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Show I ' Alii E TIE V Yt ft S kernels v, Small need.. Large for TOW lit A.tl . fit: I - tC: f JfTw til.. Mi" ? r;J J 'i r 'i - 1 f 4vV S ' 1 - ij J k i.ii 1 year. tii v;:Vj4 , riit-U t :i5M. ; .1 vh t . . ! ! n ESSEN0E;0FLIf,,r For Diarrbaia, t.; Gholera Morbus, ! Lang. Vm- - . St. George; li. - if -- u ? ian.15,1868..; - . iVilMAHA or, rrltf - ! r ' x i ? .it - JJERVPpjBdJTE'LlKIMEKT, ! Rancbe iir. s. bardiued" of Haying - ti r! Rhdamattsm and all diseases rem For . pntward application 'fair Mad or the . undivided half of tb c quiring Beast. The Tpry .best Ugrso Liniment. h'iown as HamMin & a I-llAVE- -- s IlamOrs.5' f . I RANCHING V few flowering snfufte, bulbs and bedding plants for sale, Ytx.t ROSES,- - iVWSii SALT LAKE CITY. . - ' pANKER :BYRUP; For Cankef,"5 Sore ilputh, "or Ulcerous -- , . Blairs, f i. a -- rf .; .EYE SALYE, For weak, . infiaraed or troublesome Eve - Blanks : Will cure the Ague, Chills and Intermittent Fevers immediately. Worm Medicine Salves, Omtnents for Itch,' Piles, Ac. Ilive Syrup, Competition, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and xuost other popular Family Medii.?iie. Blanks . SiifD'wiCHZS, i . A CHOICE LOT OF Deeds, Bonds, Mortages, Deeds of trust, Powersattoriiey Bills of nlsr.Stibpoeiias, and many conveiuciit aud useRil business V , Idlcuess buries d man dlive.' blanks. ;. ,r.; The language of thbsoul creaking boots. Blanks of any style printed to order .nn Proud looks loose hearts, but courteous words 'win them. short notice; What is better, than a promising young man? A paying bnc. 0. R The oldest business in the world the nur-- . '.business. eery W'AGON AND CARRIAGE - MAKER In prosperity we need moderation; in ad-- i A block and a half south of the Tubli verxity, patience.' i llewh-- has good lioaiih is a ruh man und Square, on Main Street. Good limber and ' work done. well and with neatness and rarely.'k nows it. 1 ' r . A groat mind will he easy iu prosperity, and despatch. t quiet iu. What kind of it faee shbnld r.u auctioneer .... o. o. xxxorcrnrJe Jstff but he fl IL. IS good size md best varieties; also ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, and other p- W, D. JOHNSON, lo of HARDY GPAPF.S. such ns stand this northern climate, anil trui.t abundantly. -- -I - A choice 1 ' ALSO - i. . 1 .. . il Spring Lake - South TYinttlc Sf., St.I.ahcCif y, Keeps an fxlcnsiye assortment of Fan y Goods, ,Tpys, Gonfcctiiinerr, M?fiiqinev Stationery and Yankee ' ilia, L -- ah. tiphsj which he offers j j - at the lowest 1 . U Aii ..p.r-- J to I WJf'J lie with all sorts of , -- j Git, c fr y o Ware, I a lls hf I" That is the secret thats Copper; Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, St. .George, Utah ltf .. f mastering almost evi-rsun. task i.-- betlic under. diffietdty f if fore your Stick lo it.- Do keep thbiking h'w large or bard it $; but go at it. and little by little it will grow smaller und smaller, uutil ht - Match?., wholesale find retail, at ST. 'GEORGE DUUG STORE A few tine Cabbgc, Tomato, Vejrr- ables lgjr jilunls for sale at So cts. per, doz. at Johnsons garden St Geo, S TRA Y EDI -- : i several cows, Oxen, and I ctocic r - m t . .V. 1 ift-.- " ; , i pSjTiN&! - r)- - ; ! j St. J. F.. Johnson. George Apr, 15 .If a hard lessen' is to bo learned, d not ! .'iLiouth spsiwl a Moment in fretting: T in saying, cant, nrl do not sti how: but CRAWFORD HOUSE, . That is the go at it, aud terjj net it. ! Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants cnly way .lo oopquer il. : Washington. Utah, Travelers and etc. House end Vines, Plants, Boarders acommodated with die best At a collection lately made nV a charithose stock is As the above in small, and offered.. the plate I rxpect to, remain j5t. George trtble comforts the market affords. ty fiiry aTtung Iady to a rich mans who vras noted for ' liis continue in the Business of painting, dec- desiring to purchase should bo in sea1 ltf W. H; CRAWFORD. orating; Jce.,Thoe who "wish to employ son. stinginess. 1 have nothin, was his me nowu Bro. at orders . their lo.ive St. C;in J.E. JOHNSON, George.' take fTUcn lcmcthinwt' curt: answer. Log House my present resilience. know shfc you replied,1 jlsm siri' COMPOUND shortly have on hand a. complete -A - J j will tock of Piiiit9 Oils, Varnish, edditur! .... decr inr ll-t- f S. RUSSEL 0P3'(LiLS J. Yitflurdy leant u A ,t. Jiutyfi ' c, ' Gvcrgi Utah,. April 15 lb08. i II X S 0 NS D R U G STORE,! will cleanse tile Blood, remove Billions potCiyltuday 41 o3ubv. Nbfiuttitffiutja; J 0 ! wot !iud Ilk ihorreimv;i .urc pSiffur u u celebratcA young fur, Jninco, Pxum, Apiicot, the ohu-- branded J. E. J. on the horn Teach, Gherrv, Pomegranate, Al- and most alt with a 6 Inch circle with (J) rnonil, Ca:a!p;i?s, Allanthus, ii.sidc on left shoulder I will reward the Honey Locust, Mulberry, etc. finder etc., etc., 1 Apple, WHIPS AND LARIATS. Also- some Now, Choice, as well as JOHN I.AKSEff, Ordirxanv, St. George. All work in braiding, XaflTc asul Foreign Grapes. ltf ike., done with dispatch. . Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs, ' it ia,diiu. it Findlay PLANTS! PLANTS ' - .. for Agency ! IIoiv.v r !,i, ce 1 Fruit Trees t - DRLctss I 3FLag:s, Cotton and Linen 1US wanted j - a little fellow Joincr and Cabinet Maker. St, George i K 8 U IT A K I) 0 8 S A M E h T A L great snftw-stor. began to shovel a path through a large snow-lan- k will execute orders in his line with before his grandmother dor lie had ltf. of dispatch nothing but a small shovel to work with. good size fur transplanting, to How do you expect to get through that drift? EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other asked a man pairing along. Produce: J. W.; NIXON, consisting of Py keeping n? it" raid the hoy viicci fully; .h.W - : -- a Nt- mar- - . - Aster for . ! Curiosities. the I uO- - - 5 C l?KlVS(PflA!?3 who asks many questions is the querist. it c-o tho the north Residence in Ficsenee of mind is doubtless good in very part by the middle of February, IS66. 1 many cases, hut in nearly ail of them absence two blocks west of Clarks Tannery. will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter, of body would he decidedly better. While thanking my patrons for theix The man who knew no North, no Fouth. no Ghoese, Cotuon, Cotton Yarn, Storepav, 1 wish 'to inform Ilcst, uj We, wap found to he as deficient in favors in tho past, Cash or Lead in erchange. Tottery is other niatters as in,Cicf iaphy. them, as well as the public generally situated oh the street runningO to Wash- . Well George.' asked a friend of n young law who may need my services, that I have i .yur, how do you like your profession?1 Alas ! just received from the New York labor- - j ingtnn JOHN EARDLEY. Iff sir. my profession is better. than my- practice. atorics a j Eclectic of . assortment good liaow.v the other day, while looking at the ltf. . ; skeleton of a donkey, made a very natural Medicines. Ah, said he, ire, arc fearfully quotation. ! ! and wonderfully made. UN. JAMES CRAG .have a choice collection of ! : TONIC PILLS, V BROOMS! -- 1 ! r-- Choi-- ; Blaiiks ; j- - iiiNG'i KlIXS.1 STOCK. BQUGHT AND 1 SOLD. BUSINESS MEN GENEBA1LI0F , ah' ' Dhtg Store:- - .REFErtW -- .. v T 5 MOATAUfAf t CIIAUGBS RBASOIYAB1E y Slfeote 3 lO J.. For. Goughs, Colds Restlessness ar c all Affections of ftL Lupg$u Marges, ?