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Show V 4 ifeA m m aw JLA2Z. U . ; ti-OSdi'- sef ,-:- -:- ; '."I i' I ;K.H.VJ .:;! f; -- .T u;n'f ?--:;.- -; j :A l-inreiesda v::., it--.- !; i Vi '? Rsm?--T-- ' 1 .r, mm :n rni". ;; . - 11 ....1. i- " . J t 1 ! pWSJnj. mind. to i BO-mu- - f)i a ' Tlioy cannot inalceJlinYiheir ' -- ttanVta' opod-holttc- J. So husbands conceal fromthcir- wives, and wives J.ULwlnbRnds. Fora n-er- r t lr ttu i. c RIO; VIBGEN; TIMES t r: j , - and the tittl eat babies of any comiiryqn the-nr th i ', W hin; tl i c w e n ti ? r s e ts iii' to : r.af ; i ( i.;.i,7. f A 0" as a drop- pf ,dcw .boidrjj.not ' SEEDS,. SEEDSE ,i falls f o jr aiU ; months; when t tak s n. X : 1 tWJSDMsVAb fangy to 'r.iiii, U rains half.the-yea; ilFor ; Sul 6, i Seeds fresh? and pure of at morning ifojwie building BtOeoral through without a- hr dak. i Fire& arb net C;vrfiic:iMjd2i cop5 of frequent occu rcncobutvrhert they. 3--n-. nr fom hey ,b urpr up o, f vh ole tB vn . 'They K:Iii4i4i!.ftav!t -- 3iU Y-- ,l'? citlicr ha?e inlaw.at aii avid miscreants BgiywOnJ i SeptemberTiiiiVr '; j If.-- j . L.r U'J i - Xftahr. - Ir r6TaorsvrKAC7: or mind. more q!yV'.frgta,thc move one may: 7?NK YMStREMChfa TO SURVEYORS- - .SI .Jf havall enough 16 ou.fc, iiiajcaenndliangeyc;7bodj.,.tr ps fret at ,s , Specjiilly :f ' :A' .'".sho has ihe tWh a tisane 8lrepgih?j (Is to; crush til ck JnrercitlKT80 firtifC.et'or hn,or if, Jargo ns to astonish tyry-bqily,heatnesa of'orJer and SDRVE YOWSjfc ENfllNJ! fi RfS INsTIlU Apfhj-tieJiiinjp $eaiVfli largely Mines cither or ,fnil,ent;rely answering T ... ;; bo out ;.MENTSmPnqA:LIt.-r(i,L Something ,1 .pay imrtcoseJy or.sibasli- thoir owners :!! r.'riwWd;' !.U . aJ 9i'j.-h!! Aome-tlnn- g V a9 office , al.tlie r luquire in a. corresponding degrde. When the f:. T;es Sc4thing,. andLilterjbml to'pass oh1' will Others somewhere. wrong, hat -- .With passed nrqtia J in the church-1-th.Ll. .i.plit .It qaie) f a re, I n d' I ea iImo eye aj I. have churches chances 7 The t a -, .iTo.: : eveloped. ) f ; will-alway-s i - . , : ey theretho Ami kimily tonojstill mindfdf of Y 1! ( i B, . A ehiiii' small woe, nor leave uridoue attend-t" The undersigned-wil- l the Tlie w eary daily useful task. execution of Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages,: .To stand alone, and bnry'dcejv''1' Deeds of Trust, ' Powers rof Attorney, Gont picts, and all other. QIficial Busi- The wronjjs done by a fale friehd's lip, Nor show the world, ;Uie broken trust: ness required of Public. Nor point the hand that dealt the'blowi Office at Rio"Virgcu Times j St. George. "Willi aching brain, and wounded feet,, , J. XotaryiPublic. To keep the path, with thorns unJrbwV: . . While ihc or;at"wjy. hvllfjiht fa lie When ilie friendly hand has left th;ne own t . , , . 'j. eV , That .might have lei, to the nptii' plain; A uctian and, Commisnion Merchant . the path, nd to win hack 'all St,. George, Utah , , To the worn tired heart , wiib ha ! doubl-f- l AV ill cccivc ami dispose' of as irislruc deep. Wares, Merchandize, Grain arc even twhethesL the crown bo stove in liy 'twenty dollar gold; pieces, kr goes back empty - - TraveMng is generally safe, biit whence) blow up a steamboat1 it means .something-- - nothing more is heard of bbat 'ofyp"--' singers Small swniTIe'rs ar unknown. ' When a' man goes tosteal Jic puts his claws upon a whole township, an I will not compromise on nnyth'iig Jcsf tlian a. church. In short it is tho darndes't country if I may. he p tinned ttyo. use of. the classiciil 'New England . phrase that Boston ever the win shone upon. pnper.' o - or , jqiinsqn, -- . , Tot-kec- led, Goods, Stuck &c. ufibh' liberal terms. Prom A :Q.ii- -t Liie.:?