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Show tm MW the author dll not reap tiruuiutiug tbo welfare hf her fellow creatures ity, Uufortunety was in D37 that Miss. toutta, then Miss any mstci is 1 advantage from its aucccss. or Cervr.ntrs were clouded angels tiourjrUuiA Burdett, a young Isdy of The liter years iuheritud.chu .immense wealth be by suffering end disease, by . hope diap-h- a twepty-tV- e turned to gueli good account. Tbs youn; -- pointed and wants unsupplied. No mo:i-e- st daughter of Kiri Francis .Burdett she wasiment was erected to bis memory, and defended oti tbs' mothers side, from Mr. Thom- even the spot where he lay va soon foras Coutts tho banker. This gentleman mar- gotten. ried a ladj to whom ho left bis entire fortunes He died on the 23rd of April 1610 the and who after hU demise become Duchess of very mouth, end very day on which our Tbo duebrss adopted as her heiress own Shakespeare took leave, sf this world. Miss Angela Burdett on vendition, that she assumed tho family name of Coutts, and in this way Miss Burdett Coutts acquired the means at her disposal. She has t iguadized herself by Many have gone io Conference) and incluthe good un of riches, ia various ways, most of the lemaning are at work at ding the endowment of a colouial bishopric and ' , schools, and the Sugar Cane. ihehuildingofniiinrroue'chiirc-hesIllustrated Tamil y YWine lodging houses.--Cum, making will commence next lKipir, It S' . - The notorious Indian outlaw Bllfn Hawk, and Squaw,, rondo a cull up, Bishop Johnson of Springville recent ' expressing a desire to cume arouiu aguin on friendly footing. "S.U Reed: Sup.' Central. P It IU dispatched to President Young for 5v teams to haul ties Ae.. . v .JL'Cs ; local items. . RIO VIRGEN TIMES IS PVBLU.HED; 3 by ft bjososss ST. UKTRliK UTAH. W- - !'- Many Crapes are now being curad for Mo Cervantes. Miguel Mi of October 1547 was born at A1- - Raisins. On the cala de Henass. a small village in New Castia W W W about twenty miles from Madrid Miguel de Cervantes saavedra destined in. ajfter. time to. TERMS: known to fame as tbo immprtal author of Per Yenr, $5.00 I 3 Months. $8.00 beDon Quixote.' The family from which he A. Months, 3.00 ( Single copies, 25 wss descended was an'aneient one, but their was blood blue accompanied as is often the it ntes of Advertising: in tbeeaso Spain by very straightened circunw smoky and hazy, and much A squire1 is the space that 10 lines of k tk rosnlt of burning prairie. W. type, this' size, will occupy. for tbeir sou the ordinary education of a Span, expect to hear of extensive firm in the . 1 square orlsss, one insertion, ish gentleman. But after some year previous mountain i.oon Kecti subsequent insertion,' , training he was sent to Salmanc, the seat of Co. have the wall Spanish learning, and there first formed his taste for literature and composition. His of tneir dwelling up and It looki as early efTorts were of a style very much in vogue, at tais period complimentary aonnets &c., to neat as wax. his own persoual friends, ladies of rank and We sayr a man and mulo plowing beauty, and to some of the principal followers of the court. corn last week. But ho was soon called upon to occupy bis mind with more stirring subjects. A Cardinal FeaeH drying is suspended for want embassy having been sent from Home to the of peaches to cut. Hare to wait till Spanish' Sovereign Philip the second, young Cervantes formed the acequaintance of some of next year. FOR PRESIDENT, ;k ,A. the suite a was introduced te Cardinal Aquavi-vir- a himself. Ibis led to a visit to Home . Otar Corn crops planted after wheat where be became engaged for a time, sis chain- - harvest, are general! V looking splendid OF NEW-YORbarlaiu to some officer of distinction. and likely to mature fully In many FOR cases two crops af Corn have been Scptiiin WedH'esJaj - 33, 1868, X tr.v . $ ifr . week. From Cassell's Illustrated Family Paper. . .If V U,.' h ltfltill ; Horatio Seymour, f ... - K, VICE-PRESIDEN- T, Frank P. Blair, grown this year on the same ground Sister Keate showed ns several fine specimes of Home made raisins Of M issouri. Silk Culture. Our Fig trees have grown splendidly this year, and for age and size have . Turks that they should be disciplined orineo- the white fig giv- .wonderfully, iu tbeir fated fiuurtt Iruiu pursu: depre-ng pot j dations. A strong force sailed under.the com-- ; ing the most pleasing results Bro. maud of Don: John of Austria, brother WMhmgton hail ono, the th. n.