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Show it i O ';m!::T '. n U Vr- - i?i. i - fc ASK Ji tA r. :i'. i - i , ' Jr 'I;;'! .J VlS Si I :: Mii.ijvn ,v . a .i ""i' ' j DESERT SHALL BLaSSOMAS THE ROSE. ' ' SCfMPTIJUE tULriLLFD-VTIii; . ki I I v I.'. ; daWTOU'WlipiYj i t - fa. ;h.r. 1 'sr-c u THB 8I0VIEGENTIMES j . ,.v ''Kif .'. 1868' 30, i ' . , i . J-- u: Afft 24 T i the-mariner- . . -- r ' - t Vi : f I- and eren terrible. . Vi ' . His road sweeps along 'I'll try'it,' but 'can not go o work tilt for rraustrest!' morning, the baseof mighty mountains once gleam (AU rigliD.rsturned the chief and I left - !. ing urSth.Toleanic fires, and still resplenthe headquarters. : J f. u The which serve mantles dent in of their robberies which snow, had taken many , h , published. eerij .. WEDSEsDA Y SEEDS,, SEEDS!: , bn dace, Bond street were for many a I very mvster-ou- s, iho tunes buVdinn St Georgs asbeiconrto : Seeds" fresh and pure of at For Sile, ornifig and.no could trace be had of the v the same mo- - depredator, for at Perhaps leagueat'sea: to most'Vegefablesl needed for the garden, Utah Ter . . scorned have been i . t j j , they. Juis some JFlower choice down committed collcction of Sieqds ,. and r Detectives steep eye 'one meutjn(6..cast8 by person.' ' mar- - from f Philadelphia worked at the cat at . , 3t, (feorge.Drug Store on 'unfathomable or the rayine slope' Correa-1.From oiir, Home 1 bat , wsnt hom'9 wiser rr I . when camel : I Vi) . tbey '..'la.. l:. I had worked np ..j, ngi with the itch .blooms and enamelled many difficnU. cases, Sketches' first-rate and set A, was. pf Su h first rate detective the are. the a of considered tropics. vegetation1 that isl SURVEYORS & ENGINEER'S 1NSTRU oOiexIco. jchlef, and nearly all tbe Conquest: singular: contrasts presented at th samo mysteriousbyour and intrlous i Work FOR SALE. MENTS wis placu , v I t time to lira senses in this piciuresque reg- m my hands, ' office : Inquire altho Tims A ' ion.'1 ,J ' I l! yif .:r - ' . .!: i headquarters the succeed V: .5 '! I Of all that extensive; empire which once mg washailed morning, by Masell: Still pressing upwards ,lhe traveller 'Another robbery last night, Harry. acknowledged the Mthority of Spain in mounts into other climates favorable to , Not on Bond Street, I hope the 'New World, no poittou for interest Yes is I here again. other kinds of cultivation: He now first ' The undersigned will attend to tho and importance, Ccan ' be compared with Tlie'devilp l cried, perfectly astonished. secution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Mexico; and this equally, whether wo con- Rees wheat and ether European grains It is either his Satanic majesty, or his the the Into Conquerors of country by of Powers brought Deeds imps, saiiHhb chief a smile upon!his face. Attorney, sider the variety Of its soil and - climate; Trust, ss Busi-nethe Official ws Who was visited lastkiight? vie plantations Contracts, .and. all; other Mingled with them he tire inexhaustible store of its mineral Mrs. required of a Notary Public. the aloe or maguey, applied to such here thisDurant, the rich widow- - She was If Times morning, and said that she had Office at Rip Virgen rooms, wealth; .its scenery plcturefque and grand varied and important uses by tbe Aztecs, been ' ' robbed of 'valuables amounting to beyond jpxanije; the. character of its St. George. of pines over fiive thousand 'dollars forests tbe and dark oaks The J. E. J0llN30N, Notary Public. ancient inhabitants, ,not onty. for surpass announce that he, has enterd the tierra fra . WhewI I exclaimed, (That was a big r? haul ing in intelligence that of the other North or cold the third and last pf the j region, Now Hnward.f you hd better American races- - but retr fading tuf by their go and AIL which the into terraces natural . . exlmine the sceno of robbery, and do as great ' monuments of the primitive civilization of country is divided.' When he has cliinbei you think best SHAVIFO, HAIR DRESSING. AND I left tho office and ere Tong stood upon Egypt and HindOstan, or Isstly the peculiar to the & height of betwen seven and eight tbe of Mrs.Durant'a atone BHAUFOOING, steps matbje circumstances of its Conquest, adventur- thousand sets his y1f feet, the weary traveller ffont. A Servant bade .me enter, and I J4 05 AT ous and romantic as any legend devised foot on the summit of the Cordillera of the was conducted to' the IN THE BEST STYLE, parlor, where I found the widow by Norman nr Italian bard of chivalry. bathed trav in after tears. She quickly colossal Jfj range, that Audestlie 5 ' looked and drew hand across her It is the purpose of the present narntive her up of Isthmus the and South America SALOOit SHAVING ersing eyes.