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Show JlL ZA. - t ! ? J . '. A Stf region, Land few can now longer whole "' make this excuje.,We are publishing at present without anjr prospect of. receiving one half of our current expenses we must have a better support, or the denizens of our Dixie will be minus a local paper after the first volume Is iaqed. If we publish longer it will be for the pa y It is disgraceful) to a community of this size, to allow an enterprise of thl character to ail for want of necessary aid The Times is the enly paper printed within 330 miles and properly the local paper for five counties vis Washington Kane Iron Denver, and Pah Ute In Arszonia. .. , Roans tag, W 18 mouths old.. Brown stag 18 months old, white bush or tail, little while' on roet and belly of tail and ou top of shoulders feet all 3 white. 4 ' Brin Ale cow 4 years old, crop and slit In each ear, calf- with her. 1 be owners are rennested to prove proptake them away or erty pay charges andthe Bt. George estray at sold they will be 5th. 1863. pound on September Johu Pymm Co. P. K. . V . ; 5 Wine Mill Coming A complete Wine Mill of large capacity was shipped to our care for St. George, via.U, P. R. U. on the 27.h of j'uly We are looking for it Foon-- cn its arriral those who ore ready may hare their grapes changed to gushing spirkling wine. HAY- Itagjfolks'CoiM H The ENIGMA Xo. 21. am composed ef 7 letters. My 1.. 1. G, ft, is an animal, Oj 3. Si, i a I'ovoniig. 2s. ft. ft. Is to it wring. , 2, 4, 1, is used by weavers. ft,G, 1, ) a color. ft S. 3, 7, ia agreeable. N CAQaa. . CROSBY A CLARK, Tanners and Curriers, St. George, !? 1; Uf ! GOODS by those celebrated writers Chaa Reade and Dion Boucicault. GOODS ii3 ! 89w Note. Any person aend:ng word that they will pay as soon as possible after ! AT harvest in cotton or wheat will hava the . Tm Magazine forwarded to them. TLt Vndcrsigned is happy to announoe E. L.T, Harrison Publisher Salt Lake to the Citizens of . City, Jat. Liiiforth, li. Billail, & akd j o mu . M erdiandlse i- vwio ?jB name of a - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, or HARDW kRE, BOOTS and Igricnl nral Implements ft Mining Tools. Nos. 3 and 5 Front Street , SHOES, And all ench GOODS aa are required RflAKKEY, bv Citizens or Travelers, which he will sel. or exchange for Grain, Lumber, Horned Stock, and Produce of the country, paving a liberal price and selling goods at reduced FRANCISCO, Orders respectfully solicited. 13-- lf rales. 8tf Gardeners Club! mmJrntmmomm w B. H. PADDOCK. T ann e ry. Tftak Tanner? r4wfiurrersi feep on band has a fine Hall-whthey meet, for a number one article of discussions and Exhibiton, of fruits Fine sole leather, ere 30 lt6S Jos Cow-hid- e, , e. I Bee-ro- ft, O clock. . Kip, calf, & goat skin. Harness Leather ect., Which they offer to exclianga for of SPECIMENS and large, fine vegetables are grain and other produce. qjor rare fruits C, Beecmft ' ng at 7 solicited also specimens of mineral Parowan Utah Apl 20 1868. SJJITlffl curiosties or jj) for l,crj vegetable; elective. jvnimal, Let us use the Medinnes that grow (he cabinet. Scratch , mid the Mountains and Sceds of all beautiful or desirnblo raiMKHd Kaacd T IS A L s 0 pro,oaed to send ! h, well fitted Lab Jury f.r dia-- ! I sceds f rnr Wl1 J fiWeS b) ,l1 wild flowers, for which a liberal ra and .11. Ea.rBt.al act. ext, tilling sparing WIIAT U. O. in exchange, for such seels and cut ward will be paid, if accompanied b and invite all who have specimens of pressed leave and flowHow did Adam get out uf tho garden of tings as are desired by tho club. MEDICINAL HERBS, ers of the shrub or plant, Ellon ? JIo wua tnaited out. Periodoil-Catalogues, Reports, and new who those discover or roots, i J. E. Jonxsox. When war beef the highest ? When the cow or valuable otherwise specimens the books solicited and. icals for produeng, library jumped over the moon. St. George Utah, May 27 1868- A conundrum which wc all giro up E. Preet. J. Johnson, to bring them to tae and they shall be sat Wm. Branch, SecPy. ! isf&ctorily rewarded. SD Utah. 1868 St. 20 May George, K J. Johnson. Having rented the first class Carding. Et. Geo. June 23, 1868. 131 Light red ox star in forehead hqle in Machine owned by Bro. E. Snow, I proeach ear appears to be torn or cuL. otll alputting itnp In Parowan, and be ready ! pose so a slit in each ear S on right riba little to receive wool and deliver rolls by the 1st 7J - I- viz.. AMERICAN ENGLISH & GERMAN S fi; Southern (Jtah and Northern Arizona that he has a general Slock of RAIL, (Saccet9ort to L. B. Benckley 8c Co.,) moiTin THOMAS, A F, D, Kellogg LINFORTH, KELLOGG, VpiU. nt suit purchaser. Apjilv to the undersigned at Eagle-Villor to J, E, Johnson Bt, George, ft, i, . 11-- tf Jolt produced of flay LumI near by Twelve to be sold are together or in parcels to 34, G, 1, valuable regulation. 