-- 1 Philip tl,. tod. Th.j my at Lepoqto iu tl gulf of Corinth, and de- - j finest tree we have seen in Utah, feated thorn. Cervantes rccievcd a wound j Wine Mill, Bhipeu from Council which resulted in the loss of the use of his left to hand, lie returned Spain with letters of? Bluffs July 28 lias not jet arrived, nor roccominendation from the chiefs in command. But although tho Turkish fleet had been crip- can we hear ought of it. pled, there was still floating in tho Mditerranean give us light. i . .... With clear eye to the great import- race of Silk culture, to the wealth, and financial greatness of any State or Territory, several gentlemen in California, have for two or three, rears not only Iiccn agitating the subject and making broad experiments but have made permanent advances towards establishing that great commercial business in the gulden State, which in a few years will doubtless add millions to &cr home wealth, and open a broad avenue to profitable and light femnle labor, and pri.vide tasty beautiful and cheap habiliments for both sexes, of home Crfoti waters a hoade of piratical vessels, one of which pounced upon the ship iu which Cervantes was hurrying to his home, and bore him captive to Algiers. ills father is said to have sold the whole of e. his ruperjy to effect his ransom, but the Algc-r- ii hands Cerrantos had fallen, j intohim,whose Nearer home, nt the Capitol of our from the letters upon his person: to own broad Territory, Silk culture, on a be a person of great distinction, and refused man-featur- be-leiv- ed .small stale has been commenced many trees whose foliage is fed to the worms and makes Silk (morus multicatlis or white msr.em)hi. .been plirted, and the pr sent season a band some number of cocoons has been rjdueed, severally j by Bros. G D Watt, Wm I) Johnson,, and others, which shows a silk of good quality and luster Vo hail this little beginning as the harbinger, of an era, when tlm saints will clothe themselves in beantious garments of their own skillful, and industriohs handi-worand the magnificent umbrageous tree that furnish eg tho basis, of. which that glossy material is made, shall cast Its genial shadow upon many a now barren spot and beautify our streets, as the long rbwa shall adorn our sidewalks, in dii-?- r- ,fii. -; . t- to accept the urnney profited for his release. It is supposed that by bribery he secured the convenieuee of a Moor in .his masters service,' ... ? Cer-rant- froLi our nonicCorres- ad . I es ERROR COREC'ilSD. In the report of losers by the late at St Joseph Arizonia it was repress: ed that Bro Thos. Day was a sli loser. From a letter just recived frt him we learn that bis loss was $72jJ quite an amount for a poor man to loa1 ; . i TERRIBLE EARTH QUA KE ! ! ! Great Xo OF Idfto! a terrlble earthquil visited ths cities along the coast of Pi and Equsdor, whertby 32,000 lives w lost, and property valued at three hundrt! millions' of dollats was destroyed, rumbling sound preceded the earlliqnalf The sea was tenibly agitated and (loodi the land for a great distance. Arrq:! a city of 35,000 inhabitants, passed awsjj scarcely a vestige being left, though onl four hundred lives were lost here, Aric a town of 25,000 inhabitants, was ala' destroyed, leaving not a house standing Five hundred perished here A tidal war forty feet high, rolled with n terrific roji On shore, carrying ships farther on la than ever before known. The Uniteil States storeship Fredoeia was capsized, and all on board were lost. The Fredoie had one million eight hundred thousan dollars worth of naval stores aboard. Th vessel was rolled over and smashed t atoms. The United States steamer Water? was carried half a mile inland and Mi high and dry. Only one sailor was crown ed. Owing to the great distance, she cat, never gel afloat again. The Pcruviar coruette dmcrlca was also carried ashor and thirty-thre- e persons were drowue from her. Ths American merchautmar Rosa Rivera, tho EhgUdi ship Chancellor and the French bark Edwards were lost The town of Iiq uiq'ie, Moyucgn, Srr jOn the 13th ulr. umbia and Pisayuu were all nttcrl? dr stroyed. Over 009 perished nt Prqnq:ie The American tncrehauia lost heavily Nearly all are ruined. The Towns of Jgarn San Pablo and Iinartadarein ruins WIit Cotacachi formerly stood is now a lake. Tile populations of the above named towns! were a linos t tn'irely. destroyed. PamchoJ Puelleri and Cachiguanio are also destroyed. The dead are so numerous that tin surviving inhabitants have been forced to fly frein the stench of the pul ri Tying houles: In Guayaquil the earthquake was felt, but no damage was done. Letters from Quito, dated August 19tli, ..Dont bo in a hurry to gather jour announce that earthquakes continue at intill wait for wine; begin grapes they tervals of a few hours. exto then and, shrivel, you may fairly The President has