$id , i H v iiv -. t Stabling aud ILraals. Good ' v ' f if: . ntT t .?; 3-l- m - W 1 .f 1 . - t ., Sold 'at the New XEXieo, . a-., iTfrifcr, Mi! iav PoinS m R U.-P- .-Rr seen you fact is ULACS, in Rapcbtf Galley, esit of Spring .Valley, 1 t was born to blush unseen. I husband, 'i Vi SPIRE AS f solicit" pa troage rf Dixie stock growers. fI ' I , Ax of experience-;u, gentleman great njd f STOCKS, ttys Being brought p ir. Texas; I voach no c hu is never Satisfied that n lady understands a better Rancbe aXv oni owns or ever saw VERBENAS, kiss unless he has it fruci her own mouth. ! . . i north of Maaon & Dixons line'. PETUNIAS, Oh! how 'delightful it JuvKXlLE Swkm,. BLACKBERRY. MOODY. , WILLIAM ' Never must be 'to be a dbg ! Young Lady. JArAN LILIES, iniud, Charlio, you have a chance to grow. WALLFLOWERS,' . t ;. V : . M:tlluw-4sbang aronad the bait. till they arc aud many Looked, said the deacon, us lie pus bed through others; alao a choice collection of Chinese : tlie crowd of fops waiting die egress of the Chrysanthein'nm. : The Uner8icned offers a superior artiladies at a church duor. i J. E. JOHNSON. cle of doublevround wire fastened Fb.vxk JlAvnax; wiisdrolL ; Wh cn ho burled t Lis wile a' friend asked him why. he expended Brooms, at wholesale or retail; Grain 1 1 ! ! and Produce' received in payment. so much ou her fimcral: Oh, sir, replied he, 'I me or done for more as wouhlbave much, ALSO' For sale at the Times Office5 Blank ' .she with' pleasure. " w ? . n :i. ; vj Market Rates, ' . fliat I mydear blush. The h Sjave never - ' , CV.4 ,iFiPiu at Lowest . .i-?Pjtic8urprisf- d .li Teams Urtf 'and Einigf&nt8 supplied in 1 ' any quantity. I ' v 'tfir t fr - JEnglish woman's - prospect for gctfjng a husband if itjts.iighcst point when she xo ached her twentieth SR' MEAL,,! i4jj i:i?f V-.CHOPFEED and T Am TERMINIISMbe- -- VEGETABLES t, Family Medicines from the i 1 , v ' J sn'yslVp fpWost husbendry he knows pf is the marrying of a widower In cloverwith a widow in weeds. 4 i ' ; . !:. . . VALUABLE GOODS of EVERY KINDI JUUl' 1 . C lUSCIlTH and FOR1TAKD rproOucfof haor ; ?:' The undcrsigiuv kenta ion gently on hand a supply of FEED, r' 4 Y MEGEATH & Go., of corn kernels of bom ends and tbo middle he (result: kfl,?. YwinditndVjViQkyoVjt il irasjust alike, the, cpty ration tho same, and tbu fcSopi very difforebt.I planted tins first two rows frourtlje tip or small end; aid The . fatrfb tsd jlanM allthasame 'morping,U itW knWjafuJsMT p3Ws, " xuucn os you will at. the end of the .car. Tho middle kernels produced large cars, inostle straight, and; fair-- Xhe tips forth nubbins only. There was not a brought fair vir on the too tows of corn. I have raised com, moraior le,'for-t4iLyearj d now: pli u t only iSboul at.inos.twoxthirda of the kernel on each earof c6rii;- - slid generally raiio good 'tFops. are yonr seed corn and hang it up in .thc fall, ,,V, Independent, ; 1' ( I planted an car Somo ten years ago w jL Sim Grain and Feed Store! GRAIN. I?'-- ! ; 2.,v es " or., AH - Fiv if- 1 - I SpfjiE? S3: i . " hciibr to rrefher, If yen dont accept mv gives imraediato. relief nothing bet Prescriptions put up nith care, by on Soldiat ST. GEORGE DRUG STORE, Jhkdenge.'-Pibal- l post. you iutlp psprs. refunded when, satisfaction experienced Druggist. rathter can be used. QMoney ilhaa CcjWi tVuji.i 1 brother, Hall. Si. above doors Two George U net given er fill adwj)'jpj$rr than one cofin., Sold at St. George Drug Store. 1 ft Li.'-i- j. -- c i '.- .: .fO ':'7 ti j.-- - . |