, remove Billiour Complaints, stimulate he Liver, relievt SU George, Ctahmay be- founJ a good Dyspepsia, break up Billious and othei Stock ef Fevers, st p Ihe Headache, drive awaj DRUGS. MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Flatulency end Loss of Appetite, hcl; Ac., the rigfitkfnd of Medicines for the a Bad Oi l J, cure the Jaundice, am People, the Climate, and the Diseases provo to be 'he best family Pill in cxis JOHNSONS DRUG STORE, - well-assort- ed tcnce. ;. . ST. GEORGE DRUG STOR6: Prescriptions put up with care, by an Sold at refunded whop satUfaoti experienced Druggist. (3T Two doors above 84. Gcorgo Hall lTnct given. of theCountrj. ' L. - |