- - please tors arc generally. so selfish, as :to have no regard to . any . ones comfort, but their own. r ... , ; iTilS A 3UQS.br. A VULGAR! DISPOSITION. Sumo persons have so. much: gall In tkair dispositions, .are so selfish that - to the. feel they, seem tq kavc.no. .regard. . .. . . i -. j . .. ,!J . i I iogi3 of. others. All thing3: must be dono please them. They make their . husbands, wives, ' children, domestics, the conductors by which their spleen arid aro discharged- - Woo to the children who aie exposed to such inTaiences! It makes them callous anl SIX ANDFOI.l.Y OF FRETTING. unfeeling, and when they grow. up they The religion of Jesus Christ las for pursue the' same course with i their own . . ill-natu- re its crkat object the eternal happiness of children, or .those, entrusted. tn their man- It is. however, practically management, and thus, the race of fret-ter- s alin the production of true, Any person who i8.prepctuated. intellect of Hie world is fiding out. WHEELWRIGHT ! even in the ig, The strength, purity and lies uty of our though imperfect, happiness AGON.S matle or and nsua( ' repaired, r daily literature fa fdln".! Tills ' Is more Jobbing. d wne oi;iiprt r.oiicH at dearly ppicep'ihic if we compare, the pe ELMORES. riodicals of to day with those of twelve .ness of our fallen hum ini ty. It can eel-- ; your ignorant, low bred people that are dnm bo affirmed of, our charity . that it i guilty of such thing. years n:?. Is it bora. ie too much is wiiltii . Aivl to llariif.se For Sale. nsVi JiV,n .r ' l " nien"take the rjcLVi a their to id vd.k. m.ic seoM-- hin l liauisj for S:ila or and of trou.) .c; prune po.hh j the sma.i .Tiame cf (j0j jn Vcin? What possible repetition for grain'. are falling into ihe fashionable weak and vesations. rfnch being the case, it is im- - ftdyant::nv, is to ba "ained fcvu? And or , portent to consider the character and ,y0j, tis wanton, vulgar s'n of profqu-gir- l WATED. style. If some school-hoand fear11, picket on were to palm off as his or her own. effects of frctfuh.ess: jry is evidently on the increase. Oaths evil Is A sin acainst tror.--- It is or in exchaugc Tot oilier pay, upon th? ears in the cars and the some cf thojnvemle efforts of certain french , that and and evil, continually. or thft streets. The Aorii i onlj J. li. Johnson. Davi.l understood both human vs well: toachYr and f'i'-great-naBut ie t.c inW 0f God. lie feay-- Fret CiirrcntLileraltiie. infiu-cnti- - H- nl ' W n -- -- I . c-- rr.crA-TiTYS- l .110 Fire-wPO- j l y ! ii sub-icripLi- ou ; .ra - r CANE MILL. A pair of wrought ioru Toll rs for s dtfr .iiiquu'e ;of ' Geraniums. J. K. i. : , nnj , Surguin JoiNsoy. Oleander. and aa appr.,'i.i!ivi worl l his raised above Clli pvo the sling of nettles, or the it may prevent a vacuum in sound is no m my other vaiielies. .. Many p man has indie . tion of sen?. It requires no'geu-ic- s obscir'i'y ore llie cimu- - noise of mosquitoes i,. v.i v and U a:s- tavern, the to driven to swear. .The reckless takihg of wrsi. will smoke been . J. E. J01INS.1N. in.:, -t of auHi.r.i-i1, iretiui siie. sacred names in vain is as little eharac- , bv a , " m1,L IvUo'hn, bLn imfclc iciisiic of true independence of thought ,nV M'." ", TINS iND SUE DRESSING SJLMHi! as it is of m.irai culture. In tills .irtl t? CTlh:, te uiit ve,, uiwi' a m i.Bjii plaining breathing and benutiiul world, filled as HORSLEY 0 it were with tho Deity, and fragrant mtel- - sore. rare their hrlliiant and with it incense from u thousand altar e ONE DOOR SOUTH OF PRINTING , irfivneo to tU ho is exposed of praise, it would be no servility of interest, in their child, X :ler. 0tFlLE- . . of such a trraner m anoilier! Ame- 11 Eut-unu- . ! ! 1 i ,,, I .M-i- - a:-..- l ; -'.T, ": . tf" , !l',r.mr Ostll ! . !c- - II SADDLE & The best of south of Printing Office, St. George. 4 0 1 - 4l-: ' '' r'; ' ' ' .V- W r. i..i.. ;i ; ti V i |