-;. to exhibit the history of this Conquest, and- Mexico enters as out rit 1 am Darien, spreads Harry I1 ward I said by way ONE DOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING OFFICE that of the remarkable' man by whom it into that vast sheet of tableland whdeh of introduction, was achieved. 4Mr. Howard, the dctectivo?' $' maintains, an elevation of more than si . J. E. JOHNSON, 'The same, madam. The country of the ancient Mexicans or thousand feet for nearly two bnndred You come to investigate the robber, do Merchant Commission and Auction Aztecs as they were called, formed but a leagues, untill it gradually declines in the j'ou not? St. George, Utah, al do. I would like to see the room where small of territories the very compre- higher latitudes of tho north- part r. ,'1 Iren your valuable. -- ceeivo and as instruc yon hended in the modern republic of Mexico Will dispose of, In the time of the Aztecs, the tahn me. 'Follow said and the she Grain widow; ted. Goods, Wares, Merchandize, Its boundaries cannot be defined with land was thickly covered with forests, led me up stnirs to a small room whero Stuck. &c. upon liberal terms. tbe. jewels had been kept. than .t! . certainly. It covered probably leas the extraordinary dimensions of trees, were condition a in Things Yet turvy topsy sixteen thousand square leagues some f which, remaining to tbe present Drawers were scattered about the room. this formation of such is the remarkable in The iron safe bad been brok WHEELWRIGHT I open and the day show that the curse of barrcnricss more"than no twice tha and I noticed man money on more extracted. though country, jewels later times, is chargeable AGON 8 mads nr repaired, and usua J there that blood a was one stain of New as as it upon large tfhort England, on presented the SpanIndeed dsns notion 4 at early than on nature. Jobbing of the drawers, end concluded that tbe ja Itf ELMORES. every variety of climate, and va capable iards made as indiscriminate war on the j burglar had infured himself In a'Uneway te,. t nf yielding nearly every fruit found be- forest as our Puritan ancestors did, though while committing hi depredations. Harness For Sale. twen the equator and the Arctic circle. n with much less reason. After once con- anThe next moment. I picked np a part of T was saturated which with A second hand harness for Sale or exenvelope AH along the Atlantic the country is quering the country, they had no lurking blood. I examined it closely, and found change for grain. Sordered by a broad tract, called the ambush to fea r from the submissive that it had been addressed to 'Rev Noah ,'t ALSO ? ANTED. tierra ealicul nr hot region, which has the Indians. This spoliation of the Newton. New York. 1? Fire-weo- d I hastily thrust it into my pocket, and and fence pickets on sub' irual been said to have picas high temperature of equinoctial ground however, Is to the widow, said: ecriplion or in exchange for other pay, turning reminded as init lands. Parched and aandj plains are 'Mrs. Durant, do you Know the Rev. ing to their imaginations, J. F. JollllNOll. land Noah Newton of this eity? table tbe termingled with ethers, of exhuberant them of their own Castile, Oh, yes,h is our pastor! but you do fertility, almost impervioni from thickets cf Europe where the natiednees of the landof aromatic shrubs and wild flowers, in scape forms the burden of every traveller a oii, no; I'was requested to inquire about A pair of w 'ought iorti Sorgum the midst of which tower up trees of that lament who visits that country. him by a friend was my reply. rollers for sale, inquire of Then yon have found no' clue, said tho