3, 6, ft , 4, ia to burn. . AROLD! F3IBILIPUW rooms each, on Stab lea. lad, . SANBERNRADINO, last of the saxon Kings, Sa8. Sinuses with two in town, will, d lota go 50 story of , Twi amSfflaaBalil,' mm amd miles East of, by Bulwer, and the Utenaly exciting and thrilling well fenced and in crop. 1 - nncl good acomodatlons,(br story, grand The undersigned lave foT Rale 24 acre, of most excellcet tillable land at Eagles wille suitable for any sort of grain 6 V ! N l! TAH'M'AQ'AZII romantic entitled The years old, white in Famm'for M . Now publishing in the Red cow about forehead and belly, spot on rump, brand supposed to be J.P. Chios on left horn. Red cow, about 5 years eld, brockle 6 face, white belly some hair tail white under half crop left ear calf with her. t Pale red eo w about 5 years old, line back, white belly, ft on left ribs under half crop left ear, crop and slit right ear, calf with her. Red heifer, 2 years old, white on fore10 head some half tail white, white under belley, crop and slit right ear T on left shoulder 11 Brindle bull, 3 year old, crop off right under bit in each ear. 12 Red yearling heifer, large swallow fork in right ear, due lap, cut down. is Red steer, 2 year old, crop off each can under bit in right, S on left thigh. 14 Red steer white on both flanks, white on right and loft shoulder, brockle face, spot whito under belly, bush tail white, Brandod cn under left hip, suposed to be W half crop right car swallow fork left. The ahor stock if not claimed and damages paid, will be sold at the St George Estray pound, on the 10th day of September. 18(3 John Pymm. Co P. K. 5 MOHAVE RIVER OJf . - Notice. . ,,icrni,,ue a VfBet?,ls- POIJVT OF ROCKSSTATl TWO SPLENDID STORIES The Ohio Cultivator says the following recipet is worth $1,000 to every housekeeper: Take one pound of sal sods.and half a pound of unslacked lime, put them In a of water and boil twenty minutes, f;alon stand till coolg then drain off and In put a small jar or jug. Soak your dir ty cloths over night, or untill they are wet ihtrough , theu wrings them out and rub on plenty of soap, and in one boiler of the clothes well covered with water add one teacup full of the washing fluid; boil half an hour briskly i then wash them thoroughly with one suds, rinse, and your cloths will look better than by the old way of wash lng twice before boiling. This is an invaluable recipet, and every poor tired woman should try it. is before the kind Bro, or ' any one else ho picked, up my III between St. Georg), end my, farm, or on the Santa Clara wheat field on or about the gth ins, be ao obliging an to leaveit with bro. Pymm and very muah oblige ' ' H. Pearce. 18--tf St. George, June 15th 1888. : Valuable Recipe 1 ri by t 4, ft', 2, . i, T - state in I n Wanted! ! ! ! Isifay upper bit left ear left horn broke off calf with her. 242 Red and while cow two white spots in forehead white on both shoulders hips and under belly tail mixed with while a- I out 6 year old branded onoleft hip V. 8. 153 Brindle heifer 18 months old, crop off right under bit left ear. The owners are requested to prove property pay charges and take them away or Ihey will be sold on ineismoijr of August 1868 at the St. George estray pound at II 131 Large red o about 6 or 7 year old, swallow fork in right, crop of left ear, horn turns up, little while uuder belly The owners are requested to pfove erty pay charges an. Skt' Ge.orsre.ytr"! tl,cVill h. )! .1 lh. pound on September 10. 1868. John Pymm. Co. P. K. . - Wool Carding D'Jlca, wJi.:te under bellly about 6 years old, 14L Red cow oz yoke and W. on left thigh apocara to be G P slit in right ear I.:: ur FsraiS. Cans For Sale cam f San few nico EI PE FRUIT H of May. I reapectfull solicit the patronage of be citizens of Dixie and adjacent aetla-ten- ts for tali). I have now ripe and for sale several varieties of grapes, and peaches, and ex12--tf Georgx Gaimiuvr. pect to keep a supply of the beat fruit Parowan 29 1868, Apl. grown in this region each In its proper the quantity oral retail. Fruit canned to order. Canned fruits for sale. I have Stock scattered on the range Clio ice fruits purchased. between Cedar City and settlements Grain and dairy produce receivable Business place St. Geo. Drug Store. steers 0 n the Muddy; cows, heifers, 1 have "win BUCCeB,ful operation at and work oxen; all that is over 3 year StpS Whence expected WimUrtT-vea A T I be to shall prepared work up apples Q old has a 5 inch circle brand on left vV X JL and grapes for those who desire it. , shoulder with J inside, or branded on a new STRAUB'S PATENT under- - (rI Inquire at the Tines Offire 8t; Goorgo August 1868. sea-eoru- by Lost Stock. ; J. E. J. OIlllN V-fl- N or G. W. J. or runner IN 8 859 8 they may have both fiesk and horn !L :o mid on are branded several brands, with all the latest Improvements, and am Geo. W. M. D, Jolinson, B. F. J. article of the ribs, perpared to tarn out a Persons hunting cattle are reqncs-te- d IF3 XL. Mona, Juab Co., Utah. From GOOD WHEAT. to observe and report, any stock Offers his professional services to the people of Israel and Utah Counties. exchanged far WHEAT hearing such brands, or bring them Keeps a complete assortment of Botanical FLOUR 1 Large red eow, 6 or 7 years old, in, they shall recivo pay for their amnily medicines for sale and trusts by strict attention to bysines to snlt the confider of too riba, trouble ?n high boros; branded Johnson E. J. ... dromptly attended to. Ample Storage fog public. crop and slit ia left, under bit right ears , Mona, Aug. lit. 1818. St George May the 20th ,68; g a If with her. SNOW 20-- tf W . ESTRAY the hoin SlMM (RMoel i OUR, Y -- i first-cla- NOTICE I ss CUSTOM WORK v.. m ;) ; . me tt mpTafil- "W. j . . i -- . r - t'h' |