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Show u. gaMyfiu p.uiyvvi&ua .ladies' ha S "4VUH no lpf';Wenry-thiee'-NBat:;J6UnWaerv- .wee shful.' He, would, ra thee. hoe;: potatoes; 11 day iha n.nnder'gd.jtk'' ceremony !pf. ton introduction tuVyeuaf:ijr;tVK: Clirk;; wadie;dauriUriXot' atf t ;;;V'.v.;; db ;wilhout;,'a:.ttMt ford-to- ' :$ eryreaptablaj'fmiBeryhosejla'n'did' a n dy W ad a foin edth e'J ac fcson farm liked protiy, aaucyviUtIwitch',-a'n4J oha ,J sekspii-.'Teyjwem child rentor V h b retJiryand'jattebdeftheaBiechpol4v-,A- t last; Jo.hnbecftxneaoorer'grbwuawkvrard' youth j somethin gneither ama.p hor ajbpy with ahapeleseliiuOi ahditehirtf ioiutai..? irleixdiy bath; npvy padoealed hlm.'fram thaV::v John dackahnd sister hWkqiltIt'gjr-- sightof 'girlsiia.knew.Ao girls' were fat heir, had gohatoKeitfrtc latheyardv bhyisg fuiught a; glimpse; otfeW'tif'S efterpooid-HI, them'd .they rushed from; the, hsuseiv5A' vm u Xlilb(tajato-lt.a,gIp41 efr J ohn iof rep airsoita Suddenly ' few okoru bound sand he Wo to ldb einth Sir ; mid ih''For, a nona ent . m od eaty that in time, iV occurred; toJohn thatdfhV retrained' sun hordes; the stone, Would-hfearandbe balted;;ThesnSke,v about thehoqsO ihai;uftruoon become useless; neither shouid if called in. Atteap'Ump axui tq do , tbs honors o aybfd vthis,- - be.ttpneily of the, tabie.shouldprd:hia aey tha atid atolVaway to the tt meadow,' fully resolved ib t h a woul bo Jeavo theraVunfin itWaasV-darjktha- i 0 .C ..jit hi t :K e a e dr-n- tQTVfiiiX-b- t had ' no cphirbl,?.poor John bounded y - TheTmpadow Twaa,r surrounded ; on all .Thdhezt moment sidsayby.a tbifik forest jWhich effectually tlmjlaapdasjhe.turuedthe'eprMffj,. dhof out; what little, beese there; might be .at 1 f Hugf J ohh' mowed and s wea,t svreaf And raosredi .b'fitil he Was dbliged - to; ait coach 'whip.- do WnXpd col!o3tTli6n Xtoccufred to Having ieacbrd tbe bar n y ard to John that if hatpok off bH paufWhe might dismay, he iound ths bars up"There Could ta; )inich 5morh;omqrtabIe - bls' jyx . bevnd,impprlf tireiyvcouealedfrepi;hbseiyatiQnvand alibied on, the other side, hi anaKeship?- we 8iy)t,ibe'ShtesC Teaoq T aup eftli&t becould bp seeb.byanypersoii pos H 8l$ JhnU?ippdbtfrai:d;wUhTo eqyef ' m a f y savp hia- U ne n coiqrtioiil y:call e& r W Vr iV$ hiivwork' lie rVa, tuafc'fioiv' sententious.Mrs Parbrgidn after tataticg hUhaelf h'pdn tha gyod ttnie: theye. - across the toe an cracker.' ii plug Agaito Johnuet forward,, gardless of the from the shake banbfetd'Virhis bashfulness ani modesty and agU be. had. the pleasurs pf taH. cracked -- t: f lc i- -; . V V - v -- I shlrtr-j-herenmi- - J T ed " m ; cbaacM. ta diaturb'Ahtignblyahakea -- lha ettelfA fit' i gfpflfnrlii li ;joh li we tad ecriu but he WMkaextaK Ijrafiald ptaL anake.' VlDroppinghj eothe apd epiuotng arounptlika u ep;h wa' reaiij. to. strike a, t$? foxty gait ,wbeiC at ..that mGment the fioakswe riea rt though. ;t o h 'io k- h is eroo ked te th into J hns,e b i rt : ith n tre mendo'u s just .ho v e ;ths ;hipi - -- V t ' who ' .Lie ; never- been accustomed a." r. 1 . , - a W a l' i hpfnfticjsei" tfirepttt iecQttly ened t?;tha end ofhia gaiUtnt, tvh ili th ! ra pMity i with bicl herushedlforwerdi ia ta; an glefol kapi thu' sp r pentexta nd ed - 'uiiietyadpgres'telt4ila;boi',;' ; ' Q ? " ' t' i i: lip t , Le e p for; your sarap-bpo- k Tiiertf v tt a need ole itr d oes ia you 'gooth to, tf twentieth recipeyou bad ucrti a i) ce rvy.uaii e xh a n s fion lep-ai- , ! asaf.- m vw ca reed hr O a he .he W ,f fiigte :ihi nk;iiaW;thU"df eadJnlydc; ;Ws you Lad found td cudlnstihetfreVhehad,Xtakehthdd - rBctlabrhome; a?feeling,of eepuTityvcdina Sud d eh y a ahed acres b la and Uiind the1 true 'state of affaifsi-hv:kiber 'over 1 i v' x ..pair I th a preseera vOf lifee cares 'and gonelheuilUng.andWoreethin'alfthh uadr r girls i;' VThe.nekt niomenth ef elt.; the cpid 1 cl a niiny ra on te - i iv ' hettergrip'euh p c? nta'ctw itlx his hafe. yi in'?1- tV& and to 11 bis' Jogs;, tiltfcreepiDgkroeid .apptoaraDeeaeutirejy,ttrel sor t ; of poen leg-- 'waft; a bftway Itipr hf h baihJhlutoas; Thattaightho wklked ' YO! beat lTeW;sm?At h6mrith NttficvCl-rtiTb- e ir.wauii.ba ol setneot qyb'A a liundred timea .nrtghup'thifetaeefc n as man never uttered, such yell tIoioffht ',A choice. io le, fat' mbre savy lu' raortaV ter oroor;JohnXfr? ' ward at break-nec- k Speed , a nd; Once m,bre XSY. r hih.id upoxi Johd U - -- ; f' |