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Show w ., r; vVT iiwr v, - ,.. .1 EpiTbVTiMkiatO.kiiitkr t SiaAUowfcm tomler,ye4iny Warmest thanks,as aniptlirldual, for th benefit ou haTeVpnrrrnd:Upon;ourc6uW municV byjo t terprts e and abilityltf publishing paperforthe fartherancevf tar Into the fiaur'dieooirV tbo soda in d lit i ' ouragricu tinrai gider itinyatua leaetag-e'- , msdianfjfor oar eiticena.to riyeto eaeu othertheirex-perieaeejaa- d 'unio: Ifthusbecomee .4 omlLlembt be Ihcpiire uiwiiait groat help U.the amateMr'hhdprofeseiba. fcr li like tha ; enables mty j'bettor fruit; I care. hare: nli.Itbetter garde no savenud Jmprersour took; hare better, dishes- ou 'the. tableand ;Pk : iDterMts-VAksucblo- $&4 viiiim n: -- " $sf nwljr-lxrnr- oe - better honiiahoIdBi''y. 1 1 bard received .faneh :.MaUtabad front ilk tkeheart thai wiUslwcyscffeetlonete prove; 'A? treasure whoa itiinetone'erenn "betotd ? 'yonr Utile pubUcationea4 eat efthemacy I :i;iU atato aeircij instance of 'Jl tljt tnaid who possessel a heart tiatcnn lors. benefits vacant .dateiI had-- yeuog steer attacked Or bloody marraIu theiwhleh.V weakened :, a hiid yaixmiach;v anaybaion. bdJt a snnio. pno.tablstpoohfoi da or, two before. wit uoiieed. i? lgave tailfc with Coro him Oiiattitiea of scalded poiltionin Jt and. plenty Of fat porkbut wUbout'anV bailing. cfiitvl next tried before' tying oh tha cloth.r. In baking and Ad friend; BarneaVdrice, ministered smalldosesof, ; s hen-dnnga- nd lilt'd pf3 time' kdayr.npdrin Sdtya b . w of butter teith half-a- pl Jterkekirs kills one wlntere Wa hajamingwith Its wonted Of throeteere mingled girU end'boys:oj;; noIw-&VV- pi Borne ft Wupou toeir teak latent 00!' mr MpMf aoUehUf ni aster's downward fpl? look r. into n good 'Utab County. cirnT- - doinght.-.'Aa- ttMlI milt wi a;quajrter-of-a-.pintoryeasta- dajg' Er of aopds oy jenrrintt d fui ; Io" supposed : 10 x slices, us cruaif'c' that, tbepiaiitapf thecoalperiodTedir ed of a cmmU loaf addpepper; an.'pntoni, a lit.' A temperotuiVof 22.degreos Reiniarhe tie astt, and boiling milk to coier it.cS Lot It ms an now ia'9dereea:;,Byaxpertiaa.)ts 3111 the libaka iVA-- viv-- v v-- n'Uiaratenf coolingpf Iabaajli ia.ealiu iated that 9tOOO,UPO of yoarn arf'7eiired in ;tb tiito loaatiioi degree, 8 ppaifig the wkpld: to' bivo booa in a, molted state, the time jmasf : biro elapsed In bread emitter up taan addopmd rreaaf take ontrlbd diilaa, e-i- .It .... - , ,.,. . ,., . ' ia atatad by ge ntiatnah.rc e a n 1 1 yfr on) Teneaaee tbit at an luforinal meeting of ; thirty poralnent ilavobobiers of the State : in hunghis bsal feat iad ahate;Jv.-- nil baf two oxpreaacd.lbe opinion that the To raxvHT,th'e. edgee to Iks airful piresecc cmo from i. baskftil tobedorirsd advantage Into; coming tbequlck,bithe tbs Agree t, green impletonVj$ again f; updar the ', National Government ter v and; V gradually: ra Tkebuttof With amilo suppressed and birch raiaod; 'V would more than 1'compOneate for .any loea which 'eeima disposed- to fbey might, auerand and; introducing a. piece oi Tks threatensr faltered "Im named Vi1 of ajyo property remuneration-O.bouIdbthat theref oreno v':'. aacd. from the Federal Governments; nUgood-aatetedfh- n.: - 'if e , nyvef made akilful mariner neither do tfaiaferf opted prosperity and aneccaa qualify jforf.iipefal-bia- s and bappjBesATbs afcprma of advar; iity.v like Ihtei M'ihi Ocean rouae ouV feculU as and excite the ;lnvention,' prudence skill And fnrtltnde of theVoyagert" tor, a jitde yaaat; aa' of vR'.MV .4,; a ;.littlo , lctxr.'v'i::,,A.L--' that look verr ciotea sea : or ;sugar, and, IVam ;THa aioMonr-thingsIa Viw.m awkward; in! nwomanvii:.tohearhef to whistle ( ip ..throw n' etone at .to amoke a- cigar; and td climb over a xADVsaiiTr.-rA'amootha- ea A . 1 V, v-- . ? ;4 4 nn-derta- ke - vr r,w;i biespscnsfnl of butterna teacup ef Jrro wa-Teat taeal well together, eiir eager iwo mihuteagfd antelope ia a mi ante jtho ena iteasep audahalf of moltesee; acd wild male of, Tartirrfcaa .aven i- greater ? - An infciouspld bachelor bejng a aked if bo over.witpessed.a ablis execntion re ' f 5V .r L asnt---iufctc- jjf ; & mJ a ' |