magnificent growth found onlv within the widow, as I rose to my fee t.;v J. E. Johnson. tropic. In this wilderness of sweets, lurks 1 have not, madam....This is the most A the fatal malaria, engendered, probably by complicated case I have been engaged on But I hasre one more question to ask tbe decomposition of rank vegetable subBY CAPT. HOWARD. Proceed, sir stance in a hot and humid soil. Can you describe any article that has St George Floral Gardens, The season of the bilious fever contintetaal been stolen? Dttiinc tar tweatyfi Jaw ot-iA nice collection of bedding A n ues from the found to have the autumral I many i 0h, yes, there was mr betrothal ring. i : f ' equi service as detective, spring to It was given to inn'' by Mr. Durant, many Heaven of for sale. stolen the livery nox. when it is checked by the cold winds who have Chrysanthemums plants, years ago; bub.he is dead new. serve the Ievil fa. Verbenas. Stocks. Pansies, Ice lnnt that descend from Hudsons Pay. s Please describe it, I said, impatiently. JVlatseli ; into I One moruiug stepped Geraniums. Oleander. Putunias. and was the a the letters 'It T. After passing some twenty leagues from returned west, heavy gold ring office, having just .r v D. engraved on it . , many other varieties. this burning region the trarellrr when I was accosted by the chief: That will do said I, and the next Hullo, Harry! glad to see you; there is find himself rising into a purer atmosJ E. Johnson. minute I was walking rapidly towards my J i work ahead too of nature has FV a time I thought of the case phere. The aspect Whats up now? another murder? I lodgings. t was engaged. I could not ve which XX a revels hia and upon exclaimed. eye uq longer changed, 1IjATT Mr. that should Newton was the burglar;. ; I as say No,its a robbery; or, SADDLE k HARNESS MAKER jmong the gay variety .of. folora witii tho but then arose, how came question of robberies which the landscape was painted there a series that the in bloody widow, s room envelope fWhere awayP The best of Work done. Next door The and the see But I the the, flowoiing indigo minister, and know must' 'Bond Street, south of Printing Office, St. George. cocoavanilla, ! Mm. more I about I cried, -Street sauntered he Bond advances 4wn BroadWhat, not en groves disappear as had I Itf a storei into abseuce and stepped way, my jo purchcriaa The sugar cane and the ploesy leaved ba- astonished, for during robberies being commit- some articles which I stood la of. of heard frequent nana still accompany him, and when he ted on that the purchase, a man Ktep-pe- d While atree. making particular 8. IH. BLAIR, has ascended about four thousand feet, he in and nsked'for soma' thing uhL-Yes Harry, this is the tenth robber; 5 been left there for Noah Newton. Malsol had ATTORNEY AT LAW. sees in the unchanging verdure, and the there inside of two weeks replied ' It! Are you Mr. Newton?, asked lue clerk. A 'On nit be fathomed? St. George, Utah Ter rich foliage of tbe amber tree, that he has I am, sir ' one to no I know not; in faet ws had reached the height where misteaud clouds work it Bob, run np Maim and get Mr, Newton's up.', of Is the region settle. This 'Wheres Bolt and Knight? perpetual things cried the clerk to an etraod bov. I ! ! Boh hnfflnL off, and I' Improved the On that murder case in Newark humidity; he has entered the tierra tem-- j in Rtudying Newtons face. I had And Charley Ross? few guns for sale, oz exchange dad or temperate region, whose character Hrfhas jut finished the Cha)crton ferg- j expected to see a person of sinister coua- resembles that of the temperate zone of the ery case, and at the, is expected here to- - morrow. ten nee, but was wo fully mistaken. II was a man of about tweaty-eig( So Howard, yo i will hire to work up globe. V;St George Drag Store. one.' this Continued on fourth page. A? K. The features of 0e seenery become grand luii I ' iwisi y . ..J .). a ii: ",- '; 1 - 7 . i J , .,! &"? ivJiUnidESSSSr" frsrtrPrescot -- 1 i 1 K)fta!f'lPa3!blJic.- jt - t - . - -- -- . . 1 V r b - s 1 semi-civiliz- ed CANE MILL. . A DETECTIVES STOKY. HOUSE PLANTS, ft f A tri a-cr- os J be-lie- u ii'-c- ' h GUNS GUNS! A ht I f I ff; W: "T : . |