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Show ; c ' - J T ! '.'ratfis'asi Columbia, fioeks may Vegetable Wts'viewed by the peo,This k H by 112 deprived of salt.. ple with extreme first introM. .;; r;V:vV Gjfrjot, nsonibcrof thevAcricultUral duced; and many, disfavorwheii Were expedients adopt jl to inducetbemtouse it, butwlthbutsuc cess yelnV'di.d ; Louis iXV we ar' its Xe -- JT flowed in hisbutton-hol- and in e, riia Were simples 6f tbe tubers distributed era ong the farmers;. they gave them to their pigs, but would not" usethem themself eswVAt length Parro nUsrthectiemis t,who yt) knew the nutritive qualities .of the potato and was most noxious to .'See it in general Use, hit upon thp following ingenious plan: He planted Sgood brsadih: of otatoegat BabJons, elose toi Paris,anf paid great attention. totheirr cultivation. hen; the incurred. :Tojaix aaltlth the food of roots notices ripswerenitrly up heput a: frequent the heissccit, ass or'muie,-ifield that all persons who stole' la England and America. In these around tbsol away ahy the potatoes would be protocol ediwith: the utmost .rigor-othe law. Nosooner were the roots thus forbidden, at It were; .by. authority, than 'all persons seemed eager to get them,: and in ;tho.v whole crop whs stolen ;; and without a. doubt, atfn..;The new vegetable having... bssn .fonnd ,tobe 'excellent ; - i 5. ,. - s , f fert-nig- ht of Jan. 23d; ;Mr: Uvlldsgner nptpfewdf onircUlsenbiybatVrdiyfm ibjf by driving very.snlritsdand nQbie looking horae np-andownsiQenasssol. street beforo a buggy wIthout Teins,man- - troitedgralloped stnppedat nd'withous a.Woni ibeli Slight toueh Turco, turned ' Tufco turned fsh and Turep stopped instanter; and flouspther taps gad' metions made ;1 fibedisut to otherrwiihea. Connoisseurs' in. horsemanship, pronounced the'psrfom-anc- e admirable,:; In theafternoon hlr;M. gaveafewr peraohs an bppeytunity to : dess his proee of tTatnidg horses, barn of Mr. 'Roberts near . Alr Bo staliieEthanf.AlIen;-whish- t known as one bf the mostLfieV .spirited . irhSta is etill employed in. England: and iiiesTn hones II ol tlie United Inthlspsrtofthe Qtate; was taken and of Crlgin axany, daily; for cheep In hand aad in five mlootes would :f oUow-v.--x:rordia ary ..siz .'; ' If onerous experiments . r .'haveproved. that. salt is in ore. beneficial to: Up Uftheyeur 1773 there Iwaasedreely. ?p. than to aay species of ' lor males to befoundjto the United .States boot per dajr ia a good fewbad. been imported from the n rthose, basis for piga. West Indies 'add were of very, inferlor managedihlmh.iflthontvbridU: orhaWr.fc., V' When. Washington1 ietuiedto 'private JLmoag other eppaivntlr, 7 hasildouojmi; life atltpuntYornou'i he became convinced ihings, he- pasted beneath: the.fherse' mules would.be better adapted fbr use 'V: It should be borne Inmlnd tbatariex- - that the of theSouthernSttM ia to any animal; and as agriculture Ware' less: liable Jo lived ..longer they proceeding amounts are disease rrequlrsdF: less' food'and were tciicsl golds. An ex than orsefc'r H the tan- -: produces irriiation-oOn hii Vlews . becoming: kiiowavto the Kir cf Spain, he sent him a jakandtwd jenmes.V-TfiovjacWaSfsfxteeit. .hands iiuvra- to produce dysentery : and la oxen diseases oftbe bicod.. jennies from Lafayette, which. were pro by lying ja bed. wilt pat backii:-.-.all cured on: the.s ialsnd.yofand p'evod : iess'of tca'day By 'acyVe' '; s vailed jralr.el by earl? rilin'? is worth crossing the two, himsejtcrtbe;:b8t,qaft!fMevnf-thand thus introduced Isnt. mules for left sometimes without any. rests tint.. farming labor Into tiris i;tryt.:ivkiwf.Cv jto walk About the jraf d and .return to the Such was thelr super. ority;. that at iha sale Of the GensrSl's cJecU,:one wagon team ; of four mules'; sold.: for;$80Q.:.. At. this' day these aninia are extensively died plga the horse has evidently ad Insuperable;.., e fol-v- X objection Whlchis illustrited fast' .There Is a deep trough In Ihef yard,lioldiag Vster f cm the librses, whero-is kdown by our. successful .farmers iv thi :horss . goes alen with bis -mouthf ' neVer communicatsd l ;.Wq sesfields of ft,e fuirrv richest grain, excellent cattle; good fences; &e,$ farms that : tte rafnd singles ' but the among inferior land and ;, ie delighted'at When wondering how ibb- imr (for c? them hy thr tail pops ; hint ;, provemact was brought abonW.WhoVhaa seizes one J, sod thenckpers sboiitthOr . " net; such farms iubUbilnd'a.eyeTAnd into th- ' delighted w ith, the frol te;:j yet thf e farms are unknown only .the yard; ,t spig soonbrlng; tiem4 neighbors ate benefitted Jby ths example." 7h.t: Here ,is valuable, matter. Why pot report tohiev. .ej wbn.kSoWlfrsrni' experir-- ' : fall-gro- wn : hslf-an-onn- ce ,attl'vC'. 5 full-grow- hpj;.iT - -- - mote-economic- f ; 1 raore-fsroklou- . brved;r-WshIcgtot- ti o by-'lU- w ? v - Afe: & -- vr: such-prosperity- , - . - . - .i |