OCR Text |
Show . jc(leriJiiHepoetanaphaool arriringat ati inn called ut, y7 do you.dln W icollebtlrely orIdfr aiy thb ntght f oidu&UyiSlr;teplied mt V:i 'JJ'h3 5 : ' a yap lWu,( fro ompnr olFrkabhmcu tiki Wan kin an cl exporting theintd ring their .bo' iaiad Fi" gloy:;!.'-- fUi to into kid - -- STA iaiiir aatclowh on thaaldawulk in i lmsannacnoor nas a good AdowajtiwuBJr iuebee'oh Iftilt, Yiar acd froze toWath, fJL'.MidXdT of2 kcreOS?SAIE.A: I Vufr.'i dazena f peaplepaasing alt th wbilev- v; exchange for good Ozen, Wagon and "Tbnn'g v S Wck. Thbe wijb ing to'aXehanga wlirreeeiVo;'?.f tJeMvertisemonts.' "... .... Omelighli trad t walloV forkineach ObinedjOaalbUi. 1B Wckld' (hoe, oW.oo lii ear,' brand M iholeft hip S-- jr ballyy whiteinJifac,F drop off tho left eH"PB,4-y- r 'old eowj "red and whita,' head and seek ; all Tad, alii in the baakd;irhit taBktod - 5 g goad enodaragement by applying iipmadUtelyvf.X' to the' anhaoriber; at hi 'reaidonobt-v;,-- : il - ,PtQl)E01srS:;tSiS .. . .sl. - r , . , " fr ." 'XvV! & - IfeoiilfiCrgati&PcictJllcdJea:;MM'' for' ilrmonlo:f! Owner f of ;bo;LetteSra Attaohman.'-.Buo''d)amTie- f crop; aadalife ; ::- atnt and Bi&aii ', C 'finbVI!! ; u far, h on ttholeftxido. ; On ;2-y- t- old., brown lights heifer, ome whiteonbip andtallW-Onear, tafin ropnnd ilikwfight redyaiiing brotro. and awallowfork feftpoajb-jrrold-- a , vV- - Addtara, ,HElTRY;.ii. BATBIOinEox LIUn B lafttli7ilM!rMl'iaw4 ritiTi ? priAao, " 93p i? tWwa M itnruia'ktt Z4-:J-- right wqjirhite on the ' danfcvftnb' yearling b riddle bidhcrcpoff tht figlitH'.intia left. '. i'j of CbkgTCaaaeeda einiW' bdn-- ? ba right ear, holf la the left.- -'ht One tlib rate of four xrancfe forVVt at jqnt byniai die ataarj under fclbpdidjri-ear, holeiaeach, contain packageaIghiiig font ;ponhd l ' r?'' underbit In rjght p On4" yearling Ml Uat: ; wk'i 'BYracant action ta tr, ''VThe S-- : SuhicTibqrha,an'j6ntiroKewBbek"o4Vri fFHCSr2. ow la Tray f Onal-j-r : -- figure with black apota Wd i i. yri: ld, illt in laft on left aid; boh tsiL On red hipOaapale bar; branded old,Whita Jrjr,rudderbit ' iSilEtSHST-SEiSiy- anara crop aright cerjfiguroS onleft aid old . cpackled teer, branded bn obi ;atag,.redajid white, lefthlp-V- i Odd branded 8. onrleftaidoi Ona btyn ox, n&4.nr bndeft hom, H on loft hid,- branded old aid and figure 2 H adJaft hip, .vOae tUfj. peo41a afeeiyred earvyO? rd yearimgcrop 3-- yr ;, d-y- ra - ........ :oughXtii 8-- yr ''wdtwryit.kffhir 51 U . Cl F E R V, Far icar and 761 a nte e r ehonlivf fwemen fclks eanesrni yri ". $S t $23 per wcelrhh caa of Aiifn ceVrrJ .jehrated'Knittirg Iatfc'inaa.v ' ita cost in thirty . dyV crrice,coJnfje5? : $50.V Weight 45 pniriids1 Frefkhf frbm50.fy . y It-wil- l STOtt.1LiaE!OOSpj O LL, X itAfiVG atn: biw'giring 41J Aotinda : baperfinn JLf LOUft'andlO pound' of Bit AN to; the Ottiuitid knd Icr BUSKBL:bf gobd;WHE ATw &$ i ' Cbm bn with your griitai whara yottwiU get &a ih at the C?rt)!o2cai: -fit |