issued a proclamation wine to te and pect your keep improve by the'people to como forward and help the sufferers. age. . -- brown-isb-yello- No rain for the last three weeks. Mur w fiJNION IKON WORKS. By a note from .Bro. C. Duncan received last week we learn that tho Trun Company busily operating noar Pinto, have put white heat iu their furnace, with piss wood, anl Clem's razor is sharp If you want to brought tbo ore to a fluid state, at which perienjoy a nap go and get Shaved When od ono of the arches broke down, and they had he comes to rubing your head, he will to stop iorcpair. Those arethoespecially ofinterthis result ested are highly gratified at to out awaken you. run th soon first experiment, and expect eury ranging from 609 at mid day. at night to 95 Fxon Desexzt News or 16th Inst. dear stuff. W e received also a specimen of the melted ore, and a peico nearly clean, that works nndsr tho hammer. Hon. C. C Wilson, Gheif Justice of Keep doing gents, yon will bo rewarded. is only a matter of time. It Utah arrived at S L City on the 10th t inst. Pill Trots. "Do you keep matches asks A a wag of a 30,000 lbs of onions and potatoes were retail dealer. ' O yes all kinds, was the reply. being started out for Green River. Well, than, 1 guess 111 take a trotting Fore from tho City to the terminus of match. The retailer immediately banded him a box the U P R at Red Buttes is 256 miles, of Brandereths pills. fare $65. i upon his cbudlry, than all its pride and pTB A colored witness was examined in a lavish cxpenditufe 'in war could secure in Forty miles of the central PUR east Washington eitj court, to prove the indent'd y of ail f glare time; "The first part of Jon of Grass man the other day- valley is being covered with a white beauQuixote7 with but its District all appeared; Attorney Did you see tbemsn? . Miss Burdett Coutts share in trery pbilan-- , . to it fheds from ties snows uiunietakeable protect heavy Yu I seed him. e(r itwaa at thropy work is very widoly known. Being first but coldlv received; power, Was he white man? a . . formed b.v fortano with great wealth, she j) The outside finish of the SaH Lake however sir. Dont underbecame degree no, it . nsei the mvans . placed, at her dispacal for District Attorney--D- o stood, a pprecloted and eecired its populaf- - Theatre is now completed you tell me ycu pondent, Mlgs.;iiurdett Coutts. u ? to n rave upon the beach where was arran- god that a Spanish vessel should appear to carry them off.; The ship appeared, and an effort was made to embark tho caforlanate sufferrers. but the attempt was frustrated, it is said by the truaohery of one of the Spaniards themselves. Additional cruelty was then shown to the captives, Cervantes in vain endeavoring to amaliorate their condition by taking all the responsibility of the unsuccessk ful enterprise upon himself, At length reached home, by the oxertions of his relatives and friends aud a socioty called the Fathers of Redemption. Ho returned to his native country impressed with the conviction that his services and sufferings, would secure him the patronage of his sovereign atad the ministry; but in this he was dissapointed. His insect-producin- g of the wilalready impoverished family had done all they plaoment low and oottonwood, aud make a grate-- . possibly could in his bob elf; he had nothing to back upon but bis own genius, hitherto f ul and profitable shade, where the fall and untried. He' commenced the slumbering equestrian may find a, cooling genial writing of dramas, Ac; be worked hardeuofegh, relief from the sun, out children may producing thirty plays in teo years: but the fabe ; oershadowed in their playfulness, mous Lope do Vega was the popular dramatana the birds find aleafy bower in which ist of that day, .and Cervantes found himself .to carol lays a cheerful accompaniment plunged in poverty, a blight which seems to to the mechanical aud commercial rattle have followed him through life. He married and bnstle of business. ' We want to in 1585 a lady with a very, long name,' and a very short purse, and it was moro than than he f say much more upon this subject and eould do to support their existanee by bis pea. 'will not forget it in futo.ro. At length, M the ago of 57, Cervantes placed before tho .World, a production of his genius which was destined to refleet more renown ; . . .. From the hill at the head of Washington Avenue, our City has the appearance of a verdant forest, not long hence we shall have a f forest city verily.! Musical. There is a species of birds, resembling the canary, that makes their homes, nests and songs in this region and sing very sweetly ioo, who will catch us a pair.' ' i te. ! " 1 A' |